module Data.Aeson.TH
Options(..), SumEncoding(..), defaultOptions, defaultTaggedObject
, deriveJSON
, deriveToJSON
, deriveFromJSON
, mkToJSON
, mkToEncoding
, mkParseJSON
) where
import Control.Applicative ( pure, (<$>), (<*>) )
import Control.Monad ( return, mapM, liftM2, fail )
import Data.Aeson ( toJSON, Object, (.=), (.:), (.:?)
, ToJSON, toEncoding, toJSON
, FromJSON, parseJSON
import Data.Aeson.Types ( Value(..), Parser
, Options(..)
, SumEncoding(..)
, defaultOptions
, defaultTaggedObject
import Data.Aeson.Types.Internal (Encoding(..))
import Control.Monad ( return, mapM, liftM2, fail, join )
import Data.Bool ( Bool(False, True), otherwise, (&&), not )
import Data.Either ( Either(Left, Right) )
import Data.Eq ( (==) )
import Data.Function ( ($), (.), flip )
import Data.Functor ( fmap )
import Data.Int ( Int )
import Data.List ( (++), all, any, filter, find, foldl, foldl'
, genericLength , intercalate , intersperse, length, map
, partition, zip
import Data.Maybe ( Maybe(Nothing, Just), catMaybes )
import Data.Monoid ( (<>), mconcat )
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax ( VarStrictType )
import Prelude ( String, (), Integer, error, foldr1, fromIntegral
, snd, uncurry
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Prelude ( drop )
import Text.Printf ( printf )
import Text.Show ( show )
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode.Builder as E
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode.Functions as E
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H ( lookup, toList )
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import qualified Data.Set as Set ( Set, empty, singleton, size, union, unions )
import qualified Data.Text as T ( Text, pack, unpack )
import qualified Data.Vector as V ( unsafeIndex, null, length, create, fromList )
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as VM ( unsafeNew, unsafeWrite )
deriveJSON :: Options
-> Name
-> Q [Dec]
deriveJSON opts name =
liftM2 (++)
(deriveToJSON opts name)
(deriveFromJSON opts name)
deriveToJSON :: Options
-> Name
-> Q [Dec]
deriveToJSON opts name =
withType name $ \name' tvbs cons mbTys -> fmap (:[]) $ fromCons name' tvbs cons mbTys
fromCons :: Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> [Con] -> Maybe [Type] -> Q Dec
fromCons name' tvbs cons mbTys =
instanceD instanceCxt
[ funD 'toJSON
[ clause []
(normalB $ consToValue opts cons)
, funD 'toEncoding
[ clause []
(normalB $ consToEncoding opts cons)
(instanceCxt, instanceType) =
buildTypeInstance name' ''ToJSON tvbs mbTys
mkToJSON :: Options
-> Name
-> Q Exp
mkToJSON opts name = withType name (\_ _ cons _ -> consToValue opts cons)
mkToEncoding :: Options
-> Name
-> Q Exp
mkToEncoding opts name = withType name (\_ _ cons _ -> consToEncoding opts cons)
consToValue :: Options
-> [Con]
-> Q Exp
consToValue _ [] = error $ "Data.Aeson.TH.consToValue: "
++ "Not a single constructor given!"
consToValue opts [con] = do
value <- newName "value"
lam1E (varP value) $ caseE (varE value) [argsToValue opts False con]
consToValue opts cons = do
value <- newName "value"
lam1E (varP value) $ caseE (varE value) matches
| allNullaryToStringTag opts && all isNullary cons =
[ match (conP conName []) (normalB $ conStr opts conName) []
| con <- cons
, let conName = getConName con
| otherwise = [argsToValue opts True con | con <- cons]
conStr :: Options -> Name -> Q Exp
conStr opts = appE [|String|] . conTxt opts
conTxt :: Options -> Name -> Q Exp
conTxt opts = appE [|T.pack|] . conStringE opts
conStringE :: Options -> Name -> Q Exp
conStringE opts = stringE . constructorTagModifier opts . nameBase
consToEncoding :: Options
-> [Con]
-> Q Exp
consToEncoding _ [] = error $ "Data.Aeson.TH.consToEncoding: "
++ "Not a single constructor given!"
