{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Aws.DynamoDb.Core -- Copyright : Soostone Inc, Chris Allen -- License : BSD3 -- -- Maintainer : Ozgun Ataman -- Stability : experimental -- -- Shared types and utilities for DyanmoDb functionality. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Aws.DynamoDb.Core ( -- * Configuration and Regions Region (..) , ddbLocal , ddbUsEast1 , ddbUsWest1 , ddbUsWest2 , ddbEuWest1 , ddbEuCentral1 , ddbApNe1 , ddbApSe1 , ddbApSe2 , ddbSaEast1 , DdbConfiguration (..) -- * DynamoDB values , DValue (..) -- * Converting to/from 'DValue' , DynVal(..) , toValue, fromValue , Bin (..) , OldBool(..) -- * Defining new 'DynVal' instances , DynData(..) , DynBinary(..), DynNumber(..), DynString(..), DynBool(..) -- * Working with key/value pairs , Attribute (..) , parseAttributeJson , attributeJson , attributesJson , attrTuple , attr , attrAs , text, int, double , PrimaryKey (..) , hk , hrk -- * Working with objects (attribute collections) , Item , item , attributes , ToDynItem (..) , FromDynItem (..) , fromItem , Parser (..) , getAttr , getAttr' , parseAttr -- * Common types used by operations , Conditions (..) , conditionsJson , expectsJson , Condition (..) , conditionJson , CondOp (..) , CondMerge (..) , ConsumedCapacity (..) , ReturnConsumption (..) , ItemCollectionMetrics (..) , ReturnItemCollectionMetrics (..) , UpdateReturn (..) , QuerySelect (..) , querySelectJson -- * Size estimation , DynSize (..) , nullAttr -- * Responses & Errors , DdbResponse (..) , DdbErrCode (..) , shouldRetry , DdbError (..) -- * Internal Helpers , ddbSignQuery , AmazonError (..) , ddbResponseConsumer , ddbHttp , ddbHttps ) where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Applicative import qualified Control.Exception as C import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (throwM) import qualified Crypto.Hash as CH import Data.Aeson import qualified Data.Aeson as A import Data.Aeson.Types (Pair, parseEither) import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as A import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as AttoB (endOfInput) import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as Atto import qualified Data.ByteArray as ByteArray import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as Base16 import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI import Data.Conduit import Data.Conduit.Attoparsec (sinkParser) import Data.Default import Data.Function (on) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import Data.Int import Data.IORef import Data.List import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Data.Proxy import Data.Scientific import qualified Data.Serialize as Ser import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.String import Data.Tagged import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import Data.Time import Data.Typeable import qualified Data.Vector as V import Data.Word import qualified Network.HTTP.Conduit as HTTP import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP import Safe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Aws.Core ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Boolean values stored in DynamoDb. Only used in defining new -- 'DynVal' instances. newtype DynBool = DynBool { unDynBool :: Bool } deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Ord,Typeable) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Numeric values stored in DynamoDb. Only used in defining new -- 'DynVal' instances. newtype DynNumber = DynNumber { unDynNumber :: Scientific } deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Ord,Typeable) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | String values stored in DynamoDb. Only used in defining new -- 'DynVal' instances. newtype DynString = DynString { unDynString :: T.Text } deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Ord,Typeable) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Binary values stored in DynamoDb. Only used in defining new -- 'DynVal' instances. newtype DynBinary = DynBinary { unDynBinary :: B.ByteString } deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Ord,Typeable) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | An internally used closed typeclass for values that have direct -- DynamoDb representations. Based on AWS API, this is basically -- numbers, strings and binary blobs. -- -- This is here so that any 'DynVal' haskell value can automatically -- be lifted to a list or a 'Set' without any instance code -- duplication. -- -- Do not try to create your own instances. class Ord a => DynData a where fromData :: a -> DValue toData :: DValue -> Maybe a instance DynData DynBool where fromData (DynBool i) = DBool i toData (DBool i) = Just $ DynBool i toData (DNum i) = DynBool `fmap` do (i' :: Int) <- toIntegral i case i' of 0 -> return False 1 -> return True _ -> Nothing toData _ = Nothing instance DynData (S.Set DynBool) where fromData set = DBoolSet (S.map unDynBool set) toData (DBoolSet i) = Just $ S.map DynBool i toData _ = Nothing instance DynData DynNumber where fromData (DynNumber i) = DNum i toData (DNum i) = Just $ DynNumber i toData _ = Nothing instance DynData (S.Set DynNumber) where fromData set = DNumSet (S.map unDynNumber set) toData (DNumSet i) = Just $ S.map DynNumber i toData _ = Nothing instance DynData DynString where fromData (DynString i) = DString i toData (DString i) = Just $ DynString i toData _ = Nothing instance DynData (S.Set DynString) where fromData set = DStringSet (S.map unDynString set) toData (DStringSet i) = Just $ S.map DynString i toData _ = Nothing instance DynData DynBinary where fromData (DynBinary i) = DBinary i toData (DBinary i) = Just $ DynBinary i toData _ = Nothing instance DynData (S.Set DynBinary) where fromData set = DBinSet (S.map unDynBinary set) toData (DBinSet i) = Just $ S.map DynBinary i toData _ = Nothing instance DynData DValue where fromData = id toData = Just ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Class of Haskell types that can be represented as DynamoDb values. -- -- This is the conversion layer; instantiate this class for your own -- types and then use the 'toValue' and 'fromValue' combinators to -- convert in application code. -- -- Each Haskell type instantiated with this class will map to a -- DynamoDb-supported type that most naturally represents it. class DynData (DynRep a) => DynVal a where -- | Which of the 'DynData' instances does this data type directly -- map to? type DynRep a -- | Convert to representation toRep :: a -> DynRep a -- | Convert from representation fromRep :: DynRep a -> Maybe a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Any singular 'DynVal' can be upgraded to a list. instance (DynData (DynRep [a]), DynVal a) => DynVal [a] where type DynRep [a] = S.Set (DynRep a) fromRep set = mapM fromRep $ S.toList set toRep as = S.fromList $ map toRep as ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Any singular 'DynVal' can be upgraded to a 'Set'. instance (DynData (DynRep (S.Set a)), DynVal a, Ord a) => DynVal (S.Set a) where type DynRep (S.Set a) = S.Set (DynRep a) fromRep set = fmap S.fromList . mapM fromRep $ S.toList set toRep as = S.map toRep as instance DynVal DValue where type DynRep DValue = DValue fromRep = Just toRep = id instance DynVal Bool where type DynRep Bool = DynBool fromRep (DynBool i) = Just i toRep i = DynBool i instance DynVal Int where type DynRep Int = DynNumber fromRep (DynNumber i) = toIntegral i toRep i = DynNumber (fromIntegral i) instance DynVal Int8 where type DynRep Int8 = DynNumber fromRep (DynNumber i) = toIntegral i toRep i = DynNumber (fromIntegral i) instance DynVal Int16 where type DynRep Int16 = DynNumber fromRep (DynNumber i) = toIntegral i toRep i = DynNumber (fromIntegral i) instance DynVal Int32 where type DynRep Int32 = DynNumber fromRep (DynNumber i) = toIntegral i toRep i = DynNumber (fromIntegral i) instance DynVal Int64 where type DynRep Int64 = DynNumber fromRep (DynNumber i) = toIntegral i toRep i = DynNumber (fromIntegral i) instance DynVal Word8 where type DynRep Word8 = DynNumber fromRep (DynNumber i) = toIntegral i toRep i = DynNumber (fromIntegral i) instance DynVal Word16 where type DynRep Word16 = DynNumber fromRep (DynNumber