module AirGQL.Introspection ( getSchemaResolver, typeNameResolver, createType, ) where import Protolude ( Applicative (pure), Bool (False, True), Eq ((/=)), Foldable (null), IO, Int, IsString, Maybe (Just, Nothing), MonadReader (ask), Monoid (mempty), Num ((+)), Ord ((<)), Semigroup ((<>)), Text, concat, filter, forM, fromMaybe, not, ($), (&), (<&>), (>>=), ) import Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap ( HashMap, empty, fromList, lookup, singleton, ) import Database.SQLite.Simple (Connection) import Language.GraphQL.Type ( Value (Boolean, List, Null, Object, String), boolean, string, ) import Language.GraphQL.Type.In as In (Type (NamedScalarType)) import Language.GraphQL.Type.Out as Out ( Context (values), Field (Field), Resolver (ValueResolver), Type ( ListType, NamedObjectType, NamedScalarType, NonNullListType, NonNullObjectType, NonNullScalarType ), ) import AirGQL.GQLWrapper ( InArgument (InArgument, argDescMb, argType, valueMb), OutField (OutField, arguments, descriptionMb, fieldType), inArgumentToArgument, outFieldToField, ) import AirGQL.Lib ( AccessMode (ReadAndWrite, ReadOnly, WriteOnly), ColumnEntry, GqlTypeName (full), TableEntryRaw (name), column_name_gql, datatype_gql, getColumns, notnull, select_options, ) import AirGQL.Types.OutObjectType ( OutObjectType (OutObjectType, descriptionMb, fields, interfaceTypes, name), outObjectTypeToObjectType, ) import DoubleXEncoding (doubleXEncodeGql) emptyType :: Value emptyType = Object $ HashMap.singleton "kind" "OBJECT" intType :: Value intType = Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "SCALAR") , ("name", "Int") , ( "description" , "The `Int` scalar type represents \ \non-fractional signed whole numeric values. \ \Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1." ) ] floatType :: Value floatType = Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "SCALAR") , ("name", "Float") , ( "description" , "Signed double-precision floating-point value." ) ] stringType :: Value stringType = Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "SCALAR") , ("name", "String") , ( "description" , "The `String` scalar type represents textual data, \ \represented as UTF-8 character sequences. \ \The String type is most often used by GraphQL \ \to represent free-form human-readable text." ) ] booleanType :: Value booleanType = Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "SCALAR") , ("name", "Boolean") , ( "description" , "The `Boolean` scalar type represents `true` or `false`." ) ] nonNullString :: Out.Field IO nonNullString = outFieldToField $ OutField { descriptionMb = Just "nonNullString description" , fieldType = Out.NonNullScalarType string , arguments = HashMap.empty } nullableString :: Out.Field IO nullableString = Out.Field (Just "nullableString") (Out.NamedScalarType string) HashMap.empty nonNullBoolean :: Out.Field IO nonNullBoolean = outFieldToField $ OutField { descriptionMb = Just "nonNullBoolean description" , fieldType = Out.NonNullScalarType boolean , arguments = HashMap.empty } getTypeTuple :: (IsString a) => Value -> Value -> (a, Value) getTypeTuple theKind theType = ( "type" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", theKind) , ("name", theType) ] ) nonNullType :: Value -> Value nonNullType inner = Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "NON_NULL") , ("ofType", inner) ] listType :: Value -> Value listType inner = Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "LIST") , ("ofType", inner) ] createType :: Text -> Text -> [Value] -> [Text] -> Text -> Value createType rootName description args nestedTypes name = let createChildType :: [Text] -> Text -> Value createChildType nestedChildTypes childName = case nestedChildTypes of [] -> Null (childHeadKind : childRestKinds) -> if not $ null childRestKinds then Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", String childHeadKind) , ("ofType", createChildType childRestKinds childName) ] else Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", String childHeadKind) , ("name", String name) ] in case nestedTypes of [] -> Null kinds -> Object $ HashMap.fromList ( [ ("name", String rootName) , ("description", String description) , ("type", createChildType kinds name) ] <> if null args then [] else [("args", List args)] ) createField :: Text -> Maybe Text -> Value -> Value createField name descriptionMb type_ = Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", String name) , ("type", type_) ] <> case descriptionMb of Nothing -> mempty Just description -> HashMap.singleton "description" (String description) nameField :: Value nameField = Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "name") , ( "type" , nonNullType $ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "SCALAR") , ("name", "String") ] ) ] descriptionField :: Value descriptionField = Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "description") , getTypeTuple "SCALAR" "String" ] argsFieldValue :: Value argsFieldValue = Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "args") , ( "type" , nonNullType $ listType $ nonNullType $ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "OBJECT") , ("name", "__InputValue") ] ) ] locationsFieldValue :: Value locationsFieldValue = Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "locations") , ( "type" , nonNullType $ listType $ nonNullType $ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "ENUM") , ("name", "__DirectiveLocation") ] ) ] typeFieldValue :: Value typeFieldValue = Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "type") , ( "type" , nonNullType $ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "OBJECT") , ("name", "__Type") ] ) ] isDeprecatedFieldValue :: Value isDeprecatedFieldValue = Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "isDeprecated") , ( "type" , nonNullType $ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "SCALAR") , ("name", "Boolean") ] ) ] typeType :: Int -> Out.Type IO typeType level = Out.NamedObjectType $ outObjectTypeToObjectType $ OutObjectType { name = "__Type" , descriptionMb = Just "__Type description" , interfaceTypes = [] , fields = HashMap.fromList $ [ ( "__typename" , ValueResolver nonNullString $ pure "__Type" ) , ( "kind" , ValueResolver nonNullString $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe "ERROR: kind" $ HashMap.lookup "kind" obj _ -> pure "ERROR: kind" ) , ( "name" , ValueResolver nullableString $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe Null $ HashMap.lookup "name" obj _ -> pure Null ) , ( "description" , ValueResolver nullableString $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe Null $ HashMap.lookup "description" obj _ -> pure Null ) , ( "fields" , ValueResolver fieldsField $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe Null $ HashMap.lookup "fields" obj _ -> pure Null ) , ( "possibleTypes" , ValueResolver typesField $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe Null $ HashMap.lookup "possibleTypes" obj _ -> pure Null ) , ( "interfaces" , ValueResolver typesField $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe (List []) $ HashMap.lookup "interfaces" obj _ -> pure $ List [] ) , ( "inputFields" , ValueResolver inputsFieldsField $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe Null $ HashMap.lookup "inputFields" obj _ -> pure Null ) , ( "enumValues" , ValueResolver enumValuesField $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe Null $ HashMap.lookup "enumValues" obj _ -> pure Null ) ] <> ( if level < 7 then [ ( "ofType" , ValueResolver (typeField $ level + 1) $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe Null $ HashMap.lookup "ofType" obj _ -> pure Null ) ] else [] ) } typeField :: Int -> Field IO typeField level = outFieldToField $ OutField { descriptionMb = Just "typeField description" , fieldType = typeType level , arguments = HashMap.empty } typesField :: Field IO typesField = outFieldToField $ OutField { descriptionMb = Just "typesField description" , fieldType = Out.ListType $ typeType 0 , arguments = HashMap.empty } inputValueType :: Out.Type IO inputValueType = Out.NonNullObjectType $ outObjectTypeToObjectType $ OutObjectType { name = "__InputValue" , descriptionMb = Just "__InputValue description" , interfaceTypes = [] , fields = HashMap.fromList [ ( "__typename" , ValueResolver nonNullString $ pure "__InputValue" ) , ( "name" , ValueResolver nonNullString $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe "ERROR: name" $ HashMap.lookup "name" obj _ -> pure "ERROR: name" ) , ( "description" , ValueResolver nullableString $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe Null $ HashMap.lookup "description" obj _ -> pure Null ) , ( "defaultValue" , ValueResolver nullableString $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe Null $ HashMap.lookup "defaultValue" obj _ -> pure Null ) , ( "type" , ValueResolver (typeField 0) $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe emptyType $ HashMap.lookup "type" obj _ -> pure emptyType ) ] } argsField :: Field IO argsField = outFieldToField $ OutField { descriptionMb = Just "argsField description" , fieldType = Out.NonNullListType inputValueType , arguments = HashMap.empty } inputsFieldsField :: Field IO inputsFieldsField = outFieldToField $ OutField { descriptionMb = Just "inputsFieldsField description" , fieldType = Out.ListType inputValueType , arguments = HashMap.empty } enumValuesType :: Out.Type IO enumValuesType = Out.ListType $ Out.NonNullObjectType $ outObjectTypeToObjectType $ OutObjectType { name = "__EnumValue" , descriptionMb = Just "__EnumValue description" , interfaceTypes = [] , fields = HashMap.fromList [ ( "__typename" , ValueResolver nonNullString $ pure "__EnumValue" ) , ( "name" , ValueResolver nonNullString $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe "ERROR: name" $ HashMap.lookup "name" obj _ -> pure "ERROR: name" ) , ( "description" , ValueResolver nullableString $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe Null $ HashMap.lookup "description" obj _ -> pure Null ) , ( "isDeprecated" , ValueResolver nonNullBoolean $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe (Boolean False) $ HashMap.lookup "isDeprecated" obj _ -> pure $ Boolean False ) , ( "deprecationReason" , ValueResolver nullableString $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe Null $ HashMap.lookup "deprecationReason" obj _ -> pure Null ) ] } enumValuesField :: Field IO enumValuesField = outFieldToField $ OutField { descriptionMb = Just "enumValuesField description" , fieldType = enumValuesType , arguments = HashMap.fromList [ ( "includeDeprecated" , inArgumentToArgument $ InArgument { argDescMb = Just "includeDeprecated description" , argType = In.NamedScalarType boolean , valueMb = Just $ Boolean True } ) ] } queryTypeType :: Field IO queryTypeType = outFieldToField $ OutField { descriptionMb = Just "Provides the queryType" , fieldType = typeType 0 , arguments = HashMap.empty } mutationTypeType :: Field IO mutationTypeType = outFieldToField $ OutField { descriptionMb = Just "Provides the mutationType" , fieldType = typeType 0 , arguments = HashMap.empty } subscriptionTypeType :: Field IO subscriptionTypeType = outFieldToField $ OutField { descriptionMb = Just "Provides the subscriptionType" , fieldType = typeType 0 , arguments = HashMap.empty } fieldsTypeOutput :: Out.Type IO fieldsTypeOutput = Out.ListType $ Out.NonNullObjectType $ outObjectTypeToObjectType $ OutObjectType { name = "__Field" , descriptionMb = Just "__Field description" , interfaceTypes = [] , fields = HashMap.fromList [ ( "__typename" , ValueResolver nonNullString $ pure "__Field" ) , ( "name" , ValueResolver nonNullString $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe "ERROR: name" $ HashMap.lookup "name" obj _ -> pure "ERROR: name" ) , ( "description" , ValueResolver nullableString $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe Null $ HashMap.lookup "description" obj _ -> pure Null ) , ( "args" , ValueResolver argsField $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe (List []) $ HashMap.lookup "args" obj _ -> pure $ List [] ) , ( "type" , ValueResolver (typeField 0) $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe emptyType $ HashMap.lookup "type" obj _ -> pure emptyType ) , ( "isDeprecated" , ValueResolver nonNullBoolean $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe (Boolean False) $ HashMap.lookup "isDeprecated" obj _ -> pure $ Boolean False ) , ( "deprecationReason" , ValueResolver nullableString $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe Null $ HashMap.lookup "deprecationReason" obj _ -> pure Null ) ] } fieldsField :: Field IO fieldsField = outFieldToField $ OutField { descriptionMb = Just "The fields type" , fieldType = fieldsTypeOutput , arguments = HashMap.fromList [ ( "includeDeprecated" , inArgumentToArgument $ InArgument { argDescMb = Just "includeDeprecated description" , argType = In.NamedScalarType boolean , valueMb = Just $ Boolean True } ) ] } directivesType :: Field IO directivesType = let directivesTypeOutput :: Out.Type IO directivesTypeOutput = Out.ListType $ Out.NonNullObjectType $ outObjectTypeToObjectType $ OutObjectType { name = "__Directive" , descriptionMb = Just "__Directive description" , interfaceTypes = [] , fields = HashMap.fromList [ ( "__typename" , ValueResolver nullableString $ pure "__Directive" ) , ( "name" , ValueResolver nonNullString $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe "ERROR: name" $ HashMap.lookup "name" obj _ -> pure "ERROR: name" ) , ( "description" , ValueResolver nullableString $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe Null $ HashMap.lookup "description" obj _ -> pure Null ) , ( "locations" , let locationsTypeName :: Field m locationsTypeName = Out.Field (Just "locationsTypeName name") (Out.ListType $ Out.NonNullScalarType string) HashMap.empty in ValueResolver locationsTypeName $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe (List []) $ HashMap.lookup "locations" obj _ -> pure $ List [] ) , ( "args" , ValueResolver argsField $ do context <- ask case context & Out.values of Object obj -> pure $ fromMaybe (List []) $ HashMap.lookup "args" obj _ -> pure $ List [] ) ] } in outFieldToField $ OutField { descriptionMb = Just "Provides the directivesType" , fieldType = directivesTypeOutput , arguments = HashMap.empty } filterType :: Bool -> Text -> Value filterType isRequired tableName = let filterObj = Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "INPUT_OBJECT") , ("name", String $ doubleXEncodeGql tableName <> "_filter") , ( "description" , "Select rows matching the provided filter object" ) ] in if isRequired then nonNullType filterObj else filterObj getFieldsForQuery :: Text -> Value getFieldsForQuery tableName = createType (doubleXEncodeGql tableName) ("Rows from the table \"" <> tableName <> "\"") [ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "filter") , ("description", "Filter to select specific rows") , ("type", filterType False tableName) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "order_by") , ("description", "Columns used to sort the data") , ( "type" , listType $ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "INPUT_OBJECT") , ( "name" , String $ doubleXEncodeGql tableName <> "_order_by" ) ] ) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "limit") , ("description", "Limit the number of returned rows") , ("type", intType) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "offset") , ("description", "The index to start returning rows from") , ("type", intType) ] ] ["NON_NULL", "LIST", "NON_NULL", "OBJECT"] (doubleXEncodeGql tableName <> "_row") getFieldsForMutation :: Text -> [Value] getFieldsForMutation tableName = [ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", String $ "insert_" <> doubleXEncodeGql tableName) , ( "description" , String $ "Insert new rows in table \"" <> tableName <> "\"" ) , ( "args" , List [ createField "objects" (Just "Rows to be inserted") $ nonNullType $ listType $ nonNullType $ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "INPUT_OBJECT") , ( "name" , String $ doubleXEncodeGql tableName <> "_insert_input" ) ] , createField "on_conflict" (Just "Specifies how to handle broken UNIQUE constraints") $ listType $ nonNullType $ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "INPUT_OBJECT") , ( "name" , String $ doubleXEncodeGql tableName <> "_upsert_on_conflict" ) ] ] ) , ( "type" , nonNullType $ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "OBJECT") , ( "name" , String $ doubleXEncodeGql tableName <> "_mutation_response" ) ] ) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", String $ "update_" <> doubleXEncodeGql tableName) , ( "description" , String $ "Update rows in table \"" <> tableName <> "\"" ) , ( "args" , List [ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "filter") , ("description", "Filter to select rows to be updated") , ("type", filterType True tableName) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "set") , ("description", "Fields to be updated") , ( "type" , nonNullType $ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "INPUT_OBJECT") , ( "name" , String $ doubleXEncodeGql tableName <> "_set_input" ) ] ) ] ] ) , ( "type" , nonNullType $ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "OBJECT") , ( "name" , String $ doubleXEncodeGql tableName <> "_mutation_response" ) ] ) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", String $ "delete_" <> doubleXEncodeGql tableName) , ( "description" , String $ "Delete rows in table \"" <> tableName <> "\"" ) , ( "args" , List [ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "filter") , ("description", "Filter to select rows to be deleted") , ("type", filterType True tableName) ] ] ) , ( "type" , nonNullType $ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "OBJECT") , ( "name" , String $ doubleXEncodeGql tableName <> "_mutation_response" ) ] ) ] ] makeComparisonType :: Text -> Text -> Value -> Value makeComparisonType typeName description type_ = let field fieldName = createField fieldName Nothing type_ in Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "INPUT_OBJECT") , ("name", String typeName) , ( "description" , String description ) , ( "inputFields" , List [ field "eq" , field "neq" , field "gt" , field "gte" , field "lt" , field "lte" , field "like" , field "ilike" , createField "in" Nothing (listType type_) , createField "nin" Nothing (listType type_) ] ) ] comparisonTypes :: AccessMode -> [Value] comparisonTypes accessMode = case accessMode of ReadOnly -> [] _ -> [ makeComparisonType "IntComparison" "Compare to an Int" intType , makeComparisonType "FloatComparison" "Compare to a Float" floatType , makeComparisonType "StringComparison" "Compare to a String" stringType , makeComparisonType "BooleanComparison" "Compare to a Boolean" booleanType ] orderingTermType :: Value orderingTermType = Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "ENUM") , ("name", String "OrderingTerm") , ( "description" , String "Ordering options when ordering by a column" ) , ( "enumValues" , List [ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "ASC") , ("description", "In ascending order") ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "asc") , ("description", "In ascending order") , ("isDeprecated", Boolean True) , ( "deprecationReason" , String "GraphQL spec recommends all caps for enums" ) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "DESC") , ("description", "In descending order") ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "desc") , ("description", "In descending order") , ("isDeprecated", Boolean True) , ( "deprecationReason" , String "GraphQL spec recommends all caps for enums" ) ] ] ) ] getFullDatatype :: ColumnEntry -> Text getFullDatatype entry = case entry.datatype_gql of -- TODO: Should be "Any", but that's not a valid GraphQL type Nothing -> "String" Just type_ -> type_.full getSchemaFieldOutput :: Text -> Connection -> AccessMode -> [TableEntryRaw] -> IO (Out.Type IO) getSchemaFieldOutput dbId conn accessMode tables = do typesForTables <- forM tables $ \table -> do columns <- getColumns dbId conn fields <- forM columns $ \columnEntry -> do let colName = columnEntry.column_name_gql pure $ createType colName "" -- TODO: Reactivate description when user can specify it [] -- No arguments ( if columnEntry.notnull then ["NON_NULL", "SCALAR"] else ["SCALAR"] ) (getFullDatatype columnEntry) fieldsNullable <- forM columns $ \columnEntry -> do let colName = columnEntry.column_name_gql pure $ createType colName "" -- TODO: Reactivate description when user can specify it [] -- No arguments ["SCALAR"] (getFullDatatype columnEntry) fieldsWithComparisonExp <- forM columns $ \columnEntry -> do let colName = columnEntry.column_name_gql pure $ createType colName "" -- TODO: Reactivate description when user can specify it [] -- No arguments ["INPUT_OBJECT"] (getFullDatatype columnEntry <> "Comparison") fieldsWithOrderingTerm <- forM columns $ \columnEntry -> do let colName = columnEntry.column_name_gql pure $ createType colName "" -- TODO: Reactivate description when user can specify it [] -- No arguments ["INPUT_OBJECT"] "OrderingTerm" let customRowTypes = columns >>= \columnEntry -> case (columnEntry.select_options, columnEntry.datatype_gql) of (Just _, Just name) -> let colName = columnEntry.column_name_gql typeName = name.full description = "Data type for column " <> colName rowType = Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "SCALAR") , ("name", String typeName) , ("description", String description) ] comparisonType = makeComparisonType (typeName <> "Comparison") ("Compare with values for column" <> colName) ( Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "SCALAR") , ("name", String typeName) , ("description", String description) ] ) in [rowType, comparisonType] _ -> [] fieldEnumVariants = columns <&> \columnEntry -> Object $ HashMap.singleton "name" $ String $ column_name_gql columnEntry fieldEnumDescription = "This enum contains a variant for each column in the table" :: Value fieldEnumType = Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "ENUM") , ("name", String $ doubleXEncodeGql <> "_column") , ( "description" , fieldEnumDescription ) , ("enumValues", List fieldEnumVariants) ] fieldEnumTypeReference = Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "INPUT_OBJECT") , ("name", String $ doubleXEncodeGql <> "_column") , ( "description" , fieldEnumDescription ) ] requiresWrite obj = case accessMode of ReadOnly -> Null WriteOnly -> obj ReadAndWrite -> obj pure $ customRowTypes <> [ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "OBJECT") , ("name", String $ doubleXEncodeGql <> "_row") , ( "description" , String $ "Available columns for table \"" <> <> "\"" ) , ("fields", List fields) ] , requiresWrite $ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "OBJECT") , ( "name" , String $ doubleXEncodeGql <> "_mutation_response" ) , ( "description" , String $ "Mutation response for " <> ) , ( "fields" , List [ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "affected_rows") , ( "type" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "NON_NULL") , ( "ofType" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "SCALAR") , ("name", "Int") ] ) ] ) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "returning") , ( "type" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "NON_NULL") , ( "ofType" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "LIST") , ( "ofType" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "NON_NULL") , ( "ofType" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "OBJECT") , ( "name" , String $ doubleXEncodeGql <> "_row" ) ] ) ] ) ] ) ] ) ] ] ) ] , requiresWrite $ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "INPUT_OBJECT") , ( "name" , String $ doubleXEncodeGql <> "_insert_input" ) , ( "description" , String $ "Input object for " <> ) , ("inputFields", List fields) ] , fieldEnumType , requiresWrite $ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "INPUT_OBJECT") , ( "name" , String $ doubleXEncodeGql <> "_upsert_on_conflict" ) , ( "description" , String $ "Specifies how broken UNIQUE constraints for " <> <> " should be handled" ) , ( "inputFields" , List [ createField "constraint" (Just "columns to handle conflicts of") $ nonNullType $ listType $ nonNullType fieldEnumTypeReference , createField "update_columns" (Just "columns to override on conflict") $ nonNullType $ listType $ nonNullType fieldEnumTypeReference , createField "where" (Just "filter specifying which conflicting columns to update") (filterType False ] ) ] , requiresWrite $ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "INPUT_OBJECT") , ( "name" , String $ doubleXEncodeGql <> "_set_input" ) , ( "description" , String $ "Fields to set for " <> ) , ("inputFields", List fieldsNullable) ] , requiresWrite $ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "INPUT_OBJECT") , ( "name" , String $ doubleXEncodeGql <> "_filter" ) , ( "description" , String "Filter object to select rows" ) , ("inputFields", List fieldsWithComparisonExp) ] , requiresWrite $ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "INPUT_OBJECT") , ( "name" , String $ doubleXEncodeGql <> "_order_by" ) , ( "description" , String $ "Ordering options when selecting data from \"" <> <> "\"." ) , ("inputFields", List fieldsWithOrderingTerm) ] ] let queryTypeObj = Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "OBJECT") , ("name", "Query") , ( "fields" , List $ tables <&> <&> getFieldsForQuery ) ] mutationTypeObj = Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "OBJECT") , ("name", "Mutation") , ( "fields" , List $ tables <&> <&> getFieldsForMutation & concat ) ] pure $ Out.NonNullObjectType $ outObjectTypeToObjectType $ OutObjectType { name = "__Schema" , descriptionMb = Just "__Schema description" , interfaceTypes = [] , fields = HashMap.fromList [ ( "__typename" , ValueResolver nonNullString $ pure "__Schema" ) , ( "queryType" , ValueResolver queryTypeType $ pure queryTypeObj ) , ( "mutationType" , case accessMode of ReadOnly -> ValueResolver mutationTypeType $ pure Null WriteOnly -> ValueResolver mutationTypeType $ pure