arity-generic-liftA: Provides an arity-generic version of the liftA2, liftA3... liftAn functions.

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License MIT
Copyright 2018 Donnacha Oisín Kidney
Author Donnacha Oisín Kidney
Revised Revision 1 made by oisdk at 2018-12-31T19:00:57Z
Category Control
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Uploaded by oisdk at 2018-12-31T17:03:04Z
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Readme for arity-generic-liftA-

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There's a family of functions in Control.Applicative which follow the pattern liftA2, liftA3, etc. Using some tricks from Richard Eisenberg's thesis we can write them all at once. This package does exactly that, providing a function (lift) which is an arity-generic version of the liftAn.

>>> lift (\x y z -> x ++ y ++ z) (Just "a") (Just "b") (Just "c")
Just "abc"

Eisenberg, Richard A. “Dependent Types in Haskell: Theory and Practice.” University of Pennsylvania, 2016.