module Data.Array.Accelerate.Type (
Float, Double, Char, Bool(..),
module Data.Int,
module Data.Word,
module Foreign.C.Types,
module Data.Array.Accelerate.Type
) where
import Data.Orphans ()
import Data.Bits
import Data.Int
import Data.Type.Equality
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Word
import GHC.TypeLits
import Foreign.Storable
import Foreign.C.Types (
CChar, CSChar, CUChar, CShort, CUShort, CInt, CUInt, CLong, CULong,
CLLong, CULLong, CFloat, CDouble)
data IntegralDict a where
IntegralDict :: ( Bounded a, Enum a, Eq a, Ord a, Show a
, Bits a, FiniteBits a, Integral a, Num a, Real a, Storable a )
=> IntegralDict a
data FloatingDict a where
FloatingDict :: ( Enum a, Eq a, Ord a, Show a
, Floating a, Fractional a, Num a, Real a, RealFrac a
, RealFloat a, Storable a )
=> FloatingDict a
data NonNumDict a where
NonNumDict :: ( Bounded a, Enum a, Eq a, Ord a, Show a, Storable a )
=> NonNumDict a
data IntegralType a where
TypeInt :: IntegralDict Int -> IntegralType Int
TypeInt8 :: IntegralDict Int8 -> IntegralType Int8
TypeInt16 :: IntegralDict Int16 -> IntegralType Int16
TypeInt32 :: IntegralDict Int32 -> IntegralType Int32
TypeInt64 :: IntegralDict Int64 -> IntegralType Int64
TypeWord :: IntegralDict Word -> IntegralType Word
TypeWord8 :: IntegralDict Word8 -> IntegralType Word8
TypeWord16 :: IntegralDict Word16 -> IntegralType Word16
TypeWord32 :: IntegralDict Word32 -> IntegralType Word32
TypeWord64 :: IntegralDict Word64 -> IntegralType Word64
TypeCShort :: IntegralDict CShort -> IntegralType CShort
TypeCUShort :: IntegralDict CUShort -> IntegralType CUShort
TypeCInt :: IntegralDict CInt -> IntegralType CInt
TypeCUInt :: IntegralDict CUInt -> IntegralType CUInt
TypeCLong :: IntegralDict CLong -> IntegralType CLong
TypeCULong :: IntegralDict CULong -> IntegralType CULong
TypeCLLong :: IntegralDict CLLong -> IntegralType CLLong
TypeCULLong :: IntegralDict CULLong -> IntegralType CULLong
data FloatingType a where
TypeFloat :: FloatingDict Float -> FloatingType Float
TypeDouble :: FloatingDict Double -> FloatingType Double
TypeCFloat :: FloatingDict CFloat -> FloatingType CFloat
TypeCDouble :: FloatingDict CDouble -> FloatingType CDouble
data NonNumType a where
TypeBool :: NonNumDict Bool -> NonNumType Bool
TypeChar :: NonNumDict Char -> NonNumType Char
TypeCChar :: NonNumDict CChar -> NonNumType CChar
TypeCSChar :: NonNumDict CSChar -> NonNumType CSChar
TypeCUChar :: NonNumDict CUChar -> NonNumType CUChar
data NumType a where
IntegralNumType :: IntegralType a -> NumType a
FloatingNumType :: FloatingType a -> NumType a
data BoundedType a where
IntegralBoundedType :: IntegralType a -> BoundedType a
NonNumBoundedType :: NonNumType a -> BoundedType a
data ScalarType a where
NumScalarType :: NumType a -> ScalarType a
NonNumScalarType :: NonNumType a -> ScalarType a
instance Show (IntegralType a) where
show (TypeInt _) = "Int"
show (TypeInt8 _) = "Int8"
show (TypeInt16 _) = "Int16"
show (TypeInt32 _) = "Int32"
show (TypeInt64 _) = "Int64"
show (TypeWord _) = "Word"
show (TypeWord8 _) = "Word8"
show (TypeWord16 _) = "Word16"
show (TypeWord32 _) = "Word32"
show (TypeWord64 _) = "Word64"
show (TypeCShort _) = "CShort"
show (TypeCUShort _) = "CUShort"
show (TypeCInt _) = "CInt"
show (TypeCUInt _) = "CUInt"
show (TypeCLong _) = "CLong"
show (TypeCULong _) = "CULong"
show (TypeCLLong _) = "CLLong"
show (TypeCULLong _) = "CULLong"
instance Show (FloatingType a) where
show (TypeFloat _) = "Float"
show (TypeDouble _) = "Double"
show (TypeCFloat _) = "CFloat"
show (TypeCDouble _) = "CDouble"
instance Show (NonNumType a) where
