{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fenable-rewrite-rules #-}
-- |
-- Copyright   :  (c) Edward Kmett 2011-2014
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  ekmett@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Representable endofunctors over the category of Haskell types are
-- isomorphic to the reader monad and so inherit a very large number
-- of properties for free.

module Data.Functor.Rep
  -- * Representable Functors
  , tabulated
  -- * Wrapped representable functors
  , Co(..)
  -- * Default definitions
  -- ** Functor
  , fmapRep
  -- ** Distributive
  , distributeRep
  , collectRep
  -- ** Apply/Applicative
  , apRep
  , pureRep
  , liftR2
  , liftR3
  -- ** Bind/Monad
  , bindRep
  -- ** MonadFix
  , mfixRep
  -- ** MonadZip
  , mzipRep
  , mzipWithRep
  -- ** MonadReader
  , askRep
  , localRep
  -- ** Extend
  , duplicatedRep
  , extendedRep
  -- ** Comonad
  , duplicateRep
  , extendRep
  , extractRep
  -- ** Comonad, with user-specified monoid
  , duplicateRepBy
  , extendRepBy
  , extractRepBy
  -- ** WithIndex
  , imapRep
  , ifoldMapRep
  , itraverseRep

  -- ** Generics
  , GRep
  , gindex
  , gtabulate
  , WrappedRep(..)
  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Applicative.Backwards
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
import Data.Coerce
import Control.Comonad
import Control.Comonad.Trans.Class
import Control.Comonad.Trans.Traced
import Control.Comonad.Cofree
import Control.Monad.Trans.Identity
import Control.Monad.Reader
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0)
import Data.Complex
import Data.Distributive
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(fold))
import Data.Functor.Bind
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Functor.Extend
import Data.Functor.Product
import Data.Functor.Reverse
import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
import Data.Profunctor.Unsafe
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Semigroup hiding (Product)
import Data.Tagged
import Data.Traversable (Traversable(sequenceA))
import Data.Void
import GHC.Generics hiding (Rep)
import Prelude hiding (lookup)

-- | A 'Functor' @f@ is 'Representable' if 'tabulate' and 'index' witness an isomorphism to @(->) x@.
-- Every 'Distributive' 'Functor' is actually 'Representable'.
-- Every 'Representable' 'Functor' from Hask to Hask is a right adjoint.
-- @
-- 'tabulate' . 'index'  ≡ id
-- 'index' . 'tabulate'  ≡ id
-- 'tabulate' . 'return' ≡ 'return'
-- @

class Distributive f => Representable f where
  -- | If no definition is provided, this will default to 'GRep'.
  type Rep f :: *
  type Rep f = GRep f

  -- |
  -- @
  -- 'fmap' f . 'tabulate' ≡ 'tabulate' . 'fmap' f
  -- @
  -- If no definition is provided, this will default to 'gtabulate'.
  tabulate :: (Rep f -> a) -> f a
  default tabulate :: (Generic1 f, GRep f ~ Rep f, GTabulate (Rep1 f))
                   => (Rep f -> a) -> f a
  tabulate = gtabulate

  -- | If no definition is provided, this will default to 'gindex'.
  index    :: f a -> Rep f -> a
  default index :: (Generic1 f, GRep f ~ Rep f, GIndex (Rep1 f))
                => f a -> Rep f -> a
  index = gindex

-- | A default implementation of 'Rep' for a datatype that is an instance of
-- 'Generic1'. This is usually composed of 'Either', tuples, unit tuples, and
-- underlying 'Rep' values. For instance, if you have:
-- @
-- data Foo a = MkFoo a (Bar a) (Baz (Quux a)) deriving ('Functor', 'Generic1')
-- instance 'Representable' Foo
-- @
-- Then you'll get:
-- @
-- 'GRep' Foo = Either () (Either ('WrappedRep' Bar) ('WrappedRep' Baz, 'WrappedRep' Quux))
-- @
-- (See the Haddocks for 'WrappedRep' for an explanation of its purpose.)
type GRep f = GRep' (Rep1 f)

-- | A default implementation of 'tabulate' in terms of 'GRep'.
gtabulate :: (Generic1 f, GRep f ~ Rep f, GTabulate (Rep1 f))
          => (Rep f -> a) -> f a
gtabulate = to1 . gtabulate'

