name: acme-everything version: 2015.5.4 synopsis: Install everything. description: Install everything. . Don't be fooled by the small dependency footprint: the entirety of Hackage needs to be installed for this, and most of it is done via transitive dependencies. license: PublicDomain author: David Luposchainsky maintainer: David Luposchainsky build-type: Simple homepage: bug-reports: category: ACME cabal-version: >=1.10 source-repository head type: git location: library exposed-modules: Acme.Everything hs-source-dirs: src default-language: Haskell2010 build-depends: base >= 1 && <= 127 , ApproxFun-hs , BufferedSocket , Dist , Earley , FastxPipe , SciFlow , SeqAlign , Shrub , acme-safe , acme-timemachine , agentx , bgzf , bindings-fluidsynth , bitcoin-api , cabocha , cmd-item , computations , crypto-classical , dbcleaner , diagrams-html5 , diagrams-pgf , dicom , dove , ed25519-donna , engine-io-growler , ess , flamingra , flowlocks-framework , geniplate-mirror , ghc-prof-flamegraph , gll , hXmixer , hashabler , hipbot , hmm-hmatrix , hpack , hsreadability , hutton , hvect , ide-backend-server , json-stream , libconfig , list-t-attoparsec , list-t-html-parser , list-t-http-client , list-t-libcurl , list-t-text , mfsolve , microlens-each , microlens-mtl , microlens-th , mockery , moonshine , mosaico-lib , mtl-c , network-transport-amqp , nf , one-time-password , pell , pgp-wordlist , random-derive , record-aeson , refined , rspp , sdr , sendgrid-haskell , singleton-nats , smallcheck-series , sorting , spline3 , step-function , test-invariant , text-position , th-context , th-inline-io-action , timezone-olson-th , twentefp-eventloop-trees , wai-request-spec , yesod-gitrev , yesod-transloadit