{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnliftedFFITypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}

Module      : Z.Data.Vector
Description : Fast boxed and unboxed vector
Copyright   : (c) Dong Han, 2017-2018
License     : BSD
Maintainer  : winterland1989@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : non-portable

This module provide fast boxed and unboxed vector with unified interface.
The API is similar to bytestring and vector. If you find missing functions, please report!

Performance consideration:

  * Use 'PrimVector' for 'Prim' types, it stores content in packed memory, and it's
    strict on its elements

  * Many functions DO NOT NEED result vectors's type to be the same
    with source one, e.g. @map :: (Vec v a, Vec u b) => (a -> b) -> v a -> u b@.

  * There're some specialized functions only works on 'Bytes', which is enabled
    by rewrite rules, if you want to use specialized versions directly, import
    "Z.Data.Vector.Base" and "Std.Data.Vector.Extra" module. Doing so will also
    enable vector internals, which is useful for working on the underlying arrays.

  * The 'Functor' instance for 'Vector' are lazy in order to abid 'Functor' law.
    namely @fmap id vectorConatinBottom == vectorContainBottom@, if you need strict mapping
    for lifted 'Vector', use 'map'' ('PrimVector' will never contain bottom thus it's not

  * The 'Foldable' instance for 'Vector' is fine, use 'Prelude' functions such as
    'null', 'length', etc. should not incur performance overhead, though there're
    partial functions you should avoid, i.e. foldl1, foldr1, maximum, minimum. Use
    'foldl1Maybe'', 'foldr1Maybe'', 'maximumMaybe', 'minmumMaybe' instead.

  * The 'Traversable' instance have specialized implementations for 'ST' and 'IO',
    if you don't want to write thunks into result vector, use @return <$!>@ idiom.

  * When use stateful generating functions like 'mapAccumL', 'mapAccumR' ,etc. force
    both the accumulator and value with @acc `seq` v `seq` (acc, v)@ idiom to avoid
    thunks inside result vector.

  * The 'unpack', 'unpackR' and 'pack', 'packN', 'packR', 'packRN' are designed to
    work with @build/foldr@ streaming fusion in base, thus it's OK to expect idioms like

        > pack . List filter f . List.map . unpack

        to work in contant space. While

        > Vector.filter . Vector.map

        will create intermediate vectors on the fly, which have different time/space characteristic.

Since all functions works on more general types, inlining and specialization are the keys
to achieve high performance, e.g. the performance gap between running in GHCi and
compiled binary may be huge due to dictionary passing. If there're cases that GHC fail to
specialized these functions, it should be regarded as a bug either in this library or GHC.


module Z.Data.Vector (
  -- * The Vec typeclass
  -- * Boxed and unboxed vector type
  , Vector
  , PrimVector
  -- ** Word8 vector
  , Bytes, packASCII
  -- * Basic creating
  , empty, singleton, copy
  -- * Conversion between list
  , pack, packN, packR, packRN
  , unpack, unpackR
  -- * Basic interface
  , null
  , length
  , append
  , map, map', imap', traverseVec, traverseWithIndex, traverseVec_, traverseWithIndex_
  , foldl', ifoldl', foldl1', foldl1Maybe'
  , foldr', ifoldr', foldr1', foldr1Maybe'
    -- ** Special folds
  , concat, concatMap
  , maximumMaybe, minimumMaybe
  , sum
  , count
  , product, product'
  , all, any
  -- * Building vector
  -- ** Accumulating maps
  , mapAccumL
  , mapAccumR
  -- ** Generating and unfolding vector
  , replicate
  , cycleN
  , unfoldr
  , unfoldrN
  -- * Searching by equality
  , elem, notElem, elemIndex
  -- * Slice manipulation
  , cons, snoc
  , uncons, unsnoc
  , headMaybe, tailMayEmpty
  , lastMaybe, initMayEmpty
  , inits, tails
  , take, drop, takeR, dropR
  , slice
  , splitAt
  , takeWhile, takeWhileR, dropWhile, dropWhileR, dropAround
  , break, span, breakR, spanR, breakOn
  , group, groupBy
  , stripPrefix, stripSuffix
  , split, splitWith, splitOn
  , isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf, isInfixOf
  , commonPrefix
  , words, lines, unwords, unlines
  , padLeft, padRight
  -- * Transform
  , reverse
  , intersperse
  , intercalate
  , intercalateElem
  , transpose
  -- * Zipping
  , zipWith', unzipWith'
  -- * Scans
  , scanl', scanl1'
  , scanr', scanr1'
  -- * Search
  -- ** element-wise search
  , find, findR
  , findIndices, elemIndices
  , filter, partition
  -- ** sub-vector search
  , indicesOverlapping
  , indices
  -- * Sort
  -- ** comparison search
  , mergeSort
  , mergeSortBy
  , mergeTileSize
  , insertSort
  , insertSortBy
  , Down(..)
  -- ** radix search
  , radixSort
  , Radix(..)
  , RadixDown(..)
  -- * QuasiQuoters
  , ascii
  , vecW8, vecW16, vecW32, vecW64, vecWord
  , vecI8, vecI16, vecI32, vecI64, vecInt
  -- * Misc
  , IPair(..)
  , VectorException(..)
  , castVector
 ) where

import           Prelude ()
import           Z.Data.Vector.Base
import           Z.Data.Vector.Extra
import           Z.Data.Vector.Search
import           Z.Data.Vector.Sort
import           Z.Data.Vector.QQ