show (TypeBool _) = "Bool"
show (TypeChar _) = "Char"
show (TypeCChar _) = "CChar"
show (TypeCSChar _) = "CSChar"
show (TypeCUChar _) = "CUChar"
instance Show (NumType a) where
show (IntegralNumType ty) = show ty
show (FloatingNumType ty) = show ty
instance Show (BoundedType a) where
show (IntegralBoundedType ty) = show ty
show (NonNumBoundedType ty) = show ty
instance Show (ScalarType a) where
show (NumScalarType ty) = show ty
show (NonNumScalarType ty) = show ty
class (IsScalar a, IsNum a, IsBounded a) => IsIntegral a where
integralType :: IntegralType a
instance IsIntegral Int where
integralType = TypeInt IntegralDict
instance IsIntegral Int8 where
integralType = TypeInt8 IntegralDict
instance IsIntegral Int16 where
integralType = TypeInt16 IntegralDict
instance IsIntegral Int32 where
integralType = TypeInt32 IntegralDict
instance IsIntegral Int64 where
integralType = TypeInt64 IntegralDict
instance IsIntegral Word where
integralType = TypeWord IntegralDict
instance IsIntegral Word8 where
integralType = TypeWord8 IntegralDict
instance IsIntegral Word16 where
integralType = TypeWord16 IntegralDict
instance IsIntegral Word32 where
integralType = TypeWord32 IntegralDict
instance IsIntegral Word64 where
integralType = TypeWord64 IntegralDict
instance IsIntegral CShort where
integralType = TypeCShort IntegralDict
instance IsIntegral CUShort where
integralType = TypeCUShort IntegralDict
instance IsIntegral CInt where
integralType = TypeCInt IntegralDict
instance IsIntegral CUInt where
integralType = TypeCUInt IntegralDict
instance IsIntegral CLong where
integralType = TypeCLong IntegralDict
instance IsIntegral CULong where
integralType = TypeCULong IntegralDict
instance IsIntegral CLLong where
integralType = TypeCLLong IntegralDict
instance IsIntegral CULLong where
integralType = TypeCULLong IntegralDict
class (Floating a, IsScalar a, IsNum a) => IsFloating a where
floatingType :: FloatingType a
instance IsFloating Float where
floatingType = TypeFloat FloatingDict
instance IsFloating Double where
floatingType = TypeDouble FloatingDict
instance IsFloating CFloat where
floatingType = TypeCFloat FloatingDict
instance IsFloating CDouble where
floatingType = TypeCDouble FloatingDict
class IsNonNum a where
nonNumType :: NonNumType a
instance IsNonNum Bool where
nonNumType = TypeBool NonNumDict
instance IsNonNum Char where
nonNumType = TypeChar NonNumDict
instance IsNonNum CChar where
nonNumType = TypeCChar NonNumDict
instance IsNonNum CSChar where
nonNumType = TypeCSChar NonNumDict
instance IsNonNum CUChar where
nonNumType = TypeCUChar NonNumDict
class (Num a, IsScalar a) => IsNum a where
numType :: NumType a
instance IsNum Int where
numType = IntegralNumType integralType
instance IsNum Int8 where
numType = IntegralNumType integralType
instance IsNum Int16 where
numType = IntegralNumType integralType
instance IsNum Int32 where
numType = IntegralNumType integralType
instance IsNum Int64 where
numType = IntegralNumType integralType
instance IsNum Word where
numType = IntegralNumType integralType
instance IsNum Word8 where
numType = IntegralNumType integralType
instance IsNum Word16 where
numType = IntegralNumType integralType
instance IsNum Word32 where
numType = IntegralNumType integralType
instance IsNum Word64 where
numType = IntegralNumType integralType
instance IsNum CShort where
numType = IntegralNumType integralType
instance IsNum CUShort where
numType = IntegralNumType integralType
instance IsNum CInt where
numType = IntegralNumType integralType
instance IsNum CUInt where
numType = IntegralNumType integralType
