module Data.API.Markdown
( markdown
, MarkdownMethods(..)
, defaultMarkdownMethods
, thing
) where
import Data.API.Types
import Data.API.Utils
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Printf
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens
data MarkdownMethods
{ mdmSummaryPostfix :: TypeName -> MDComment
, mdmLink :: TypeName -> MDComment
, mdmPp :: MDComment -> MDComment -> MDComment
, mdmFieldDefault :: FieldName -> APIType -> Maybe DefaultValue
defaultMarkdownMethods :: MarkdownMethods
defaultMarkdownMethods =
MDM { mdmSummaryPostfix = const ""
, mdmLink = T.unpack . _TypeName
, mdmPp = (++)
, mdmFieldDefault = \ _ _ -> Nothing
markdown :: MarkdownMethods -> API -> MDComment
markdown mdm ths = foldr (thing mdm) "" ths
thing :: MarkdownMethods -> Thing -> MDComment -> MDComment
thing mdm th tl_md =
case th of
ThComment md -> mdmPp mdm md tl_md
ThNode an -> node mdm an tl_md
node :: MarkdownMethods -> APINode -> MDComment -> MDComment
node mdm an tl_md =
header mdm an $ body mdm an $ version an $ "\n\n" ++ tl_md
header :: MarkdownMethods -> APINode -> MDComment -> MDComment
header mdm an tl_md =
printf "### %s\n\n%s\n\n%s" nm_md (mdmPp mdm cm_md "") tl_md
nm_md = type_name_md an
cm_md = comment_md an
body :: MarkdownMethods -> APINode -> MDComment -> MDComment
body mdm an tl_md =
case anSpec an of
SpNewtype sn -> block tl_md $ ntype mdm an sn
SpRecord sr -> block tl_md $ record mdm an sr
SpUnion su -> block tl_md $ union_ mdm an su
SpEnum se -> block tl_md $ enum_ mdm an se
SpSynonym ty -> block tl_md $ synonym mdm an ty
ntype :: MarkdownMethods -> APINode -> SpecNewtype -> [MDComment]
ntype mdm an sn =
summary_lines mdm an (basic_type_md $ snType sn) ++ [f ftr | Just ftr<-[snFilter sn]]
f (FtrStrg RegEx{..} ) = "**filter** " ++ show re_text
f (FtrIntg IntRange{..}) = "**filter** " ++ rg show ir_lo ir_hi
f (FtrUTC UTCRange{..}) = "**filter** " ++ rg mkUTC_ ur_lo ur_hi
rg _ Nothing Nothing = "**no restriction**"
rg sh Nothing (Just hi) = "x <= " ++ sh hi
rg sh (Just lo) Nothing = sh lo ++ " <= x"
rg sh (Just lo) (Just hi) = sh lo ++ " <= x <= " ++ sh hi
record :: MarkdownMethods -> APINode -> SpecRecord -> [MDComment]
record mdm an sr =
summary_lines mdm an "record object" ++ mk_md_record_table mdm (srFields sr)
union_ :: MarkdownMethods -> APINode -> SpecUnion -> [MDComment]
union_ mdm an su =
summary_lines mdm an "union object" ++ mk_md_union_table mdm (suFields su)
enum_ :: MarkdownMethods -> APINode -> SpecEnum -> [MDComment]
enum_ mdm an SpecEnum{..} =
summary_lines mdm an "string enumeration" ++ map f (hdr : dhs : rws)
f (fnm,cmt) = ljust lnx fnm ++ " | " ++ cmt
dhs = (replicate lnx '-',replicate 7 '-')
lnx = maximum $ 0 : map (T.length . _FieldName . fst) seAlts
rws = map fmt seAlts
hdr = ("Enumeration","Comment")
fmt (fn0,ct) = (T.unpack (_FieldName fn0), mdmPp mdm "" $ cln ct)
cln ct = reverse $ dropWhile isSpace $ reverse $ map tr ct
tr '\n' = ' '
tr c = c
synonym :: MarkdownMethods -> APINode -> APIType -> [MDComment]
synonym mdm an ty = summary_lines mdm an $ type_md mdm ty
