{-# LINE 1 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module ArrayFire.Internal.Defines where

import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Storable

afVersion :: Integer
afVersion = 36
{-# LINE 17 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFErr = AFErr { afError :: CInt }
  deriving (Show, Eq)

afSuccess  :: AFErr
afSuccess  = AFErr 0
afErrNoMem  :: AFErr
afErrNoMem  = AFErr 101
afErrDriver  :: AFErr
afErrDriver  = AFErr 102
afErrRuntime  :: AFErr
afErrRuntime  = AFErr 103
afErrInvalidArray  :: AFErr
afErrInvalidArray  = AFErr 201
afErrArg  :: AFErr
afErrArg  = AFErr 202
afErrSize  :: AFErr
afErrSize  = AFErr 203
afErrType  :: AFErr
afErrType  = AFErr 204
afErrDiffType  :: AFErr
afErrDiffType  = AFErr 205
afErrBatch  :: AFErr
afErrBatch  = AFErr 207
afErrDevice  :: AFErr
afErrDevice  = AFErr 208
afErrNotSupported  :: AFErr
afErrNotSupported  = AFErr 301
afErrNotConfigured  :: AFErr
afErrNotConfigured  = AFErr 302
afErrNonFree  :: AFErr
afErrNonFree  = AFErr 303
afErrNoDbl  :: AFErr
afErrNoDbl  = AFErr 401
afErrNoGfx  :: AFErr
afErrNoGfx  = AFErr 402
afErrLoadLib  :: AFErr
afErrLoadLib  = AFErr 501
afErrLoadSym  :: AFErr
afErrLoadSym  = AFErr 502
afErrArrBkndMismatch  :: AFErr
afErrArrBkndMismatch  = AFErr 503
afErrInternal  :: AFErr
afErrInternal  = AFErr 998
afErrUnknown  :: AFErr
afErrUnknown  = AFErr 999

{-# LINE 44 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

-- | Low-level for representation of ArrayFire types
newtype AFDtype
  = AFDtype
  { afDType :: CInt
  -- ^ Value corresponding to ArrayFire type
  } deriving (Show, Eq, Storable)

-- | Enums for AFDtype
f32  :: AFDtype
f32  = AFDtype 0
c32  :: AFDtype
c32  = AFDtype 1
f64  :: AFDtype
f64  = AFDtype 2
c64  :: AFDtype
c64  = AFDtype 3
b8  :: AFDtype
b8  = AFDtype 4
s32  :: AFDtype
s32  = AFDtype 5
u32  :: AFDtype
u32  = AFDtype 6
u8  :: AFDtype
u8  = AFDtype 7
s64  :: AFDtype
s64  = AFDtype 8
u64  :: AFDtype
u64  = AFDtype 9
s16  :: AFDtype
s16  = AFDtype 10
u16  :: AFDtype
u16  = AFDtype 11

{-# LINE 67 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFSource = AFSource CInt
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq)

afDevice  :: AFSource
afDevice  = AFSource 0
afHost  :: AFSource
afHost  = AFSource 1

{-# LINE 75 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

afMaxDims :: Integer
afMaxDims = 4
{-# LINE 78 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFSomeEnum = AFSomeEnum Int
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

afSomeEnum  :: AFSomeEnum
afSomeEnum  = AFSomeEnum 0

{-# LINE 85 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

-- // A handle for an internal array object
type AFArray = Ptr ()
type AFFeatures = Ptr ()
type AFRandomEngine = Ptr ()

-- // A handle for an internal array object
type AFWindow = Ptr ()

newtype AFInterpType = AFInterpType CInt
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

afInterpNearest  :: AFInterpType
afInterpNearest  = AFInterpType 0
afInterpLinear  :: AFInterpType
afInterpLinear  = AFInterpType 1
afInterpBilinear  :: AFInterpType
afInterpBilinear  = AFInterpType 2
afInterpCubic  :: AFInterpType
afInterpCubic  = AFInterpType 3
afInterpLower  :: AFInterpType
afInterpLower  = AFInterpType 4
afInterpLinearCosine  :: AFInterpType
afInterpLinearCosine  = AFInterpType 5
afInterpBilinearCosine  :: AFInterpType
afInterpBilinearCosine  = AFInterpType 6
afInterpBicubic  :: AFInterpType
afInterpBicubic  = AFInterpType 7
afInterpCubicSpline  :: AFInterpType
afInterpCubicSpline  = AFInterpType 8
afInterpBicubicSpline  :: AFInterpType
afInterpBicubicSpline  = AFInterpType 9

{-# LINE 110 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFBorderType = AFBorderType CInt
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

afBorderPadZero  :: AFBorderType
afBorderPadZero  = AFBorderType 0
afPadSym  :: AFBorderType
afPadSym  = AFBorderType 1