instance IsNum CLong where
numType = IntegralNumType integralType
instance IsNum CULong where
numType = IntegralNumType integralType
instance IsNum CLLong where
numType = IntegralNumType integralType
instance IsNum CULLong where
numType = IntegralNumType integralType
instance IsNum Float where
numType = FloatingNumType floatingType
instance IsNum Double where
numType = FloatingNumType floatingType
instance IsNum CFloat where
numType = FloatingNumType floatingType
instance IsNum CDouble where
numType = FloatingNumType floatingType
class IsBounded a where
boundedType :: BoundedType a
instance IsBounded Int where
boundedType = IntegralBoundedType integralType
instance IsBounded Int8 where
boundedType = IntegralBoundedType integralType
instance IsBounded Int16 where
boundedType = IntegralBoundedType integralType
instance IsBounded Int32 where
boundedType = IntegralBoundedType integralType
instance IsBounded Int64 where
boundedType = IntegralBoundedType integralType
instance IsBounded Word where
boundedType = IntegralBoundedType integralType
instance IsBounded Word8 where
boundedType = IntegralBoundedType integralType
instance IsBounded Word16 where
boundedType = IntegralBoundedType integralType
instance IsBounded Word32 where
boundedType = IntegralBoundedType integralType
instance IsBounded Word64 where
boundedType = IntegralBoundedType integralType
instance IsBounded CShort where
boundedType = IntegralBoundedType integralType
instance IsBounded CUShort where
boundedType = IntegralBoundedType integralType
instance IsBounded CInt where
boundedType = IntegralBoundedType integralType
instance IsBounded CUInt where
boundedType = IntegralBoundedType integralType
instance IsBounded CLong where
boundedType = IntegralBoundedType integralType
instance IsBounded CULong where
boundedType = IntegralBoundedType integralType
instance IsBounded CLLong where
boundedType = IntegralBoundedType integralType
instance IsBounded CULLong where
boundedType = IntegralBoundedType integralType
instance IsBounded Bool where
boundedType = NonNumBoundedType nonNumType
instance IsBounded Char where
boundedType = NonNumBoundedType nonNumType
instance IsBounded CChar where
boundedType = NonNumBoundedType nonNumType
instance IsBounded CSChar where
boundedType = NonNumBoundedType nonNumType
instance IsBounded CUChar where
boundedType = NonNumBoundedType nonNumType
class Typeable a => IsScalar a where
scalarType :: ScalarType a
instance IsScalar Int where
scalarType = NumScalarType numType
instance IsScalar Int8 where
scalarType = NumScalarType numType
instance IsScalar Int16 where
scalarType = NumScalarType numType
instance IsScalar Int32 where
scalarType = NumScalarType numType
instance IsScalar Int64 where
scalarType = NumScalarType numType
instance IsScalar Word where
scalarType = NumScalarType numType
instance IsScalar Word8 where
scalarType = NumScalarType numType
instance IsScalar Word16 where
scalarType = NumScalarType numType
instance IsScalar Word32 where
scalarType = NumScalarType numType
instance IsScalar Word64 where
scalarType = NumScalarType numType
instance IsScalar CShort where
scalarType = NumScalarType numType
instance IsScalar CUShort where
scalarType = NumScalarType numType
instance IsScalar CInt where
scalarType = NumScalarType numType
instance IsScalar CUInt where
scalarType = NumScalarType numType
instance IsScalar CLong where
scalarType = NumScalarType numType
instance IsScalar CULong where
scalarType = NumScalarType numType
instance IsScalar CLLong where
scalarType = NumScalarType numType
instance IsScalar CULLong where
