{-# LANGUAGE CPP                        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-}

module Airship.Types
    ( ETag(..)
    , Webmachine
    , AirshipRequest(..)
    , Request(..)
    , RequestReader(..)
    , Response(..)
    , ResponseState(..)
    , ResponseBody(..)
    , ErrorResponses
    , addTrace
    , defaultRequest
    , entireRequestBody
    , etagToByteString
    , eitherResponse
    , escapedResponse
    , mapWebmachine
    , runWebmachine
    , request
    , requestTime
    , routePath
    , getResponseHeaders
    , getResponseBody
    , params
    , dispatchPath
    , putResponseBody
    , putResponseBS
    , halt
    , finishWith
    ) where

import           Airship.RST
import           Blaze.ByteString.Builder            (Builder)
import           Blaze.ByteString.Builder.ByteString (fromByteString)
import           Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Html.Utf8  (fromHtmlEscapedText)
import qualified Data.ByteString                     as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy                as LB
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Monad                       (liftM)
import           Control.Monad.Base                  (MonadBase)
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class              (MonadIO, liftIO)
import           Control.Monad.Morph
import           Control.Monad.Reader.Class          (MonadReader, ask)
import           Control.Monad.State.Class
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Control         (MonadBaseControl (..))
import           Data.ByteString.Char8               hiding (reverse)
import           Data.HashMap.Strict                 (HashMap)
import           Data.Map.Strict                     (Map)
import           Data.Monoid                         ((<>))
import           Data.Text                           (Text)
import           Data.Time.Clock                     (UTCTime)
import           Network.HTTP.Media
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types                  as HTTP

import           Network.HTTP.Types                  (ResponseHeaders, Status)

import           Network.Wai                         (Request (..),
import qualified Network.Wai                         as Wai

-- | Reads the entirety of the request body in a single string.
-- This turns the chunks obtained from repeated invocations of 'requestBody' into a lazy 'ByteString'.
entireRequestBody :: MonadIO m => Request -> m LB.ByteString
entireRequestBody req = liftIO (requestBody req) >>= strictRequestBody' LB.empty
    where strictRequestBody' acc prev
            | BS.null prev = return acc
            | otherwise = liftIO (requestBody req) >>= strictRequestBody' (acc <> LB.fromStrict prev)

data RequestReader = RequestReader
      { _now            :: UTCTime
      , _airshipRequest :: AirshipRequest

data AirshipRequest = AirshipRequest
    { _request   :: Request
    , _routePath :: Text

data ETag = Strong ByteString
          | Weak ByteString
          deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Show ETag where show = unpack . etagToByteString

etagToByteString :: ETag -> ByteString
etagToByteString (Strong bs) = "\"" <> bs <> "\""
etagToByteString (Weak bs) = "W/\"" <> bs <> "\""

-- | Basically Wai's unexported 'Response' type.
data ResponseBody
    = ResponseFile FilePath (Maybe Wai.FilePart)
    | ResponseBuilder Builder
    | ResponseStream Wai.StreamingBody
    | Empty
    -- ResponseRaw ... (not implemented yet, but useful for websocket upgrades)

-- | Helper function for building a `ResponseBuilder` out of HTML-escaped text.
escapedResponse :: Text -> ResponseBody
escapedResponse = ResponseBuilder . fromHtmlEscapedText

data Response = Response { _responseStatus  :: Status
                         , _responseHeaders :: ResponseHeaders
                         , _responseBody    :: ResponseBody

data ResponseState = ResponseState { stateHeaders  :: ResponseHeaders
                                   , stateBody     :: ResponseBody
                                   , _params       :: HashMap Text Text
                                   , _dispatchPath :: [Text]
                                   , decisionTrace :: Trace

type Trace = [ByteString]

type ErrorResponses m = Monad m => Map HTTP.Status [(MediaType, Webmachine m ResponseBody)]

newtype Webmachine m a =
    Webmachine { getWebmachine :: (RST RequestReader ResponseState Response m) a }
        deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadBase b,
                  MonadReader RequestReader,
                  MonadState ResponseState)

instance MonadTrans Webmachine where
    lift = Webmachine . RST . helper where
      helper m _ s = do
          a <- m
          return $ (Right a, s)

newtype StMWebmachine m a = StMWebmachine {
      unStMWebmachine :: StM (RST RequestReader ResponseState Response m) a

instance MonadBaseControl b m => MonadBaseControl b (Webmachine m) where
  type StM (Webmachine m) a = StMWebmachine m a
  liftBaseWith f = Webmachine
                     $ liftBaseWith
                     $ \g' -> f
                     $ \m -> liftM StMWebmachine
                     $ g' $ getWebmachine m
  restoreM = Webmachine . restoreM . unStMWebmachine

