#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707
module Numeric.AD.Internal.Or
( Or(..)
, F, T
, runL, runR
, Chosen(..)
, chosen
, unary
, binary
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Number.Erf
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707
import Data.Typeable
import Numeric.AD.Mode
runL :: Or F a b -> a
runL (L a) = a
runR :: Or T a b -> b
runR (R b) = b
chosen :: (a -> r) -> (b -> r) -> Or s a b -> r
chosen f _ (L a) = f a
chosen _ g (R b) = g b
unary :: (a -> a) -> (b -> b) -> Or s a b -> Or s a b
unary f _ (L a) = L (f a)
unary _ g (R a) = R (g a)
binary :: (a -> a -> a) -> (b -> b -> b) -> Or s a b -> Or s a b -> Or s a b
binary f _ (L a) (L b) = L (f a b)
binary _ g (R a) (R b) = R (g a b)
binary _ _ _ _ = impossible
data F
data T
class Chosen s where
choose :: a -> b -> Or s a b
instance Chosen F where
choose x _ = L x
instance Chosen T where
choose _ x = R x
#ifndef HLINT
data Or s a b where
L :: a -> Or F a b
R :: b -> Or T a b
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707
deriving Typeable
impossible :: a
impossible = error "Numeric.AD.Internal.Or: impossible case"
instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (Or s a b) where
L a == L b = a == b
R a == R b = a == b
_ == _ = impossible
instance (Ord a, Ord b) => Ord (Or s a b) where
L a `compare` L b = compare a b
R a `compare` R b = compare a b
_ `compare` _ = impossible
instance (Enum a, Enum b, Chosen s) => Enum (Or s a b) where
pred = unary pred pred
succ = unary succ succ
toEnum i = choose (toEnum i) (toEnum i)
fromEnum = chosen fromEnum fromEnum
enumFrom (L a) = L <$> enumFrom a
enumFrom (R a) = R <$> enumFrom a
enumFromThen (L a) (L b) = L <$> enumFromThen a b
enumFromThen (R a) (R b) = R <$> enumFromThen a b
enumFromThen _ _ = impossible
enumFromTo (L a) (L b) = L <$> enumFromTo a b
enumFromTo (R a) (R b) = R <$> enumFromTo a b
enumFromTo _ _ = impossible
enumFromThenTo (L a) (L b) (L c) = L <$> enumFromThenTo a b c
enumFromThenTo (R a) (R b) (R c) = R <$> enumFromThenTo a b c
enumFromThenTo _ _ _ = impossible
instance (Bounded a, Bounded b, Chosen s) => Bounded (Or s a b) where
maxBound = choose maxBound maxBound
minBound = choose minBound minBound
instance (Num a, Num b, Chosen s) => Num (Or s a b) where
(+) = binary (+) (+)
() = binary () ()
(*) = binary (*) (*)
negate = unary negate negate
abs = unary abs abs
signum = unary signum signum
fromInteger = choose <$> fromInteger <*> fromInteger
instance (Real a, Real b, Chosen s) => Real (Or s a b) where
toRational = chosen toRational toRational
instance (Fractional a, Fractional b, Chosen s) => Fractional (Or s a b) where
(/) = binary (/) (/)
recip = unary recip recip
fromRational = choose <$> fromRational <*> fromRational
instance (RealFrac a, RealFrac b, Chosen s) => RealFrac (Or s a b) where
properFraction (L a) = case properFraction a of
(b, c) -> (b, L c)
properFraction (R a) = case properFraction a of
(b, c) -> (b, R c)
truncate = chosen truncate truncate
round = chosen round round
ceiling = chosen ceiling ceiling
floor = chosen floor floor
instance (Floating a, Floating b, Chosen s) => Floating (Or s a b) where
pi = choose pi pi
exp = unary exp exp
sqrt = unary sqrt sqrt
log = unary log log
(**) = binary (**) (**)
logBase = binary logBase logBase
sin = unary sin sin
tan = unary tan tan
cos = unary cos cos
asin = unary asin asin
atan = unary atan atan
acos = unary acos acos
sinh = unary sinh sinh
tanh = unary tanh tanh
cosh = unary cosh cosh
asinh = unary asinh asinh
atanh = unary atanh atanh
acosh = unary acosh acosh
instance (Erf a, Erf b, Chosen s) => Erf (Or s a b) where
erf = unary erf erf
erfc = unary erfc erfc
erfcx = unary erfcx erfcx
normcdf = unary normcdf normcdf
instance (InvErf a, InvErf b, Chosen s) => InvErf (Or s a b) where
inverf = unary inverf inverf
inverfc = unary inverfc inverfc
invnormcdf = unary invnormcdf invnormcdf
instance (RealFloat a, RealFloat b, Chosen s) => RealFloat (Or s a b) where
floatRadix = chosen floatRadix floatRadix
floatDigits = chosen floatDigits floatDigits
floatRange = chosen floatRange floatRange
decodeFloat = chosen decodeFloat decodeFloat
encodeFloat i j = choose (encodeFloat i j) (encodeFloat i j)
exponent = chosen exponent exponent
significand = unary significand significand
scaleFloat = unary <$> scaleFloat <*> scaleFloat
isNaN = chosen isNaN isNaN
isInfinite = chosen isInfinite isInfinite
isDenormalized = chosen isDenormalized isDenormalized
isNegativeZero = chosen isNegativeZero isNegativeZero
isIEEE = chosen isIEEE isIEEE
atan2 = binary atan2 atan2
instance (Mode a, Mode b, Chosen s, Scalar a ~ Scalar b) => Mode (Or s a b) where
type Scalar (Or s a b) = Scalar a
auto = choose <$> auto <*> auto
isKnownConstant = chosen isKnownConstant isKnownConstant
isKnownZero = chosen isKnownZero isKnownZero
x *^ L a = L (x *^ a)
x *^ R a = R (x *^ a)
L a ^* x = L (a ^* x)
R a ^* x = R (a ^* x)
L a ^/ x = L (a ^/ x)
R a ^/ x = R (a ^/ x)
zero = choose zero zero