module Data.ABC.AIG
, newAIG
, readAiger
, proxy
, Lit
, true
, false
, writeToCNF
, writeAIGManToCNFWithMapping
, checkSat'
, AIG.Network(..)
, AIG.networkInputCount
, AIG.IsAIG(..)
, AIG.IsLit(..)
, AIG.SatResult(..)
, AIG.VerifyResult(..)
, AIG.SomeGraph(..)
) where
import Prelude hiding (and, or, not)
import Foreign
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as VM
import System.IO
import qualified System.IO.Unsafe as Unsafe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.IORef
import Data.ABC.Internal.ABC
import Data.ABC.Internal.AIG
import Data.ABC.Internal.CNF
import Data.ABC.Internal.Field
import Data.ABC.Internal.FRAIG
import Data.ABC.Internal.IO
import Data.ABC.Internal.Main
import Data.ABC.Internal.Orphan
import Data.ABC.Internal.VecInt
import Data.ABC.Internal.VecPtr
import qualified Data.AIG as AIG
import Data.AIG.Interface (LitView(..))
import qualified Data.AIG.Trace as Tr
import Data.ABC.Util
newtype AIG s = AIG { _ntkPtr :: ForeignPtr Abc_Ntk_t_ }
newtype Lit s = Lit { unLit :: Abc_Obj_t }
deriving (Eq, Storable, Ord)
proxy :: AIG.Proxy Lit AIG
proxy = AIG.Proxy id
newAIG :: IO (AIG.SomeGraph AIG)
newAIG = do
bracketOnError (abcNtkAlloc AbcNtkStrash AbcFuncAig True) abcNtkDelete $ \p -> do
AIG.SomeGraph . AIG <$> newForeignPtr p_abcNtkDelete p
foreachPo :: Abc_Ntk_t -> (Abc_Obj_t -> IO a) -> IO [a]
foreachPo ntk f = do
v <- abcNtkPos ntk
c <- vecPtrSize v
forN c $ \i -> do
f =<< vecPtrEntry v i
foreachPo_ :: Abc_Ntk_t -> (Abc_Obj_t -> IO ()) -> IO ()
foreachPo_ ntk f = do
v <- abcNtkPos ntk
c <- vecPtrSize v
forN_ c (f <=< vecPtrEntry v)
deletePos :: Abc_Ntk_t -> IO ()
deletePos p = do
foreachPo_ p abcNtkDeleteObjPo
clearVecPtr =<< abcNtkPos p
clearVecPtr =<< abcNtkCos p
checkReadable :: FilePath -> IO ()
checkReadable path = withFile path ReadMode (\_ -> return())
readAiger :: FilePath -> IO (AIG.Network Lit AIG)
readAiger path = do
checkReadable path
bracketOnError (ioReadAiger path True) abcNtkDelete $ \p -> do
lc <- abcNtkLatchNum p
when (lc > 0) $ fail "Reading networks with latches is not yet supported."
nmManFree =<< readAt abcNtkManName p
writeAt abcNtkManName p =<< nmManCreate 1
outputs <- foreachPo p $ \o -> do
i <- vecIntEntry (abcObjFanins o) 0
abcNtkDeleteObjPo o
Lit <$> abcNtkObj p (fromIntegral i)
clearVecPtr =<< abcNtkCos p
clearVecPtr =<< abcNtkPos p
fp <- newForeignPtr p_abcNtkDelete p
return (AIG.Network (AIG fp) outputs)
withAIGPtr :: AIG s -> (Abc_Ntk_t -> IO a) -> IO a
withAIGPtr (AIG fp) m = withForeignPtr fp m
instance AIG.IsLit Lit where
not (Lit l) = Lit (abcObjNot l)
Lit x === Lit y = x == y
true :: AIG s -> Lit s
true a = Unsafe.unsafePerformIO $ do
Lit <$> withAIGPtr a abcAigConst1
false :: AIG s -> Lit s
false a = AIG.not (true a)
checkSat' :: Ptr Abc_Ntk_t -> IO AIG.SatResult
checkSat' pp = do
p <- peek pp
ic <- vecPtrSize =<< abcNtkPis p
oc <- vecPtrSize =<< abcNtkPos p
assert (oc == 1) $ do
isConstant <- checkIsConstant p
case isConstant of
Just True -> return (AIG.Sat (replicate ic False))
Just False -> return AIG.Unsat
Nothing -> do
let params = proveParamsDefault { nItersMax'Prove_Params = 5 }
with params $ \pParams -> do
r <- abcNtkIvyProve pp (castPtr pParams)
case r of
1 -> fail "Could not decide equivalence."
