module Tests.Extra.Monoid (tests) where import AtCoder.Extra.Monoid import AtCoder.Extra.Monoid.Affine1 qualified as A import AtCoder.Extra.Monoid.Mat2x2 qualified as M import AtCoder.Extra.Monoid.RollingHash (RollingHash (..)) import AtCoder.ModInt qualified as ModInt import Data.Bit (Bit (..)) import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..)) import Data.Semigroup (Max (..), Min (..), Product (..), Sum (..), stimes) import Test.QuickCheck.Classes qualified as QCC import Test.QuickCheck.Property qualified as QC import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck qualified as QC import Tests.Util (laws, myForAllShrink) -- TODO: (const True) should be removed segActLaw :: (Monoid a, Eq a) => (SegAct f a, QC.Arbitrary f, Eq f, Show f, QC.Arbitrary f, QC.Arbitrary a, Show a) => Proxy (f, a) -> QCC.Laws segActLaw p = QCC.Laws "SegAct" [ ("Identity map", segActIdentity p), ("Monoid Action", segActMonoidAction p), ("Linear Monoid Action", segActLinearMonoidAction p), ("Endomorphism", segActEndomorphism p) ] segActIdentity :: forall f a. (SegAct f a, QC.Arbitrary f, Eq f, Show f, Monoid a, Eq a, QC.Arbitrary a, Show a) => Proxy (f, a) -> QC.Property segActIdentity _ = myForAllShrink True (const True) desc lhsS lhs rhsS rhs where desc :: a -> [String] desc (a :: a) = ["a = " ++ show a] lhsS = "segAct mempty a" lhs = segAct (mempty @f) rhsS = "a" rhs = id segActMonoidAction :: forall f a. (SegAct f a, QC.Arbitrary f, Eq f, Show f, Monoid a, Eq a, QC.Arbitrary a, Show a) => Proxy (f, a) -> QC.Property segActMonoidAction _ = myForAllShrink True (const True) desc lhsS lhs rhsS rhs where desc :: (f, f, a) -> [String] desc (!f2, !f1, !a) = ["f2 = " ++ show f2 ++ ", f1 = " ++ show f1 ++ ", a = " ++ show a] lhsS = "(f_2 <> f_1) a" lhs (!f2, !f1, !a) = (f2 <> f1) `segAct` a rhsS = "f_2 (f_1 a)" rhs (!f2, !f1, !a) = f2 `segAct` (f1 `segAct` a) segActEndomorphism :: forall f a. (SegAct f a, QC.Arbitrary f, Eq f, Show f, Monoid a, Eq a, QC.Arbitrary a, Show a) => Proxy (f, a) -> QC.Property segActEndomorphism _ = myForAllShrink True (const True) desc lhsS lhs rhsS rhs where desc :: (f, a, a) -> [String] desc (!f, !a1, !a2) = ["f = " ++ show f ++ ", a1 = " ++ show a1 ++ ", a2 = " ++ show a2] lhsS = "f (a1 <> a2)" lhs (!f, !a1, !a2) = segActWithLength 2 f (a1 <> a2) rhsS = "(f a1) <> (f a2)" rhs (!f, !a1, !a2) = (f `segAct` a1) <> (f `segAct` a2) segActLinearMonoidAction :: forall f a. (SegAct f a, QC.Arbitrary f, Eq f, Show f, Monoid a, Eq a, QC.Arbitrary a, Show a) => Proxy (f, a) -> QC.Property segActLinearMonoidAction _ = myForAllShrink True (const True) desc lhsS lhs rhsS rhs where desc :: (QC.Positive Int, f, a) -> [String] desc (QC.Positive !len, !f, !a) = ["len = " ++ show len ++ ", f = " ++ show f ++ ", a = " ++ show a] lhsS = "segActWithLength len f (a^len)" lhs (QC.Positive !len, !f, !a) = segActWithLength len f $! stimes len a rhsS = "(f a)^len" rhs (QC.Positive !len, !f, !a) = stimes len (segAct f a) -- orphan instance instance (QC.Arbitrary a, Monoid a) => QC.Arbitrary (Affine1 a) where arbitrary = Affine1 <$> QC.arbitrary -- orphan instance instance (QC.Arbitrary a) => QC.Arbitrary (RangeAdd a) where arbitrary = RangeAdd <$> QC.arbitrary -- orphan instance instance (QC.Arbitrary a, Monoid a) => QC.Arbitrary (RangeSet a) where arbitrary = do b <- (== 1) <$> QC.chooseInt (1, 30) if b then RangeSet . (Bit True,) <$> QC.arbitrary else pure mempty -- orphan instance instance (QC.Arbitrary a) => QC.Arbitrary (Mat2x2 a) where arbitrary = Mat2x2 <$> QC.arbitrary -- orphan instance instance (QC.Arbitrary a) => QC.Arbitrary (V2 a) where arbitrary = V2 <$> QC.arbitrary -- orphan instance instance QC.Arbitrary (RollingHash b 998244353) where arbitrary = do hash <- QC.chooseInt (0, 998244353 - 1) next <- QC.chooseInt (0, 998244353 - 1) pure $ RollingHash hash next -- orphan instance instance QC.Arbitrary (Max Int) where arbitrary = Max <$> QC.arbitrary -- orphan instance instance QC.Arbitrary (Min Int) where arbitrary = Min <$> QC.arbitrary -- orphan instance (TODO: move to common implementation) instance QC.Arbitrary ModInt.ModInt998244353 where arbitrary = <$> QC.arbitrary prop_affineZero :: Affine1 (Sum Int) -> QC.Property prop_affineZero a = QC.conjoin [ <> a QC.===, a <> QC.=== (\(A.Affine1 (!_, !b)) -> A.Affine1 (0, b)) a ] prop_affineIdent :: Affine1 (Sum Int) -> QC.Property prop_affineIdent a = QC.conjoin [ A.ident <> a QC.=== a, a <> A.ident QC.=== a ] prop_mat2x2Zero :: Mat2x2 Int -> QC.Property prop_mat2x2Zero a = QC.conjoin [ <> a QC.===, a <> QC.=== ] prop_mat2x2Ident :: Mat2x2 Int -> QC.Property prop_mat2x2Ident a = QC.conjoin [ M.ident <> a QC.=== a, a <> M.ident QC.=== a ] prop_mat2x2Inv :: Mat2x2 ModInt.ModInt998244353 -> QC.Property prop_mat2x2Inv a = (M.det a /= 0 QC.==>) $ QC.conjoin [ M.inv a <> a QC.=== M.ident, a <> M.inv a QC.=== M.ident ] tests :: [TestTree] tests = [ testGroup "Affine1" [ QC.testProperty "zero" prop_affineZero, QC.testProperty "ident" prop_affineIdent, laws @(Affine1 (Sum Int)) [ QCC.semigroupLaws, QCC.monoidLaws, QCC.semigroupMonoidLaws ], laws @(Affine1 (Sum Int), Sum Int) [ segActLaw ] ], testGroup "RangeAdd" [ laws @(RangeAdd (Sum Int)) [ QCC.semigroupLaws, QCC.monoidLaws, QCC.semigroupMonoidLaws ], laws @(RangeAdd (Sum Int), Sum Int) [ segActLaw ], laws @(RangeAdd (Max Int)) [ QCC.semigroupLaws, QCC.monoidLaws, QCC.semigroupMonoidLaws ], laws @(RangeAdd (Max Int), Max Int) [ segActLaw ], laws @(RangeAdd (Min Int)) [ QCC.semigroupLaws, QCC.monoidLaws, QCC.semigroupMonoidLaws ], laws @(RangeAdd (Min Int), Min Int) [ segActLaw ] ], testGroup "RangeSet" [ laws @(RangeSet (Sum Int)) [ QCC.semigroupLaws, QCC.monoidLaws, QCC.semigroupMonoidLaws ], laws @(RangeSet (Sum Int), Sum Int) [ segActLaw ], laws @(RangeSet (Product Int)) [ QCC.semigroupLaws, QCC.monoidLaws, QCC.semigroupMonoidLaws ], laws @(RangeSet (Product Int), Product Int) [ segActLaw ], laws @(RangeSet (Max Int)) [ QCC.semigroupLaws, QCC.monoidLaws, QCC.semigroupMonoidLaws ], laws @(RangeSet (Max Int), Max Int) [ segActLaw ], laws @(RangeSet (Min Int)) [ QCC.semigroupLaws, QCC.monoidLaws, QCC.semigroupMonoidLaws ], laws @(RangeSet (Min Int), Min Int) [ segActLaw ] ], testGroup "Mat2x2" [ QC.testProperty "zero" prop_mat2x2Zero, QC.testProperty "ident" prop_mat2x2Ident, QC.testProperty "inv" prop_mat2x2Inv, laws @(Mat2x2 Int) [ QCC.semigroupLaws, QCC.monoidLaws, QCC.semigroupMonoidLaws ], laws @(Mat2x2 Int, V2 Int) [ segActLaw ] ], testGroup "V2" [ laws @(V2 Int) [ QCC.semigroupLaws, QCC.monoidLaws, QCC.semigroupMonoidLaws ] ], testGroup "RollingHash" [ laws @(RollingHash 100 998244353) [ QCC.semigroupLaws, QCC.monoidLaws, QCC.semigroupMonoidLaws ] ] ]