module Refact.Apply (runRefactoring) where
import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint
import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Parsers
import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Annotate
import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Types
import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Utils
import Data.Data
import Data.Generics.Schemes
import HsExpr as GHC hiding (Stmt)
import qualified HsBinds as GHC
import qualified HsDecls as GHC
import HsImpExp
import qualified Module as GHC
import HsSyn hiding (Pat, Stmt)
import SrcLoc
import qualified SrcLoc as GHC
import qualified RdrName as GHC
import qualified OccName as GHC
import Data.Generics
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Maybe
import Refact.Types hiding (SrcSpan)
import qualified Refact.Types as R
import Refact.Utils (Stmt, Pat, Name, Decl, M, Expr, Type
, modifyAnnKey, replaceAnnKey, Import)
getSeed :: State Int Int
getSeed = get <* modify (+1)
runRefactoring :: Data a => Anns -> a -> Refactoring GHC.SrcSpan -> State Int (Anns, a)
runRefactoring as m r@Replace{} = do
seed <- getSeed
return $ case rtype r of
Expr -> replaceWorker as m parseExpr seed r
Decl -> replaceWorker as m parseDecl seed r
Type -> replaceWorker as m parseType seed r
Pattern -> replaceWorker as m parsePattern seed r
Stmt -> replaceWorker as m parseStmt seed r
Bind -> replaceWorker as m parseBind seed r
R.Match -> replaceWorker as m parseMatch seed r
ModuleName -> replaceWorker as m (parseModuleName (pos r)) seed r
Import -> replaceWorker as m parseImport seed r
runRefactoring as m ModifyComment{..} =
return ( go as, m)
go a@(Ann{ annPriorComments, annsDP }) =
a { annsDP = map changeComment annsDP
, annPriorComments = map (first change) annPriorComments }
changeComment (AnnComment d, dp) = (AnnComment (change d), dp)
changeComment e = e
change old@Comment{..}= if ss2pos commentIdentifier == ss2pos pos
then old { commentContents = newComment}
else old
runRefactoring as m Delete{rtype, pos} = do
let f = case rtype of
Stmt -> doDeleteStmt ((/= pos) . getLoc)
Import -> doDeleteImport ((/= pos) . getLoc)
_ -> id
return (as, f m)
runRefactoring as m InsertComment{..} =
let exprkey = mkAnnKey (findDecl m pos) in
return (insertComment exprkey newComment as, m)
runRefactoring as m RemoveAsKeyword{..} =
return (as, removeAsKeyword m)
removeAsKeyword = everywhere (mkT go)
go :: LImportDecl GHC.RdrName -> LImportDecl GHC.RdrName
go imp@(GHC.L l i) | l == pos = GHC.L l (i { ideclAs = Nothing })
| otherwise = imp
parseModuleName :: GHC.SrcSpan -> Parser (GHC.Located GHC.ModuleName)
parseModuleName ss _ _ s =
let newMN = GHC.L ss (GHC.mkModuleName s)
newAnns = relativiseApiAnns newMN (Map.empty, Map.empty)
in return (newAnns, newMN)
parseBind :: Parser (GHC.LHsBind GHC.RdrName)
parseBind dyn fname s =
case parseDecl dyn fname s of
Right (as, GHC.L l (GHC.ValD b)) -> Right (as, GHC.L l b)
Right (_, GHC.L l _) -> Left (l, "Not a HsBind")
Left e -> Left e
parseMatch :: Parser (GHC.LMatch GHC.RdrName (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.RdrName))
parseMatch dyn fname s =
case parseBind dyn fname s of
Right (as, GHC.L l GHC.FunBind{fun_matches}) ->
case GHC.mg_alts fun_matches of
[x] -> Right (as, x)
_ -> Left (l, "Not a single match")
Right (_, GHC.L l _) -> Left (l, "Not a funbind")
Left e -> Left e
substTransform :: (Data a, Data b) => b -> [(String, GHC.SrcSpan)] -> a -> M a
substTransform m ss = everywhereM (mkM (exprSub m ss)
`extM` typeSub m ss
`extM` patSub m ss
`extM` stmtSub m ss
`extM` identSub m ss
stmtSub :: Data a => a -> [(String, GHC.SrcSpan)] -> Stmt -> M Stmt
stmtSub m subs old@(GHC.L _ (BodyStmt (GHC.L _ (HsVar name)) _ _ _) ) =
resolveRdrName m (findStmt m) old subs name
stmtSub _ _ e = return e