0 -> do
p1 <- peek pp
pModel <- abcNtkModel p1
AIG.Sat . fmap toBool <$> peekArray ic pModel
1 -> return AIG.Unsat
_ -> error $ "Unrecognized return code " ++ show r ++ " from abcNtkIvyProve"
memoFoldAIG :: AIG s -> (LitView a -> IO a) -> IO (Lit s -> IO a)
memoFoldAIG g view = do
r <- newIORef Map.empty
let memo o t = do
m <- readIORef r
writeIORef r $! Map.insert o t m
return t
go (And x y) = view =<< (pure And <*> objTerm x <*> objTerm y)
go (NotAnd x y) = view =<< (pure NotAnd <*> objTerm x <*> objTerm y)
go (Input i) = view (Input i)
go (NotInput i) = view (NotInput i)
go TrueLit = view TrueLit
go FalseLit = view FalseLit
objTerm o = do
m <- readIORef r
case Map.lookup o m of
Just t -> return t
_ -> memo o =<< go =<< litView o
return $ (\l -> withAIGPtr g $ \_p -> objTerm l)
litView :: Lit s -> IO (LitView (Lit s))
litView (Lit l) = do
let c = abcObjIsComplement l
let o = abcObjRegular l
i <- abcObjId o
ty <- abcObjType o
case ty of
AbcObjPi -> if c then return (NotInput (fromIntegral (i1))) else return (Input (fromIntegral (i1)))
AbcObjConst1 -> if c then return FalseLit else return TrueLit
AbcObjNode -> do
isand <- abcObjIsAnd o
if isand
then do
x <- abcObjLit0 o
y <- abcObjLit1 o
if c then return (NotAnd (Lit x) (Lit y))
else return (And (Lit x) (Lit y))
else fail "invalid AIG literal: non-and node"
_ -> fail ("invalid AIG literal: "++show ty++" "++show i++" "++show c)
instance Tr.Traceable Lit where
compareLit x y = compare x y
showLit x = show (unLit x)
instance AIG.IsAIG Lit AIG where
newGraph _ = newAIG
aigerNetwork _ = readAiger
trueLit = true
falseLit = false
newInput a =
withAIGPtr a $ \p -> do
Lit <$> abcNtkCreateObj p AbcObjPi
and a x y = do
withAIGPtr a $ \p -> do
manFunc <- castPtr <$> abcNtkManFunc p
Lit <$> abcAigAnd manFunc (unLit x) (unLit y)
xor a x y = do
withAIGPtr a $ \p -> do
manFunc <- castPtr <$> abcNtkManFunc p
Lit <$> abcAigXor manFunc (unLit x) (unLit y)
mux a c t f = do
withAIGPtr a $ \p -> do
manFunc <- castPtr <$> abcNtkManFunc p
Lit <$> abcAigMux manFunc (unLit c) (unLit t) (unLit f)
inputCount a = withAIGPtr a (vecPtrSize <=< abcNtkPis)
getInput a i = do
withAIGPtr a $ \p -> do
v <- abcNtkPis p
sz <- vecPtrSize v
assert (0 <= i && i < sz) $
Lit . castPtr <$> vecPtrEntry v i
writeAiger path a = do
withNetworkPtr a $ \p -> do
ioWriteAiger p path True False False
checkSat g l = do
withNetworkPtr (AIG.Network g [l]) $ \p ->
alloca $ \pp ->
(poke pp =<< abcNtkDup p)
(abcNtkDelete =<< peek pp)
(checkSat' pp)
abstractEvaluateAIG = memoFoldAIG
cec x y = do
ix <- networkInputCount x
iy <- networkInputCount y
assert (ix == iy) $ do
assert (outputCount x == outputCount y) $ do
withNetworkPtr x $ \xp -> do
withNetworkPtr y $ \yp -> do
alloca $ \pp -> do
(poke pp =<< abcNtkMiter xp yp False 0 False False)
(abcNtkDelete =<< peek pp)
(AIG.toVerifyResult <$> checkSat' pp)
evaluator g inputs_l = do
withAIGPtr g $ \ntk -> do
objs <- abcNtkObjs ntk
var_count <- vecPtrSize objs
v <- var_count
VM.write v 0 True
pis <- abcNtkPis ntk
pi_count <- vecPtrSize pis
let inputs = V.fromList inputs_l
when (V.length inputs /= pi_count) $
fail "evaluate given unexpected number of inputs."
