{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
import Data.Aeson ( Value )
import Data.Aeson.Flow as Flow
import Data.Fix ( Fix(..) )
import Data.Functor.Foldable
import Data.HashMap.Strict ( HashMap )
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Proxy ( Proxy(..) )
import Data.Text ( Text )
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Tree ( Tree )
import Data.Vector ( Vector )
import GHC.Generics
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
data User = User
{ username :: Text
, realname :: Maybe Text
, dob :: Maybe (Int, Int, Int)
, extraInfo :: Value
deriving Generic
instance FlowTyped User
data Recur = Recur
{ asdf :: Int
, stuff :: [User]
, recurs :: [Recur]
deriving Generic
instance FlowTyped Recur
data Adt2 = A2 | B2 deriving (Generic)
instance FlowTyped Adt2
data Adt3 = A3 | B3 | C3 deriving (Generic)
instance FlowTyped Adt3
data Adt4 = A4 | B4 | C4 | D4 deriving (Generic)
instance FlowTyped Adt4
data Sub = Sub Adt4
deriving Generic
instance FlowTyped Sub
data Codep = Codep
{ corecurs :: [Recur]
, cousers :: [User]
, subsub :: Sub
deriving Generic
instance FlowTyped Codep
data Hmap = Hmap (HashMap Text User)
deriving Generic
instance FlowTyped Hmap
data Poly2 a b = Poly2 a b | Poly2Go (Poly2 a b)
deriving (Generic)
instance (FlowTyped a, FlowTyped b) => FlowTyped (Poly2 a b) where
flowTypeVars _ = [Flowable (Proxy :: Proxy a), Flowable (Proxy :: Proxy b)]
data Mono = Mono (Poly2 Int Bool) (Poly2 Bool Int)
deriving Generic
instance FlowTyped Mono
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain $ testGroup
[ testCase "nullable" $ testShowFlow @(Maybe Int) @=? testShowRawFlow
(FNullable FPrimNumber)
, testCase "array" $ do
testShowFlow @[Int] @=? testShowRawFlow (FArray FPrimNumber)
testShowFlow @(Vector Int) @=? testShowRawFlow (FArray FPrimNumber)
-- XXX: actually use Eq
, testCase "User export"
$ trimSpaces
"export type User =\n\
\ {| extraInfo: mixed,\n\
\ dob: null | [number,number,number],\n\
\ username: string,\n\
\ realname: null | string |};"
@=? exportFlowType @User
, testCase "Recursive type export"
$ trimSpaces
"export type Recur = {| stuff: User[], recurs: Recur[], asdf: number |};"
@=? exportFlowType @Recur
, testCase "Nullary string tags (2 tags)"
$ "export type Adt2 = 'A2' | 'B2';"
@=? exportFlowType @Adt2
, testCase "Nullary string tags (3 tags)"
$ "export type Adt3 = 'A3' | 'B3' | 'C3';"
@=? exportFlowType @Adt3
, testCase "Nullary string tags (4 tags)"
$ "export type Adt4 = 'A4' | 'B4' | 'C4' | 'D4';"
@=? exportFlowType @Adt4
, testCase "map-style object / hashmap instance"
$ "export type Hmap = { [key: string]: User };"
@=? exportFlowTypeAs @(HashMap Text User) "Hmap"
, testCase "parens around nullable array"
$ "export type T = null | string[];"
@=? exportFlowTypeAs @(Maybe [Text]) "T"
, testCase "parens around nullable array of nullable elements"
$ "export type T = null | (null | string)[];"
@=? exportFlowTypeAs @(Maybe [Maybe Text]) "T"
, testCase "export dependencies"
$ [ FlowName (Proxy :: Proxy Codep) "Codep"
, FlowName (Proxy :: Proxy User) "User"
, FlowName (Proxy :: Proxy Recur) "Recur"
, FlowName (Proxy :: Proxy Sub) "Sub"
, FlowName (Proxy :: Proxy Adt4) "Adt4"
@=? exportsDependencies [export @Codep]
, testCase "polymorphism (arity 1)"
$ T.unlines
[ "// @flow"
, "// This module has been generated by aeson-flowtyped."
, ""
, "export type Tree = [A,Tree[]];"
, ""
@=? generateModule flowModuleOptions [export @(Tree ())]
, testCase "polymorphism (arity 2)"
$ "// @flow\n\
\// This module has been generated by aeson-flowtyped.\n\n\
\export type Poly2 =\n\
\ {| tag: 'Poly2', contents: [A,B] |} |\n\
\ {| tag: 'Poly2Go', contents: Poly2 |};\n"
@=? generateModule flowModuleOptions [export @(Poly2 () ())]
, testCase "monomorphic use of polymorphic type (dependencies)"
$ [ FlowName (Proxy :: Proxy Mono) "Mono"
, FlowName (Proxy :: Proxy (Poly2 () ())) "Poly2"
@=? exportsDependencies [export @Mono]
, testCase "monomorphic use of polymorphic type" $
"// @flow\n\
\// This module has been generated by aeson-flowtyped.\n\n\
\export type Poly2 =\n\
\ {| tag: 'Poly2', contents: [A,B] |} |\n\
\ {| tag: 'Poly2Go', contents: Poly2 |};\n" @=?
generateModule flowModuleOptions
[Export (Proxy :: Proxy Mono)]
-- | Pretty-print a flowtype in flowtype syntax
exportFlowType :: forall a . (FlowTyped a) => Text
exportFlowType =
exportFlowTypeAs @a (fromJust (flowTypeName (Proxy :: Proxy a)))
-- | Pretty-print a flowtype in flowtype syntax
exportFlowTypeAs :: forall a . (FlowTyped a) => Text -> Text
exportFlowTypeAs name = trimSpaces
(exportTypeAs RenderOptions { renderMode = RenderFlow }
(flowType (Proxy :: Proxy a))
trimSpaces :: Text -> Text
trimSpaces = T.unwords . T.words . T.filter (\a -> a /= '\n')
testShowFlow :: forall a . FlowTyped a => Text
testShowFlow = trimSpaces (showFlowType (flowType (Proxy :: Proxy a)) [])
testShowRawFlow :: FlowType -> Text
testShowRawFlow t = trimSpaces (showFlowType t [])