ab1Parser: Modules for parsing, generating and manipulating AB1 files.

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Change log None available
Dependencies ab1Parser, base (>=4.7 && <5), binary, bytestring, directory, filepath, hscolour, pretty-show, protolude, safe-exceptions, split, text [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright 2018 HyraxBio
Author HyraxBio
Maintainer andre@hyraxbio.co.za
Category Bioinformatics
Home page https://github.com/hyraxbio/hyraxAbi/#readme
Source repo head: git clone https://github.com/hyraxbio/hyraxAbi
Uploaded by andrevdm at 2018-07-08T13:52:56Z



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HyraxBio AB1 parser and generator (beta 0.2)

This project contains

See http://www6.appliedbiosystems.com/support/software_community/ABIF_File_Format.pdf for a high level overview of the AB1 file format.

Terminal app

Dump AB1

To dump an existing AB1 run

ab1Parser-exe dump example.ab1

This will output the structure of the AB1 like this

Header { hName = "ABIF" , hVersion = 101 }
  { dTagName = "tdir"
  , dTagNum = 1
  , dElemTypeCode = 1023
  , dElemTypeDesc = "root"
  , dElemType = ElemRoot
  , dElemSize = 28
  , dElemNum = 13
  , dDataSize = 364
  , dDataOffset = 61980
  , dData = ""
  , dDataDebug = []
[ Directory
    { dTagName = "DATA"
    , dTagNum = 9
    , dElemTypeCode = 4
    , dElemTypeDesc = "short"
    , dElemType = ElemShort
    , dElemSize = 2
    , dElemNum = 7440
    , dDataSize = 14880
    , dDataOffset = 128
    , dData = ""
    , dDataDebug = []

DATA {short} tagNum=9 size=2 count=7440 offset=128  []
DATA {short} tagNum=10 size=2 count=7440 offset=15008  []
DATA {short} tagNum=11 size=2 count=7440 offset=29888  []
DATA {short} tagNum=12 size=2 count=7440 offset=44768  []
FWO_ {char} tagNum=1 size=1 count=4 offset=1195463747  ["GATC"]
LANE {short} tagNum=1 size=2 count=1 offset=65536  ["1"]
PDMF {pString} tagNum=1 size=1 count=23 offset=60392  ["KB_3500_POP7_BDTv3.mob"]
PDMF {pString} tagNum=2 size=1 count=23 offset=60415  ["KB_3500_POP7_BDTv3.mob"]
PLOC {short} tagNum=1 size=2 count=744 offset=60438  []
S/N% {short} tagNum=1 size=2 count=4 offset=61926  []
SMPL {pString} tagNum=1 size=1 count=10 offset=61934  ["S17-SeqF1"]
CMNT {pString} tagNum=1 size=1 count=1 offset=61944  ["Generated by HyraxBio AB1 generator"]

The data is output twice. The first section is the detail, the second is the summary.

Selected data types have the "debug data" element populated. e.g. the PBAS (FASTA)

Generate minimal AB1s from FASTAs

To create an AB1 run

ab1Parser-exe gen "./pathContainingFastas" "./pathForOutputAb1s"

This will create an AB1 per input FASTA

Input FASTA format

Each input data should have the following format

> weight
> weight

Weighted reads

For example

> 0.5
> 0.3
> 1

Results in the following weighted nucleotide per position

Position Nucleotides (weight)
0 A (0.5 + 0.3)
1 C (0.5), A (0.3)
2 G (0.5), A (0.3 + 1 = 1)
3 A (0.3), C (1)

Note that the reads do not need to be the same length.

Example FASTA - single file


> 1

Here there is a single FASTA with a single read with a weigh of 1 (100%). The chromatogram for this AB1 shows perfect traces for the input ACTG nucleotides

Example FASTA - two FASTA files


> 1


> 1

Two input FASTA files both with a weigh of 1. You can see in the second trace that the third nucleotide is a T (the trace is green). Exactly what the base-calling software (phred & recall etc) decide to call the base as depends on your settings and software choices.

Example FASTA - two FASTA files with different weights


> 1


> 0.3

Here the second fasta has a weight of 0.3 and you can see the traces are 30% of the height of the top ones.

Example FASTA - single FASTA with a mix


> 1
> 0.3

The single input FASTA has an AG mix at the third nucleotide. The first read has a weight of 1 and the second a weight of 0.3

Using the modules

For a detailed overview of the code see TODO and the haddock documentation TODO

For now the terminal app (Main.hs) serves as an example and the best starting point to understand the code