-- | A default implementation of 'index' in terms of 'GRep'.
gindex :: (Generic1 f, GRep f ~ Rep f, GIndex (Rep1 f))
       => f a -> Rep f -> a
gindex = gindex' . from1

type family GRep' (f :: * -> *) :: *
class GTabulate f where
  gtabulate' :: (GRep' f -> a) -> f a
class GIndex f where
  gindex' :: f a -> GRep' f -> a

type instance GRep' (f :*: g) = Either (GRep' f) (GRep' g)
instance (GTabulate f, GTabulate g) => GTabulate (f :*: g) where
  gtabulate' f = gtabulate' (f . Left) :*: gtabulate' (f . Right)
instance (GIndex f, GIndex g) => GIndex (f :*: g) where
  gindex' (a :*: _) (Left  i) = gindex' a i
  gindex' (_ :*: b) (Right j) = gindex' b j

type instance GRep' (f :.: g) = (WrappedRep f, GRep' g)
instance (Representable f, GTabulate g) => GTabulate (f :.: g) where
  gtabulate' f = Comp1 $ tabulate $ fmap gtabulate' $ fmap (curry f) WrapRep
instance (Representable f, GIndex g) => GIndex (f :.: g) where
  gindex' (Comp1 fg) (i, j) = gindex' (index fg (unwrapRep i)) j

type instance GRep' Par1 = ()
instance GTabulate Par1 where
  gtabulate' f = Par1 (f ())
instance GIndex Par1 where
  gindex' (Par1 a) () = a

type instance GRep' (Rec1 f) = WrappedRep f
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
-- Using coerce explicitly here seems a bit more readable, and
-- likely a drop easier on the simplifier.
instance Representable f => GTabulate (Rec1 f) where
  gtabulate' = coerce (tabulate :: (Rep f -> a) -> f a)
                 :: forall a . (WrappedRep f -> a) -> Rec1 f a
instance Representable f => GIndex (Rec1 f) where
  gindex' = coerce (index :: f a -> Rep f -> a)
                 :: forall a . Rec1 f a -> WrappedRep f -> a
instance Representable f => GTabulate (Rec1 f) where
  gtabulate' = Rec1 #. tabulate .# (. WrapRep)
instance Representable f => GIndex (Rec1 f) where
  gindex' = (. unwrapRep) #. index .# unRec1

type instance GRep' (M1 i c f) = GRep' f
instance GTabulate f => GTabulate (M1 i c f) where
  gtabulate' = M1 #. gtabulate'
instance GIndex f => GIndex (M1 i c f) where
  gindex' = gindex' .# unM1

-- | On the surface, 'WrappedRec' is a simple wrapper around 'Rep'. But it plays
-- a very important role: it prevents generic 'Representable' instances for
-- recursive types from sending the typechecker into an infinite loop. Consider
-- the following datatype:
-- @
-- data Stream a = a :< Stream a deriving ('Functor', 'Generic1')
-- instance 'Representable' Stream
-- @
-- With 'WrappedRep', we have its 'Rep' being:
-- @
-- 'Rep' Stream = 'Either' () ('WrappedRep' Stream)
-- @
-- If 'WrappedRep' didn't exist, it would be:
-- @
-- 'Rep' Stream = Either () (Either () (Either () ...))
-- @
-- An infinite type! 'WrappedRep' breaks the potentially infinite loop.
newtype WrappedRep f = WrapRep { unwrapRep :: Rep f }

"tabulate/index" forall t. tabulate (index t) = t #-}

-- | 'tabulate' and 'index' form two halves of an isomorphism.
-- This can be used with the combinators from the @lens@ package.
-- @'tabulated' :: 'Representable' f => 'Iso'' ('Rep' f -> a) (f a)@
tabulated :: (Representable f, Representable g, Profunctor p, Functor h)
          => p (f a) (h (g b)) -> p (Rep f -> a) (h (Rep g -> b))
tabulated = dimap tabulate (fmap index)
{-# INLINE tabulated #-}