scalarType = NumScalarType numType
instance IsScalar Float where
scalarType = NumScalarType numType
instance IsScalar Double where
scalarType = NumScalarType numType
instance IsScalar CFloat where
scalarType = NumScalarType numType
instance IsScalar CDouble where
scalarType = NumScalarType numType
instance IsScalar Bool where
scalarType = NonNumScalarType nonNumType
instance IsScalar Char where
scalarType = NonNumScalarType nonNumType
instance IsScalar CChar where
scalarType = NonNumScalarType nonNumType
instance IsScalar CSChar where
scalarType = NonNumScalarType nonNumType
instance IsScalar CUChar where
scalarType = NonNumScalarType nonNumType
integralDict :: IntegralType a -> IntegralDict a
integralDict (TypeInt dict) = dict
integralDict (TypeInt8 dict) = dict
integralDict (TypeInt16 dict) = dict
integralDict (TypeInt32 dict) = dict
integralDict (TypeInt64 dict) = dict
integralDict (TypeWord dict) = dict
integralDict (TypeWord8 dict) = dict
integralDict (TypeWord16 dict) = dict
integralDict (TypeWord32 dict) = dict
integralDict (TypeWord64 dict) = dict
integralDict (TypeCShort dict) = dict
integralDict (TypeCUShort dict) = dict
integralDict (TypeCInt dict) = dict
integralDict (TypeCUInt dict) = dict
integralDict (TypeCLong dict) = dict
integralDict (TypeCULong dict) = dict
integralDict (TypeCLLong dict) = dict
integralDict (TypeCULLong dict) = dict
floatingDict :: FloatingType a -> FloatingDict a
floatingDict (TypeFloat dict) = dict
floatingDict (TypeDouble dict) = dict
floatingDict (TypeCFloat dict) = dict
floatingDict (TypeCDouble dict) = dict
nonNumDict :: NonNumType a -> NonNumDict a
nonNumDict (TypeBool dict) = dict
nonNumDict (TypeChar dict) = dict
nonNumDict (TypeCChar dict) = dict
nonNumDict (TypeCSChar dict) = dict
nonNumDict (TypeCUChar dict) = dict
data TupleType a where
UnitTuple :: TupleType ()
SingleTuple :: ScalarType a -> TupleType a
PairTuple :: TupleType a -> TupleType b -> TupleType (a, b)
instance Show (TupleType a) where
show UnitTuple = "()"
show (SingleTuple scalarTy) = show scalarTy
show (PairTuple a b) = "("++show a++", "++show b++")"
type BitSizeEq a b = (BitSize a == BitSize b) ~ 'True
type family BitSize a :: Nat
type instance BitSize Int8 = 8
type instance BitSize Int16 = 16
type instance BitSize Int32 = 32
type instance BitSize Int64 = 64
type instance BitSize Word8 = 8
type instance BitSize Word16 = 16
type instance BitSize Word32 = 32
type instance BitSize Word64 = 64
type instance BitSize Char = 32
type instance BitSize Bool = 1
type instance BitSize CShort = 16
type instance BitSize CUShort = 16
type instance BitSize CInt = 32
type instance BitSize CUInt = 32
type instance BitSize CLLong = 64
type instance BitSize CULLong = 64
type instance BitSize CChar = 8
type instance BitSize CUChar = 8
type instance BitSize CSChar = 8
type instance BitSize Float = 32
type instance BitSize CFloat = 32
type instance BitSize Double = 64
type instance BitSize CDouble = 64
type instance BitSize Int = $( case finiteBitSize (undefined::Int) of
32 -> [t| 32 |]
64 -> [t| 64 |]
_ -> error "I don't know what architecture I am" )
type instance BitSize Word = $( case finiteBitSize (undefined::Word) of
32 -> [t| 32 |]
64 -> [t| 64 |]
_ -> error "I don't know what architecture I am" )
type instance BitSize CLong = $( case finiteBitSize (undefined::CLong) of
32 -> [t| 32 |]
64 -> [t| 64 |]
_ -> error "I don't know what architecture I am" )
type instance BitSize CULong = $( case finiteBitSize (undefined::CULong) of
32 -> [t| 32 |]
64 -> [t| 64 |]
_ -> error "I don't know what architecture I am" )