module Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.Chart.HistogramView
defaultHistogramView) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Lens
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Array
import Data.Default.Class
import System.IO
import System.FilePath
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart
import Simulation.Aivika
import Simulation.Aivika.Experiment
import Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.Base
import Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.Chart.Types
import Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.Chart.Utils (colourisePlotBars)
import Simulation.Aivika.Experiment.Histogram
data HistogramView =
HistogramView { histogramTitle :: String,
histogramDescription :: String,
histogramWidth :: Int,
histogramHeight :: Int,
histogramFileName :: ExperimentFilePath,
histogramPredicate :: Event Bool,
histogramBuild :: [[Double]] -> Histogram,
histogramTransform :: ResultTransform,
histogramSeries :: ResultTransform,
histogramPlotTitle :: String,
histogramRunPlotTitle :: String,
histogramPlotBars :: PlotBars Double Double ->
PlotBars Double Double,
histogramLayout :: Layout Double Double ->
Layout Double Double
defaultHistogramView :: HistogramView
defaultHistogramView =
HistogramView { histogramTitle = "Histogram",
histogramDescription = "It shows the histogram(s) by data gathered in the integration time points.",
histogramWidth = 640,
histogramHeight = 480,
histogramFileName = UniqueFilePath "Histogram($RUN_INDEX)",
histogramPredicate = return True,
histogramBuild = histogram binSturges,
histogramTransform = id,
histogramSeries = mempty,
histogramPlotTitle = "$TITLE",
histogramRunPlotTitle = "$PLOT_TITLE / Run $RUN_INDEX of $RUN_COUNT",
histogramPlotBars = colourisePlotBars,
histogramLayout = id }
instance ChartRendering r => ExperimentView HistogramView (WebPageRenderer r) where
outputView v =
let reporter exp (WebPageRenderer renderer _) dir =
do st <- newHistogram v exp renderer dir
let context =
WebPageContext $
WebPageWriter { reporterWriteTOCHtml = histogramTOCHtml st,
reporterWriteHtml = histogramHtml st }
return ExperimentReporter { reporterInitialise = return (),
reporterFinalise = return (),
reporterSimulate = simulateHistogram st,
reporterContext = context }
in ExperimentGenerator { generateReporter = reporter }
instance ChartRendering r => ExperimentView HistogramView (FileRenderer r) where
outputView v =
let reporter exp (FileRenderer renderer _) dir =
do st <- newHistogram v exp renderer dir
return ExperimentReporter { reporterInitialise = return (),
reporterFinalise = return (),
reporterSimulate = simulateHistogram st,
reporterContext = FileContext }
in ExperimentGenerator { generateReporter = reporter }
data HistogramViewState r =
HistogramViewState { histogramView :: HistogramView,
histogramExperiment :: Experiment,
histogramRenderer :: r,
histogramDir :: FilePath,
histogramMap :: M.Map Int FilePath }
newHistogram :: ChartRendering r => HistogramView -> Experiment -> r -> FilePath -> ExperimentWriter (HistogramViewState r)
newHistogram view exp renderer dir =
do let n = experimentRunCount exp
fs <- forM [0..(n 1)] $ \i ->
resolveFilePath dir $
mapFilePath (flip replaceExtension $ renderableChartExtension renderer) $
expandFilePath (histogramFileName view) $
M.fromList [("$TITLE", histogramTitle view),
("$RUN_INDEX", show $ i + 1),
("$RUN_COUNT", show n)]
liftIO $ forM_ fs $ flip writeFile []
let m = M.fromList $ zip [0..(n 1)] fs
return HistogramViewState { histogramView = view,
histogramExperiment = exp,