-- * Default definitions

fmapRep :: Representable f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmapRep f = tabulate . fmap f . index

pureRep :: Representable f => a -> f a
pureRep = tabulate . const

bindRep :: Representable f => f a -> (a -> f b) -> f b
bindRep m f = tabulate $ \a -> index (f (index m a)) a

mfixRep :: Representable f => (a -> f a) -> f a
mfixRep = tabulate . mfix . fmap index

mzipWithRep :: Representable f => (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
mzipWithRep f as bs = tabulate $ \k -> f (index as k) (index bs k)

mzipRep :: Representable f => f a -> f b -> f (a, b)
mzipRep as bs = tabulate (index as &&& index bs)

askRep :: Representable f => f (Rep f)
askRep = tabulate id

localRep :: Representable f => (Rep f -> Rep f) -> f a -> f a
localRep f m = tabulate (index m . f)

apRep :: Representable f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
apRep f g = tabulate (index f <*> index g)

distributeRep :: (Representable f, Functor w) => w (f a) -> f (w a)
distributeRep wf = tabulate (\k -> fmap (`index` k) wf)

collectRep :: (Representable f, Functor w) => (a -> f b) -> w a -> f (w b)
collectRep f w = tabulate (\k -> (`index` k) . f <$> w)

duplicateRepBy :: Representable f => (Rep f -> Rep f -> Rep f) -> f a -> f (f a)
duplicateRepBy plus w = tabulate (\m -> tabulate (index w . plus m))

extendRepBy :: Representable f => (Rep f -> Rep f -> Rep f) -> (f a -> b) -> f a -> f b
extendRepBy plus f w = tabulate (\m -> f (tabulate (index w . plus m)))

extractRepBy :: Representable f => (Rep f) -> f a -> a
extractRepBy = flip index

duplicatedRep :: (Representable f, Semigroup (Rep f)) => f a -> f (f a)
duplicatedRep = duplicateRepBy (<>)

extendedRep :: (Representable f, Semigroup (Rep f)) => (f a -> b) -> f a -> f b
extendedRep = extendRepBy (<>)

duplicateRep :: (Representable f, Monoid (Rep f)) => f a -> f (f a)
duplicateRep = duplicateRepBy mappend

extendRep :: (Representable f, Monoid (Rep f)) => (f a -> b) -> f a -> f b
extendRep = extendRepBy mappend

extractRep :: (Representable f, Monoid (Rep f)) => f a -> a
extractRep = extractRepBy mempty

imapRep :: Representable r => (Rep r -> a -> a') -> (r a -> r a')
imapRep f xs = tabulate (f <*> index xs)

ifoldMapRep :: forall r m a. (Representable r, Foldable r, Monoid m)
            => (Rep r -> a -> m) -> (r a -> m)
ifoldMapRep ix xs = fold (tabulate (\(i :: Rep r) -> ix i $ index xs i) :: r m)

itraverseRep :: forall r f a a'. (Representable r, Traversable r, Applicative f)
             => (Rep r -> a -> f a') -> (r a -> f (r a'))
itraverseRep ix xs = sequenceA $ tabulate (ix <*> index xs)

-- * Instances

instance Representable Proxy where
  type Rep Proxy = Void
  index Proxy = absurd
  tabulate _ = Proxy

instance Representable Identity where
  type Rep Identity = ()
  index (Identity a) () = a
  tabulate f = Identity (f ())

instance Representable (Tagged t) where
  type Rep (Tagged t) = ()
  index (Tagged a) () = a
  tabulate f = Tagged (f ())

instance Representable m => Representable (IdentityT m) where
  type Rep (IdentityT m) = Rep m
  index = index .# runIdentityT
  tabulate = IdentityT #. tabulate

instance Representable ((->) e) where
  type Rep ((->) e) = e
  index = id
  tabulate = id

instance Representable m => Representable (ReaderT e m) where
  type Rep (ReaderT e m) = (e, Rep m)
  index (ReaderT f) (e,k) = index (f e) k
  tabulate = ReaderT . fmap tabulate . curry

instance (Representable f, Representable g) => Representable (Compose f g) where
  type Rep (Compose f g) = (Rep f, Rep g)
  index (Compose fg) (i,j) = index (index fg i) j
  tabulate = Compose . tabulate . fmap tabulate . curry

instance Representable w => Representable (TracedT s w) where
  type Rep (TracedT s w) = (s, Rep w)
  index (TracedT w) (e,k) = index w k e
  tabulate = TracedT . unCo . collect (Co #. tabulate) . curry