consToEncoding opts [con] = do
value <- newName "value"
lam1E (varP value) $ caseE (varE value) [argsToEncoding opts False con]
consToEncoding opts cons = do
value <- newName "value"
lam1E (varP value) $ caseE (varE value) matches
| allNullaryToStringTag opts && all isNullary cons =
[ match (conP conName [])
(normalB $ [|Encoding|] `appE` encStr opts conName) []
| con <- cons
, let conName = getConName con
| otherwise = [argsToEncoding opts True con | con <- cons]
encStr :: Options -> Name -> Q Exp
encStr opts = appE [|E.text|] . conTxt opts
isNullary :: Con -> Bool
isNullary (NormalC _ []) = True
isNullary _ = False
sumToValue :: Options -> Bool -> Name -> Q Exp -> Q Exp
sumToValue opts multiCons conName exp
| multiCons =
case sumEncoding opts of
TwoElemArray ->
[|Array|] `appE` ([|V.fromList|] `appE` listE [conStr opts conName, exp])
TaggedObject{tagFieldName, contentsFieldName} ->
[|A.object|] `appE` listE
[ infixApp [|T.pack tagFieldName|] [|(.=)|] (conStr opts conName)
, infixApp [|T.pack contentsFieldName|] [|(.=)|] exp
ObjectWithSingleField ->
[|A.object|] `appE` listE
[ infixApp (conTxt opts conName) [|(.=)|] exp
| otherwise = exp
argsToValue :: Options -> Bool -> Con -> Q Match
argsToValue opts multiCons (NormalC conName []) =
match (conP conName [])
(normalB (sumToValue opts multiCons conName [e|toJSON ([] :: [()])|]))
argsToValue opts multiCons (NormalC conName ts) = do
let len = length ts
args <- mapM newName ["arg" ++ show n | n <- [1..len]]
js <- case [[|toJSON|] `appE` varE arg | arg <- args] of
[e] -> return e
es -> do
mv <- newName "mv"
let newMV = bindS (varP mv)
([|VM.unsafeNew|] `appE`
litE (integerL $ fromIntegral len))
stmts = [ noBindS $
[|VM.unsafeWrite|] `appE`
(varE mv) `appE`
litE (integerL ix) `appE`
| (ix, e) <- zip [(0::Integer)..] es
ret = noBindS $ [|return|] `appE` varE mv
return $ [|Array|] `appE`
(varE 'V.create `appE`
doE (newMV:stmts++[ret]))
match (conP conName $ map varP args)
(normalB $ sumToValue opts multiCons conName js)
argsToValue opts multiCons (RecC conName ts) = case (unwrapUnaryRecords opts, not multiCons, ts) of
(True,True,[(_,st,ty)]) -> argsToValue opts multiCons (NormalC conName [(st,ty)])
_ -> do
args <- mapM newName ["arg" ++ show n | (_, n) <- zip ts [1 :: Integer ..]]
let exp = [|A.object|] `appE` pairs
pairs | omitNothingFields opts = infixApp maybeFields
| otherwise = listE $ map toPair argCons
argCons = zip args ts
maybeFields = [|catMaybes|] `appE` listE (map maybeToPair maybes)
restFields = listE $ map toPair rest
(maybes, rest) = partition isMaybe argCons
maybeToPair (arg, (field, _, _)) =
infixApp (infixE (Just $ toFieldName field)
(varE arg)
toPair (arg, (field, _, _)) =
infixApp (toFieldName field)
(varE arg)
toFieldName field = [|T.pack|] `appE` fieldLabelExp opts field
match (conP conName $ map varP args)
( normalB
$ if multiCons
then case sumEncoding opts of
TwoElemArray -> [|toJSON|] `appE` tupE [conStr opts conName, exp]
TaggedObject{tagFieldName} ->
[|A.object|] `appE`
infixApp (infixApp [|T.pack tagFieldName|]
(conStr opts conName))
ObjectWithSingleField ->
[|A.object|] `appE` listE
[ infixApp (conTxt opts conName) [|(.=)|] exp ]
else exp
) []
argsToValue opts multiCons (InfixC _ conName _) = do
al <- newName "argL"
ar <- newName "argR"
match (infixP (varP al) conName (varP ar))
( normalB
$ sumToValue opts multiCons conName
$ [|toJSON|] `appE` listE [ [|toJSON|] `appE` varE a
| a <- [al,ar]
argsToValue opts multiCons (ForallC _ _ con) =
argsToValue opts multiCons con
isMaybe :: (a, (b, c, Type)) -> Bool
isMaybe (_, (_, _, AppT (ConT t) _)) = t == ''Maybe
isMaybe _ = False
(<^>) :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
(<^>) a b = infixApp a [|(<>)|] b
infixr 6 <^>
(<:>) :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
(<:>) a b = a <^> [|E.char7 ':'|] <^> b
infixr 5 <:>
(<%>) :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
(<%>) a b = a <^> [|E.char7 ','|] <^> b
infixr 4 <%>
array :: ExpQ -> ExpQ
array exp = [|Encoding|] `appE` ([|E.char7 '['|] <^> exp <^> [|E.char7 ']'|])
object :: ExpQ -> ExpQ
object exp = [|Encoding|] `appE` ([|E.char7 '{'|] <^> exp <^> [|E.char7 '}'|])
sumToEncoding :: Options -> Bool -> Name -> Q Exp -> Q Exp
sumToEncoding opts multiCons conName exp
| multiCons =
let fexp = [|fromEncoding|] `appE` exp in
case sumEncoding opts of
TwoElemArray ->
array (encStr opts conName <%> fexp)
TaggedObject{tagFieldName, contentsFieldName} ->
object $
([|E.text (T.pack tagFieldName)|] <:> encStr opts conName) <%>
([|E.text (T.pack contentsFieldName)|] <:> fexp)
ObjectWithSingleField ->
object (encStr opts conName <:> fexp)
| otherwise = exp
argsToEncoding :: Options -> Bool -> Con -> Q Match
argsToEncoding opts multiCons (NormalC conName []) =
match (conP conName [])
(normalB (sumToEncoding opts multiCons conName [e|toEncoding ([] :: [()])|]))
argsToEncoding opts multiCons (NormalC conName ts) = do
let len = length ts
args <- mapM newName ["arg" ++ show n | n <- [1..len]]
js <- case args of
[e] -> return ([|toEncoding|] `appE` varE e)
es ->
return (array (foldr1 (<%>) [[|E.builder|] `appE` varE x | x <- es]))
match (conP conName $ map varP args)
(normalB $ sumToEncoding opts multiCons conName js)
argsToEncoding opts multiCons (RecC conName ts) = case (unwrapUnaryRecords opts, not multiCons, ts) of
(True,True,[(_,st,ty)]) -> argsToEncoding opts multiCons (NormalC conName [(st,ty)])
_ -> do
args <- mapM newName ["arg" ++ show n | (_, n) <- zip ts [1 :: Integer ..]]
