{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- | It solves [maximum flow problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximum_flow_problem). -- -- ==== __Example__ -- Create a max flow graph (`MfGraph`): -- -- >>> import AtCoder.MaxFlow qualified as MF -- >>> g <- MF.new @_ @Int 3 -- 0 1 2 -- -- Build a simple graph with @'addEdge' g from to cap@ or `addEdge_`: -- -- >>> MF.addEdge g 0 1 (2 :: Int) -- 0 --> 1 2 -- 0 -- -- >>> MF.addEdge_ g 1 2 (1 :: Int) -- 0 --> 1 --> 2 -- -- Augument the flow with `flow`. `maxFlow` can also be used when there's no flow limit: -- -- >>> MF.flow g 0 2 {- flowLimit -} maxBound -- same as `MF.maxFlow g 0 2` -- 1 -- -- Get the minimum cut with `minCut`. In this case, removing the second edge makes the minimum cut -- (note that the edge capacity \(1\) = max flow): -- -- >>> MF.minCut g 0 -- returns a Bit vector. `1` (`Bit True`) is on the `s` side. -- [1,1,0] -- -- Retrieve the edge state with `getEdge`. We can confirm the flow is @1@: -- -- >>> MF.getEdge g 0 -- returns (from, to, cap, flow) -- (0,1,2,1) -- -- @since module AtCoder.MaxFlow ( -- * Max flow graph MfGraph (nG), -- * Constructor new, -- * Graph building addEdge, addEdge_, getEdge, -- * Flow operations flow, maxFlow, -- * Minimum cut minCut, -- * Edge information edges, changeEdge, ) where -- TODO: add `build`. import AtCoder.Internal.Assert qualified as ACIA import AtCoder.Internal.GrowVec qualified as ACIGV import AtCoder.Internal.Queue qualified as ACIQ import Control.Monad (unless, when) import Control.Monad.Fix (fix) import Control.Monad.Primitive (PrimMonad, PrimState) import Data.Bit (Bit (..)) import Data.Primitive.MutVar (readMutVar) import Data.Vector qualified as V import Data.Vector.Generic qualified as VG import Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable qualified as VGM import Data.Vector.Unboxed qualified as VU import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable qualified as VUM import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack) -- | Max flow graph. -- -- @since data MfGraph s cap = MfGraph { -- | The number of vertices. -- -- @since nG :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- | MfGraph: fromVertex -> vector of @(toVertex, revEdgeIndex, capacity)@. gG :: !(V.Vector (ACIGV.GrowVec s (Int, Int, cap))), -- | Forward edge information: originalEdgeIndex -> (fromVertex, edgeIndex) posG :: !(ACIGV.GrowVec s (Int, Int)) } -- | Creates a graph of \(n\) vertices and \(0\) edges. `cap` is the type of the capacity. -- -- ==== Constraints -- - \(0 \leq n\) -- -- ==== Complexity -- - \(O(n)\) -- -- @since {-# INLINE new #-} new :: (PrimMonad m, VU.Unbox cap) => Int -> m (MfGraph (PrimState m) cap) new nG = do gG <- V.replicateM nG (ACIGV.new 0) posG <- ACIGV.new 0 pure MfGraph {..} -- | Adds an edge oriented from the vertex @from@ to the vertex @to@ with the capacity @cap@ and the -- flow amount \(0\). It returns an integer \(k\) such that this is the \(k\)-th edge that is added. -- -- ==== Constraints -- - \(0 \leq \mathrm{from}, \mathrm{to} \lt n\) -- - \(0 \leq \mathrm{cap}\) -- -- ==== Complexity -- - \(O(1)\) amortized -- -- @since {-# INLINE addEdge #-} addEdge :: (HasCallStack, PrimMonad m, Num cap, Ord cap, VU.Unbox cap) => -- | Graph MfGraph (PrimState m) cap -> -- | from Int -> -- | to Int -> -- | cap cap -> -- | Edge index m Int addEdge MfGraph {..} from to cap = do let !_ = ACIA.checkCustom "AtCoder.MaxFlow.addEdge" "`from` vertex" from "the number of vertices" nG let !_ = ACIA.checkCustom "AtCoder.MaxFlow.addEdge" "`to` vertex" to "the number of vertices" nG let !