module Simulation.Aivika.Vector.Unboxed
freezeVector) where
import Data.Array
import Data.Array.MArray.Safe
import Data.Array.IO.Safe
import Data.IORef
import Control.Monad
import Simulation.Aivika.Unboxed
data Vector a = Vector { vectorArrayRef :: IORef (IOUArray Int a),
vectorCountRef :: IORef Int,
vectorCapacityRef :: IORef Int }
newVector :: Unboxed a => IO (Vector a)
newVector =
do array <- newUnboxedArray_ (0, 4 1)
arrayRef <- newIORef array
countRef <- newIORef 0
capacityRef <- newIORef 4
return Vector { vectorArrayRef = arrayRef,
vectorCountRef = countRef,
vectorCapacityRef = capacityRef }
copyVector :: Unboxed a => Vector a -> IO (Vector a)
copyVector vector =
do array <- readIORef (vectorArrayRef vector)
count <- readIORef (vectorCountRef vector)
array' <- newUnboxedArray_ (0, count 1)
arrayRef' <- newIORef array'
countRef' <- newIORef count
capacityRef' <- newIORef count
forM_ [0 .. count 1] $ \i ->
do x <- readArray array i
writeArray array' i x
return Vector { vectorArrayRef = arrayRef',
vectorCountRef = countRef',
vectorCapacityRef = capacityRef' }
vectorEnsureCapacity :: Unboxed a => Vector a -> Int -> IO ()
vectorEnsureCapacity vector capacity =
do capacity' <- readIORef (vectorCapacityRef vector)
when (capacity' < capacity) $
do array' <- readIORef (vectorArrayRef vector)
count' <- readIORef (vectorCountRef vector)
let capacity'' = max (2 * capacity') capacity
array'' <- newUnboxedArray_ (0, capacity'' 1)
forM_ [0 .. count' 1] $ \i ->
do x <- readArray array' i
writeArray array'' i x
writeIORef (vectorArrayRef vector) array''
writeIORef (vectorCapacityRef vector) capacity''
vectorCount :: Unboxed a => Vector a -> IO Int
vectorCount vector = readIORef (vectorCountRef vector)
appendVector :: Unboxed a => Vector a -> a -> IO ()
appendVector vector item =
do count <- readIORef (vectorCountRef vector)
vectorEnsureCapacity vector (count + 1)
array <- readIORef (vectorArrayRef vector)
writeArray array count item
writeIORef (vectorCountRef vector) (count + 1)
readVector :: Unboxed a => Vector a -> Int -> IO a
readVector vector index =
do array <- readIORef (vectorArrayRef vector)
readArray array index
writeVector :: Unboxed a => Vector a -> Int -> a -> IO ()
writeVector vector index item =
do array <- readIORef (vectorArrayRef vector)
writeArray array index item
vectorBinarySearch' :: (Unboxed a, Ord a) => IOUArray Int a -> a -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
vectorBinarySearch' array item left right =
if left > right
then return $ (right + 1) 1
do let index = (left + right) `div` 2
curr <- readArray array index
if item < curr
then vectorBinarySearch' array item left (index 1)
else if item == curr
then return index
else vectorBinarySearch' array item (index + 1) right
vectorBinarySearch :: (Unboxed a, Ord a) => Vector a -> a -> IO Int
vectorBinarySearch vector item =
do array <- readIORef (vectorArrayRef vector)
count <- readIORef (vectorCountRef vector)
vectorBinarySearch' array item 0 (count 1)
freezeVector :: Unboxed a => Vector a -> IO (Array Int a)
freezeVector vector =
do vector' <- copyVector vector
array <- readIORef (vectorArrayRef vector')
freeze array
vectorInsert :: Unboxed a => Vector a -> Int -> a -> IO ()
vectorInsert vector index item =
do count <- readIORef (vectorCountRef vector)
when (index < 0) $
error $
"Index cannot be " ++
"negative: vectorInsert."
when (index > count) $
error $
"Index cannot be greater " ++
"than the count: vectorInsert."
vectorEnsureCapacity vector (count + 1)
array <- readIORef (vectorArrayRef vector)
forM_ [count, count 1 .. index + 1] $ \i ->
do x <- readArray array (i 1)
writeArray array i x
writeArray array index item
writeIORef (vectorCountRef vector) (count + 1)
vectorDeleteAt :: Unboxed a => Vector a -> Int -> IO ()
vectorDeleteAt vector index =
do count <- readIORef (vectorCountRef vector)
when (index < 0) $
error $
"Index cannot be " ++
"negative: vectorDeleteAt."
when (index >= count) $
error $
"Index must be less " ++
"than the count: vectorDeleteAt."
array <- readIORef (vectorArrayRef vector)
forM_ [index, index + 1 .. count 2] $ \i ->
do x <- readArray array (i + 1)
writeArray array i x
writeArray array (count 1) undefined
writeIORef (vectorCountRef vector) (count 1)
vectorIndex :: (Unboxed a, Eq a) => Vector a -> a -> IO Int
vectorIndex vector item =
do count <- readIORef (vectorCountRef vector)
array <- readIORef (vectorArrayRef vector)
let loop index =
if index >= count
then return $ 1
else do x <- readArray array index
if item == x
then return index
else loop $ index + 1
loop 0
vectorIndexBy :: Unboxed a => Vector a -> (a -> Bool) -> IO Int
vectorIndexBy vector pred =
do count <- readIORef (vectorCountRef vector)
array <- readIORef (vectorArrayRef vector)
let loop index =
if index >= count
then return $ 1
else do x <- readArray array index
if pred x
then return index
else loop $ index + 1
loop 0
vectorDelete :: (Unboxed a, Eq a) => Vector a -> a -> IO Bool
vectorDelete vector item =
do index <- vectorIndex vector item
if index >= 0
then do vectorDeleteAt vector index
return True
else return False
vectorDeleteBy :: Unboxed a => Vector a -> (a -> Bool) -> IO Bool
vectorDeleteBy vector pred =
do index <- vectorIndexBy vector pred
if index >= 0
then do vectorDeleteAt vector index
return True
else return False