module Avers.Types where
import GHC.Generics
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.String
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Char
import Data.Attoparsec.Text
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson
import Data.Aeson (Value(String))
import Data.Aeson.Types (parseEither)
import Network.URI
import qualified Database.RethinkDB as R
import Database.RethinkDB.TH
import Data.Pool
import Avers.TH
import Avers.Index
import Avers.Metrics.Measurements
class Pk a where
toPk :: a -> Text
instance Pk Text where
toPk = id
newtype Path = Path { unPath :: Text }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
instance IsString Path where
fromString = Path . T.pack
instance ToJSON Path where
toJSON = toJSON . unPath
instance FromJSON Path where
parseJSON (String s) = return $ Path s
parseJSON _ = fail "Path"
instance R.FromDatum Path where
parseDatum (R.String s) = return $ Path s
parseDatum _ = fail "Path"
instance R.ToDatum Path where
toDatum = R.toDatum . unPath
rootPath :: Path
rootPath = Path ""
newtype ObjId = ObjId { unObjId :: Text }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
instance Pk ObjId where
toPk = unObjId
instance ToJSON ObjId where
toJSON = toJSON . unObjId
instance FromJSON ObjId where
parseJSON x = ObjId <$> parseJSON x
instance R.FromDatum ObjId where
parseDatum x = ObjId <$> R.parseDatum x
instance R.ToDatum ObjId where
toDatum = R.toDatum . unObjId
rootObjId :: ObjId
rootObjId = ObjId ""
newtype RevId = RevId { unRevId :: Int }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
instance Enum RevId where
succ (RevId x) = RevId (succ x)
pred (RevId x) = RevId (pred x)
toEnum = RevId
fromEnum = unRevId
instance Pk RevId where
toPk = T.pack . show . unRevId
instance ToJSON RevId where
toJSON = toJSON . unRevId
instance FromJSON RevId where
parseJSON x = RevId <$> parseJSON x
instance R.FromDatum RevId where
parseDatum x = RevId <$> R.parseDatum x
instance R.ToDatum RevId where
toDatum = R.toDatum . unRevId
zeroRevId :: RevId
zeroRevId = RevId 0
data ObjectId
= BaseObjectId !ObjId
| ReleaseObjectId !ObjId !RevId
| AuthorizationObjectId !ObjId
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
instance Pk ObjectId where
toPk (BaseObjectId objId) = toPk objId
toPk (ReleaseObjectId objId revId) = toPk objId <> "/release/" <> toPk revId
toPk (AuthorizationObjectId objId) = toPk objId <> "/authorization"
instance ToJSON ObjectId where
toJSON = toJSON . toPk
instance FromJSON ObjectId where
parseJSON (String x) = either fail return $ parseOnly objectIdParser x
parseJSON _ = fail "ObjectId"
instance R.FromDatum ObjectId where
parseDatum (R.String x) = either fail return $ parseOnly objectIdParser x
parseDatum _ = fail "ObjectId"
instance R.ToDatum ObjectId where
toDatum = R.toDatum . toPk
objectIdParser :: Parser ObjectId
objectIdParser = (releaseObjectId <|> authorizationObjectId <|> baseObjectId) <* endOfInput
objId = ObjId <$> takeWhile1 isAlphaNum
revId = RevId <$> decimal
baseObjectId = BaseObjectId
<$> objId
releaseObjectId = ReleaseObjectId
<$> objId
<* string "/release/"
<*> revId
authorizationObjectId = AuthorizationObjectId
<$> objId
<* string "/authorization"
parseObjectId :: Text -> Maybe ObjectId
parseObjectId text = case parseOnly objectIdParser text of
Left _ -> Nothing
Right v -> Just v
objectIdBase :: ObjectId -> ObjId
objectIdBase (BaseObjectId objId ) = objId
objectIdBase (ReleaseObjectId objId _) = objId
objectIdBase (AuthorizationObjectId objId ) = objId
data Operation
= Set
{ opPath :: !Path
, opValue :: !(Maybe Value)
| Splice
{ opPath :: !Path
, opIndex :: !Int
, opRemove :: !Int
, opInsert :: ![ Value ]
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
$(deriveEncoding (deriveJSONOptions "op"){
omitNothingFields = True,
sumEncoding = TaggedObject "type" "content"
} ''Operation)
data PatchError
= UnknownPatchError !Text
deriving (Show, Generic)
type PatchM a = Either PatchError a
data Object = Object
{ objectId :: !ObjId
, objectType :: !Text
, objectCreatedAt :: !UTCTime
, objectCreatedBy :: !ObjId
, objectDeleted :: !(Maybe Bool)
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance Pk Object where
toPk = toPk . objectId
$(deriveEncoding (deriveJSONOptions "object") ''Object)
data Patch = Patch
{ patchObjectId :: !ObjectId
, patchRevisionId :: !RevId
, patchAuthorId :: !ObjId
, patchCreatedAt :: !UTCTime
, patchOperation :: !Operation
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance Pk Patch where
toPk Patch{..} = toPk patchObjectId <> "@" <> toPk patchRevisionId
$(deriveEncoding (deriveJSONOptions "patch") ''Patch)
data Snapshot = Snapshot
{ snapshotObjectId :: !ObjectId
, snapshotRevisionId :: !RevId
, snapshotContent :: !Value
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance Pk Snapshot where
toPk Snapshot{..} = toPk snapshotObjectId <> "@" <> toPk snapshotRevisionId
