Name: alex-meta Version: Synopsis: Quasi-quoter for Alex lexers -- Description: License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Jonas Duregard Maintainer: Category: Development Build-type: Simple Description: A Template-Haskell based version of the Alex lexer generator. It is used by BNFC-meta to generate lexers and currently this is the only feature known to be working. Cabal-version: >=1.8 Library hs-source-dirs: src . extensions: CPP Exposed-modules: Text.Alex.Quote Text.Alex.AlexTemplate -- Packages needed in order to build this package. Build-depends: template-haskell >=2.5&&<2.16 , haskell-src-meta >=<1.0 , base >= 4.2 && < 5 , array, containers , QuickCheck >=2 Build-tools: alex, happy other-modules: Text.Alex AbsSyn CharSet DFA DFS Info Map NFA Output Parser ParseMonad Scan Set Sort Util UTF8 DFAMin Data.Ranged Data.Ranged.Boundaries Data.Ranged.RangedSet Data.Ranged.Ranges source-repository head type: git location: