Villefort is a task management system written in Haskell.
Version 1.2.17 changes
- fixed subject truncation bug on new todo page.
Home screen

Add new todos

Stats page

To install
- Install cabal (
- In terminal or command prompt run
cabal install Villefort
- and then
cabal run Villefort
- You will be able to see the home screen by typing localhost:3002 into your favorite browser.
create a custom main method in ~.villefort/villefort.hs
This default config can be found here.
For example
module Main where
import Villefort.Server (villefort)
import Villefort.Config
main :: IO ()
main = villefort defaultConfig {
database = "/home/user/todo.db" --usage custom database location
Task Data Type
data Date = Date {year :: String, -- | The specific date you want a task to be due on
month :: String,
day :: String }
| Offset {offset :: Int} -- | The number of days in the future you want the task to be due on
| Today -- | Make the task due today
deriving (Show,Eq)
-- | Villefort's internal representation of Tasks
data Task = Task {title :: String,
description :: String,
subject :: String,
due :: Date} deriving (Show,Eq)
Example usage
cs121n :: IO Task
cs121n = pure $ Task {
title = "cs121 notes",
description = "Type up cs121 lecture notes",
subject = "cs121",
due = Today}
Storing Vars in the Database extended example
module Main where
import Villefort.Server (villefort)
import Villefort.Config (defaultConfig,defWeekly)
import Villefort.Definitions
import Villefort.Database
import Control.Monad.Reader
import System.Random
main :: IO ()
main = check >> villefort conf
conf = defaultConfig {
database= "dotfiles/todo.db"
,weekly = schedule
-- | checks if vars exists and if they don't initialize them with their default value
check :: IO ()
check = do
isBack <- runReaderT (isVar "back" ) conf
if isBack then pure () else runReaderT (updateVar "back" (show 5.0)) conf
isCrunch <- runReaderT (isVar "crunch" ) conf
if isBack then pure () else runReaderT (updateVar "crunch" (show 5.0)) conf
schedule = defWeekly {
monday = [a121cn
tuesday = [cs101n
wednesday = [a121cn
thursday = [cs101n
friday = [eng301n
saturday = [crunches]
cs121hw :: IO Task
cs121hw = pure $ Task {title="cs121 hw",
description="Do cs121hw for Friday",
due =Offset 4}
cs101hw :: IO Task
cs101hw = pure $ Task { title ="cs101 hw",
description ="Do cs101hw for Friday",
subject = "cs101",
due = Offset 7}
cs101n :: IO Task
cs101n = pure $ Task {
title = "cs101 notes",
description = "Type up cs101 lecture notes",
subject = "cs101",
due = Today}
cs121n :: IO Task
cs121n = pure $ defTask {
title = "cs121 notes",
description = "Type up cs121 lecture notes",
subject = "cs121"}
eng301n :: IO Task
eng301n = pure $ defTask {
title = "eng301 notes",
description = "Type up eng301 lecture notes",
subject = "eng301"
a121chw :: IO Task
a121chw = pure $ defTask {
title = "a121c hw",
description = "Do a121c homework",
subject = "a121c"
a121cn :: IO Task
a121cn = pure $ defTask {
title = "a121c notes",
description = "Type up a121c lecture notes",
subject = "a121c"
cs101 :: IO Task
cs101 = pure $ Task {
title = "cs101 hw",
description = "Do cs101hw for Friday",
subject = "cs101",
due = Offset 7}
back = exercise "back" 1
crunches = exercise "crunch" 1
exercise var increment = do
res <- flip runReaderT conf $ getVar var
putStrLn $ show res
let num = read res :: Double
flip runReaderT conf (updateVar var ( show ( num+increment)))
listB <- gener num
return $ Task var ("do " ++ show listB++ " " ++ var) "exercise" Today
gener :: Double -> IO [Int]
gener level = do
dubs <- mapM gen $ replicate 5 level :: IO [Double]
return $ map floor dubs
where gen x = randomRIO (x-(x/3),x+(x/3))
Use Villefort --recompile
to recompile Villefort with your custom config. Recompilation requires ghc to be in your $PATH.
The next time you run villefort it will run with your custom config. The default Config is found in Villefort.Config.
How to migrate between versions of Villefort.
- Install the new version through cabal.
- Navigate to ~/.cabal .
- Navigate to share/ .
- Navigate into your architecture folder mine is x86_64-linux-ghc-7.10.3.
- You should now see different versions of Villefort.
|-- data/
| |-- date
| |-- day
| |-- todo.db
|-- templates/
|-- js.js
|-- data/
| |-- date
| |-- day
| |-- todo.db
|-- templates/
|-- js.js
Just copy the data/todo.db from the old version into data/todo.db of the new version.
Remember to rebuild Villefort so that your custom build uses the new version of Villefort.
Villefort --recompile