module Experiment (experiment, generators) where import Data.Monoid import Control.Arrow import Simulation.Aivika import Simulation.Aivika.Experiment import Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.Chart import qualified Simulation.Aivika.Results.Transform as T -- | The simulation specs. specs = Specs { spcStartTime = 0.0, spcStopTime = 3600.0, spcDT = 0.1, spcMethod = RungeKutta4, spcGeneratorType = SimpleGenerator } -- | The experiment. experiment :: Experiment experiment = defaultExperiment { experimentSpecs = specs, experimentRunCount = 1000, -- experimentRunCount = 10, experimentTitle = "Single-Lane Traffic Analysis" } waitTime = resultByName "waitTime" greenLightTime = resultByName "greenLightTime" start = T.Resource $ resultByName "start" startQueueCount = $ T.resourceQueueCount start startQueueCountStats = $ T.resourceQueueCountStats start startWaitTime = $ T.resourceWaitTime start startCountStats = $ T.resourceCountStats start startUtilisationCountStats = $ T.resourceUtilisationCountStats start generators :: ChartRendering r => [WebPageGenerator r] generators = [outputView defaultExperimentSpecsView, outputView defaultInfoView, outputView $ defaultFinalStatsView { finalStatsTitle = "Green Light Time (Initial Conditions)", finalStatsSeries = greenLightTime }, outputView $ defaultFinalStatsView { finalStatsTitle = "The Average Waiting Time", finalStatsSeries = waitTime }, outputView $ defaultDeviationChartView { deviationChartTitle = "The Average Waiting Time Chart", deviationChartWidth = 1000, deviationChartRightYSeries = waitTime }, outputView $ defaultFinalStatsView { finalStatsTitle = "The Resource Queue Count", finalStatsSeries = startQueueCountStats }, outputView $ defaultDeviationChartView { deviationChartTitle = "The Resource Queue Count Chart", deviationChartWidth = 1000, deviationChartRightYSeries = startQueueCount <> startQueueCountStats }, outputView $ defaultFinalStatsView { finalStatsTitle = "The Resource Wait Time", finalStatsSeries = startWaitTime }, outputView $ defaultFinalStatsView { finalStatsTitle = "The Resource Utilisation Summary", finalStatsSeries = startUtilisationCountStats }, outputView $ defaultFinalStatsView { finalStatsTitle = "The Resource Availability Summary", finalStatsSeries = startCountStats } ]