module Avers.Handle (newHandle, newState) where
import Safe
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List (nub)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Pool
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Network.URI
import qualified Database.RethinkDB as R
import Avers.Types
import Avers.Storage
newHandle :: Config -> IO (Either AversError Handle)
newHandle config = runExceptT $ do
databaseName <- ExceptT $ pure $ extractDatabaseName config
databaseHandlePool <- newDatabaseHandlePool config databaseName
recentRevisionCache <- lift $ newTVarIO M.empty
when (length (objectTypes config) /= length (nub $ map (\(SomeObjectType ot) -> otType ot) $ objectTypes config)) $
throwError $ AversError "Object type tags are not unique"
changeChan <- lift newBroadcastTChanIO
lift $ void $ forkFinally
(streamPatches databaseHandlePool changeChan)
(const $ pure ())
<$> (pure config)
<*> (pure databaseHandlePool)
<*> (pure recentRevisionCache)
<*> (pure changeChan)
newState :: Config -> IO (Either AversError Handle)
newState = newHandle
newDatabaseHandlePool :: Config -> Text -> ExceptT AversError IO (Pool R.Handle)
newDatabaseHandlePool config db = do
host <- ExceptT $ pure $ databaseHost config
let port = databasePort config
let mbAuth = databaseAuth config
lift $ createPool (create host port mbAuth) destroy numStripes idleTime maxResources
create host port mbAuth = do
putStrLn $ mconcat
[ "Creating a new RethinkDB handle to "
, T.unpack host
, ":"
, show port
, " database "
, T.unpack db
R.newHandle host port mbAuth (R.Database (R.lift db))
destroy handle = do
putStrLn "Closing RethinkDB handle"
R.close handle
numStripes = 1
idleTime = fromIntegral $ (60 * 60 :: Int)
maxResources = 10
databaseHost :: Config -> Either AversError Text
databaseHost Config{..} = maybe (Left $ AversError "databaseHost: not given") Right $ do
auth <- uriAuthority databaseURI
return $ T.pack $ uriRegName auth
databasePort :: Config -> Int
databasePort Config{..} = fromMaybe R.defaultPort $ do
auth <- uriAuthority databaseURI
case uriPort auth of
[] -> Nothing
_:x -> readMay x
databaseAuth :: Config -> Maybe Text
databaseAuth Config{..} = do
auth <- uriAuthority databaseURI
return $ T.pack $ uriUserInfo auth
extractDatabaseName :: Config -> Either AversError Text
extractDatabaseName Config{..} = case tail $ uriPath $ databaseURI of
"" -> Left $ AversError "databaseName: not given"
db -> Right $ T.pack db