-- | This module provides a wrapper around a deque that can enforce additional
-- invariants at runtime for debugging purposes.

module Data.Concurrent.Deque.Debugger

import Data.IORef
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Concurrent.Deque.Class

-- newtype DebugDeque d = DebugDeque d

-- | Warning, this enforces the excessively STRONG invariant that if any end of the
-- deque is non-threadsafe then it may ever only be touched by one thread during its
-- entire lifetime.
-- This extreme form of monagamy is easier to verify, because we don't have enough
-- information to know if two operations on different threads are racing with one
-- another or are properly synchronized.
-- The wrapper data structure has two IORefs to track the last thread that touched
-- the left and right end of the deque, respectively.
data DebugDeque d elt = DebugDeque (IORef (Maybe ThreadId), IORef (Maybe ThreadId)) (d elt) 

instance DequeClass d => DequeClass (DebugDeque d) where 
  pushL (DebugDeque (ref,_) q) elt = do
    markThread (leftThreadSafe q) ref
    pushL q elt

  tryPopR (DebugDeque (_,ref) q) = do
    markThread (rightThreadSafe q) ref
    tryPopR q 

  newQ = do l <- newIORef Nothing
            r <- newIORef Nothing
            fmap (DebugDeque (l,r)) newQ

  -- FIXME: What are the threadsafe rules for nullQ?
  nullQ (DebugDeque _ q) = nullQ q
  leftThreadSafe  (DebugDeque _ q) = leftThreadSafe q
  rightThreadSafe (DebugDeque _ q) = rightThreadSafe q

instance PopL d => PopL (DebugDeque d) where 
  tryPopL (DebugDeque (ref,_) q) = do
    markThread (leftThreadSafe q) ref
    tryPopL q 

-- | Mark the last thread to use this endpoint.
markThread True _ = return () -- Don't bother tracking.
markThread False ref = do
  last <- readIORef ref
  tid  <- myThreadId
--  putStrLn$"Marking! "++show tid
  atomicModifyIORef ref $ \ x ->
    case x of
      Nothing -> (Just tid, ())
      Just tid2
        | tid == tid2 -> (Just tid,())
        | otherwise   -> error$ "DebugDeque: invariant violated, thread safety not allowed but accessed by: "++show (tid,tid2)