-- Work around old versions of mtl not having a strict modify function
modify'' :: MonadState s m => (s -> s) -> m ()
#if MIN_VERSION_mtl(2,2,0)
modify'' = modify'
modify'' f = state (\s -> let s' = f s in s' `seq` ((), s'))

-- Functions inside the Webmachine Monad -------------------------------------

-- | Returns the 'Request' that is currently being processed.
request :: Monad m => Webmachine m Request
request = _request . _airshipRequest <$> ask

-- | Returns the route path that was matched during route evaluation. This is
-- not the path specified in the request, but rather the route in the
-- 'RoutingSpec' that matched the request URL. Variables names are prefixed
-- with @:@, and free ("star") paths are designated with @*@.
routePath :: Monad m => Webmachine m Text
routePath = _routePath . _airshipRequest <$> ask

-- | Returns the bound routing parameters extracted from the routing system (see "Airship.Route").
params :: Monad m => Webmachine m (HashMap Text Text)
params = _params <$> get

dispatchPath :: Monad m => Webmachine m [Text]
dispatchPath = _dispatchPath <$> get

-- | Returns the time at which this request began processing.
requestTime :: Monad m => Webmachine m UTCTime
requestTime = _now <$> ask

-- | Returns the current 'ResponseHeaders'.
getResponseHeaders :: Monad m => Webmachine m ResponseHeaders
getResponseHeaders = stateHeaders <$> get

-- | Returns the current 'ResponseBody'.
getResponseBody :: Monad m => Webmachine m ResponseBody
getResponseBody = stateBody <$> get

-- | Given a new 'ResponseBody', replaces the stored body with the new one.
putResponseBody :: Monad m => ResponseBody -> Webmachine m ()
putResponseBody b = modify'' updateState
    where updateState rs = rs {stateBody = b}

-- | Stores the provided 'ByteString' as the responseBody. This is a shortcut for
-- creating a response body with a 'ResponseBuilder' and a bytestring 'Builder'.
putResponseBS :: Monad m => ByteString -> Webmachine m ()
putResponseBS bs = putResponseBody $ ResponseBuilder $ fromByteString bs

-- | Immediately halts processing with the provided 'Status' code.
-- The contents of the 'Webmachine''s response body will be streamed back to the client.
-- This is a shortcut for constructing a 'Response' with 'getResponseHeaders' and 'getResponseBody'
-- and passing that response to 'finishWith'.
halt :: Monad m => Status -> Webmachine m a
halt status = finishWith =<< Response <$> return status <*> getResponseHeaders <*> getResponseBody

-- | Immediately halts processing and writes the provided 'Response' back to the client.
finishWith :: Monad m => Response -> Webmachine m a
finishWith = Webmachine . failure

-- | Adds the provided ByteString to the Airship-Trace header.
addTrace :: Monad m => ByteString -> Webmachine m ()
addTrace t = modify'' (\s -> s { decisionTrace = t : decisionTrace s })

both :: Either a a -> a
both = either id id

eitherResponse :: Monad m => RequestReader -> ResponseState -> Webmachine m Response -> m (Response, Trace)
eitherResponse requestReader startingState w = do
    (e, trace) <- runWebmachine requestReader startingState w
    return (both e, trace)

-- | Map both the return value and wrapped computation @m@.
mapWebmachine :: ( m1 (Either Response a1, ResponseState)
                -> m2 (Either Response a2, ResponseState))
              -> Webmachine m1 a1 -> Webmachine m2 a2
mapWebmachine f =  Webmachine . (mapRST f) . getWebmachine

runWebmachine :: Monad m => RequestReader -> ResponseState -> Webmachine m a -> m (Either Response a, Trace)
runWebmachine requestReader startingState w = do
    (e, s) <- runRST (getWebmachine w) requestReader startingState
    return (e, reverse $ decisionTrace s)