mutationTypeObj ReadAndWrite -> ValueResolver mutationTypeType $ pure mutationTypeObj ) , ( "subscriptionType" , -- Airsequel does not yet support Subscriptions ValueResolver subscriptionTypeType $ pure Null ) , ( "types" , ValueResolver typesField $ pure $ List $ concat typesForTables <> comparisonTypes accessMode <> [orderingTermType] <> [ queryTypeObj , case accessMode of ReadOnly -> Null WriteOnly -> mutationTypeObj ReadAndWrite -> mutationTypeObj , booleanType , intType , floatType , stringType , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "SCALAR") , ("name", "ID") , ( "description" , "The `ID` scalar type represents a unique identifier, \ \often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. \ \The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; \ \however, it is not intended to be human-readable. \ \When expected as an input type, any string \ \(such as `\"4\"`) or integer (such as `4`) input value \ \will be accepted as an ID." ) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "SCALAR") , ("name", "Upload") , ( "description" , "The `Upload` scalar type represents a file upload." ) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "OBJECT") , ("name", "__Schema") , ( "description" , "A GraphQL Schema defines the capabilities of a GraphQL server. \ \It exposes all available types and directives on the server, \ \as well as the entry points for \ \query, mutation, and subscription operations." ) , ( "fields" , List [ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "types") , ( "description" , "A list of all types supported by this server." ) , ( "type" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "NON_NULL") , ( "ofType" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "LIST") , ( "ofType" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "NON_NULL") , ( "ofType" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "OBJECT") , ("name", "__Type") ] ) ] ) ] ) ] ) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "queryType") , ( "description" , "The type that query operations will be rooted at." ) , ( "type" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "NON_NULL") , ( "ofType" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "OBJECT") , ("name", "__Type") ] ) ] ) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "mutationType") , ( "description" , "If this server supports mutation, the type \ \that mutation operations will be rooted at." ) , getTypeTuple "OBJECT" "__Type" ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "subscriptionType") , ( "description" , "If this server support subscription, the type \ \that subscription operations will be rooted at." ) , getTypeTuple "OBJECT" "__Type" ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "directives") , ( "description" , "A list of all directives supported by this server." ) , ( "type" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "NON_NULL") , ( "ofType" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "LIST") , ( "ofType" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "NON_NULL") , ( "ofType" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "OBJECT") , ("name", "__Directive") ] ) ] ) ] ) ] ) ] ] ) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "OBJECT") , ("name", "__Type") , ( "description" , "The fundamental unit of any GraphQL Schema is the type. \ \There are many kinds of types in GraphQL as represented by the `__TypeKind` enum.\n\n\ \Depending on the kind of a type, certain fields describe information about that type. \ \Scalar types provide no information beyond a name and description, while Enum types provide their values. \ \Object and Interface types provide the fields they describe. \ \Abstract types, Union and Interface, provide the Object types possible at runtime. \ \List and NonNull types compose other types." ) , ( "fields" , List [ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "kind") , ( "type" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "NON_NULL") , ( "ofType" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "ENUM") , ("name", "__TypeKind") ] ) ] ) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "name") , -- Don't know why not "NON_NULL" getTypeTuple "SCALAR" "String" ] , descriptionField , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "fields") , ( "type" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "LIST") , ( "ofType" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "NON_NULL") , ( "ofType" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "OBJECT") , ("name", "__Field") ] ) ] ) ] ) , ( "args" , List [ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "includeDeprecated") , getTypeTuple "SCALAR" "Boolean" , -- Don't know why this has to be a string ("defaultValue", "false") ] ] ) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "interfaces") , ( "type" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "LIST") , ( "ofType" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "NON_NULL") , ( "ofType" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "OBJECT") , ("name", "__Type") ] ) ] ) ] ) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "possibleTypes") , ( "type" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "LIST") , ( "ofType" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "NON_NULL") , ( "ofType" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "OBJECT") , ("name", "__Type") ] ) ] ) ] ) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "enumValues") , ( "type" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "LIST") , ( "ofType" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "NON_NULL") , ( "ofType" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "OBJECT") , ("name", "__EnumValue") ] ) ] ) ] ) , ( "args" , List [ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "includeDeprecated") , getTypeTuple "SCALAR" "Boolean" , -- Don't know why this has to be a string ("defaultValue", "false") ] ] ) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "inputFields") , ( "type" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "LIST") , ( "ofType" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "NON_NULL") , ( "ofType" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "OBJECT") , ("name", "__InputValue") ] ) ] ) ] ) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "ofType") , getTypeTuple "OBJECT" "__Type" ] ] ) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "ENUM") , ("name", "__TypeKind") , ( "description" , "An enum describing what kind of type a given `__Type` is." ) , ( "enumValues" , List [ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "SCALAR") , ( "description" , "Indicates this type is a scalar." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "OBJECT") , ( "description" , "Indicates this type is an object. `fields` and `interfaces` are valid fields." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "INTERFACE") , ( "description" , "Indicates this type is an interface. `fields` and `possibleTypes` are valid fields." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "UNION") , ( "description" , "Indicates this type is a union. `possibleTypes` is a valid field." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "ENUM") , ( "description" , "Indicates this type is an enum. `enumValues` is a valid field." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "INPUT_OBJECT") , ( "description" , "Indicates this type is an input object. `inputFields` is a valid field." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "LIST") , ( "description" , "Indicates this type is a list. `ofType` is a valid field." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "NON_NULL") , ( "description" , "Indicates this type is a non-null. `ofType` is a valid field." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] ] ) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "OBJECT") , ("name", "__Field") , ( "description" , "Object and Interface types are described by a list of Fields, each of which has a name, potentially a list of arguments, and a return type." ) , ( "fields" , List [ nameField , descriptionField , argsFieldValue , typeFieldValue , isDeprecatedFieldValue , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "deprecationReason") , getTypeTuple "SCALAR" "String" ] ] ) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "OBJECT") , ("name", "__InputValue") , ( "description" , "Arguments provided to Fields or Directives and the input fields of an InputObject are represented as Input Values which describe their type and optionally a default value." ) , ( "fields" , List [ nameField , descriptionField , typeFieldValue , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "defaultValue") , ( "description" , "A GraphQL-formatted string representing \ \the default value for this input value." ) , getTypeTuple "SCALAR" "String" ] ] ) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "OBJECT") , ("name", "__EnumValue") , ( "description" , "One possible value for a given Enum. Enum values are unique values, not a placeholder for a string or numeric value. However an Enum value is returned in a JSON response as a string." ) , ( "fields" , List [ nameField , descriptionField , isDeprecatedFieldValue , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "deprecationReason") , getTypeTuple "SCALAR" "String" ] ] ) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "OBJECT") , ("name", "__Directive") , ( "description" , "A Directive provides a way to describe alternate runtime execution and type validation behavior in a GraphQL document.\n\nIn some cases, you need to provide options to alter GraphQL's execution behavior in ways field arguments will not suffice, such as conditionally including or skipping a field. Directives provide this by describing additional information to the executor." ) , ( "fields" , List [ nameField , descriptionField , locationsFieldValue , argsFieldValue ] ) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Type") , ("kind", "ENUM") , ("name", "__DirectiveLocation") , ( "description" , "A Directive can be adjacent to many parts of the GraphQL language, a __DirectiveLocation describes one such possible adjacencies." ) , ( "enumValues" , List [ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "QUERY") , ( "description" , "Location adjacent to a query operation." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "MUTATION") , ( "description" , "Location adjacent to a mutation operation." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "SUBSCRIPTION") , ( "description" , "Location adjacent to a subscription operation." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "FIELD") , ( "description" , "Location adjacent to a field." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "FRAGMENT_DEFINITION") , ( "description" , "Location adjacent to a fragment definition." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "FRAGMENT_SPREAD") , ( "description" , "Location adjacent to a fragment spread." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "INLINE_FRAGMENT") , ( "description" , "Location adjacent to an inline fragment." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "VARIABLE_DEFINITION") , ( "description" , "Location adjacent to a variable definition." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "SCHEMA") , ( "description" , "Location adjacent to a schema definition." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "SCALAR") , ( "description" , "Location adjacent to a scalar definition." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "OBJECT") , ( "description" , "Location adjacent to an object type definition." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "FIELD_DEFINITION") , ( "description" , "Location adjacent to a field definition." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "ARGUMENT_DEFINITION") , ( "description" , "Location adjacent to an argument definition." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "INTERFACE") , ( "description" , "Location adjacent to an interface definition." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "UNION") , ( "description" , "Location adjacent to a union definition." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "ENUM") , ( "description" , "Location adjacent to an enum definition." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "ENUM_VALUE") , ( "description" , "Location adjacent to an enum value definition." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "INPUT_OBJECT") , ( "description" , "Location adjacent to an input object \ \type definition." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION") , ( "description" , "Location adjacent to an input object \ \field definition." ) , ("isDeprecated", Boolean False) , ("deprecationReason", Null) ] ] ) ] ] & filter (/= Null) ) , ( "directives" , ValueResolver directivesType $ pure $ List [ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Directive") , ("name", "skip") , ( "description" , "Directs the executor to skip this field or fragment \ \when the `if` argument is true." ) , ( "locations" , List ["INLINE_FRAGMENT", "FRAGMENT_SPREAD", "FIELD"] ) , ( "args" , List [ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "if") , ("description", "Skipped when true.") , ("defaultValue", Null) , ( "type" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "NON_NULL") , ( "ofType" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "SCALAR") , ("name", "Boolean") ] ) ] ) ] ] ) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Directive") , ("name", "include") , ( "description" , "Directs the executor to include this field or fragment \ \only when the `if` argument is true." ) , ( "locations" , List ["INLINE_FRAGMENT", "FRAGMENT_SPREAD", "FIELD"] ) , ( "args" , List [ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "if") , ("description", "Included when true.") , ("defaultValue", Null) , ( "type" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "NON_NULL") , ( "ofType" , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("kind", "SCALAR") , ("name", "Boolean") ] ) ] ) ] ] ) ] , Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("__typename", "__Directive") , ("name", "deprecated") , ( "description" , "Marks an element of a GraphQL schema \ \as no longer supported." ) , ( "locations" , List ["ENUM_VALUE", "FIELD_DEFINITION"] ) , ( "args" , List [ Object $ HashMap.fromList [ ("name", "reason") , ( "description" , "Explains why this element was deprecated, \ \usually also including a suggestion \ \for how to access supported similar data. \ \Formatted using the Markdown syntax \ \(as specified by \ \[CommonMark](" ) , ("defaultValue", "\"No longer supported\"") , getTypeTuple "SCALAR" "String" ] ] ) ] ] ) ] } getSchemaField :: Text -> Connection -> AccessMode -> [TableEntryRaw] -> IO (Field IO) getSchemaField dbId conn accessMode tables = do schemaFieldOutput <- getSchemaFieldOutput dbId conn accessMode tables pure $ outFieldToField $ OutField { descriptionMb = Just "The schema" , fieldType = schemaFieldOutput , arguments = HashMap.empty } getSchemaResolver :: Text -> Connection -> AccessMode -> [TableEntryRaw] -> IO (HashMap Text (Resolver IO)) getSchemaResolver dbId conn accessMode tables = do schemaField <- getSchemaField dbId conn accessMode tables pure $ HashMap.singleton "__schema" (ValueResolver schemaField (pure Null)) typeNameOutField :: Field m typeNameOutField = outFieldToField $ OutField { descriptionMb = Just "The type name" , fieldType = Out.NonNullScalarType string , arguments = HashMap.empty } typeNameResolver :: HashMap Text (Resolver IO) typeNameResolver = HashMap.singleton "__typename" (ValueResolver typeNameOutField $ pure "Query")