histogramRenderer = renderer,
histogramDir = dir,
histogramMap = m }
simulateHistogram :: ChartRendering r => HistogramViewState r -> ExperimentData -> Composite ()
simulateHistogram st expdata =
do let view = histogramView st
rs = histogramSeries view $
histogramTransform view $
experimentResults expdata
exts = resultsToDoubleListValues rs
names = map resultValueName exts
signals = experimentPredefinedSignals expdata
n = experimentRunCount $ histogramExperiment st
build = histogramBuild view
width = histogramWidth view
height = histogramHeight view
predicate = histogramPredicate view
title = histogramTitle view
plotTitle = histogramPlotTitle view
runPlotTitle = histogramRunPlotTitle view
bars = histogramPlotBars view
layout = histogramLayout view
renderer = histogramRenderer st
i <- liftParameter simulationIndex
let file = fromJust $ M.lookup (i 1) (histogramMap st)
plotTitle' =
replace "$TITLE" title
runPlotTitle' =
if n == 1
then plotTitle'
else replace "$RUN_INDEX" (show i) $
replace "$RUN_COUNT" (show n) $
replace "$PLOT_TITLE" plotTitle'
hs <- forM exts $ \ext ->
newSignalHistory $
mapSignalM (const $ resultValueData ext) $
filterSignalM (const predicate) $
resultSignalInIntegTimes signals
disposableComposite $
DisposableEvent $
do xs <- forM hs readSignalHistory
let zs = histogramToBars . filterHistogram . build $
map (filterData . concat . elems . snd) xs
p = plotBars $
bars $
plot_bars_values .~ zs $
plot_bars_titles .~ names $
updateAxes =
if null zs
then let v = AxisVisibility True False False
in \l -> layout_top_axis_visibility .~ v $
layout_bottom_axis_visibility .~ v $
layout_left_axis_visibility .~ v $
layout_right_axis_visibility .~ v $
else id
chart = layout . updateAxes $
layout_title .~ runPlotTitle' $
layout_plots .~ [p] $
liftIO $
do renderChart renderer (width, height) file (toRenderable chart)
when (experimentVerbose $ histogramExperiment st) $
putStr "Generated file " >> putStrLn file
filterData :: [Double] -> [Double]
filterData = filter (\x -> not $ isNaN x || isInfinite x)
filterHistogram :: [(Double, a)] -> [(Double, a)]
filterHistogram = filter (\(x, _) -> not $ isNaN x || isInfinite x)
histogramToBars :: [(Double, [Int])] -> [(Double, [Double])]
histogramToBars = map $ \(x, ns) -> (x, map fromIntegral ns)
histogramHtml :: HistogramViewState r -> Int -> HtmlWriter ()
histogramHtml st index =
let n = experimentRunCount $ histogramExperiment st
in if n == 1
then histogramHtmlSingle st index
else histogramHtmlMultiple st index
histogramHtmlSingle :: HistogramViewState r -> Int -> HtmlWriter ()
histogramHtmlSingle st index =
do header st index
let f = fromJust $ M.lookup 0 (histogramMap st)
writeHtmlParagraph $
writeHtmlImage (makeRelative (histogramDir st) f)
histogramHtmlMultiple :: HistogramViewState r -> Int -> HtmlWriter ()
histogramHtmlMultiple st index =
do header st index
let n = experimentRunCount $ histogramExperiment st
forM_ [0..(n 1)] $ \i ->
let f = fromJust $ M.lookup i (histogramMap st)
in writeHtmlParagraph $
writeHtmlImage (makeRelative (histogramDir st) f)
header :: HistogramViewState r -> Int -> HtmlWriter ()
header st index =
do writeHtmlHeader3WithId ("id" ++ show index) $
writeHtmlText (histogramTitle $ histogramView st)
let description = histogramDescription $ histogramView st
unless (null description) $
writeHtmlParagraph $
writeHtmlText description
histogramTOCHtml :: HistogramViewState r -> Int -> HtmlWriter ()
histogramTOCHtml st index =
writeHtmlListItem $
writeHtmlLink ("#id" ++ show index) $
writeHtmlText (histogramTitle $ histogramView st)