let exp = object objBody
objBody = [|mconcat|] `appE`
([|intersperse (E.char7 ',')|] `appE` pairs)
pairs | omitNothingFields opts = infixApp maybeFields
| otherwise = listE (map toPair argCons)
argCons = zip args ts
maybeFields = [|catMaybes|] `appE` listE (map maybeToPair maybes)
restFields = listE (map toPair rest)
(maybes, rest) = partition isMaybe argCons
maybeToPair (arg, (field, _, _)) =
infixApp (infixE (Just $ toFieldName field)
(varE arg)
toPair (arg, (field, _, _)) =
toFieldName field <:> [|E.builder|] `appE` varE arg
toFieldName field = [|E.text|] `appE`
([|T.pack|] `appE` fieldLabelExp opts field)
match (conP conName $ map varP args)
( normalB
$ if multiCons
then case sumEncoding opts of
TwoElemArray -> array $
encStr opts conName <%> [|fromEncoding|] `appE` exp
TaggedObject{tagFieldName} -> object $
([|E.text (T.pack tagFieldName)|] <:>
encStr opts conName) <%>
ObjectWithSingleField -> object $
encStr opts conName <:> [|fromEncoding|] `appE` exp
else exp
) []
argsToEncoding opts multiCons (InfixC _ conName _) = do
al <- newName "argL"
ar <- newName "argR"
match (infixP (varP al) conName (varP ar))
( normalB
$ sumToEncoding opts multiCons conName
$ [|toEncoding|] `appE` listE [ [|toJSON|] `appE` varE a
| a <- [al,ar]
argsToEncoding opts multiCons (ForallC _ _ con) =
argsToEncoding opts multiCons con
deriveFromJSON :: Options
-> Name
-> Q [Dec]
deriveFromJSON opts name =
withType name $ \name' tvbs cons mbTys -> fmap (:[]) $ fromCons name' tvbs cons mbTys
fromCons :: Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> [Con] -> Maybe [Type] -> Q Dec
fromCons name' tvbs cons mbTys =
instanceD instanceCxt
[ funD 'parseJSON
[ clause []
(normalB $ consFromJSON name' opts cons)
(instanceCxt, instanceType) =
buildTypeInstance name' ''FromJSON tvbs mbTys
mkParseJSON :: Options
-> Name
-> Q Exp
mkParseJSON opts name =
withType name (\name' _ cons _ -> consFromJSON name' opts cons)
consFromJSON :: Name
-> Options
-> [Con]
-> Q Exp
consFromJSON _ _ [] = error $ "Data.Aeson.TH.consFromJSON: "
++ "Not a single constructor given!"
consFromJSON tName opts [con] = do
value <- newName "value"
lam1E (varP value) (parseArgs tName opts con (Right value))
consFromJSON tName opts cons = do
value <- newName "value"
lam1E (varP value) $ caseE (varE value) $
if allNullaryToStringTag opts && all isNullary cons
then allNullaryMatches
else mixedMatches
allNullaryMatches =
[ do txt <- newName "txt"
match (conP 'String [varP txt])
(guardedB $
[ liftM2 (,) (normalG $
infixApp (varE txt)
([|T.pack|] `appE`
conStringE opts conName)
([|pure|] `appE` conE conName)
| con <- cons
, let conName = getConName con
[ liftM2 (,)
(normalG [|otherwise|])
( [|noMatchFail|]
`appE` (litE $ stringL $ show tName)
`appE` ([|T.unpack|] `appE` varE txt)
, do other <- newName "other"
match (varP other)
(normalB $ [|noStringFail|]
`appE` (litE $ stringL $ show tName)
`appE` ([|valueConName|] `appE` varE other)
mixedMatches =
case sumEncoding opts of
TaggedObject {tagFieldName, contentsFieldName} ->
parseObject $ parseTaggedObject tagFieldName contentsFieldName
ObjectWithSingleField ->
parseObject $ parseObjectWithSingleField
TwoElemArray ->
[ do arr <- newName "array"
match (conP 'Array [varP arr])
(guardedB $
[ liftM2 (,) (normalG $ infixApp ([|V.length|] `appE` varE arr)
(litE $ integerL 2))
(parse2ElemArray arr)
, liftM2 (,) (normalG [|otherwise|])