$(deriveEncoding (deriveJSONOptions "snapshot") ''Snapshot)
initialSnapshot :: ObjectId -> Snapshot
initialSnapshot objId = Snapshot objId (RevId (1)) Aeson.emptyObject
data Release = Release
instance ToJSON Release where
toJSON = const Aeson.emptyObject
instance FromJSON Release where
parseJSON (Aeson.Object _) = return Release
parseJSON _ = fail "Release"
newtype SecretId = SecretId { unSecretId :: Text }
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance Pk SecretId where
toPk = unSecretId
instance ToJSON SecretId where
toJSON = toJSON . unSecretId
instance FromJSON SecretId where
parseJSON x = SecretId <$> parseJSON x
instance R.FromDatum SecretId where
parseDatum x = SecretId <$> R.parseDatum x
instance R.ToDatum SecretId where
toDatum = R.toDatum . unSecretId
data Secret = Secret
{ secretId :: !SecretId
, secretValue :: !Text
} deriving (Generic)
instance Pk Secret where
toPk = toPk . secretId
$(deriveEncoding (deriveJSONOptions "secret") ''Secret)
newtype BlobId = BlobId { unBlobId :: Text }
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance Pk BlobId where
toPk = unBlobId
instance ToJSON BlobId where
toJSON = toJSON . unBlobId
instance FromJSON BlobId where
parseJSON x = BlobId <$> parseJSON x
instance R.FromDatum BlobId where
parseDatum x = BlobId <$> R.parseDatum x
instance R.ToDatum BlobId where
toDatum = R.toDatum . unBlobId
data Blob = Blob
{ blobId :: !BlobId
, blobSize :: !Int
, blobContentType :: !Text
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance Pk Blob where
toPk = toPk . blobId
$(deriveEncoding (deriveJSONOptions "blob") ''Blob)
newtype SessionId = SessionId { unSessionId :: Text }
deriving (Generic)
instance Pk SessionId where
toPk = unSessionId
instance ToJSON SessionId where
toJSON = toJSON . unSessionId
instance FromJSON SessionId where
parseJSON x = SessionId <$> parseJSON x
instance R.FromDatum SessionId where
parseDatum x = SessionId <$> R.parseDatum x
instance R.ToDatum SessionId where
toDatum = R.toDatum . unSessionId
data Session = Session
{ sessionId :: !SessionId
, sessionObjId :: !ObjId
, sessionCreatedAt :: !UTCTime
, sessionLastAccessedAt :: !UTCTime
} deriving (Generic)
instance Pk Session where
toPk Session{..} = toPk sessionId
$(deriveEncoding (deriveJSONOptions "session") ''Session)
data AversError
= InternalError !AversError
| DatabaseError !Text
| PatchError !PatchError
| ParseError !Value !Text
| UnknownObjectType !Text
| ObjectNotFound !ObjId
| DocumentNotFound !Text
| AversError !Text
| NotAuthorized
deriving (Show, Generic)
internalError :: AversError -> Avers a
internalError = throwError . InternalError
internal :: Avers a -> Avers a
internal m = m `catchError` internalError
databaseError :: Text -> Avers a
databaseError = throwError . DatabaseError
patchError :: PatchError -> Avers a
patchError = throwError . PatchError
parseError :: (MonadError AversError m) => Value -> Text -> m a
parseError value text = throwError $ ParseError value text
documentNotFound :: Text -> Avers a
documentNotFound = throwError . DocumentNotFound
strErr :: String -> Avers a
strErr = throwError . AversError . T.pack
data ObjectType a = ObjectType
{ otType :: !Text
, otId :: Avers ObjId
, otViews :: [SomeView a]
data SomeObjectType where
SomeObjectType :: (R.ToDatum a, R.FromDatum a, FromJSON a, ToJSON a)
=> ObjectType a -> SomeObjectType
parseValueAs :: (FromJSON a) => ObjectType a -> Value -> Either AversError a
parseValueAs ObjectType{..} value = case parseEither parseJSON value of
Left e -> parseError value (T.pack $ show e)
Right x -> return x
data Config = Config
{ databaseURI :: !URI
, putBlob :: BlobId -> Text -> ByteString -> IO (Either AversError ())
, objectTypes :: ![SomeObjectType]
, emitMeasurement :: Measurement -> Double -> IO ()
data Change
= CPatch !Patch
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON Change where
toJSON (CPatch p) = Aeson.object [ "type" Aeson..= ("patch" :: Text), "content" Aeson..= p ]
data Handle = Handle
{ hConfig :: !Config
, hDatabaseHandlePool :: !(Pool R.Handle)
, hRecentRevisionCache :: !(TVar (Map ObjectId RevId))
, hChanges :: !(TChan Change)
newtype Avers a = Avers
{ runAvers :: StateT Handle (ExceptT AversError IO) a
} deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadError AversError, MonadState Handle)
class (Monad m) => MonadAvers m where
liftAvers :: Avers a -> m a
instance MonadAvers Avers where
liftAvers = id
instance MonadAvers m => MonadAvers (StateT s m) where
liftAvers = lift . liftAvers
evalAvers :: Handle -> Avers a -> IO (Either AversError a)
evalAvers h m = runExceptT $ evalStateT (runAvers m) h
data View obj a = View
{ viewName :: Text
, viewParser :: R.Datum -> Either AversError a
, viewObjectTransformer :: obj -> Avers (Maybe a)
, viewIndices :: [SomeIndex]
data SomeView obj where
SomeView :: (R.ToDatum a, R.FromDatum a, FromJSON obj, ToJSON a)
=> View obj a -> SomeView obj