cabal-version: 2.2 -- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.36.0. -- -- see: name: airgql version: synopsis: Automatically generate a GraphQL API for an SQLite database description: AirGQL automatically generates a GraphQL API for SQLite databases. It analyses the database schema and builds the corresponding GraphQL introspection and data resolvers. . The generated API supports all basic CRUD operations and even complex queries and mutations including filters and pagination. It's the perferct solution for easily integrating GraphQL support into existing Haskell servers. . AirGQL is part of the Airsequel project, which provides a complete solution for building web applications on top of SQLite databases. category: Web, Database, SQL, SQLite, GraphQL, Servant, CLI Tool homepage: author: Feram GmbH maintainer: copyright: 2024 Feram GmbH license: AGPL-3.0-or-later build-type: Simple extra-source-files: library exposed-modules: AirGQL.Config AirGQL.ExternalAppContext AirGQL.GQLWrapper AirGQL.GraphQL AirGQL.Introspection AirGQL.Lib AirGQL.Raw AirGQL.Servant.Database AirGQL.Servant.GraphQL AirGQL.Servant.SqlQuery AirGQL.ServerUtils AirGQL.Types.OutObjectType AirGQL.Types.PragmaConf AirGQL.Types.SchemaConf AirGQL.Types.SqlQueryPostResult AirGQL.Types.TextNullable AirGQL.Types.Types AirGQL.Types.Utils AirGQL.Utils Server.Server other-modules: Paths_airgql autogen-modules: Paths_airgql hs-source-dirs: source default-extensions: DataKinds DeriveGeneric DerivingStrategies DuplicateRecordFields FlexibleContexts FlexibleInstances GADTs GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving ImportQualifiedPost LambdaCase MultiParamTypeClasses MultiWayIf NamedFieldPuns NoImplicitPrelude NumericUnderscores OverloadedRecordDot OverloadedStrings RankNTypes RecordWildCards ScopedTypeVariables StandaloneDeriving TupleSections TypeApplications TypeFamilies TypeOperators TypeSynonymInstances UndecidableInstances ghc-options: -fno-warn-orphans -fwrite-ide-info -Weverything -Wno-all-missed-specialisations -Wno-missing-deriving-strategies -Wno-missing-kind-signatures -Wno-missing-safe-haskell-mode -Wno-unsafe build-depends: aeson >=2.2.1 && <2.3 , base >=4.18.2 && <4.19 , blaze-markup >=0.8.3 && <0.9 , bytestring >=0.11.5 && <0.12 , conduit >=1.3.5 && <1.4 , directory >=1.3.8 && <1.4 , double-x-encoding >=1.2.1 && <1.3 , exceptions >=0.10.7 && <0.11 , extra >=1.7.14 && <1.8 , filepath >=1.4.200 && <1.5 , githash >=0.1.7 && <0.2 , graphql >=1.3.0 && <1.4 , graphql-spice >=1.0.2 && <1.1 , http-types >=0.12.4 && <0.13 , process >=1.6.17 && <1.7 , protolude >=0.3.4 && <0.4 , scientific >=0.3.7 && <0.4 , servant >=0.20.1 && <0.21 , servant-blaze >=0.9.1 && <0.10 , servant-docs ==0.13.* , servant-multipart >=0.12.1 && <0.13 , servant-server ==0.20.* , simple-sql-parser >=0.7.1 && <0.8 , sqlite-simple >=0.4.19 && <0.5 , template-haskell >=2.20.0 && <2.21 , text >=2.0.2 && <2.1 , time >=1.12.2 && <1.13 , typed-process >=0.2.11 && <0.3 , unix >=2.8.4 && <2.9 , unordered-containers >=0.2.20 && <0.3 , wai >=3.2.4 && <3.3 , wai-extra >=3.1.14 && <3.2 default-language: Haskell2010 executable airgql main-is: Main.hs other-modules: Paths_airgql autogen-modules: Paths_airgql hs-source-dirs: app default-extensions: DataKinds DeriveGeneric DerivingStrategies DuplicateRecordFields FlexibleContexts FlexibleInstances GADTs GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving ImportQualifiedPost LambdaCase MultiParamTypeClasses MultiWayIf NamedFieldPuns NoImplicitPrelude NumericUnderscores OverloadedRecordDot OverloadedStrings RankNTypes RecordWildCards ScopedTypeVariables StandaloneDeriving TupleSections TypeApplications TypeFamilies TypeOperators TypeSynonymInstances UndecidableInstances ghc-options: -fno-warn-orphans -fwrite-ide-info -Weverything -Wno-all-missed-specialisations -Wno-missing-deriving-strategies -Wno-missing-kind-signatures -Wno-missing-safe-haskell-mode -Wno-unsafe -threaded build-depends: airgql , base >=4.18.2 && <4.19 , cmdargs >=0.10.22 && <0.11 , http-client >=0.7.17 && <0.8 , protolude >=0.3.4 && <0.4 , sqlite-simple >=0.4.19 && <0.5 , text >=2.0.2 && <2.1 , wai >=3.2.4 && <3.3 , wai-cors >=0.2.7 && <0.3 , warp >=3.3.31 && <3.4 default-language: Haskell2010 test-suite airgql-test type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: Spec.hs other-modules: Tests.Utils Paths_airgql autogen-modules: Paths_airgql hs-source-dirs: tests default-extensions: DataKinds DeriveGeneric DerivingStrategies DuplicateRecordFields FlexibleContexts FlexibleInstances GADTs GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving ImportQualifiedPost LambdaCase MultiParamTypeClasses MultiWayIf NamedFieldPuns NoImplicitPrelude NumericUnderscores OverloadedRecordDot OverloadedStrings RankNTypes RecordWildCards ScopedTypeVariables StandaloneDeriving TupleSections TypeApplications TypeFamilies TypeOperators TypeSynonymInstances UndecidableInstances ghc-options: -fno-warn-orphans -fwrite-ide-info -Weverything -Wno-all-missed-specialisations -Wno-missing-deriving-strategies -Wno-missing-kind-signatures -Wno-missing-safe-haskell-mode -Wno-unsafe build-depends: aeson >=2.2.1 && <2.3 , airgql , base >=4.18.2 && <4.19 , bytestring >=0.11.5 && <0.12 , directory >=1.3.8 && <1.4 , exceptions >=0.10.7 && <0.11 , filepath , graphql , graphql-spice , hspec >=2.11.8 && <2.12 , protolude >=0.3.4 && <0.4 , servant-server ==0.20.* , sqlite-simple >=0.4.19 && <0.5 , text >=2.0.2 && <2.1 , unix , unordered-containers default-language: Haskell2010