{-# LINE 118 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFConnectivity = AFConnectivity CInt
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

afConnectivity4  :: AFConnectivity
afConnectivity4  = AFConnectivity 4
afConnectivity8  :: AFConnectivity
afConnectivity8  = AFConnectivity 8

{-# LINE 126 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFConvMode = AFConvMode CInt
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

afConvDefault  :: AFConvMode
afConvDefault  = AFConvMode 0
afConvExpand  :: AFConvMode
afConvExpand  = AFConvMode 1

{-# LINE 134 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFConvDomain = AFConvDomain CInt
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

afConvAuto  :: AFConvDomain
afConvAuto  = AFConvDomain 0
afConvSpatial  :: AFConvDomain
afConvSpatial  = AFConvDomain 1
afConvFreq  :: AFConvDomain
afConvFreq  = AFConvDomain 2

{-# LINE 143 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFMatchType = AFMatchType CInt
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

afSAD   :: AFMatchType
afSAD   = AFMatchType 0
afZSAD  :: AFMatchType
afZSAD  = AFMatchType 1
afLSAD  :: AFMatchType
afLSAD  = AFMatchType 2
afSSD   :: AFMatchType
afSSD   = AFMatchType 3
afZSSD  :: AFMatchType
afZSSD  = AFMatchType 4
afLSSD  :: AFMatchType
afLSSD  = AFMatchType 5
afNCC   :: AFMatchType
afNCC   = AFMatchType 6
afZNCC  :: AFMatchType
afZNCC  = AFMatchType 7
afSHD   :: AFMatchType
afSHD   = AFMatchType 8

{-# LINE 158 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFYccStd = AFYccStd Int
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

afYcc601  :: AFYccStd
afYcc601  = AFYccStd 601
afYcc709  :: AFYccStd
afYcc709  = AFYccStd 709
afYcc2020  :: AFYccStd
afYcc2020  = AFYccStd 2020

{-# LINE 167 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFCSpace = AFCSpace Int
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

afGray  :: AFCSpace
afGray  = AFCSpace 0
afRgb  :: AFCSpace
afRgb  = AFCSpace 1
afHsv  :: AFCSpace
afHsv  = AFCSpace 2
afYCbCr  :: AFCSpace
afYCbCr  = AFCSpace 3

{-# LINE 177 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFMatProp = AFMatProp Int
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

afMatNone  :: AFMatProp
afMatNone  = AFMatProp 0
afMatTrans  :: AFMatProp
afMatTrans  = AFMatProp 1
afMatCtrans  :: AFMatProp
afMatCtrans  = AFMatProp 2
afMatConj  :: AFMatProp
afMatConj  = AFMatProp 4
afMatUpper  :: AFMatProp
afMatUpper  = AFMatProp 32
afMatLower  :: AFMatProp
afMatLower  = AFMatProp 64
afMatDiagUnit  :: AFMatProp
afMatDiagUnit  = AFMatProp 128
afMatSym  :: AFMatProp
afMatSym  = AFMatProp 512
afMatPosdef  :: AFMatProp
afMatPosdef  = AFMatProp 1024
afMatOrthog  :: AFMatProp
afMatOrthog  = AFMatProp 2048
afMatTriDiag  :: AFMatProp
afMatTriDiag  = AFMatProp 4096
afMatBlockDiag  :: AFMatProp
afMatBlockDiag  = AFMatProp 8192

{-# LINE 195 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFNormType = AFNormType Int
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

afNormVector1  :: AFNormType
afNormVector1  = AFNormType 0
afNormVectorInf  :: AFNormType
afNormVectorInf  = AFNormType 1
afNormVector2  :: AFNormType
afNormVector2  = AFNormType 2
afNormVectorP  :: AFNormType
afNormVectorP  = AFNormType 3
afNormMatrix1  :: AFNormType
afNormMatrix1  = AFNormType 4
afNormMatrixInf  :: AFNormType
afNormMatrixInf  = AFNormType 5
afNormMatrix2  :: AFNormType
afNormMatrix2  = AFNormType 6
afNormMatrixLPq  :: AFNormType
afNormMatrixLPq  = AFNormType 7
afNormEuclid  :: AFNormType
afNormEuclid  = AFNormType 2

