name: aivika version: 1.3 synopsis: A multi-paradigm simulation library description: Aivika is a multi-paradigm simulation library with a strong emphasis on Discrete Event Simulation (DES) and System Dynamics (SD). . The library has the following features: . * allows defining recursive stochastic differential equations of System Dynamics (unordered as in maths via the recursive do-notation); . * supports the event-driven paradigm of DES as a basic core for implementing other paradigms; . * supports extensively the process-oriented paradigm of DES with an ability to resume, suspend and cancel the discontinuous processes; . * allows working with the resources based on specified queue strategies (FCFS\/FIFO, LCFS\/LIFO, SIRO, static priorities and so on); . * allows customizing the infinite and finite queues based on strategies too; . * allows defining a queue network based on infinite streams of data and their processors, where we can define a complex enough behaviour just in a few lines of code; . * allows simulating circuits with recursive links and delays; . * supports the activity-oriented paradigm of DES; . * supports the basic constructs for the agent-based modeling; . * allows creating combined discrete-continuous models as all parts of the library are well integrated and this is reflected directly in the type system; . * the arrays of simulation variables are inherently supported; . * supports the Monte-Carlo simulation; . * the simulation model can depend on external parameters; . * uses extensively signals for notification; . * allows gathering statistics in time points; . * hides technical details in high-level simulation computations (monads and arrows). . Aivika itself is a light-weight engine with minimal dependencies. However, it has additional packages Aivika Experiment [1] and Aivika Experiment Chart [2] that offer the following features: . * automating the simulation experiments; . * saving the results in CSV files; . * plotting the deviation chart by rule 3-sigma, histogram, time series, XY chart; . * collecting the summary of statistical data; . * parallel execution of the Monte-Carlo simulation; . * have an extensible architecture. . All three libraries were tested on Linux, Windows and OS X. . The PDF documentation is available on the Aivika Wiki [3] website. . \[1] . \[2] . \[3] . P.S. Aivika is actually a genuine female Mari name which is pronounced with stress on the last syllable. category: Simulation license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE copyright: (c) 2009-2014. David Sorokin author: David Sorokin maintainer: David Sorokin homepage: cabal-version: >= 1.6 build-type: Simple tested-with: GHC == 7.6.3 extra-source-files: examples/BassDiffusion.hs examples/ChemicalReaction.hs examples/ChemicalReactionCircuit.hs examples/FishBank.hs examples/MachRep1.hs examples/MachRep1EventDriven.hs examples/MachRep1TimeDriven.hs examples/MachRep2.hs examples/MachRep3.hs examples/Furnace.hs examples/InspectionAdjustmentStations.hs examples/WorkStationsInSeries.hs examples/TimeOut.hs examples/TimeOutInt.hs examples/TimeOutWait.hs library exposed-modules: Simulation.Aivika Simulation.Aivika.Agent Simulation.Aivika.Arrival Simulation.Aivika.Circuit Simulation.Aivika.Cont Simulation.Aivika.DoubleLinkedList Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics.Fold Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics.Interpolate Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics.Memo Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics.Memo.Unboxed Simulation.Aivika.Dynamics.Random Simulation.Aivika.Event Simulation.Aivika.Generator Simulation.Aivika.Parameter Simulation.Aivika.Parameter.Random Simulation.Aivika.PriorityQueue Simulation.Aivika.Process Simulation.Aivika.Processor Simulation.Aivika.Processor.RoundRobbin Simulation.Aivika.Queue Simulation.Aivika.Queue.Infinite Simulation.Aivika.QueueStrategy Simulation.Aivika.Ref Simulation.Aivika.Ref.Light Simulation.Aivika.Resource Simulation.Aivika.Server Simulation.Aivika.Signal Simulation.Aivika.Simulation Simulation.Aivika.Specs Simulation.Aivika.Statistics Simulation.Aivika.Statistics.Accumulator Simulation.Aivika.Stream Simulation.Aivika.Stream.Random Simulation.Aivika.SystemDynamics Simulation.Aivika.Table Simulation.Aivika.Task Simulation.Aivika.Transform Simulation.Aivika.Unboxed Simulation.Aivika.Var Simulation.Aivika.Var.Unboxed Simulation.Aivika.Vector Simulation.Aivika.Vector.Unboxed other-modules: Simulation.Aivika.Internal.Cont Simulation.Aivika.Internal.Dynamics Simulation.Aivika.Internal.Event Simulation.Aivika.Internal.Parameter Simulation.Aivika.Internal.Process Simulation.Aivika.Internal.Signal Simulation.Aivika.Internal.Simulation Simulation.Aivika.Internal.Specs Simulation.Aivika.Internal.Arrival build-depends: base >= && < 6, mtl >= 2.1.1, array >=, containers >=, random >= extensions: FlexibleContexts, BangPatterns, RecursiveDo, Arrows, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies ghc-options: -O2 source-repository head type: git location: