Name: api-tools Version: Synopsis: DSL for generating API boilerplate and docs Description: api-tools provides a compact DSL for describing an API. It uses Template Haskell to generate the corresponding data types and assorted tools for working with it, including Aeson and QuickCheck instances for converting between JSON and the generated types and writing unit tests. Homepage: License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Chris Dornan and Adam Gundry Maintainer: Chris Dornan and Adam Gundry Copyright: (c) Iris Connect 2013-2014 Category: Network, Web, Cloud, Distributed Computing Build-type: Simple Extra-source-files: changelog Cabal-version: >=1.10 Source-Repository head Type: git Location: git:// Source-Repository this Type: git Location: git:// Tag: flag time15 default: True Library Hs-Source-Dirs: src Exposed-modules: Data.API.API Data.API.API.DSL Data.API.API.Gen Data.API.Changes Data.API.Changes.Types Data.API.Doc Data.API.Doc.Subst Data.API.Error Data.API.JSON Data.API.JSONToCBOR Data.API.Markdown Data.API.NormalForm Data.API.Parse Data.API.PP Data.API.TH Data.API.Tools Data.API.Tools.CBOR Data.API.Tools.Combinators Data.API.Tools.Datatypes Data.API.Tools.DeepSeq Data.API.Tools.Enum Data.API.Tools.Example Data.API.Tools.JSON Data.API.Tools.JSONTests Data.API.Tools.Lens Data.API.Tools.QuickCheck Data.API.Tools.SafeCopy Data.API.Tools.Traversal Data.API.Tutorial Data.API.Types Data.API.Utils Data.API.Value Data.Binary.Serialise.CBOR.Extra Data.Binary.Serialise.CBOR.JSON Other-modules: Data.API.Doc.Call Data.API.Doc.Dir Data.API.Doc.Types Data.API.Scan Data.API.TH.Compat Build-depends: Cabal >= 1.4 && < 2 , QuickCheck >= 2.5.1 && < 2.10 , aeson >= 0.10 && < 1.3 , aeson-pretty >= 0.1 && < 0.9 , array >= 0.4 && < 0.6 , attoparsec >= 0.10.4 && < 0.14 , base >= 4 && < 5 , base16-bytestring >= 0.1 && < 0.2 , base64-bytestring >= 1.0 && < 1.1 , binary, bytestring >= 0.9 && < 0.11 , case-insensitive >= 1.0 && < 1.3 , cborg >= && < 0.2 , containers >= 0.5 && < 0.6 , deepseq >= 1.1 && < 1.5 , lens >= 3.8.7 && < 4.16 , regex-compat-tdfa >= 0.95.1 && < 0.96 , safe >= 0.3.3 && < 0.4 , safecopy >= 0.8.1 && < 0.10 , scientific >= 0.3 && < 0.4 , serialise >= && < 0.2 , template-haskell >= 2.7 && < 2.12 , text >= 0.11.3 && < 1.3 , unordered-containers >= && < 0.3 , vector >= && < 0.12 if flag(time15) Build-depends: time >= 1.5.0 && < 1.7 else Build-depends: old-locale >= 1 && < 1.1, time >= 1.1.4 && < 1.5 Build-tools: alex, happy GHC-Options: -Wall -fwarn-tabs Default-Language: Haskell2010 Executable migration-tool Hs-Source-Dirs: main Main-is: Data/API/MigrationTool.hs Build-depends: api-tools, QuickCheck >= 2.5.1 && < 2.10 , aeson , aeson-pretty >= 0.1 && < 0.9 , array >= 0.4 && < 0.6 , attoparsec >= 0.10.4 && < 0.14 , base >= 4 && < 5 , base64-bytestring >= 1.0 && < 1.1 , bytestring >= 0.9 && < 0.11 , case-insensitive >= 1.0 && < 1.3 , containers >= 0.5 && < 0.6 , lens >= 3.8.7 && < 4.16 , regex-compat-tdfa >= 0.95.1 && < 0.96 , safe >= 0.3.3 && < 0.4 , safecopy >= 0.8.1 && < 0.10 , template-haskell >= 2.7 && < 2.12 , text >= 0.11.3 && < 1.3 , unordered-containers >= && < 0.3 , vector >= && < 0.12 GHC-Options: -main-is Data.API.MigrationTool -Wall -fwarn-tabs Default-Language: Haskell2010 Executable perf-test Hs-Source-Dirs: main Main-is: Data/API/PerfTest.hs Build-depends: api-tools, QuickCheck >= 2.5.1 && < 2.10 , aeson , aeson-pretty >= 0.1 && < 0.9 , array >= 0.4 && < 0.6 , attoparsec >= 0.10.4 && < 0.14 , base >= 4 && < 5 , base64-bytestring >= 1.0 && < 1.1 , bytestring >= 0.9 && < 0.11 , case-insensitive >= 1.0 && < 1.3 , cborg >= && < 0.2 , containers >= 0.5 && < 0.6 , deepseq >= 1.1 && < 1.5 , lens >= 3.8.7 && < 4.16 , regex-compat-tdfa >= 0.95.1 && < 0.96 , safe >= 0.3.3 && < 0.4 , safecopy >= 0.8.1 && < 0.10 , serialise >= && < 0.2 , template-haskell >= 2.7 && < 2.12 , text >= 0.11.3 && < 1.3 , unordered-containers >= && < 0.3 , vector >= && < 0.12, time GHC-Options: -main-is Data.API.PerfTest -Wall -fwarn-tabs -rtsopts Default-Language: Haskell2010 Test-Suite test-api-tools Hs-Source-Dirs: tests Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Main-is: Data/API/Test/Main.hs Other-modules: Data.API.Test.DSL Data.API.Test.Gen Data.API.Test.JSON Data.API.Test.Migration Data.API.Test.MigrationData Build-depends: api-tools, Cabal >= 1.4 && < 2 , QuickCheck >= 2.5.1 && < 2.10 , aeson , aeson-pretty >= 0.1 && < 0.9 , array >= 0.4 && < 0.6 , attoparsec >= 0.10.4 && < 0.14 , base >= 4 && < 5 , base64-bytestring >= 1.0 && < 1.1 , bytestring >= 0.9 && < 0.11 , case-insensitive >= 1.0 && < 1.3 , cborg >= && < 0.2 , containers >= 0.5 && < 0.6 , lens >= 3.8.7 && < 4.16 , regex-compat-tdfa >= 0.95.1 && < 0.96 , safe >= 0.3.3 && < 0.4 , safecopy >= 0.8.1 && < 0.10 , serialise >= && < 0.2 , tasty >= 0.10.1 && < 0.12 , tasty-hunit >= 0.2 && < 10.0 , tasty-quickcheck >= 0.3 && < 0.9 , time, template-haskell >= 2.7 && < 2.12 , text >= 0.11.3 && < 1.3 , unordered-containers >= && < 0.3 , vector >= && < 0.12 GHC-Options: -main-is Data.API.Test.Main -Wall -fwarn-tabs Default-Language: Haskell2010