_ = ACIA.runtimeAssert (0 <= cap) "AtCoder.MaxFlow.addEdge: given invalid edge `cap` less than `0`" -- not `Show cap` m <- ACIGV.length posG iEdge <- ACIGV.length (gG VG.! from) ACIGV.pushBack posG (from, iEdge) iRevEdge <- do len <- ACIGV.length (gG VG.! to) pure $ if from == to then len + 1 else len ACIGV.pushBack (gG VG.! from) (to, iRevEdge, cap) ACIGV.pushBack (gG VG.! to) (from, iEdge, 0) pure m -- | `addEdge` with the return value discarded. -- -- ==== Constraints -- - \(0 \leq \mathrm{from}, \mathrm{to} \lt n\) -- - \(0 \leq \mathrm{cap}\) -- -- ==== Complexity -- - \(O(1)\) amortized -- -- @since {-# INLINE addEdge_ #-} addEdge_ :: (HasCallStack, PrimMonad m, Num cap, Ord cap, VU.Unbox cap) => -- | Graph MfGraph (PrimState m) cap -> -- | from Int -> -- | to Int -> -- | cap cap -> m () addEdge_ graph from to cap = do _ <- addEdge graph from to cap pure () -- | Augments the flow from \(s\) to \(t\) as much as possible, until reaching the amount of -- @flowLimit@. It returns the amount of the flow augmented. You may call it multiple times. -- -- ==== Constraints -- - \(s \neq t\) -- - \(0 \leq s, t \lt n\) -- -- ==== Complexity -- - \(O((n + m) \sqrt{m})\) (if all the capacities are \(1\)), -- - \(O(n^2 m)\) (general), or -- - \(O(F(n + m))\), where \(F\) is the returned value -- -- @since {-# INLINE flow #-} flow :: (HasCallStack, PrimMonad m, Num cap, Ord cap, VU.Unbox cap) => -- | Graph MfGraph (PrimState m) cap -> -- | Source @s@ Int -> -- | Sink @t@ Int -> -- | Flow limit cap -> -- | Max flow m cap flow MfGraph {..} s t flowLimit = do let !_ = ACIA.checkCustom "AtCoder.MaxFlow.flow" "`source` vertex" s "the number of vertices" nG let !_ = ACIA.checkCustom "AtCoder.MaxFlow.flow" "`sink` vertex" t "the number of vertices" nG let !_ = ACIA.runtimeAssert (s /= t) $ "AtCoder.MaxFlow.flow: `source` and `sink` vertex must be distinct: `" ++ show s ++ "`" level <- VUM.unsafeNew nG que <- ACIQ.new nG let bfs = do VGM.set level (-1 :: Int) VGM.write level s 0 ACIQ.clear que ACIQ.pushBack que s fix $ \loop -> do v_ <- ACIQ.popFront que case v_ of Nothing -> pure () Just v -> do (VUM.MV_3 _ vecTo _ vecCap) <- readMutVar $ ACIGV.vecGV (gG VG.! v) len <- ACIGV.length (gG VG.! v) neighbors <- VU.zip <$> VU.unsafeFreeze (VUM.take len vecTo) <*> VU.unsafeFreeze (VUM.take len vecCap) VU.forM_ neighbors $ \(!to, !cap) -> do when (cap /= 0) $ do levelTo <- VGM.read level to when (levelTo < 0) $ do levelV <- VGM.read level v VGM.write level to (levelV + 1) -- FIXME: break on to == t ACIQ.pushBack que to levelT <- VGM.read level t when (levelT == -1) $ do loop iter <- VUM.unsafeNew nG let dfs v up | v == s = pure up | otherwise = do len <- ACIGV.length (gG VG.! v) levelV <- VGM.read level v result <- flip fix 0 $ \loop res -> do i <- VGM.read iter v if i >= len then pure res else do VGM.write iter v $ i + 1 (!to, !iRevEdge, !_) <- ACIGV.read (gG VG.! v) i levelTo <- VGM.read level to revCap <- readCapacity gG to iRevEdge if levelV <= levelTo || revCap == 0 then loop res else do d <- dfs to $! min (up - res) revCap if d <= 0 then loop res -- no flow. ignore else do modifyCapacity (gG VG.! v) (+ d) i modifyCapacity (gG VG.! to) (subtract d) iRevEdge let !res' = res + d if res' == up then pure res' else loop res' -- next neighbor VGM.write level v nG pure result flip fix 0 $ \loop flow_ -> do if flow_ >= flowLimit then pure flow_ else do bfs levelT <- VGM.read level t if levelT == -1 then pure flow_ else do VGM.set iter (0 :: Int) f <- dfs t $! flowLimit - flow_ if f == 0 then pure flow_ else loop $! flow_ + f -- | `flow` with no capacity limit. -- -- ==== Constraints -- - \(s \neq t\) -- - \(0 \leq s, t \lt n\) -- -- ==== Complexity -- - \(O((n + m) \sqrt{m})\) (if all the capacities are \(1\)), -- - \(O(n^2 m)\) (general), or -- - \(O(F(n + m))\), where \(F\) is the returned value -- -- @since {-# INLINE maxFlow #-} maxFlow :: (HasCallStack, PrimMonad m, Num cap, Ord cap, Bounded cap, VU.Unbox cap) => -- | Graph MfGraph (PrimState m) cap -> -- | Source @s@ Int -> -- | Sink @t@ Int -> -- | Max flow m cap maxFlow graph s t = flow graph s t maxBound -- | Returns a vector of length \(n\), such that the \(i\)-th element is `True` if and only if there -- is a directed path from \(s\) to \(i\) in the residual network. The returned vector corresponds -- to a \(s-t\) minimum cut after calling @'maxFlow' s t@. -- -- ==== Complexity -- - \(O(n + m)\), where \(m\) is the number of added edges. -- -- @since {-# INLINE minCut #-} minCut :: (PrimMonad m, Num cap, Ord cap, VU.Unbox cap) => -- | Graph MfGraph (PrimState m) cap -> -- | Source @s@ Int -> -- | Minimum cut m (VU.Vector Bit) minCut MfGraph {..