{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- | A static Wavelet Matrix. -- -- ==== Notation -- Let \(S\) be the set of values in your wavelet matrix. We use \(|S|\) to denote the number of -- distinct values contained within this set \((|S| \lt n)\). -- -- @since module AtCoder.Extra.WaveletMatrix ( -- * Wavelet Matrix WaveletMatrix (..), -- * Constructors build, -- * Access (indexing) access, -- * Rank (count) rank, rankBetween, -- * Selection -- | ==== __Example__ -- >>> import AtCoder.Extra.WaveletMatrix qualified as WM -- >>> import Data.Vector.Unboxed qualified as VU -- >>> let wm = WM.build $ VU.fromList [1,1,2,1,3] -- >>> WM.select wm 1 -- Just 0 -- >>> WM.selectKth wm 2 1 -- Just 3 -- >>> WM.selectIn wm {- [l, r) -} 1 4 {- x -} 1 -- Just 1 -- >>> WM.selectKthIn wm {- [l, r) -} 1 4 {- k -} 1 {- x -} 1 -- Just 3 select, selectKth, selectIn, selectKthIn, -- * Quantile (value-ordered access) kthLargestIn, ikthLargestIn, kthSmallestIn, ikthSmallestIn, -- unsafeKthLargestIn, -- unsafeIKthLargestIn, -- unsafeKthSmallestIn, -- unsafeIKthSmallestIn, -- * Lookup lookupLE, lookupLT, lookupGE, lookupGT, -- * Conversions assocsIn, descAssocsIn, ) where import AtCoder.Extra.Bisect import AtCoder.Extra.WaveletMatrix.Raw qualified as Rwm import Control.Monad import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe) import Data.Vector.Algorithms.Intro qualified as VAI import Data.Vector.Generic qualified as VG import Data.Vector.Unboxed qualified as VU -- | A static Wavelet Matrix. -- -- @since data WaveletMatrix = WaveletMatrix { -- | The internal wavelet matrix, where index compression is not automatically performed. -- -- @since rawWM :: !Rwm.RawWaveletMatrix, -- | Index compression dictionary. -- -- @since xDictWM :: !(VU.Vector Int) } -- | \(O(n \log n)\) Creates a `WaveletMatrix` from an array \(a\). -- -- @since {-# INLINE build #-} build :: VU.Vector Int -> WaveletMatrix build ys = let !xDictWM = VU.uniq $ VU.modify (VAI.sortBy compare) ys !ys' = VU.map (fromJust . lowerBound xDictWM) ys !rawWM = Rwm.build (VG.length ys) ys' in WaveletMatrix {..} -- | \(O(\log |S|)\) Returns \(a[k]\) or `Nothing` if the index is out of the bounds. Try to use the -- original array if you can. -- -- @since {-# INLINE access #-} access :: WaveletMatrix -> Int -> Maybe Int access WaveletMatrix {..} i = (xDictWM VG.!) <$> Rwm.access rawWM i -- | \(O(\log |S|)\) Returns the number of \(y\) in \([l, r)\). -- -- @since {-# INLINE rank #-} rank :: -- | A wavelet matrix WaveletMatrix -> -- | \(l\) Int -> -- | \(r\) Int -> -- | \(y\) Int -> -- | The number of \(y\) in \([l, r)\). Int rank wm l r y = rankBetween wm l r y (y + 1) -- | \(O(\log |S|)\) Returns the number of \(y\) in \([l, r) \times [y_1, y_2)\). -- -- @since {-# INLINE rankBetween #-} rankBetween :: -- | A wavelet matrix WaveletMatrix -> -- | \(l\) Int -> -- | \(r\) Int -> -- | \(y_1\) Int -> -- | \(y_2\) Int -> -- | The number of \(y\) in \([l, r) \times [y_1, y_2)\). Int rankBetween WaveletMatrix {..