forI_ pi_count $ \pi_idx -> do
o <- vecPtrEntry pis pi_idx
idx <- fromIntegral <$> abcObjId o
VM.write v idx (inputs V.! pi_idx)
forI_ var_count $ \i -> do
o <- vecPtrEntry objs i
unless (o == nullPtr) $ do
is_and <- abcObjIsAnd o
when is_and $ do
r0 <- evaluateFn v . Lit =<< abcObjLit0 o
r1 <- evaluateFn v . Lit =<< abcObjLit1 o
VM.write v i (r0 && r1)
pureEvaluateFn g <$> V.freeze v
forI_ :: Monad m => Int -> (Int -> m ()) -> m ()
forI_ = go 0
where go i n f | i < n = f i >> go (i+1) n f
| otherwise = return ()
pureEvaluateFn :: AIG s -> V.Vector Bool -> Lit s -> Bool
pureEvaluateFn g v (Lit l) = Unsafe.unsafePerformIO $ withAIGPtr g $ \_ -> do
let c = abcObjIsComplement l
let o = abcObjRegular l
i <- fromIntegral <$> abcObjId o
let n = V.length v
when (i >= n) $ fail "Literal created after evaluator was created."
return ((v V.! i) /= c)
evaluateFn :: VM.IOVector Bool
-> Lit s
-> IO Bool
evaluateFn v (Lit l) = do
let c = abcObjIsComplement l
let o = abcObjRegular l
i <- fromIntegral <$> abcObjId o
let n = VM.length v
when (i >= n) $ fail "Literal created after evaluator was created."
r <- v i
return (r /= c)
networkInputCount :: AIG.Network l g -> IO Int
networkInputCount (AIG.Network g _) = AIG.inputCount g
outputCount :: AIG.Network l g -> Int
outputCount (AIG.Network _ o) = length o
withNetworkPtr :: AIG.Network Lit AIG
-> (Abc_Ntk_t -> IO a)
-> IO a
withNetworkPtr (AIG.Network x o) m = do
withAIGPtr x $ \p ->
(mapM_ (addPo p) o)
(deletePos p)
(m p)
addPo :: Abc_Ntk_t -> Lit s -> IO ()
addPo p (Lit ptr) = do
po <- abcNtkCreateObj p AbcObjPo
abcObjAddFanin po ptr
checkIsConstant :: Abc_Ntk_t -> IO (Maybe Bool)
checkIsConstant p = do
c <- abcNtkMiterIsConstant p
case c of
1 -> return Nothing
0 -> return (Just True)
1 -> return (Just False)
_ -> error $ "Unrecognized return code " ++ show c ++ " from abcNtkMiterIsConstant"
withAbcNtkToDar :: Abc_Ntk_t
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> (Aig_Man_t -> IO a)
-> IO a
withAbcNtkToDar ntk exors registers h = do
bracket (abcNtkToDar ntk exors registers)
writeToCNF :: AIG s -> Lit s -> FilePath -> IO [Int]
writeToCNF aig l path =
withNetworkPtr (AIG.Network aig [l]) $ \pNtk -> do
withAbcNtkToDar pNtk False False $ \pMan -> do
vars <- writeAIGManToCNFWithMapping pMan path
ciCount <- aigManCiNum pMan
forM [0..(ciCount 1)] $ \i -> do
ci <- aigManCi pMan (fromIntegral i)
((vars V.!) . fromIntegral) `fmap` (aigObjId ci)
writeAIGManToCNFWithMapping :: Aig_Man_t -> FilePath -> IO (V.Vector Int)
writeAIGManToCNFWithMapping pMan path =
withCnfDerive pMan 0 $ \pCnf -> do
cnfDataWriteIntoFile pCnf path 1 nullPtr nullPtr
getCNFMapping pMan pCnf
getCNFMapping :: Aig_Man_t -> Cnf_Dat_t -> IO (V.Vector Int)
getCNFMapping pMan pCnf = do
objCount <- fmap fromIntegral $ aigManObjNumMax pMan
varsPtr <- cnfVarNums pCnf
V.generateM objCount $ \i -> fromIntegral <$> peekElemOff varsPtr i