-- |
-- Module      :  Graphics.X11.Xlib.Color
-- Copyright   :  (c) Alastair Reid, 1999-2003
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  libraries@haskell.org
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- A collection of FFI declarations for interfacing with Xlib Colors.

module Graphics.X11.Xlib.Color(


        ) where

import Graphics.X11.Types
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Types

import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import Foreign.C.Types

-- Color and Colormaps

-- | interface to the X11 library function @XLookupColor()@.
lookupColor :: Display -> Colormap -> String -> IO (Color, Color)
lookupColor display colormap color_name =
        withCString color_name $ \c_color_name ->
        alloca $ \ exact_def_return ->
        alloca $ \ screen_def_return -> do
        throwIfZero "lookupColor" $
                xLookupColor display colormap c_color_name
                        exact_def_return screen_def_return
        exact_def <- peek exact_def_return
        screen_def <- peek screen_def_return
        return (exact_def, screen_def)

foreign import ccall unsafe "HsXlib.h XLookupColor"
        xLookupColor :: Display -> Colormap -> CString ->
                Ptr Color -> Ptr Color -> IO Status

-- TODO don't throw an exception.
-- | interface to the X11 library function @XAllocNamedColor()@.
allocNamedColor :: Display -> Colormap -> String -> IO (Color, Color)
allocNamedColor display colormap color_name =
        withCString color_name $ \c_color_name ->
        alloca $ \ exact_def_return ->
        alloca $ \ screen_def_return -> do
        throwIfZero "allocNamedColor" $
                xAllocNamedColor display colormap c_color_name
                        exact_def_return screen_def_return
        exact_def <- peek exact_def_return
        screen_def <- peek screen_def_return
        return (exact_def, screen_def)

foreign import ccall unsafe "HsXlib.h XAllocNamedColor"
        xAllocNamedColor :: Display -> Colormap -> CString ->
                Ptr Color -> Ptr Color -> IO Status

-- | interface to the X11 library function @XAllocColor()@.
allocColor :: Display -> Colormap -> Color -> IO Color
allocColor display colormap color =
        with color $ \ color_ptr -> do
        throwIfZero "allocColor" $
                xAllocColor display colormap color_ptr
        peek color_ptr

foreign import ccall unsafe "HsXlib.h XAllocColor"
        xAllocColor :: Display -> Colormap -> Ptr Color -> IO Status

-- | interface to the X11 library function @XParseColor()@.
parseColor :: Display -> Colormap -> String -> IO Color
parseColor display colormap color_spec =
        withCString color_spec $ \ spec ->
        alloca $ \ exact_def_return -> do
        throwIfZero "parseColor" $
                xParseColor display colormap spec exact_def_return
        peek exact_def_return

foreign import ccall unsafe "HsXlib.h XParseColor"
        xParseColor :: Display -> Colormap -> CString -> Ptr Color -> IO Status

-- ToDo: Can't express relationship between arg4 and res1 properly (or arg5, res2)
-- %errfun Zero XAllocColorCells :: Display -> Colormap -> Bool -> Int -> Int -> IO (ListPixel, ListPixel) using err = XAllocColorCells(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4_size,res1,arg5_size,res2)

-- ToDo: Can't express relationship between arg4 and res1 properly
-- %errfun Zero XAllocColorPlanes :: Display -> Colormap -> Bool -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int IO (ListPixel, Pixel, Pixel, Pixel) using err = XAllocColorPlanes(...)

-- | interface to the X11 library function @XFreeColors()@.
freeColors :: Display -> Colormap -> [Pixel] -> Pixel -> IO ()
freeColors display colormap pixels planes =
        withArray pixels $ \ pixel_array ->
        xFreeColors display colormap pixel_array (fromIntegral (length pixels)) planes

foreign import ccall unsafe "HsXlib.h XFreeColors"
        xFreeColors :: Display -> Colormap -> Ptr Pixel -> CInt -> Pixel -> IO ()

-- | interface to the X11 library function @XStoreColor()@.
storeColor :: Display -> Colormap -> Color -> IO ()
storeColor display colormap color =
        with color $ \ color_ptr ->
        xStoreColor display colormap color_ptr

foreign import ccall unsafe "HsXlib.h XStoreColor"
        xStoreColor  :: Display -> Colormap -> Ptr Color -> IO ()

-- %fun XStoreColors :: Display -> Colormap -> ListColor -> IO ()
-- %code XStoreColors(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg3_size)
-- %fun XStoreNamedColor :: Display -> Colormap -> String -> Pixel -> PrimaryMask -> IO ()

-- | interface to the X11 library function @XQueryColor()@.
queryColor :: Display -> Colormap -> Color -> IO Color
queryColor display colormap color =
        with color $ \ color_ptr -> do
        xQueryColor display colormap color_ptr
        peek color_ptr

foreign import ccall unsafe "HsXlib.h XQueryColor"
        xQueryColor  :: Display -> Colormap -> Ptr Color -> IO ()

-- | interface to the X11 library function @XQueryColors()@.
queryColors :: Display -> Colormap -> [Color] -> IO [Color]
queryColors display colormap colors =
        withArrayLen colors $ \ ncolors color_array -> do
        xQueryColors display colormap color_array (fromIntegral ncolors)
        peekArray ncolors color_array

foreign import ccall unsafe "HsXlib.h XQueryColors"
        xQueryColors :: Display -> Colormap -> Ptr Color -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | interface to the X11 library function @XInstallColormap()@.
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsXlib.h XInstallColormap"
        installColormap     :: Display -> Colormap -> IO ()

-- | interface to the X11 library function @XUninstallColormap()@.
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsXlib.h XUninstallColormap"
        uninstallColormap   :: Display -> Colormap -> IO ()

-- | interface to the X11 library function @XCopyColormapAndFree()@.
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsXlib.h XCopyColormapAndFree"
        copyColormapAndFree :: Display -> Colormap -> IO Colormap

-- | interface to the X11 library function @XCreateColormap()@.
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsXlib.h XCreateColormap"
        createColormap      :: Display -> Window   -> Visual -> ColormapAlloc -> IO Colormap

-- | interface to the X11 library function @XFreeColormap()@.
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsXlib.h XFreeColormap"
        freeColormap        :: Display -> Colormap -> IO ()

-- End