WL500gPControl: A simple command line tools to control the Asus WL500gP router

[ bsd3, network, program, ui ] [ Propose Tags ] [ Report a vulnerability ]

The package consists of two command-line utilities to manage the Asus WL500g Premium router without logging to its admin page.

The main utility is WL500gPControl is used to ask the status of the connection (Connected/Disconnected), connection parameters (DNS servers, Local IP, Foreign IP etc, log), and perform connection, disconnection and reconnection.

Other utility - WL500gPStatus created only to ease integration into xmobar and return only Connected or Disconnected string, enclosed into format tags (when option -c is given).

The last argument of these two utilities is a credentials file. It has simple format:

user: <user name>
password: <password>
host: <host name or IP address>

The password should be in plain text, so it is recommended to protect this file from reading for everyone except you.

If credentials file is not given, than programs will try to use default credential file, which should be located:

  • on Linux: $HOME/.WL500gPControl/credentials

  • on Windows: C:\Documents And Settings\user\Application Data\WL500gPControl\credentials

Sometimes paths could be different. To determine the read path to the default credentials file run WL500gPControl -s and look at the error string, where will be sayed where it searches credentials file.

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  • No Candidates
Versions [RSS] 0.3.1, 0.3.2, 0.3.4
Dependencies base (<4), directory, filepath, mtl, unix, Win32, WL500gPLib (>=0.3) [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Author Vasyl Pasternak <vasyl.pasternak@gmail.com>
Maintainer Vasyl Pasternak <vasyl.pasternak@gmail.com>
Category Network, UI
Uploaded by VasylPasternak at 2009-10-28T20:21:11Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Executables WL500gPControl, WL500gPStatus
Downloads 2942 total (4 in the last 30 days)
Rating (no votes yet) [estimated by Bayesian average]
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Status Docs not available [build log]
All reported builds failed as of 2016-10-26 [all 9 reports]

Readme for WL500gPControl-0.3.4

[back to package description]
Asus WL500g Premium command-line tool

Latest releases could be obtained from 

Author: Vasyl Pasternak

This program access to the WL500g Premium router through the web admin
interface and performs following actions:

 - query connection status
 - query log
 - sends connect command
 - sends disconnect command
 - sends clear log command
 - reconnects the WAN (disconnect -> wait -> connect)

Connection info consists of login user name, login password and router
host name (or IP address) and stored in credeintials file

Credentials file format: 

user: <login name>
password: <login password>
host: <router's host name or IP address>

Default credentials file stored in the
'$HOME/.WL500gPControl/credentials' file on Linux or in the 
'C:\Documents And Settings\<username>\Application Data\WL500gPControl\credentials' 
file on Windows.

Also you can specify another credentials file in each call to the WL500gPControl
tool. Its name should be the last parameter to the command.

WL500gPControl accepts following parameters:

-c, --connect                    Send connect command to the router
-d, --disconnect                 Send disconnect command to the router
-r[wait], --recornnect[=wait]    Reconnect, wait parameter specifies the period
                                 between disconnect and connect (in seconds)
-s, --status                     Prints connection status
-l[N], --log[=N]                 Prints last N lines of the router's log
-x, --log-clear                  Clear log