patSub :: Data a => a -> [(String, GHC.SrcSpan)] -> Pat -> M Pat
patSub m subs old@(GHC.L _ (VarPat name)) =
resolveRdrName m (findPat m) old subs name
patSub _ _ e = return e
typeSub :: Data a => a -> [(String, GHC.SrcSpan)] -> Type -> M Type
typeSub m subs old@(GHC.L _ (HsTyVar name)) =
resolveRdrName m (findType m) old subs name
typeSub _ _ e = return e
exprSub :: Data a => a -> [(String, GHC.SrcSpan)] -> Expr -> M Expr
exprSub m subs old@(GHC.L _ (HsVar name)) =
resolveRdrName m (findExpr m) old subs name
exprSub _ _ e = return e
identSub :: Data a => a -> [(String, GHC.SrcSpan)] -> Name -> M Name
identSub m subs old@(GHC.L _ name) =
resolveRdrName' subst (findName m) old subs name
subst :: Name -> (Name, Pat) -> M Name
subst (mkAnnKey -> oldkey) (n, p)
= n <$ modify (\r -> replaceAnnKey r oldkey (mkAnnKey p) (mkAnnKey n) (mkAnnKey p))
resolveRdrName' ::
(a -> b -> M a) -> (SrcSpan -> b) -> a
-> [(String, GHC.SrcSpan)] -> GHC.RdrName -> M a
resolveRdrName' g f old subs name =
case name of
GHC.Unqual (GHC.occNameString . GHC.occName -> oname)
-> case lookup oname subs of
Just (f -> new) -> g old new
Nothing -> return old
_ -> return old
resolveRdrName :: (Data old, Data a)
=> a
-> (SrcSpan -> Located old)
-> Located old
-> [(String, SrcSpan)]
-> GHC.RdrName
-> M (Located old)
resolveRdrName m = resolveRdrName' (modifyAnnKey m)
insertComment :: AnnKey -> String
-> Map.Map AnnKey Annotation
-> Map.Map AnnKey Annotation
insertComment k s as =
let comment = Comment s GHC.noSrcSpan Nothing in
Map.adjust (\a@Ann{..} -> a { annPriorComments = annPriorComments ++ [(comment, DP (1,0))]
, annEntryDelta = DP (1,0) }) k as
doGenReplacement :: (Data ast, Data a)
=> a
-> (GHC.Located ast -> Bool)
-> GHC.Located ast
-> GHC.Located ast
-> State (Anns, Bool) (GHC.Located ast)
doGenReplacement m p new old =
if p old then do
s <- get
let (v, st) = runState (modifyAnnKey m old new) (fst s)
modify (const (st, True))
return v
else return old
replaceWorker :: (Annotate a, Data mod) => Anns -> mod
-> Parser (GHC.Located a) -> Int
-> Refactoring GHC.SrcSpan -> (Anns, mod)
replaceWorker as m parser seed Replace{..} =
let replExprLocation = pos
uniqueName = "template" ++ show seed
p s = unsafePerformIO (withDynFlags (\d -> parser d uniqueName s))
(relat, template) = case p orig of
Right xs -> xs
Left err -> error (show err)
(newExpr, newAnns) = runState (substTransform m subts template) (mergeAnns as relat)
replacementPred (GHC.L l _) = l == replExprLocation
transformation = everywhereM (mkM (doGenReplacement m replacementPred newExpr))
in case runState (transformation m) (newAnns, False) of
(finalM, (finalAs, True)) -> (finalAs, finalM)
_ -> (as, m)
replaceWorker as m _ _ _ = (as, m)
findGen :: forall ast a . (Data ast, Data a) => String -> a -> SrcSpan -> GHC.Located ast
findGen s m ss = fromMaybe (error (s ++ " " ++ showGhc ss)) (doTrans m)
doTrans :: a -> Maybe (GHC.Located ast)
doTrans = something (mkQ Nothing (findLargestExpression ss))
findExpr :: Data a => a -> SrcSpan -> Expr
findExpr = findGen "expr"
findPat :: Data a => a -> SrcSpan -> Pat
findPat = findGen "pat"
findType :: Data a => a -> SrcSpan -> Type
findType = findGen "type"
findDecl :: Data a => a -> SrcSpan -> Decl
findDecl = findGen "decl"
findStmt :: Data a => a -> SrcSpan -> Stmt
findStmt = findGen "stmt"
findName :: Data a => a -> SrcSpan -> (Name, Pat)
findName m ss =
case findPat m ss of
p@(GHC.L l (VarPat n)) -> (GHC.L l n, p)
GHC.L l _ -> error $ "Not var pat: " ++ showGhc l
findLargestExpression :: SrcSpan -> GHC.Located ast -> Maybe (GHC.Located ast)
findLargestExpression ss e@(GHC.L l _) =
if l == ss
then Just e
else Nothing
doDeleteStmt :: Data a => (Stmt -> Bool) -> a -> a
doDeleteStmt p = everywhere (mkT (filter p))
doDeleteImport :: Data a => (Import -> Bool) -> a -> a
doDeleteImport p = everywhere (mkT (filter p))