-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright Preetham Gujjula -- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} module Test.ApplyMerge.Common ( basicTest, skewedTest, blockTest, maxTest, ) where import Data.List (sort) import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.HUnit (testCase, (@?=)) type ApplyMerge = forall a b c. (Ord c) => (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c] basicTest :: ApplyMerge -> TestTree basicTest applyMerge = testGroup "basic tests" [ testCase "applyMerge (+) [] [] == []" $ applyMerge (undefined :: Int -> Int -> Int) [] [] @?= [], testCase "applyMerge (+) [0 ..] [] == []" $ applyMerge (+) ([0 ..] :: [Int]) [] @?= [], testCase "applyMerge (+) [] [0 ..] == []" $ applyMerge (+) ([] :: [Int]) [0 ..] @?= [], testCase "applyMerge (+) [0 .. 10] [0 .. 10] is correct" $ let xs :: [Int] xs = [0 .. 10] expected = sort $ (+) <$> xs <*> xs in applyMerge (+) xs xs @?= expected, testCase "applyMerge (+) [0 .. 10] (replicate 10 1) is correct" $ let xs :: [Int] xs = [0 .. 10] ys :: [Int] ys = replicate 10 1 expected = sort $ (+) <$> xs <*> ys in applyMerge (+) xs ys @?= expected, testCase "applyMerge (+) (replicate 10 1) [0 .. 10] is correct" $ let xs :: [Int] xs = [0 .. 10] ys :: [Int] ys = replicate 10 1 expected = sort $ (+) <$> ys <*> xs in applyMerge (+) ys xs @?= expected, testCase "applyMerge (+) (replicate 10 1) (replicate 10 1) is correct" $ let ys :: [Int] ys = replicate 10 1 expected = sort $ (+) <$> ys <*> ys in applyMerge (+) ys ys @?= expected, testCase "applyMerge (+) [0..] [0..] is correct in the first 100 elems" $ let xs :: [Int] xs = [0 ..] expected :: [Int] expected = take 100 $ sort $ (+) <$> take 100 xs <*> take 100 xs in take 100 (applyMerge (+) xs xs) @?= expected ] skewedTest :: ApplyMerge -> TestTree skewedTest applyMerge = testGroup "skewed tests" [ testCase "applyMerge (^) [2..] [1..] is correct in the first 100 elems" $ let bases :: [Integer] bases = [2 ..] exps :: [Int] exps = [1 ..] expected :: [Integer] expected = take 100 $ sort $ (^) <$> take 100 bases <*> take 100 exps in take 100 (applyMerge (^) bases exps) @?= expected, testCase "applyMerge (flip (^)) [2..] [1..] is correct in the first 100 elems" $ let bases :: [Integer] bases = [2 ..] exps :: [Int] exps = [1 ..] expected :: [Integer] expected = take 100 $ sort $ flip (^) <$> take 100 exps <*> take 100 bases in take 100 (applyMerge (flip (^)) exps bases) @?= expected ] blockTest :: ApplyMerge -> TestTree blockTest applyMerge = testGroup "block tests" [ testCase ( "applyMerge (\\x y -> (x `quot` 3) + (y `quot` 3)) [0..] [0..] is correct in the " ++ "first 100 elems" ) $ let xs :: [Int] xs = [0 ..] f :: Int -> Int -> Int f x y = (x `quot` 3) + (y `quot` 3) expected :: [Int] expected = take 100 $ sort $ f <$> take 100 xs <*> take 100 xs in take 100 (applyMerge f xs xs) @?= expected ] maxTest :: ApplyMerge -> TestTree maxTest applyMerge = testGroup "max tests" [ testCase "applyMerge max [0..] [0..] is correct in the first 100 elems" $ let xs :: [Int] xs = [0 ..] expected :: [Int] expected = take 100 $ sort $ max <$> take 100 xs <*> take 100 xs in take 100 (applyMerge max xs xs) @?= expected ]