} l r y1 y2 | not $ 0 <= l && l < r && r <= n = 0 | y1' >= y2' = 0 | otherwise = Rwm.rankBetween rawWM l r y1' y2' where -- Handles the case @yl@ or @yr@ is not in the dict n = Rwm.lengthRwm rawWM y1' = fromMaybe n (bisectR 0 (VG.length xDictWM) ((< y1) . VG.unsafeIndex xDictWM)) y2' = maybe (-1) (+ 1) (bisectL 0 (VG.length xDictWM) ((< y2) . VG.unsafeIndex xDictWM)) -- | \(O(\log |S|)\) Returns the index of the first \(y\) in \(a\), or `Nothing` if \(y\) is -- not found. -- -- @since {-# INLINE select #-} select :: WaveletMatrix -> Int -> Maybe Int select wm = selectKth wm 0 -- | \(O(\log |S|)\) Returns the index of the \(k\)-th occurrence (0-based) of \(y\), or `Nothing` -- if no such occurrence exists. -- -- @since {-# INLINE selectKth #-} selectKth :: -- | A wavelet matrix WaveletMatrix -> -- | \(k\) Int -> -- | \(y\) Int -> -- | The index of \(k\)-th \(y\) Maybe Int selectKth WaveletMatrix {..} k y = do i <- lowerBound xDictWM y -- TODO: we don't need such an explicit branch? let !y' = xDictWM VG.! i guard $ y' == y Rwm.selectKth rawWM k i -- | \(O(\log |S|)\) Given an interval \([l, r)\), it returns the index of the first occurrence -- (0-based) of \(y\) in the sequence, or `Nothing` if no such occurrence exists. -- -- @since {-# INLINE selectIn #-} selectIn :: -- | A wavelet matrix WaveletMatrix -> -- | \(l\) Int -> -- | \(r\) Int -> -- | \(y\) Int -> -- | The index of the first \(y\) in \([l, r)\). Maybe Int selectIn wm l r = selectKthIn wm l r 0 -- | \(O(\log |S|)\) Given an interval \([l, r)\), it returns the index of the \(k\)-th occurrence -- (0-based) of \(y\) in the sequence, or `Nothing` if no such occurrence exists. -- -- @since {-# INLINE selectKthIn #-} selectKthIn :: -- | A wavelet matrix WaveletMatrix -> -- | \(l\) Int -> -- | \(r\) Int -> -- | \(k\) Int -> -- | \(y\) Int -> -- | The index of the \(k\)-th \(y\) in \([l, r)\). Maybe Int selectKthIn WaveletMatrix {..} l r k y = do i <- lowerBound xDictWM y -- TODO: we don't need such an explicit branch? let !y' = xDictWM VG.! i guard $ y' == y Rwm.selectKthIn rawWM l r k i -- | \(O(\log |S|)\) Given the interval \([l, r)\), returns the index of the \(k\)-th (0-based) -- largest value. Note that duplicated values are treated as distinct occurrences. -- -- @since {-# INLINE kthLargestIn #-} kthLargestIn :: -- | A wavelet matrix WaveletMatrix -> -- | \(l\) Int -> -- | \(r\) Int -> -- | \(k\) Int -> -- | \(k\)-th largest \(y\) in \([l, r)\) Maybe Int kthLargestIn WaveletMatrix {..} l r k | Just !y <- Rwm.kthLargestIn rawWM l r k = Just $ xDictWM VG.! y | otherwise = Nothing -- | \(O(\log |S|)\) Given the interval \([l, r)\), returns both the index and the value of the -- \(k\)-th (0-based) largest value. Note that duplicated values are treated as distinct occurrences. -- -- @since {-# INLINE ikthLargestIn #-} ikthLargestIn :: -- | A wavelet matrix WaveletMatrix -> -- | \(l\) Int -> -- | \(r\) Int -> -- | \(k\) Int -> -- | \((i, y)\) for \(k\)-th largest \(y\) in \([l, r)\) Maybe (Int, Int) ikthLargestIn WaveletMatrix {..} l r k | Just (!i, !y) <- Rwm.ikthLargestIn rawWM l r k = Just (i, xDictWM VG.! y) | otherwise = Nothing -- | \(O(\log |S|)\) Given the interval \([l, r)\), returns the index of the \(k\)-th (0-based) -- smallest value. Note that duplicated values are treated as distinct occurrences. -- -- @since {-# INLINE kthSmallestIn #-} kthSmallestIn :: -- | A wavelet matrix WaveletMatrix -> -- | \(l\) Int -> -- | \(r\) Int -> -- | \(k\) Int -> -- | \(k\)-th largest \(y\) in \([l, r)\) Maybe Int kthSmallestIn WaveletMatrix {..