name: agda-language-server version: github: "banacorn/agda-language-server" license: MIT author: "Ting-Gian LUA" maintainer: "" copyright: "2020 Author name here :)" extra-source-files: - - - package.yaml - stack.yaml - stack-8.10.yaml - stack-9.0.yaml # Metadata used when publishing your package synopsis: An implementation of language server protocal (LSP) for Agda 2. category: Development # To avoid duplicated efforts in documentation and dealing with the # complications of embedding Haddock markup inside cabal files, it is # common to point users to the file. description: Please see the README on GitHub at default-extensions: - LambdaCase - OverloadedStrings - TypeOperators dependencies: - base >= 4.7 && < 5 - Agda == - aeson - bytestring - containers - lsp < 1.7 - mtl - network - network-simple - strict - stm - text - process library: source-dirs: src ghc-options: - -Wincomplete-patterns - -Wunused-do-bind - -Wunused-foralls - -Wwarnings-deprecations - -Wwrong-do-bind - -Wmissing-fields - -Wmissing-methods - -Wmissing-pattern-synonym-signatures - -Wmissing-signatures - -Werror=incomplete-patterns - -fno-warn-orphans executables: als: main: Main.hs source-dirs: app ghc-options: - -Wincomplete-patterns - -Wunused-do-bind - -Wunused-foralls - -Wwarnings-deprecations - -Wwrong-do-bind - -Wmissing-fields - -Wmissing-methods - -Wmissing-pattern-synonym-signatures - -Wmissing-signatures - -threaded - -rtsopts - -with-rtsopts=-N - -Werror=incomplete-patterns - -fno-warn-orphans dependencies: - agda-language-server tests: als-test: main: Test.hs source-dirs: - test - src dependencies: - tasty - tasty-hunit - tasty-golden - tasty-quickcheck ghc-options: - -Wincomplete-patterns - -Wunused-do-bind - -Wunused-foralls - -Wwarnings-deprecations - -Wwrong-do-bind - -Wmissing-fields - -Wmissing-methods - -Wmissing-pattern-synonym-signatures - -Wmissing-signatures - -threaded - -rtsopts - -with-rtsopts=-N - -Werror=incomplete-patterns - -fno-warn-orphans # tests: # als-test: # main: Spec.hs # source-dirs: test # ghc-options: # - -threaded # - -rtsopts # - -with-rtsopts=-N # dependencies: # - agda-language-server