`appE` (litE $ stringL $ show tName)
`appE` ([|V.length|] `appE` varE arr)))
, do other <- newName "other"
match (varP other)
( normalB
$ [|noArrayFail|]
`appE` (litE $ stringL $ show tName)
`appE` ([|valueConName|] `appE` varE other)
parseObject f =
[ do obj <- newName "obj"
match (conP 'Object [varP obj]) (normalB $ f obj) []
, do other <- newName "other"
match (varP other)
( normalB
$ [|noObjectFail|]
`appE` (litE $ stringL $ show tName)
`appE` ([|valueConName|] `appE` varE other)
parseTaggedObject typFieldName valFieldName obj = do
conKey <- newName "conKey"
doE [ bindS (varP conKey)
(infixApp (varE obj)
([|T.pack|] `appE` stringE typFieldName))
, noBindS $ parseContents conKey (Left (valFieldName, obj)) 'conNotFoundFailTaggedObject
parse2ElemArray arr = do
conKey <- newName "conKey"
conVal <- newName "conVal"
let letIx n ix =
valD (varP n)
(normalB ([|V.unsafeIndex|] `appE`
varE arr `appE`
litE (integerL ix)))
letE [ letIx conKey 0
, letIx conVal 1
(caseE (varE conKey)
[ do txt <- newName "txt"
match (conP 'String [varP txt])
(normalB $ parseContents txt
(Right conVal)
, do other <- newName "other"
match (varP other)
( normalB
$ [|firstElemNoStringFail|]
`appE` (litE $ stringL $ show tName)
`appE` ([|valueConName|] `appE` varE other)
parseObjectWithSingleField obj = do
conKey <- newName "conKey"
conVal <- newName "conVal"
caseE ([e|H.toList|] `appE` varE obj)
[ match (listP [tupP [varP conKey, varP conVal]])
(normalB $ parseContents conKey (Right conVal) 'conNotFoundFailObjectSingleField)
, do other <- newName "other"
match (varP other)
(normalB $ [|wrongPairCountFail|]
`appE` (litE $ stringL $ show tName)
`appE` ([|show . length|] `appE` varE other)
parseContents conKey contents errorFun =
caseE (varE conKey)
[ match wildP
( guardedB $
[ do g <- normalG $ infixApp (varE conKey)
([|T.pack|] `appE`
conNameExp opts con)
e <- parseArgs tName opts con contents
return (g, e)
| con <- cons
[ liftM2 (,)
(normalG [e|otherwise|])
( varE errorFun
`appE` (litE $ stringL $ show tName)
`appE` listE (map ( litE
. stringL
. constructorTagModifier opts
. nameBase
. getConName
) cons
`appE` ([|T.unpack|] `appE` varE conKey)
parseNullaryMatches :: Name -> Name -> [Q Match]
parseNullaryMatches tName conName =
[ do arr <- newName "arr"
match (conP 'Array [varP arr])
(guardedB $
[ liftM2 (,) (normalG $ [|V.null|] `appE` varE arr)
([|pure|] `appE` conE conName)
, liftM2 (,) (normalG [|otherwise|])
(parseTypeMismatch tName conName
(litE $ stringL "an empty Array")
(infixApp (litE $ stringL $ "Array of length ")
([|show . V.length|] `appE` varE arr)
, matchFailed tName conName "Array"
parseUnaryMatches :: Name -> [Q Match]
parseUnaryMatches conName =
[ do arg <- newName "arg"
match (varP arg)
( normalB $ infixApp (conE conName)
([|parseJSON|] `appE` varE arg)
parseRecord :: Options -> Name -> Name -> [VarStrictType] -> Name -> ExpQ
parseRecord opts tName conName ts obj =
foldl' (\a b -> infixApp a [|(<*>)|] b)
(infixApp (conE conName) [|(<$>)|] x)
x:xs = [ [|lookupField|]
`appE` (litE $ stringL $ show tName)
`appE` (litE $ stringL $ constructorTagModifier opts $ nameBase conName)
`appE` (varE obj)
`appE` ( [|T.pack|] `appE` fieldLabelExp opts field
| (field, _, _) <- ts
getValField :: Name -> String -> [MatchQ] -> Q Exp
getValField obj valFieldName matches = do
val <- newName "val"