} l r k | Just !y <- Rwm.kthSmallestIn rawWM l r k = Just $ xDictWM VG.! y | otherwise = Nothing -- | \(O(\log |S|)\) Given the interval \([l, r)\), returns both the index and the value of the -- \(k\)-th (0-based) smallest value. Note that duplicated values are treated as distinct occurrences. -- -- @since {-# INLINE ikthSmallestIn #-} ikthSmallestIn :: WaveletMatrix -> -- | \(l\) Int -> -- | \(r\) Int -> -- | \(k\) Int -> -- | \((i, y)\) for \(k\)-th largest \(y\) in \([l, r)\) Maybe (Int, Int) ikthSmallestIn WaveletMatrix {..} l r k | Just (!i, !y) <- Rwm.ikthSmallestIn rawWM l r k = Just (i, xDictWM VG.! y) | otherwise = Nothing -- | \(O(\log |S|)\) -- -- @since {-# INLINE unsafeKthSmallestIn #-} unsafeKthSmallestIn :: WaveletMatrix -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int unsafeKthSmallestIn WaveletMatrix {..} l r k = xDictWM VG.! Rwm.unsafeKthSmallestIn rawWM l r k -- | \(O(\log |S|)\) Looks up the maximum \(y\) in \([l, r) \times (-\infty, y_0]\). -- -- @since {-# INLINE lookupLE #-} lookupLE :: -- | A wavelet matrix WaveletMatrix -> -- | \(l\) Int -> -- | \(r\) Int -> -- | \(y_0\) Int -> -- | Maximum \(y\) in \([l, r) \times (-\infty, y_0]\) Maybe Int lookupLE wm l r y0 | r' == l' = Nothing | rank_ == 0 = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ unsafeKthSmallestIn wm l' r' (rank_ - 1) where -- clamp l' = max 0 l r' = min (Rwm.lengthRwm (rawWM wm)) r rank_ = rankBetween wm l' r' minBound (y0 + 1) -- | \(O(\log |S|)\) Looks up the maximum \(y\) in \([l, r) \times (-\infty, y_0)\). -- -- @since {-# INLINE lookupLT #-} lookupLT :: -- | A wavelet matrix WaveletMatrix -> -- | \(l\) Int -> -- | \(r\) Int -> -- | \(y_0\) Int -> -- | Maximum \(y\) in \([l, r) \times (-\infty, y_0)\) Maybe Int lookupLT wm l r y0 = lookupLE wm l r (y0 - 1) -- | \(O(\log |S|)\) Looks up the minimum \(y\) in \([l, r) \times [y_0, \infty)\). -- -- @since {-# INLINE lookupGE #-} lookupGE :: -- | A wavelet matrix WaveletMatrix -> -- | \(l\) Int -> -- | \(r\) Int -> -- | \(y_0\) Int -> -- | Minimum \(y\) in \([l, r) \times [y_0, \infty)\). Maybe Int lookupGE wm l r y0 | r' == l' = Nothing | rank_ >= r - l = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ unsafeKthSmallestIn wm l r rank_ where -- clamp l' = max 0 l r' = min (Rwm.lengthRwm (rawWM wm)) r rank_ = rankBetween wm l' r' minBound y0 -- | \(O(\log |S|)\) Looks up the minimum \(y\) in \([l, r) \times (y_0, \infty)\). -- -- @since {-# INLINE lookupGT #-} lookupGT :: -- | A wavelet matrix WaveletMatrix -> -- | \(l\) Int -> -- | \(r\) Int -> -- | \(y_0\) Int -> -- | Minimum \(y\) in \([l, r) \times (y_0, \infty)\) Maybe Int lookupGT wm l r y0 = lookupGE wm l r (y0 + 1) -- | \(O(\min(|S|, L) \log |S|)\) Collects \((y, \mathrm{rank}(y))\) in range \([l, r)\) in -- ascending order of \(y\). Note that it's only fast when the \(|S|\) is very small. -- -- @since {-# INLINE assocsIn #-} assocsIn :: WaveletMatrix -> Int -> Int -> [(Int, Int)] assocsIn WaveletMatrix {..} l r = Rwm.assocsWith rawWM l r (xDictWM VG.!) -- | \(O(\min(|S|, L) \log |S|)\) Collects \((y, \mathrm{rank}(y))\) in range \([l, r)\) in -- descending order of \(y\). Note that it's only fast when the \(|S|\) is very small. -- -- @since {-# INLINE descAssocsIn #-} descAssocsIn :: WaveletMatrix -> Int -> Int -> [(Int, Int)] descAssocsIn WaveletMatrix {..} l r = Rwm.descAssocsInWith rawWM l r (xDictWM VG.!)