i) = toIntegral i toRep i = DynNumber (fromIntegral i) instance DynVal Word32 where type DynRep Word32 = DynNumber fromRep (DynNumber i) = toIntegral i toRep i = DynNumber (fromIntegral i) instance DynVal Word64 where type DynRep Word64 = DynNumber fromRep (DynNumber i) = toIntegral i toRep i = DynNumber (fromIntegral i) instance DynVal Integer where type DynRep Integer = DynNumber fromRep (DynNumber i) = toIntegral i toRep i = DynNumber (fromIntegral i) instance DynVal T.Text where type DynRep T.Text = DynString fromRep (DynString i) = Just i toRep i = DynString i instance DynVal B.ByteString where type DynRep B.ByteString = DynBinary fromRep (DynBinary i) = Just i toRep i = DynBinary i instance DynVal Double where type DynRep Double = DynNumber fromRep (DynNumber i) = Just $ toRealFloat i toRep i = DynNumber (fromFloatDigits i) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Encoded as number of days instance DynVal Day where type DynRep Day = DynNumber fromRep (DynNumber i) = ModifiedJulianDay <$> (toIntegral i) toRep (ModifiedJulianDay i) = DynNumber (fromIntegral i) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Losslessly encoded via 'Integer' picoseconds instance DynVal UTCTime where type DynRep UTCTime = DynNumber fromRep num = fromTS <$> fromRep num toRep x = toRep (toTS x) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pico :: Rational pico = toRational $ (10 :: Integer) ^ (12 :: Integer) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dayPico :: Integer dayPico = 86400 * round pico ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Convert UTCTime to picoseconds -- -- TODO: Optimize performance? toTS :: UTCTime -> Integer toTS (UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay i) diff) = i' + diff' where diff' = floor (toRational diff * pico) i' = i * dayPico ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Convert picoseconds to UTCTime -- -- TODO: Optimize performance? fromTS :: Integer -> UTCTime fromTS i = UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay days) diff where (days, secs) = i `divMod` dayPico diff = fromRational ((toRational secs) / pico) -- | Type wrapper for binary data to be written to DynamoDB. Wrap any -- 'Serialize' instance in there and 'DynVal' will know how to -- automatically handle conversions in binary form. newtype Bin a = Bin { getBin :: a } deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Ord,Typeable,Enum) instance (Ser.Serialize a) => DynVal (Bin a) where type DynRep (Bin a) = DynBinary toRep (Bin i) = DynBinary (Ser.encode i) fromRep (DynBinary i) = either (const Nothing) (Just . Bin) $ Ser.decode i newtype OldBool = OldBool Bool instance DynVal OldBool where type DynRep OldBool = DynNumber fromRep (DynNumber i) = OldBool `fmap` do (i' :: Int) <- toIntegral i case i' of 0 -> return False 1 -> return True _ -> Nothing toRep (OldBool b) = DynNumber (if b then 1 else 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Encode a Haskell value. toValue :: DynVal a => a -> DValue toValue a = fromData $ toRep a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Decode a Haskell value. fromValue :: DynVal a => DValue -> Maybe a fromValue d = toData d >>= fromRep toIntegral :: (Integral a, RealFrac a1) => a1 -> Maybe a toIntegral sc = Just $ floor sc -- | Value types natively recognized by DynamoDb. We pretty much -- exactly reflect the AWS API onto Haskell types. data DValue = DNull | DNum Scientific | DString T.Text | DBinary B.ByteString -- ^ Binary data will automatically be base64 marshalled. | DNumSet (S.Set Scientific) | DStringSet (S.Set T.Text) | DBinSet (S.Set B.ByteString) -- ^ Binary data will automatically be base64 marshalled. | DBool Bool | DBoolSet (S.Set Bool) -- ^ Composite data | DList (V.Vector DValue) | DMap (M.Map T.Text DValue) deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Ord,Typeable) instance IsString DValue where fromString t = DString (T.pack t) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Primary keys consist of either just a Hash key (mandatory) or a -- hash key and a range key (optional). data PrimaryKey = PrimaryKey { pkHash :: Attribute , pkRange :: Maybe Attribute } deriving (Read,Show,Ord,Eq,Typeable) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Construct a hash-only primary key. -- -- >>> hk "user-id" "ABCD" -- -- >>> hk "user-id" (mkVal 23) hk :: T.Text -> DValue -> PrimaryKey hk k v = PrimaryKey (attr k v) Nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Construct a hash-and-range primary key. hrk :: T.Text -- ^ Hash key name -> DValue -- ^ Hash key value -> T.Text -- ^ Range key name -> DValue -- ^ Range key value -> PrimaryKey hrk k v k2 v2 = PrimaryKey (attr k v) (Just (attr k2 v2)) instance ToJSON PrimaryKey where toJSON (PrimaryKey h Nothing) = toJSON h toJSON (PrimaryKey h (Just r)) = let Object p1 = toJSON h Object p2 = toJSON r in Object (p1 `HM.union` p2) instance FromJSON PrimaryKey where parseJSON p = do l <- listPKey p case length l of 1 -> return $ head l _ -> fail "Unable to parse PrimaryKey" where listPKey p'= map (\(txt,dval)-> hk txt dval) . HM.toList <$> parseJSON p' -- | A key-value pair data Attribute = Attribute { attrName :: T.Text , attrVal :: DValue } deriving (Read,Show,Ord,Eq,Typeable) -- | Convert attribute to a tuple representation attrTuple :: Attribute -> (T.Text, DValue) attrTuple (Attribute a b) = (a,b) -- | Convenience function for constructing key-value pairs attr :: DynVal a => T.Text -> a -> Attribute attr k v = Attribute k (toValue v) -- | 'attr' with type witness to help with cases where you're manually -- supplying values in code. -- -- >> item [ attrAs text "name" "john" ] attrAs :: DynVal a => Proxy a -> T.Text -> a -> Attribute attrAs _ k v = attr k v -- | Type witness for 'Text'. See 'attrAs'. text :: Proxy T.Text text = Proxy -- | Type witness for 'Integer'. See 'attrAs'. int :: Proxy Integer int = Proxy -- | Type witness for 'Double'. See 'attrAs'. double :: Proxy Double double = Proxy -- | A DynamoDb object is simply a key-value dictionary. type Item = M.Map T.Text DValue ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Pack a list of attributes into an Item. item :: [Attribute] -> Item item = M.fromList . map attrTuple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Unpack an 'Item' into a list of attributes. attributes :: M.Map T.Text DValue -> [Attribute] attributes = map (\ (k, v) -> Attribute k v) . M.toList showT :: Show a => a -> T.Text showT = T.pack . show instance ToJSON DValue where toJSON DNull = object ["NULL" .= True] toJSON (DNum i) = object ["N" .= showT i] toJSON (DString i) = object ["S" .= i] toJSON (DBinary i) = object ["B" .= (T.decodeUtf8 $ Base64.encode i)] toJSON (DNumSet i) = object ["NS" .= map showT (S.toList i)] toJSON (DStringSet i) = object ["SS" .= S.toList i] toJSON (DBinSet i) = object ["BS" .= map (T.decodeUtf8 . Base64.encode) (S.toList i)] toJSON (DBool i) = object ["BOOL" .= i] toJSON (DList i) = object ["L" .= i] toJSON (DMap i) = object ["M" .= i] toJSON x = error $ "aws: bug: DynamoDB can't handle " ++ show x instance FromJSON DValue where parseJSON o = do (obj :: [(T.Text, Value)]) <- M.toList `liftM` parseJSON o case obj of [("NULL", _)] -> return DNull [("N", numStr)] -> DNum <$> parseScientific numStr [("S", str)] -> DString <$> parseJSON str [("B", bin)] -> do res <- (Base64.decode . T.encodeUtf8) <$> parseJSON bin either fail (return . DBinary) res [("NS", s)] -> do xs <- mapM parseScientific =<< parseJSON s return $ DNumSet $ S.fromList xs [("SS", s)] -> DStringSet <$> parseJSON s [("BS", s)] -> do xs <- mapM (either fail return . Base64.decode . T.encodeUtf8) =<< parseJSON s return $ DBinSet $ S.fromList xs [("BOOL", b)] -> DBool <$> parseJSON b [("L", attrs)] -> DList <$> parseJSON attrs [("M", attrs)] -> DMap <$> parseJSON attrs x -> fail $ "aws: unknown dynamodb value: " ++ show x where parseScientific (String str) = case Atto.parseOnly Atto.scientific str of Left e -> fail ("parseScientific failed: " ++ e) Right a -> return a parseScientific (Number n) = return n parseScientific _ = fail "Unexpected JSON type in parseScientific" instance ToJSON Attribute where toJSON a = object $ [attributeJson a] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Parse a JSON object that contains attributes parseAttributeJson :: Value -> A.Parser [Attribute] parseAttributeJson (Object v) = mapM conv $ HM.toList v where conv (k, o) = Attribute k <$> parseJSON o parseAttributeJson _ = error "Attribute JSON must be an Object" -- | Convert into JSON object for AWS. attributesJson :: [Attribute] -> Value attributesJson as = object $ map attributeJson as -- | Convert into JSON pair attributeJson :: Attribute -> Pair attributeJson (Attribute nm v) = nm .