{-# LINE 210 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFImageFormat = AFImageFormat Int
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

afFIFBmp  :: AFImageFormat
afFIFBmp  = AFImageFormat 0
afFIFIco  :: AFImageFormat
afFIFIco  = AFImageFormat 1
afFIFJpeg  :: AFImageFormat
afFIFJpeg  = AFImageFormat 2
afFIFJng  :: AFImageFormat
afFIFJng  = AFImageFormat 3
afFIFPng  :: AFImageFormat
afFIFPng  = AFImageFormat 13
afFIFPpm  :: AFImageFormat
afFIFPpm  = AFImageFormat 14
afFIFPpmraw  :: AFImageFormat
afFIFPpmraw  = AFImageFormat 15
afFIFTiff  :: AFImageFormat
afFIFTiff  = AFImageFormat 18
afFIFPsd  :: AFImageFormat
afFIFPsd  = AFImageFormat 20
afFIFHdr  :: AFImageFormat
afFIFHdr  = AFImageFormat 26
afFIFExr  :: AFImageFormat
afFIFExr  = AFImageFormat 29
afFIFJp2  :: AFImageFormat
afFIFJp2  = AFImageFormat 31
afFIFRaw  :: AFImageFormat
afFIFRaw  = AFImageFormat 34

{-# LINE 229 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFMomentType = AFMomentType Int
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

afMomentM00  :: AFMomentType
afMomentM00  = AFMomentType 1
afMomentM01  :: AFMomentType
afMomentM01  = AFMomentType 2
afMomentM10  :: AFMomentType
afMomentM10  = AFMomentType 4
afMomentM11  :: AFMomentType
afMomentM11  = AFMomentType 8
afMomentFirstOrder  :: AFMomentType
afMomentFirstOrder  = AFMomentType 15

{-# LINE 240 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFHomographyType = AFHomographyType CInt
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

afHomographyRansac  :: AFHomographyType
afHomographyRansac  = AFHomographyType 0
afHomographyLmeds   :: AFHomographyType
afHomographyLmeds   = AFHomographyType 1

{-# LINE 248 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFBackend = AFBackend CInt
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

afBackendDefault  :: AFBackend
afBackendDefault  = AFBackend 0
afBackendCpu      :: AFBackend
afBackendCpu      = AFBackend 0
afBackendCuda     :: AFBackend
afBackendCuda     = AFBackend 2
afBackendOpencl   :: AFBackend
afBackendOpencl   = AFBackend 4

{-# LINE 258 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFID = AFID CInt
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

{-# LINE 265 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFBinaryOp = AFBinaryOp CInt
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

afBinaryAdd   :: AFBinaryOp
afBinaryAdd   = AFBinaryOp 0
afBinaryMul   :: AFBinaryOp
afBinaryMul   = AFBinaryOp 1
afBinaryMin   :: AFBinaryOp
afBinaryMin   = AFBinaryOp 2
afBinaryMax   :: AFBinaryOp
afBinaryMax   = AFBinaryOp 3

{-# LINE 275 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFRandomEngineType = AFRandomEngineType CInt
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

afRandomEnginePhilox4X3210  :: AFRandomEngineType
afRandomEnginePhilox4X3210  = AFRandomEngineType 100
afRandomEngineThreefry2X3216  :: AFRandomEngineType
afRandomEngineThreefry2X3216  = AFRandomEngineType 200
afRandomEngineMersenneGp11213  :: AFRandomEngineType
afRandomEngineMersenneGp11213  = AFRandomEngineType 300
afRandomEnginePhilox   :: AFRandomEngineType
afRandomEnginePhilox   = AFRandomEngineType 100
afRandomEngineThreefry  :: AFRandomEngineType
afRandomEngineThreefry  = AFRandomEngineType 200
afRandomEngineMersenne  :: AFRandomEngineType
afRandomEngineMersenne  = AFRandomEngineType 300
afRandomEngineDefault  :: AFRandomEngineType
afRandomEngineDefault  = AFRandomEngineType 100

{-# LINE 288 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFColorMap = AFColorMap CInt
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

afColormapDefault  :: AFColorMap
afColormapDefault  = AFColorMap 0
afColormapSpectrum :: AFColorMap
afColormapSpectrum = AFColorMap 1
afColormapColors   :: AFColorMap
afColormapColors   = AFColorMap 2
afColormapRed      :: AFColorMap
afColormapRed      = AFColorMap 3
afColormapMood     :: AFColorMap
afColormapMood     = AFColorMap 4
afColormapHeat     :: AFColorMap
afColormapHeat     = AFColorMap 5
afColormapBlue     :: AFColorMap
afColormapBlue     = AFColorMap 6
afColormapInferno  :: AFColorMap
afColormapInferno  = AFColorMap 7
afColormapMagma    :: AFColorMap
afColormapMagma    = AFColorMap 8
afColormapPlasma   :: AFColorMap
afColormapPlasma   = AFColorMap 9
afColormapViridis  :: AFColorMap
afColormapViridis  = AFColorMap 10