doE [ bindS (varP val) $ infixApp (varE obj)
([|T.pack|] `appE`
(litE $ stringL valFieldName))
, noBindS $ caseE (varE val) matches
parseArgs :: Name
-> Options
-> Con
-> Either (String, Name) Name
-> Q Exp
parseArgs tName _ (NormalC conName []) (Left (valFieldName, obj)) =
getValField obj valFieldName $ parseNullaryMatches tName conName
parseArgs tName _ (NormalC conName []) (Right valName) =
caseE (varE valName) $ parseNullaryMatches tName conName
parseArgs _ _ (NormalC conName [_]) (Left (valFieldName, obj)) =
getValField obj valFieldName $ parseUnaryMatches conName
parseArgs _ _ (NormalC conName [_]) (Right valName) =
caseE (varE valName) $ parseUnaryMatches conName
parseArgs tName _ (NormalC conName ts) (Left (valFieldName, obj)) =
getValField obj valFieldName $ parseProduct tName conName $ genericLength ts
parseArgs tName _ (NormalC conName ts) (Right valName) =
caseE (varE valName) $ parseProduct tName conName $ genericLength ts
parseArgs tName opts (RecC conName ts) (Left (_, obj)) =
parseRecord opts tName conName ts obj
parseArgs tName opts (RecC conName ts) (Right valName) = case (unwrapUnaryRecords opts,ts) of
(True,[(_,st,ty)])-> parseArgs tName opts (NormalC conName [(st,ty)]) (Right valName)
_ -> do
obj <- newName "recObj"
caseE (varE valName)
[ match (conP 'Object [varP obj]) (normalB $ parseRecord opts tName conName ts obj) []
, matchFailed tName conName "Object"
parseArgs tName _ (InfixC _ conName _) (Left (valFieldName, obj)) =
getValField obj valFieldName $ parseProduct tName conName 2
parseArgs tName _ (InfixC _ conName _) (Right valName) =
caseE (varE valName) $ parseProduct tName conName 2
parseArgs tName opts (ForallC _ _ con) contents =
parseArgs tName opts con contents
parseProduct :: Name
-> Name
-> Integer
-> [Q Match]
parseProduct tName conName numArgs =
[ do arr <- newName "arr"
let x:xs = [ [|parseJSON|]
infixApp (varE arr)
(litE $ integerL ix)
| ix <- [0 .. numArgs 1]
match (conP 'Array [varP arr])
(normalB $ condE ( infixApp ([|V.length|] `appE` varE arr)
(litE $ integerL numArgs)
( foldl' (\a b -> infixApp a [|(<*>)|] b)
(infixApp (conE conName) [|(<$>)|] x)
( parseTypeMismatch tName conName
(litE $ stringL $ "Array of length " ++ show numArgs)
( infixApp (litE $ stringL $ "Array of length ")
([|show . V.length|] `appE` varE arr)
, matchFailed tName conName "Array"
matchFailed :: Name -> Name -> String -> MatchQ
matchFailed tName conName expected = do
other <- newName "other"
match (varP other)
( normalB $ parseTypeMismatch tName conName
(litE $ stringL expected)
([|valueConName|] `appE` varE other)
parseTypeMismatch :: Name -> Name -> ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
parseTypeMismatch tName conName expected actual =
foldl appE
[ litE $ stringL $ nameBase conName
, litE $ stringL $ show tName
, expected
, actual
class (FromJSON a) => LookupField a where
lookupField :: String -> String -> Object -> T.Text -> Parser a
instance (FromJSON a) => LookupField a where
lookupField tName rec obj key =
case H.lookup key obj of
Nothing -> unknownFieldFail tName rec (T.unpack key)
Just v -> parseJSON v
instance (FromJSON a) => LookupField (Maybe a) where
lookupField _ _ obj key = join <$> obj .:? key
unknownFieldFail :: String -> String -> String -> Parser fail
unknownFieldFail tName rec key =
fail $ printf "When parsing the record %s of type %s the key %s was not present."
rec tName key
noArrayFail :: String -> String -> Parser fail
noArrayFail t o = fail $ printf "When parsing %s expected Array but got %s." t o
noObjectFail :: String -> String -> Parser fail
noObjectFail t o = fail $ printf "When parsing %s expected Object but got %s." t o
firstElemNoStringFail :: String -> String -> Parser fail
firstElemNoStringFail t o = fail $ printf "When parsing %s expected an Array of 2 elements where the first element is a String but got %s at the first element." t o
wrongPairCountFail :: String -> String -> Parser fail
wrongPairCountFail t n =
fail $ printf "When parsing %s expected an Object with a single tag/contents pair but got %s pairs."
t n
noStringFail :: String -> String -> Parser fail
noStringFail t o = fail $ printf "When parsing %s expected String but got %s." t o
noMatchFail :: String -> String -> Parser fail
noMatchFail t o =
fail $ printf "When parsing %s expected a String with the tag of a constructor but got %s." t o
not2ElemArray :: String -> Int -> Parser fail
not2ElemArray t i = fail $ printf "When parsing %s expected an Array of 2 elements but got %i elements" t i
conNotFoundFail2ElemArray :: String -> [String] -> String -> Parser fail
conNotFoundFail2ElemArray t cs o =
fail $ printf "When parsing %s expected a 2-element Array with a tag and contents element where the tag is one of [%s], but got %s."
t (intercalate ", " cs) o
conNotFoundFailObjectSingleField :: String -> [String] -> String -> Parser fail
conNotFoundFailObjectSingleField t cs o =
fail $ printf "When parsing %s expected an Object with a single tag/contents pair where the tag is one of [%s], but got %s."
t (intercalate ", " cs) o
conNotFoundFailTaggedObject :: String -> [String] -> String -> Parser fail
conNotFoundFailTaggedObject t cs o =
fail $ printf "When parsing %s expected an Object with a tag field where the value is one of [%s], but got %s."
t (intercalate ", " cs) o
parseTypeMismatch' :: String -> String -> String -> String -> Parser fail
parseTypeMismatch' conName tName expected actual =
fail $ printf "When parsing the constructor %s of type %s expected %s but got %s."
conName tName expected actual
withType :: Name
-> (Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> [Con] -> Maybe [Type] -> Q a)
-> Q a
withType name f = do
info <- reify name
case info of
TyConI dec ->
case dec of
DataD _ _ tvbs cons _ -> f name tvbs cons Nothing
NewtypeD _ _ tvbs con _ -> f name tvbs [con] Nothing
other -> error $ ns ++ "Unsupported type: " ++ show other
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
DataConI _ _ parentName -> do
DataConI _ _ parentName _ -> do
parentInfo <- reify parentName
case parentInfo of
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
FamilyI (DataFamilyD _ tvbs _) decs ->
FamilyI (FamilyD DataFam _ tvbs _) decs ->
let instDec = flip find decs $ \dec -> case dec of
DataInstD _ _ _ cons _ -> any ((name ==) . getConName) cons
NewtypeInstD _ _ _ con _ -> name == getConName con
_ -> error $ ns ++ "Must be a data or newtype instance."
in case instDec of
Just (DataInstD _ _ instTys cons _)
-> f parentName tvbs cons $ Just instTys
Just (NewtypeInstD _ _ instTys con _)
-> f parentName tvbs [con] $ Just instTys
_ -> error $ ns ++
"Could not find data or newtype instance constructor."
_ -> error $ ns ++ "Data constructor " ++ show name ++
" is not from a data family instance constructor."