= v ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Errors defined by AWS. data DdbErrCode = AccessDeniedException | ConditionalCheckFailedException | IncompleteSignatureException | InvalidSignatureException | LimitExceededException | MissingAuthenticationTokenException | ProvisionedThroughputExceededException | ResourceInUseException | ResourceNotFoundException | ThrottlingException | ValidationException | RequestTooLarge | InternalFailure | InternalServerError | ServiceUnavailableException | SerializationException -- ^ Raised by AWS when the request JSON is missing fields or is -- somehow malformed. deriving (Read,Show,Eq,Typeable) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Whether the action should be retried based on the received error. shouldRetry :: DdbErrCode -> Bool shouldRetry e = go e where go LimitExceededException = True go ProvisionedThroughputExceededException = True go ResourceInUseException = True go ThrottlingException = True go InternalFailure = True go InternalServerError = True go ServiceUnavailableException = True go _ = False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Errors related to this library. data DdbLibraryError = UnknownDynamoErrCode T.Text -- ^ A DynamoDB error code we do not know about. | JsonProtocolError Value T.Text -- ^ A JSON response we could not parse. deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable) -- | Potential errors raised by DynamoDB data DdbError = DdbError { ddbStatusCode :: Int -- ^ 200 if successful, 400 for client errors and 500 for -- server-side errors. , ddbErrCode :: DdbErrCode , ddbErrMsg :: T.Text } deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable) instance C.Exception DdbError instance C.Exception DdbLibraryError -- | Response metadata that is present in every DynamoDB response. data DdbResponse = DdbResponse { ddbrCrc :: Maybe T.Text , ddbrMsgId :: Maybe T.Text } instance Loggable DdbResponse where toLogText (DdbResponse id2 rid) = "DynamoDB: request ID=" `mappend` fromMaybe "" rid `mappend` ", x-amz-id-2=" `mappend` fromMaybe "" id2 instance Monoid DdbResponse where mempty = DdbResponse Nothing Nothing mappend a b = DdbResponse (ddbrCrc a `mplus` ddbrCrc b) (ddbrMsgId a `mplus` ddbrMsgId b) data Region = Region { rUri :: B.ByteString , rName :: B.ByteString } deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Typeable) data DdbConfiguration qt = DdbConfiguration { ddbcRegion :: Region -- ^ The regional endpoint. Ex: 'ddbUsEast' , ddbcProtocol :: Protocol -- ^ 'HTTP' or 'HTTPS' , ddbcPort :: Maybe Int -- ^ Port override (mostly for local dev connection) } deriving (Show,Typeable) instance Default (DdbConfiguration NormalQuery) where def = DdbConfiguration ddbUsEast1 HTTPS Nothing instance DefaultServiceConfiguration (DdbConfiguration NormalQuery) where defServiceConfig = ddbHttps ddbUsEast1 debugServiceConfig = ddbHttp ddbUsEast1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | DynamoDb local connection (for development) ddbLocal :: Region ddbLocal = Region "" "local" ddbUsEast1 :: Region ddbUsEast1 = Region "dynamodb.us-east-1.amazonaws.com" "us-east-1" ddbUsWest1 :: Region ddbUsWest1 = Region "dynamodb.us-west-1.amazonaws.com" "us-west-1" ddbUsWest2 :: Region ddbUsWest2 = Region "dynamodb.us-west-2.amazonaws.com" "us-west-2" ddbEuWest1 :: Region ddbEuWest1 = Region "dynamodb.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com" "eu-west-1" ddbEuCentral1 :: Region ddbEuCentral1 = Region "dynamodb.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com" "eu-central-1" ddbApNe1 :: Region ddbApNe1 = Region "dynamodb.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com" "ap-northeast-1" ddbApSe1 :: Region ddbApSe1 = Region "dynamodb.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com" "ap-southeast-1" ddbApSe2 :: Region ddbApSe2 = Region "dynamodb.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com" "ap-southeast-2" ddbSaEast1 :: Region ddbSaEast1 = Region "dynamodb.sa-east-1.amazonaws.com" "sa-east-1" ddbHttp :: Region -> DdbConfiguration NormalQuery ddbHttp endpoint = DdbConfiguration endpoint HTTP Nothing ddbHttps :: Region -> DdbConfiguration NormalQuery ddbHttps endpoint = DdbConfiguration endpoint HTTPS Nothing ddbSignQuery :: A.ToJSON a => B.ByteString -> a -> DdbConfiguration qt -> SignatureData -> SignedQuery ddbSignQuery target body di sd = SignedQuery { sqMethod = Post , sqProtocol = ddbcProtocol di , sqHost = host , sqPort = fromMaybe (defaultPort (ddbcProtocol di)) (ddbcPort di) , sqPath = "/" , sqQuery = [] , sqDate = Just $ signatureTime sd , sqAuthorization = Just auth , sqContentType = Just "application/x-amz-json-1.0" , sqContentMd5 = Nothing , sqAmzHeaders = amzHeaders ++ maybe [] (\tok -> [("x-amz-security-token",tok)]) (iamToken credentials) , sqOtherHeaders = [] , sqBody = Just $ HTTP.RequestBodyLBS bodyLBS , sqStringToSign = canonicalRequest } where credentials = signatureCredentials sd Region{..} = ddbcRegion di host = rUri sigTime = fmtTime "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ" $ signatureTime sd bodyLBS = A.encode body bodyHash = Base16.encode $ ByteArray.convert (CH.hashlazy bodyLBS :: CH.Digest CH.SHA256) -- for some reason AWS doesn't want the x-amz-security-token in the canonical request amzHeaders = [ ("x-amz-date", sigTime) , ("x-amz-target", dyApiVersion <> target) ] canonicalHeaders = sortBy (compare `on` fst) $ amzHeaders ++ [("host", host), ("content-type", "application/x-amz-json-1.0")] canonicalRequest = B.concat $ intercalate ["\n"] ( [ ["POST"] , ["/"] , [] -- query string ] ++ map (\(a,b) -> [CI.foldedCase a,":",b]) canonicalHeaders ++ [ [] -- end headers , intersperse ";" (map (CI.foldedCase . fst) canonicalHeaders) , [bodyHash] ]) auth = authorizationV4 sd HmacSHA256 rName "dynamodb" "content-type;host;x-amz-date;x-amz-target" canonicalRequest data AmazonError = AmazonError { aeType :: T.Text , aeMessage :: Maybe T.Text } instance FromJSON AmazonError where parseJSON (Object v) = AmazonError <$> v .: "__type" <*> (Just <$> (v .: "message" <|> v .: "Message") <|> pure Nothing) parseJSON _ = error $ "aws: unexpected AmazonError message" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ddbResponseConsumer :: A.FromJSON a => IORef DdbResponse -> HTTPResponseConsumer a ddbResponseConsumer ref resp = do val <- HTTP.responseBody resp $$+- sinkParser (A.json' <* AttoB.endOfInput) case statusCode of 200 -> rSuccess val _ -> rError val where header = fmap T.decodeUtf8 . flip lookup (HTTP.responseHeaders resp) amzId = header "x-amzn-RequestId" amzCrc = header "x-amz-crc32" meta = DdbResponse amzCrc amzId tellMeta = liftIO $ tellMetadataRef ref meta rSuccess val = case A.fromJSON val of A.Success a -> return a A.Error err -> do tellMeta throwM $ JsonProtocolError val (T.pack err) rError val = do tellMeta case parseEither parseJSON val of Left e -> throwM $ JsonProtocolError val (T.pack e) Right err'' -> do let e = T.drop 1 . snd . T.breakOn "#" $ aeType err'' errCode <- readErrCode e throwM $ DdbError statusCode errCode (fromMaybe "" $ aeMessage err'') readErrCode txt = let txt' = T.unpack txt in case readMay txt' of Just e -> return $ e Nothing -> throwM (UnknownDynamoErrCode txt) HTTP.Status{..} = HTTP.responseStatus resp -- | Conditions used by mutation operations ('PutItem', 'UpdateItem', -- etc.). The default 'def' instance is empty (no condition). data Conditions = Conditions CondMerge [Condition] deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Ord,Typeable) instance Default Conditions where def = Conditions CondAnd [] expectsJson :: Conditions -> [A.Pair] expectsJson = conditionsJson "Expected" -- | JSON encoding of conditions parameter in various contexts. conditionsJson :: T.Text -> Conditions -> [A.Pair] conditionsJson key (Conditions op es) = b ++ a where a = if null es then [] else [key .