StrictBench: Benchmarking code through strict evaluation

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A benchmarking library with a simple purpose: to strictly evaluate a value and report how long it takes.

Can be useful to identify the slow part of an algorithm, since Haskell's lazy evaluation can make it hard to see where the bottleneck lies.

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Versions [RSS] 0.1, 0.1.1
Dependencies base (>=2.0 && <5.0), benchpress (>=0.2), parallel (>=1.0) [details]
Tested with ghc ==6.10.2
License LicenseRef-GPL
Author Remco Niemeijer
Maintainer Remco Niemeijer <>
Category Testing
Home page
Uploaded by RemcoNiemeijer at 2009-06-08T16:13:28Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Downloads 2029 total (3 in the last 30 days)
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Status Docs uploaded by user
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Readme for StrictBench-0.1.1

[back to package description]
------------------------ StrictBench ------------------------

A library to benchmark how long it takes to fully evaluate
a value. Can be useful to identify the slow part of an
algorithm, since Haskell's lazy evaluation can make it hard
to see where the bottleneck lies.

Author: Remco Niemeijer

Version history:

0.1.1 - Re-exported NFData and rnf for convenience:
        This removes the need to import
        Control.Parallel.Strategies when having to make a
        custom data type an instance of NFData.
0.1   - Original release.