mk_md_record_table :: MarkdownMethods -> [(FieldName, FieldType)] -> [MDComment]
mk_md_record_table mdm fds = map f $ hdr : dhs : rws
f = if all (null . view _4) rws then f3 else f4
f3 (x,y,z,_) = ljust lnx x ++ " | " ++ ljust lny y ++ " | " ++ z
f4 (x,y,z,a) = ljust lnx x ++ " | " ++ ljust lny y ++ " | " ++ ljust lnz z ++ " | " ++ a
dhs = (replicate lnx '-',replicate lny '-',replicate lnz '-',replicate 7 '-')
lnx = maximum $ map (length . view _1) $ hdr : rws
lny = maximum $ map (length . view _2) $ hdr : rws
lnz = maximum $ map (length . view _3) $ hdr : rws
hdr = ("Field","Type","Default","Comment")
rws = map fmt fds
fmt (fn0,fty) = ( fn, type_md mdm ty, flg_md, mdmPp mdm "" $ cleanComment ct )
fn = T.unpack (_FieldName fn0)
ty = ftType fty
ct = ftComment fty
flg_md | ftReadOnly fty = "*read-only*"
| otherwise = default_md $ ftDefault fty
default_md mb_dv = maybe "" (backticks . default_value)
(mdmFieldDefault mdm fn0 ty <|> mb_dv)
backticks s = "`" ++ s ++ "`"
mk_md_union_table :: MarkdownMethods ->
[(FieldName, (APIType, MDComment))] -> [MDComment]
mk_md_union_table mdm fds = map f $ hdr : dhs : rws
f = if all (null . view _3) rws then f2 else f3
f2 (x,y,_) = ljust lnx x ++ " | " ++ y
f3 (x,y,z) = ljust lnx x ++ " | " ++ ljust lny y ++ " | " ++ z
dhs = (replicate lnx '-',replicate lny '-',replicate 7 '-')
lnx = maximum $ map (length . view _1) $ hdr : rws
lny = maximum $ map (length . view _2) $ hdr : rws
hdr = ("Alternative","Type","Comment")
rws = map fmt fds
fmt (fn0,(ty,ct)) = ("_" ++ fn ++ "_",type_md mdm ty,mdmPp mdm "" $ cleanComment ct)
fn = T.unpack (_FieldName fn0)
cleanComment :: MDComment -> MDComment
cleanComment ct = reverse $ dropWhile isSpace $ reverse $ map tr ct
tr '\n' = ' '
tr c = c
summary_lines :: MarkdownMethods -> APINode -> String -> [MDComment]
summary_lines mdm an smy =
[ printf "JSON Type : **%s** [Haskell prefix is `%s`] %s" smy pfx pst
, ""
pfx = prefix_md an
pst = mdmSummaryPostfix mdm $ anName an
default_value :: DefaultValue -> MDComment
default_value dv =
case dv of
DefValList -> "[]"
DefValMaybe -> "null"
DefValString t -> show t
DefValBool b -> map toLower $ show b
DefValInt i -> show i
DefValUtc u -> show $ mkUTC_ u
type_md :: MarkdownMethods -> APIType -> MDComment
type_md mdm ty =
case ty of
TyList ty' -> "[" ++ type_md mdm ty' ++ "]"
TyMaybe ty' -> "? " ++ type_md mdm ty'
TyName nm -> mdmLink mdm nm
TyBasic bt -> basic_type_md bt
TyJSON -> "json"
basic_type_md :: BasicType -> MDComment
basic_type_md bt =
case bt of
BTstring -> "string"
BTbinary -> "base64 string"
BTbool -> "boolean"
BTint -> "integer"
BTutc -> "utc"
type_name_md, prefix_md, comment_md :: APINode -> MDComment
type_name_md = T.unpack . _TypeName . anName
prefix_md = CI.original . anPrefix
comment_md = anComment
block :: MDComment -> [MDComment] -> MDComment
block tl_md cmts = unlines cmts ++ tl_md
version :: APINode -> MDComment -> MDComment
version _ tl_md = tl_md
ljust :: Int -> String -> String
ljust fw s = s ++ replicate p ' '
p = max 0 $ fw length s