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
FamilyI DataFamilyD{} _ ->
FamilyI (FamilyD DataFam _ _ _) _ ->
error $ ns ++
"Cannot use a data family name. Use a data family instance constructor instead."
_ -> error $ ns ++ "I need the name of a plain data type constructor, "
++ "or a data family instance constructor."
ns :: String
ns = "Data.Aeson.TH.withType: "
buildTypeInstance :: Name
-> Name
-> [TyVarBndr]
-> Maybe [Type]
-> (Q Cxt, Q Type)
buildTypeInstance tyConName constraint tvbs Nothing =
(applyCon constraint typeNames, conT constraint `appT` instanceType)
typeNames :: [Name]
typeNames = map tvbName tvbs
instanceType :: Q Type
instanceType = applyTyCon tyConName $ map varT typeNames
buildTypeInstance dataFamName constraint tvbs (Just instTysAndKinds) =
(applyCon constraint lhsTvbNames, conT constraint `appT` instanceType)
instanceType :: Q Type
instanceType = applyTyCon dataFamName $ map (return . unSigT) rhsTypes
instTypes :: [Type]
instTypes =
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710 || !(MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0))
drop (Set.size . Set.unions $ map (distinctKindVars . tvbKind) tvbs)
lhsTvbNames :: [Name]
lhsTvbNames = map (tvbName . uncurry replaceTyVarName)
. filter (isTyVar . snd)
$ zip tvbs rhsTypes
rhsTypes :: [Type]
rhsTypes =
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708 && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
instTypes ++ map tvbToType
(drop (length instTypes)
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
distinctKindVars :: Kind -> Set.Set Name
distinctKindVars (AppT k1 k2) = distinctKindVars k1 `Set.union` distinctKindVars k2
distinctKindVars (SigT k _) = distinctKindVars k
distinctKindVars (VarT k) = Set.singleton k
distinctKindVars _ = Set.empty
tvbKind :: TyVarBndr -> Kind
tvbKind (PlainTV _ ) = starK
tvbKind (KindedTV _ k) = k
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708 && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
tvbToType :: TyVarBndr -> Type
tvbToType (PlainTV n) = VarT n
tvbToType (KindedTV n k) = SigT (VarT n) k
getConName :: Con -> Name
getConName (NormalC name _) = name
getConName (RecC name _) = name
getConName (InfixC _ name _) = name
getConName (ForallC _ _ con) = getConName con
tvbName :: TyVarBndr -> Name
tvbName (PlainTV name ) = name
tvbName (KindedTV name _) = name
replaceTyVarName :: TyVarBndr -> Type -> TyVarBndr
replaceTyVarName tvb (SigT t _) = replaceTyVarName tvb t
replaceTyVarName (PlainTV _) (VarT n) = PlainTV n
replaceTyVarName (KindedTV _ k) (VarT n) = KindedTV n k
replaceTyVarName tvb _ = tvb
applyTyCon :: Name -> [Q Type] -> Q Type
applyTyCon = foldl' appT . conT
isTyVar :: Type -> Bool
isTyVar (VarT _) = True
isTyVar (SigT t _) = isTyVar t
isTyVar _ = False
unSigT :: Type -> Type
unSigT (SigT t _) = t
unSigT t = t
conNameExp :: Options -> Con -> Q Exp
conNameExp opts = litE
. stringL
. constructorTagModifier opts
. nameBase
. getConName
fieldLabelExp :: Options
-> Name
-> Q Exp
fieldLabelExp opts = litE . stringL . fieldLabelModifier opts . nameBase
valueConName :: Value -> String
valueConName (Object _) = "Object"
valueConName (Array _) = "Array"
valueConName (String _) = "String"
valueConName (Number _) = "Number"
valueConName (Bool _) = "Boolean"
valueConName Null = "Null"
applyCon :: Name -> [Name] -> Q [Pred]
applyCon con typeNames = return (map apply typeNames)
where apply t =
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
AppT (ConT con) (VarT t)
ClassP con [VarT t]