{-# LINE 305 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFMarkerType = AFMarkerType CInt
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

afMarkerNone      :: AFMarkerType
afMarkerNone      = AFMarkerType 0
afMarkerPoint     :: AFMarkerType
afMarkerPoint     = AFMarkerType 1
afMarkerCircle    :: AFMarkerType
afMarkerCircle    = AFMarkerType 2
afMarkerSquare    :: AFMarkerType
afMarkerSquare    = AFMarkerType 3
afMarkerTriangle  :: AFMarkerType
afMarkerTriangle  = AFMarkerType 4
afMarkerCross     :: AFMarkerType
afMarkerCross     = AFMarkerType 5
afMarkerPlus      :: AFMarkerType
afMarkerPlus      = AFMarkerType 6
afMarkerStar      :: AFMarkerType
afMarkerStar      = AFMarkerType 7

{-# LINE 319 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFCannyThreshold = AFCannyThreshold CInt
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

afCannyThresholdManual  :: AFCannyThreshold
afCannyThresholdManual  = AFCannyThreshold 0
afCannyThresholdAutoOtsu  :: AFCannyThreshold
afCannyThresholdAutoOtsu  = AFCannyThreshold 1

{-# LINE 327 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFStorage = AFStorage CInt
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

afStorageDense  :: AFStorage
afStorageDense  = AFStorage 0
afStorageCsr  :: AFStorage
afStorageCsr  = AFStorage 1
afStorageCsc  :: AFStorage
afStorageCsc  = AFStorage 2
afStorageCoo  :: AFStorage
afStorageCoo  = AFStorage 3

{-# LINE 337 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFFluxFunction = AFFluxFunction CInt
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

afFluxQuadratic  :: AFFluxFunction
afFluxQuadratic  = AFFluxFunction 1
afFluxExponential  :: AFFluxFunction
afFluxExponential  = AFFluxFunction 2
afFluxDefault  :: AFFluxFunction
afFluxDefault  = AFFluxFunction 0

{-# LINE 346 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFDiffusionEq = AFDiffusionEq CInt
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

afDiffusionGrad  :: AFDiffusionEq
afDiffusionGrad  = AFDiffusionEq 1
afDiffusionMcde  :: AFDiffusionEq
afDiffusionMcde  = AFDiffusionEq 2
afDiffusionDefault  :: AFDiffusionEq
afDiffusionDefault  = AFDiffusionEq 0

{-# LINE 355 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFTopkFunction = AFTopkFunction CInt
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

afTopkMin  :: AFTopkFunction
afTopkMin  = AFTopkFunction 1
afTopkMax  :: AFTopkFunction
afTopkMax  = AFTopkFunction 2
afTopkDefault  :: AFTopkFunction
afTopkDefault  = AFTopkFunction 0

{-# LINE 364 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

newtype AFIterativeDeconvAlgo = AFIterativeDeconvAlgo CInt
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

-- #{enum AFIterativeDeconvAlgo, AFIterativeDeconvAlgo
-- , afIterativeDeconvLandweber       = AF_ITERATIVE_DECONV_LANDWEBER
-- , afIterativeDeconvRichardsonlucy  = AF_ITERATIVE_DECONV_RICHARDSONLUCY
-- , afIterativeDeconvDefault         = AF_ITERATIVE_DECONV_DEFAULT
-- }

newtype AFInverseDeconvAlgo = AFInverseDeconvAlgo CInt
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Storable)

{-# LINE 381 "src/ArrayFire/Internal/Defines.hsc" #-}

-- newtype AFVarBias = AFVarBias Int
--   deriving (Ord, Show, Eq)

-- #{enum AFVarBias, AFVarBias
--  , afVarianceDefault = AF_VARIANCE_DEFAULT
--  , afVarianceSample = AF_VARIANCE_SAMPLE
--  , afVariancePopulation = AF_VARIANCE_POPULATION
-- }

newtype DimT = DimT CLLong
  deriving (Show, Eq, Storable, Num, Integral, Real, Enum, Ord)

newtype UIntL = UIntL CULLong
  deriving (Show, Eq, Storable, Num, Integral, Real, Enum, Ord)

newtype IntL = IntL CLLong
  deriving (Show, Eq, Storable, Num, Integral, Real, Enum, Ord)

-- static const af_seq af_span = {1, 1, 0};

-- newtype AFCLPlatform = AFCLPlatform Int
--   deriving (Show, Eq)

-- #{enum AFCLPlatform, AFCLPlatform
--  , afclPlatformAMD = AFCL_PLATFORM_AMD
--  , afclPlatformApple = AFCL_PLATFORM_APPLE
--  , afclPlatformIntel = AFCL_PLATFORM_INTEL
--  , afclPlatformPOCL = AFCL_PLATFORM_POCL
--  , afclPlatformUnknown = AFCL_PLATFORM_UNKNOWN
-- }

-- newtype DeviceType = DeviceType Int
--   deriving (Show, Eq)

-- #{enum DeviceType, DeviceType
--  , afCLDeviceTypeAccel = AFCL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCEL
--  , afCLDeviceTypeUnknown = AFCL_DEVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN
-- }