instance (Representable f, Representable g) => Representable (Product f g) where
  type Rep (Product f g) = Either (Rep f) (Rep g)
  index (Pair a _) (Left i)  = index a i
  index (Pair _ b) (Right j) = index b j
  tabulate f = Pair (tabulate (f . Left)) (tabulate (f . Right))

instance Representable f => Representable (Cofree f) where
  type Rep (Cofree f) = Seq (Rep f)
  index (a :< as) key = case Seq.viewl key of
      Seq.EmptyL -> a
      k Seq.:< ks -> index (index as k) ks
  tabulate f = f Seq.empty :< tabulate (\k -> tabulate (f . (k Seq.<|)))

instance Representable f => Representable (Backwards f) where
  type Rep (Backwards f) = Rep f
  index = index .# forwards
  tabulate = Backwards #. tabulate

instance Representable f => Representable (Reverse f) where
  type Rep (Reverse f) = Rep f
  index = index .# getReverse
  tabulate = Reverse #. tabulate

instance Representable Monoid.Dual where
  type Rep Monoid.Dual = ()
  index (Monoid.Dual d) () = d
  tabulate f = Monoid.Dual (f ())

instance Representable Monoid.Product where
  type Rep Monoid.Product = ()
  index (Monoid.Product p) () = p
  tabulate f = Monoid.Product (f ())

instance Representable Monoid.Sum where
  type Rep Monoid.Sum = ()
  index (Monoid.Sum s) () = s
  tabulate f = Monoid.Sum (f ())

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0)
instance Representable Complex where
  type Rep Complex = Bool
  index (r :+ i) key = if key then i else r
  tabulate f = f False :+ f True

instance Representable U1 where
  type Rep U1 = Void
  index U1 = absurd
  tabulate _ = U1

instance (Representable f, Representable g) => Representable (f :*: g) where
  type Rep (f :*: g) = Either (Rep f) (Rep g)
  index (a :*: _) (Left  i) = index a i
  index (_ :*: b) (Right j) = index b j
  tabulate f = tabulate (f . Left) :*: tabulate (f . Right)

instance (Representable f, Representable g) => Representable (f :.: g) where
  type Rep (f :.: g) = (Rep f, Rep g)
  index (Comp1 fg) (i, j) = index (index fg i) j
  tabulate = Comp1 . tabulate . fmap tabulate . curry

instance Representable Par1 where
  type Rep Par1 = ()
  index (Par1 a) () = a
  tabulate f = Par1 (f ())

instance Representable f => Representable (Rec1 f) where
  type Rep (Rec1 f) = Rep f
  index = index .# unRec1
  tabulate = Rec1 #. tabulate

instance Representable f => Representable (M1 i c f) where
  type Rep (M1 i c f) = Rep f
  index = index .# unM1
  tabulate = M1 #. tabulate

newtype Co f a = Co { unCo :: f a } deriving Functor

instance Representable f => Representable (Co f) where
  type Rep (Co f) = Rep f
  tabulate = Co #. tabulate
  index = index .# unCo

instance Representable f => Apply (Co f) where
  (<.>) = apRep

instance Representable f => Applicative (Co f) where
  pure = pureRep
  (<*>) = apRep

instance Representable f => Distributive (Co f) where
  distribute = distributeRep
  collect = collectRep

instance Representable f => Bind (Co f) where
  (>>-) = bindRep

instance Representable f => Monad (Co f) where
  return = pure
  (>>=) = bindRep

#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704
instance (Representable f, Rep f ~ a) => MonadReader a (Co f) where
  ask = askRep
  local = localRep

instance (Representable f, Semigroup (Rep f)) => Extend (Co f) where
  extended = extendedRep

instance (Representable f, Monoid (Rep f)) => Comonad (Co f) where
  extend = extendRep
  extract = extractRep

instance ComonadTrans Co where
  lower (Co f) = f

liftR2 :: Representable f => (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
liftR2 f fa fb = tabulate $ \i -> f (index fa i) (index fb i)

liftR3 :: Representable f => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> f a -> f b -> f c -> f d
liftR3 f fa fb fc = tabulate $ \i -> f (index fa i) (index fb i) (index fc i)