} s = do visited <- VUM.replicate nG $ Bit False que <- ACIQ.new nG -- we could use a growable queue here ACIQ.pushBack que s fix $ \loop -> do p_ <- ACIQ.popFront que case p_ of Nothing -> pure () Just p -> do VGM.write visited p $ Bit True es <- ACIGV.unsafeFreeze (gG VG.! p) VU.forM_ es $ \(!to, !_, !cap) -> do when (cap /= 0) $ do Bit b <- VGM.exchange visited to $ Bit True unless b $ do ACIQ.pushBack que to loop VU.unsafeFreeze visited -- | \(O(1)\) Returns the current internal state of \(i\)-th edge: @(from, to, cap, flow)@. The -- edges are ordered in the same order as added by `addEdge`. -- -- ==== Constraints -- - \(0 \leq i \lt m\) -- -- ==== Complexity -- - \(O(1)\) -- -- @since {-# INLINE getEdge #-} getEdge :: (HasCallStack, PrimMonad m, Num cap, Ord cap, VU.Unbox cap) => -- | Graph MfGraph (PrimState m) cap -> -- | Vertex Int -> -- | Tuple of @(from, to, cap, flow)@ m (Int, Int, cap, cap) getEdge MfGraph {..} i = do m <- ACIGV.length posG let !_ = ACIA.checkEdge "AtCoder.MaxFlow.getEdge" i m (!from, !iEdge) <- ACIGV.read posG i (!to, !iRevEdge, !cap) <- ACIGV.read (gG VG.! from) iEdge revCap <- readCapacity gG to iRevEdge pure (from, to, cap + revCap, revCap) -- | Returns the current internal state of the edges: @(from, to, cap, flow)@. The edges are ordered -- in the same order as added by `addEdge`. -- -- ==== Complexity -- - \(O(m)\), where \(m\) is the number of added edges. -- -- @since {-# INLINE edges #-} edges :: (PrimMonad m, Num cap, Ord cap, VU.Unbox cap) => -- | Graph MfGraph (PrimState m) cap -> -- | Vector of @(from, to, cap, flow)@ m (VU.Vector (Int, Int, cap, cap)) edges g@MfGraph {posG} = do len <- ACIGV.length posG VU.generateM len (getEdge g) -- | \(O(1)\) Changes the capacity and the flow amount of the $i$-th edge to @newCap@ and -- @newFlow@, respectively. It oes not change the capacity or the flow amount of other edges. -- -- ==== Constraints -- - \(0 \leq \mathrm{newflow} \leq \mathrm{newcap}\) -- -- ==== Complexity -- - \(O(1)\) -- -- @since {-# INLINE changeEdge #-} changeEdge :: (HasCallStack, PrimMonad m, Num cap, Ord cap, VU.Unbox cap) => -- | Graph MfGraph (PrimState m) cap -> -- | Edge index Int -> -- | New capacity cap -> -- | New flow cap -> m () changeEdge MfGraph {..} i newCap newFlow = do m <- ACIGV.length posG let !_ = ACIA.checkEdge "AtCoder.MaxFlow.changeEdge" i m let !_ = ACIA.runtimeAssert (0 <= newFlow && newFlow <= newCap) "AtCoder.MaxFlow.changeEdge: invalid flow or capacity" -- not Show (!from, !iEdge) <- ACIGV.read posG i (!to, !iRevEdge, !_) <- ACIGV.read (gG VG.! from) iEdge writeCapacity gG from iEdge $! newCap - newFlow writeCapacity gG to iRevEdge $! newFlow -- | \(O(1)\) Internal helper. {-# INLINE readCapacity #-} readCapacity :: (HasCallStack, PrimMonad m, Num cap, Ord cap, VU.Unbox cap) => V.Vector (ACIGV.GrowVec (PrimState m) (Int, Int, cap)) -> Int -> Int -> m cap readCapacity gvs v i = do (VUM.MV_3 _ _ _ c) <- readMutVar $ ACIGV.vecGV $ gvs VG.! v VGM.read c i -- | \(O(1)\) Internal helper. {-# INLINE writeCapacity #-} writeCapacity :: (HasCallStack, PrimMonad m, Num cap, Ord cap, VU.Unbox cap) => V.Vector (ACIGV.GrowVec (PrimState m) (Int, Int, cap)) -> Int -> Int -> cap -> m () writeCapacity gvs v i cap = do (VUM.MV_3 _ _ _ c) <- readMutVar $ ACIGV.vecGV $ gvs VG.! v VGM.write c i cap -- | \(O(1)\) Internal helper. {-# INLINE modifyCapacity #-} modifyCapacity :: (HasCallStack, PrimMonad m, Num cap, Ord cap, VU.Unbox cap) => ACIGV.GrowVec (PrimState m) (Int, Int, cap) -> (cap -> cap) -> Int -> m () modifyCapacity gv f i = do (VUM.MV_3 _ _ _ c) <- readMutVar $ ACIGV.vecGV gv VUM.modify c f i