{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} -- | Monoid action \(f: x \rightarrow ax + b\). Less efficient than @Affine1@, but compatible with -- inverse opereations. -- -- @since module AtCoder.Extra.Monoid.Mat2x2 ( -- * Mat2x2 Mat2x2 (..), Mat2x2Repr, -- * Constructors new, unMat2x2, ident, zero, -- * Actions act, -- * Operators map, det, inv, ) where import AtCoder.Extra.Math qualified as ACEM import AtCoder.Extra.Monoid.V2 (V2 (..)) import AtCoder.LazySegTree (SegAct (..)) import Data.Semigroup (Dual (..), Semigroup (..)) import Data.Vector.Generic qualified as VG import Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable qualified as VGM import Data.Vector.Unboxed qualified as VU import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable qualified as VUM import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack) import Prelude hiding (map) -- | Monoid action \(f: x \rightarrow ax + b\). Less efficient than @Affine1@, but compatible with -- inverse opereations. -- -- ==== Composition and dual -- The affine transformation acts as a left monoid action: \(f_2 (f_1 v) = (f_2 \circ f_1) v\). To -- apply the leftmost transformation first in a segment tree, wrap `Mat2x2` in @Data.Monoid.Dual@. -- -- ==== __Example__ -- >>> import AtCoder.Extra.Monoid.Mat2x2 qualified as Mat2x2 -- >>> import AtCoder.Extra.Monoid.V2 qualified as V2 -- >>> import AtCoder.Extra.Monoid (SegAct(..), Mat2x2(..), V2(..)) -- >>> import AtCoder.LazySegTree qualified as LST -- >>> seg <- LST.build @_ @(Mat2x2 Int) @(V2 Int) $ VU.generate 3 V2.new -- [0, 1, 2] -- >>> LST.applyIn seg 0 3 $ Mat2x2.new 2 1 -- [1, 3, 5] -- >>> V2.unV2 <$> LST.allProd seg -- 9 -- -- @since newtype Mat2x2 a = Mat2x2 (Mat2x2Repr a) deriving newtype ( -- | @since Eq, -- | @since Ord, -- | @since Show ) -- | `Mat2x2` internal representation. Tuples are not the fastest representation, but it's easier -- to implement `Data.Vector.Unboxed.Unbox`. -- -- @since type Mat2x2Repr a = (a, a, a, a) -- | \(O(1)\) Creates a one-dimensional affine transformation: \(f: x \rightarrow a \times x + b\). -- -- @since {-# INLINE new #-} new :: (Num a) => a -> a -> Mat2x2 a new !a !b = Mat2x2 (a, b, 0, 1) -- | \(O(1)\) Retrieves the four components of `Mat2x2`. -- -- @since {-# INLINE unMat2x2 #-} unMat2x2 :: Mat2x2 a -> Mat2x2Repr a unMat2x2 (Mat2x2 a) = a -- | \(O(1)\) Transformation to zero. -- -- @since {-# INLINE zero #-} zero :: (Num a) => Mat2x2 a zero = Mat2x2 (0, 0, 0, 0) -- | \(O(1)\) Identity transformation. -- -- @since {-# INLINE ident #-} ident :: (Num a) => Mat2x2 a ident = Mat2x2 (1, 0, 0, 1) -- | \(O(1)\) Multiplies `Mat2x2` to `V2`. {-# INLINE mulMV #-} mulMV :: (Num a) => Mat2x2 a -> V2 a -> V2 a mulMV (Mat2x2 (!a11, !a12, !a21, !a22)) (V2 (!x1, !x2)) = V2 (a', b') where !a' = a11 * x1 + a12 * x2 !b' = a21 * x1 + a22 * x2 -- | \(O(1)\) Multiplies `Mat2x2` to `Mat2x2`. {-# INLINE mulMM #-} mulMM :: (Num a) => Mat2x2 a -> Mat2x2 a -> Mat2x2 a mulMM (Mat2x2 (!a11, !a12, !a21, !a22)) (Mat2x2 (!b11, !b12, !b21, !b22)) = Mat2x2 (c11, c12, c21, c22) where !c11 = a11 * b11 + a12 * b21 !c12 = a11 * b12 + a12 * b22 !c21 = a21 * b11 + a22 * b21 !c22 = a21 * b12 + a22 * b22 -- | \(O(1)\) Multiplies `Mat2x2` to `V2`. -- -- @since {-# INLINE act #-} act :: (Num a) => Mat2x2 a -> V2 a -> V2 a act = mulMV -- | \(O(1)\) Maps the every component of `Mat2x2`. -- -- @since {-# INLINE map #-} map :: (a -> b) -> Mat2x2 a -> Mat2x2 b map f (Mat2x2 (!a11, !a12, !a21, !a22)) = Mat2x2 (a11', a12', a21', a22') where !a11' = f a11 !a12' = f a12 !a21' = f a21 !a22' = f a22 -- | \(O(1)\) Returns the determinan of the matrix. -- -- @since {-# INLINE det #-} det :: (Fractional e) => Mat2x2 e -> e det (Mat2x2 (!a, !b, !c, !d)) = a * d - b * c -- | \(O(1)\) Returns the inverse matrix, based on `Fractional` instance (mainly for @ModInt@). -- -- ==== Constraints -- - The determinant (`det`) of the matrix must be non-zero, otherwise an error is thrown. -- -- @since {-# INLINE inv #-} inv :: (HasCallStack, Fractional e, Eq e) => Mat2x2 e -> Mat2x2 e inv (Mat2x2 (!a, !b, !c, !d)) = Mat2x2 (a', b', c', d') where -- NOTE: zero division -- !r = recip $ a * d - b * c !r | det_ == 0 = error "AtCoder.Extra.Mat2x2.inv: the determinant of the matrix must be non zero" | otherwise = recip det_ where !det_ = a * d - b * c !a' = r * d !b' = r * (-b) !c' = r * (-c) !d' = r * a -- | @since instance (Num a) => Semigroup (Mat2x2 a) where {-# INLINE (<>) #-} (<>) = mulMM {-# INLINE stimes #-} stimes = ACEM.stimes' . fromIntegral -- | @since instance (Num a) => Monoid (Mat2x2 a) where {-# INLINE mempty #-} mempty = ident -- | @since instance (Num a) => SegAct (Mat2x2 a) (V2 a) where {-# INLINE segAct #-} segAct = mulMV -- | @since instance (Num a) => SegAct (Dual (Mat2x2 a)) (V2 a) where {-# INLINE segAct #-} segAct (Dual f) = mulMV f -- | @since newtype instance VU.MVector s (Mat2x2 a) = MV_Mat2x2 (VU.MVector s (Mat2x2Repr a)) -- | @since newtype instance VU.Vector (Mat2x2 a) = V_Mat2x2 (VU.Vector (Mat2x2Repr a)) -- | @since deriving instance (VU.Unbox a) => VGM.MVector VUM.MVector (Mat2x2 a) -- | @since deriving instance (VU.Unbox a) => VG.Vector VU.Vector (Mat2x2 a) -- | @since instance (VU.Unbox a) => VU.Unbox (Mat2x2 a)