{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
-- | License      :  GPL
--   Maintainer   :  helium@cs.uu.nl
--   Stability    :  provisional
--   Portability  :  non-portable (requires extensions)
-- A representation of type schemes. A type scheme is a (qualified) type
-- with a number of quantifiers (foralls) in front of it. A partial mapping 
-- from type variable (Int) to their name (String) is preserved.

module Top.Types.Schemes where

import Top.Types.Primitive
import Top.Types.Quantification
import Top.Types.Qualification
import Top.Types.Substitution
import Top.Types.Synonym
import Top.Types.Unification
import Top.Types.Classes
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as M

-- * Type schemes

-- |A type scheme consists of a list of quantified type variables, a finite map 
-- that partially maps these type variables to their original identifier, and a
-- qualified type.
type TpScheme = Forall QType
type QType    = Qualification Predicates Tp

-- |A type class to convert something into a type scheme
class IsTpScheme a where
   toTpScheme :: a -> TpScheme
instance IsTpScheme TpScheme where
   toTpScheme = id

instance IsTpScheme QType where
   toTpScheme = noQuantifiers
instance IsTpScheme Tp where
   toTpScheme = noQuantifiers . ([] .=>.)

-- * Basic functionality for types and type schemes

-- |Determine the arity of a type scheme.    
arityOfTpScheme :: TpScheme -> Int
arityOfTpScheme = arityOfTp . unqualify . unquantify

genericInstanceOf :: OrderedTypeSynonyms -> ClassEnvironment -> TpScheme ->  TpScheme -> Bool
genericInstanceOf synonyms classes scheme1 scheme2 = 
   let -- monomorphic type variables are treated as constants
       s1 = skolemizeFTV scheme1
       s2 = skolemizeFTV scheme2
       -- substitution to fix the type variables in the first type scheme
       sub        = listToSubstitution (zip (quantifiers s1) [ TCon ('+':show i) | i <- [0 :: Int ..]])
       (ps1, tp1) = split (sub |-> unquantify s1)
       (ps2, tp2) = split (snd (instantiate 123456789 s2))
   in case mguWithTypeSynonyms synonyms tp1 tp2 of
         Left _         -> False
         Right (_,sub2) -> entailList synonyms classes ps1 (sub2 |-> ps2)

-- |Is the type scheme overloaded (does it contain predicates)?
isOverloaded :: TpScheme -> Bool
isOverloaded = not . null . qualifiers . unquantify

makeScheme :: [Int] -> Predicates -> Tp -> TpScheme
makeScheme monos preds tp = 
   let is  = ftv tp \\ monos
       p   = any (`elem` is) . ftv
   in quantify is (filter p preds .=>. tp)   

instantiateWithNameMap :: Int -> TpScheme -> (Int, Predicates, Tp) -- get rid of this function.
instantiateWithNameMap unique (Quantification (qs,nm,qtp)) = 
   let sub = listToSubstitution [ (i,TCon s) | (i,s) <- nm, i `elem` qs ]
       (u, qtp') = instantiate unique (Quantification (qs \\ map fst nm, [], sub |-> qtp))
       (ps, tp) = split qtp'
   in (u, ps, tp)

instance (ShowQualifiers q, Show a) => ShowQuantors (Qualification q a)

-- |A sigma is a type scheme or a type scheme variable
type Scheme qs = Forall (Qualification qs Tp)

data Sigma qs  = SigmaVar    SigmaVar 
               | SigmaScheme (Scheme qs)
type SigmaVar  = Int

instance (ShowQualifiers qs, Substitutable qs) => Show (Sigma qs) where
   show (SigmaVar i)    = 's':show i
   show (SigmaScheme s) = show s

instance Substitutable qs => Substitutable (Sigma qs) where   
   _   |-> sv@(SigmaVar _) = sv 
   sub |-> (SigmaScheme s) = SigmaScheme (sub |-> s)   
   ftv (SigmaVar _)    = []
   ftv (SigmaScheme s) = ftv s 

instance (Substitutable qs, ShowQualifiers qs) => ShowQuantors (Sigma qs) where
   showQuantorsWithout options sigma =
      case sigma of
         SigmaVar _     -> show sigma
         SigmaScheme ts -> showQuantorsWithout options ts
-- |A substitution for type scheme variables
type TpSchemeMap = M.Map SigmaVar TpScheme

type SigmaPreds = Sigma Predicates

class IsSigmaPreds a where
   toSigmaPreds :: a -> SigmaPreds
instance IsSigmaPreds SigmaPreds where toSigmaPreds = id 
instance IsSigmaPreds TpScheme   where toSigmaPreds = SigmaScheme . toTpScheme
instance IsSigmaPreds QType      where toSigmaPreds = SigmaScheme . toTpScheme
instance IsSigmaPreds Tp         where toSigmaPreds = SigmaScheme . toTpScheme
instance IsSigmaPreds Int        where toSigmaPreds = SigmaVar