{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module XSaiga.CGI where
import qualified XSaiga.SolarmanTriplestore as App
import Network.CGI
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Text.Encoding as E
--import qualified XSaiga.LocalData as Local
import qualified XSaiga.Getts as Getts
import qualified XSaiga.TypeAg2 as TypeAg2
--change between remoteData and localData
--dataStore = Local.localData
dataStore = remoteData -- selects database
endpoint_uri = "http://speechweb2.cs.uwindsor.ca/sparql"
namespace_uri = T.pack "http://solarman.richard.myweb.cs.uwindsor.ca#"
remoteData = Getts.SPARQL endpoint_uri namespace_uri
cgiMain :: CGI CGIResult
cgiMain = do
(Just input) <- getInputFPS "query"
out <- liftIO $ interpret' $ E.decodeUtf8 $ BL.toStrict input
setHeader "Content-type" "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
outputFPS $ BL.fromStrict $ E.encodeUtf8 $ out
main :: IO ()
main = runCGI (handleErrors cgiMain)
interpret "ask them to be quiet"
= "Hello. Quiet please. My "
`T.append` "masters are going to talk. Quiet please."
interpret "introduce yourself solar man"
= "Hello. Hello. My name is Solar man."
`T.append` " Thank you for coming to my party."
`T.append` " I am very pleased to meet you."
interpret "what can i say"
= "You can say. hello there. what is your name."
`T.append` " you can ask me about the moons and the planets."
`T.append` " such as, who discovered a moon."
`T.append` " who discovered two moons."
`T.append` " which moons were discovered by kuiper."
`T.append` " who discovered phobos."
`T.append` " which planet is orbited by miranda."
`T.append` " how many moons orbit saturn."
`T.append` " and other similar questions."
`T.append` " who are you. where do you live."
`T.append` " tell me a joke. who made you."
`T.append` " who do you know. what is your favorite band."
`T.append` " who is the vice president at the university of windsor."
`T.append` " who is the president at the university of windsor."
`T.append` " who is the dean of science at the university of windsor."
interpret "hi" = "Hi there. My name is solar man"
interpret "hello" = "hello. My name is solar man."
interpret "hello there" = "Good day to you"
interpret "hello solar man" = "hello. How are you"
interpret "goodbye" = "goodbye. See you in the stars."
interpret "goodbye solar man" = interpret "goodbye"
interpret "fine thanks" = "Good, so am I. Except for a bit of back ache"
interpret "thanks" = "you are welcome"
interpret "thanks solar man" = "you are most welcome"
interpret "yes please" = "yes please? What did you want? My memory is getting bad"
interpret "what is your name" = "My name is solar man."
interpret "who are you"
= "My name is solar man. I know about the planets and the"
`T.append` " moons, and the people who discovered them"
interpret "where do you live"
= "I live in a dark cold computer. "
`T.append` "The center of my universe is Lambton Tower, at the University of Windsor."
interpret "what do you know"
= "Not much I am afraid. I am just beginning to learn. I know a bit about "
`T.append` "the planets, the moons, and the people who discovered them. "
`T.append` "My master will teach me some more when he gets another grant "
interpret "how old are you"
= "older than you think. And much older than my friends Judy and Monty."
interpret "who made you"
= "I. B. M. and Opera Software made my ears and vocal chords. William Ma connected my "
`T.append` "ears to my brain, and Doctor Frost, master of the universe, made "
`T.append` "my brain"
interpret "what is your favorite band"
= "Pink Floyd. I love, dark side of the moon"
interpret "who is the vice president at the university of windsor"
= "Leo Groarke"
interpret "who is the president at the university of windsor"
= "Doctor Alan Wildeman."
interpret "who is the dean of science at the university of windsor"
= "Doctor Marlys Koschinsky"
interpret "tell me a poem" = "do not know any poems. But my friend, Judy, does"
interpret "know any poems" = "no but my friend, Judy does;"
interpret "tell me a joke"
= "did you hear about the Computer Scientist who thought his computer"
`T.append` "was a car. He had a hard drive home every day"
interpret "know any jokes"
= "just one. My friend Monty knows one too."
interpret "who is judy" = "She is my friend. She knows about poetry"
interpret "who is monty"
= "Monty is my friend. He is a student"
`T.append` " at the university of Windsor."
interpret "can I talk to judy"
="yes. here she is"
`T.append` "http://cs.uwindsor.ca/~speechweb/p_d_speechweb/judy/judy.xml"
interpret "can I talk to monty"
="yes. here he is"
`T.append` "http://cs.uwindsor.ca/~speechweb/p_d_speechweb/monty/monty.xml"
interpret "can I talk to solar man"
="yes. here he is"
`T.append` "http://cs.uwindsor.ca/~speechweb/p_d_speechweb/solarman/solarman.xml"
interpret "who do you know" = "i only know three people. Judy, Monty, and Solarman."
interpret _ = "BLANKVALNOTUSED"
interpret'' = TypeAg2.getQUVAL . List.head . App.parse
--TODO: multiple interpretations! need to optimize these!
interpret' input = do
let firstpass = interpret input
if firstpass == "BLANKVALNOTUSED" then do
let interpretations = List.map TypeAg2.getQUVAL $ App.parse input
outs <- mapM evaluate interpretations --TODO: this is a code smell -- needs to be abstracted -- looks like SemFunc
let formatted = T.concat $ List.intersperse " ; " outs
if T.null formatted then return "Do not know that one yet, will work on it tonight" else return $ formatted
else return firstpass
evaluate (sem, getts) = do
rtriples <- TypeAg2.getReducedTriplestore remoteData (TypeAg2.flatOptimize $ TypeAg2.flattenGetts getts)
return $ sem rtriples