-- |
-- Module     : Simulation.Aivika.Trans.GPSS.Block.Split
-- Copyright  : Copyright (c) 2017, David Sorokin <david.sorokin@gmail.com>
-- License    : BSD3
-- Maintainer : David Sorokin <david.sorokin@gmail.com>
-- Stability  : experimental
-- Tested with: GHC 8.0.2
-- This module defines an analog of the GPSS block SPLIT.
module Simulation.Aivika.Trans.GPSS.Block.Split
       (splitBlock) where

import Simulation.Aivika.Trans
import Simulation.Aivika.Trans.GPSS.Block
import Simulation.Aivika.Trans.GPSS.Transact

-- | This is an analog of the GPSS construct
-- @SPLIT A,B,C@
-- Parameter @A@ is a length of the list parameter passed in to the function.
-- Parameter @B@ is the list itself. If you need to define parameter @C@ then
-- you can create the blocks dynamically that could depend on the index and
-- where we could assign a new value for each new transcact after splitting.
-- An example is
-- @
-- let blocks :: [Block DIO (Transact DIO (a, Int)) ()]
--     blocks = ...
--     f :: (Int, Block DIO (Transact DIO (a, Int)) ()) -> Block DIO (Transact DIO a) ()
--     f (n, block) = assignBlock (\a -> (a, n)) >>> block
--     blocks' :: [Block DIO (Transact DIO a) ()]
--     blocks' = map f $ zip [0..] blocks
-- in splitBlock blocks'
-- @
splitBlock :: MonadDES m
              => [Block m (Transact m a) ()]
              -- ^ split and transfer new transacts to the specified blocks
              -> Block m (Transact m a) (Transact m a)
{-# INLINABLE splitBlock #-}
splitBlock blocks =
  Block { blockProcess = \a ->
           do let loop [] = return ()
                  loop (transfer: transfers) =
                    do a' <- liftSimulation $ splitTransact a
                       transferTransact a' $
                         blockProcess transfer a'
                       loop transfers
              liftEvent $ loop blocks
              return a