= object (map conditionJson es)] b = if length (take 2 es) > 1 then ["ConditionalOperator" .= String (rendCondOp op) ] else [] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rendCondOp :: CondMerge -> T.Text rendCondOp CondAnd = "AND" rendCondOp CondOr = "OR" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | How to merge multiple conditions. data CondMerge = CondAnd | CondOr deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Ord,Typeable) -- | A condition used by mutation operations ('PutItem', 'UpdateItem', etc.). data Condition = Condition { condAttr :: T.Text -- ^ Attribute to use as the basis for this conditional , condOp :: CondOp -- ^ Operation on the selected attribute } deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Ord,Typeable) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Conditional operation to perform on a field. data CondOp = DEq DValue | NotEq DValue | DLE DValue | DLT DValue | DGE DValue | DGT DValue | NotNull | IsNull | Contains DValue | NotContains DValue | Begins DValue | In [DValue] | Between DValue DValue deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Ord,Typeable) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- getCondValues :: CondOp -> [DValue] getCondValues c = case c of DEq v -> [v] NotEq v -> [v] DLE v -> [v] DLT v -> [v] DGE v -> [v] DGT v -> [v] NotNull -> [] IsNull -> [] Contains v -> [v] NotContains v -> [v] Begins v -> [v] In v -> v Between a b -> [a,b] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- renderCondOp :: CondOp -> T.Text renderCondOp c = case c of DEq{} -> "EQ" NotEq{} -> "NE" DLE{} -> "LE" DLT{} -> "LT" DGE{} -> "GE" DGT{} -> "GT" NotNull -> "NOT_NULL" IsNull -> "NULL" Contains{} -> "CONTAINS" NotContains{} -> "NOT_CONTAINS" Begins{} -> "BEGINS_WITH" In{} -> "IN" Between{} -> "BETWEEN" conditionJson :: Condition -> Pair conditionJson Condition{..} = condAttr .= condOp instance ToJSON CondOp where toJSON c = object $ ("ComparisonOperator" .= String (renderCondOp c)) : valueList where valueList = let vs = getCondValues c in if null vs then [] else ["AttributeValueList" .= vs] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dyApiVersion :: B.ByteString dyApiVersion = "DynamoDB_20120810." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The standard response metrics on capacity consumption. data ConsumedCapacity = ConsumedCapacity { capacityUnits :: Int64 , capacityGlobalIndex :: [(T.Text, Int64)] , capacityLocalIndex :: [(T.Text, Int64)] , capacityTableUnits :: Maybe Int64 , capacityTable :: T.Text } deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Ord,Typeable) instance FromJSON ConsumedCapacity where parseJSON (Object v) = ConsumedCapacity <$> v .: "CapacityUnits" <*> (HM.toList <$> v .:? "GlobalSecondaryIndexes" .!= mempty) <*> (HM.toList <$> v .:? "LocalSecondaryIndexes" .!= mempty) <*> (v .:? "Table" >>= maybe (return Nothing) (.: "CapacityUnits")) <*> v .: "TableName" parseJSON _ = fail "ConsumedCapacity must be an Object." data ReturnConsumption = RCIndexes | RCTotal | RCNone deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Ord,Typeable) instance ToJSON ReturnConsumption where toJSON RCIndexes = String "INDEXES" toJSON RCTotal = String "TOTAL" toJSON RCNone = String "NONE" instance Default ReturnConsumption where def = RCNone data ReturnItemCollectionMetrics = RICMSize | RICMNone deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Ord,Typeable) instance ToJSON ReturnItemCollectionMetrics where toJSON RICMSize = String "SIZE" toJSON RICMNone = String "NONE" instance Default ReturnItemCollectionMetrics where def = RICMNone data ItemCollectionMetrics = ItemCollectionMetrics { icmKey :: (T.Text, DValue) , icmEstimate :: [Double] } deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Ord,Typeable) instance FromJSON ItemCollectionMetrics where parseJSON (Object v) = ItemCollectionMetrics <$> (do m <- v .: "ItemCollectionKey" return $ head $ HM.toList m) <*> v .: "SizeEstimateRangeGB" parseJSON _ = fail "ItemCollectionMetrics must be an Object." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | What to return from the current update operation data UpdateReturn = URNone -- ^ Return nothing | URAllOld -- ^ Return old values | URUpdatedOld -- ^ Return old values with a newer replacement | URAllNew -- ^ Return new values | URUpdatedNew -- ^ Return new values that were replacements deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Ord,Typeable) instance ToJSON UpdateReturn where toJSON URNone = toJSON (String "NONE") toJSON URAllOld = toJSON (String "ALL_OLD") toJSON URUpdatedOld = toJSON (String "UPDATED_OLD") toJSON URAllNew = toJSON (String "ALL_NEW") toJSON URUpdatedNew = toJSON (String "UPDATED_NEW") instance Default UpdateReturn where def = URNone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | What to return from a 'Query' or 'Scan' query. data QuerySelect = SelectSpecific [T.Text] -- ^ Only return selected attributes | SelectCount -- ^ Return counts instead of attributes | SelectProjected -- ^ Return index-projected attributes | SelectAll -- ^ Default. Return everything. deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Ord,Typeable) instance Default QuerySelect where def = SelectAll ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- querySelectJson :: KeyValue t => QuerySelect -> [t] querySelectJson (SelectSpecific as) = [ "Select" .= String "SPECIFIC_ATTRIBUTES" , "AttributesToGet" .= as] querySelectJson SelectCount = ["Select" .= String "COUNT"] querySelectJson SelectProjected = ["Select" .= String "ALL_PROJECTED_ATTRIBUTES"] querySelectJson SelectAll = ["Select" .= String "ALL_ATTRIBUTES"] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A class to help predict DynamoDb size of values, attributes and -- entire items. The result is given in number of bytes. class DynSize a where dynSize :: a -> Int instance DynSize DValue where dynSize DNull = 8 dynSize (DBool _) = 8 dynSize (DBoolSet s) = sum $ map (dynSize . DBool) $ S.toList s dynSize (DNum _) = 8 dynSize (DString a) = T.length a dynSize (DBinary bs) = T.length . T.decodeUtf8 $ Base64.encode bs dynSize (DNumSet s) = 8 * S.size s dynSize (DStringSet s) = sum $ map (dynSize . DString) $ S.toList s dynSize (DBinSet s) = sum $ map (dynSize . DBinary) $ S.toList s dynSize (DList s) = sum $ map dynSize $ V.toList s dynSize (DMap s) = sum $ map dynSize $ M.elems s instance DynSize Attribute where dynSize (Attribute k v) = T.length k + dynSize v instance DynSize Item where dynSize m = sum $ map dynSize $ attributes m instance DynSize a => DynSize [a] where dynSize as = sum $ map dynSize as instance DynSize a => DynSize (Maybe a) where dynSize = maybe 0 dynSize instance (DynSize a, DynSize b) => DynSize (Either a b) where dynSize = either dynSize dynSize ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Will an attribute be considered empty by DynamoDb? -- -- A 'PutItem' (or similar) with empty attributes will be rejected -- with a 'ValidationException'. nullAttr :: Attribute -> Bool nullAttr (Attribute _ val) = case val of DString "" -> True DBinary "" -> True DNumSet s | S.null s -> True DStringSet s | S.null s -> True DBinSet s | S.null s -> True _ -> False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- | Item Parsing -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Failure continuation. type Failure f r = String -> f r -- | Success continuation. type Success a f r = a -> f r -- | A continuation-based parser type. newtype Parser a = Parser { runParser :: forall f r. Failure f r -> Success a f r -> f r } instance Monad Parser where m >>= g = Parser $ \kf ks -> let ks' a = runParser (g a) kf ks in runParser m kf ks' {-# INLINE (>>=) #-} return a = Parser $ \_kf ks -> ks a {-# INLINE return #-} fail msg = Parser $ \kf _ks -> kf msg {-# INLINE fail #-} instance Functor Parser where fmap f m = Parser $ \kf ks -> let ks' a = ks (f a) in runParser m kf ks' {-# INLINE fmap #-} instance Applicative Parser where pure = return {-# INLINE pure #-} (<*>) = apP {-# INLINE (<*>) #-} instance Alternative Parser where empty = fail "empty" {-# INLINE empty #-} (<|>) = mplus {-# INLINE (<|>) #-} instance MonadPlus Parser where mzero = fail "mzero" {-# INLINE mzero #-} mplus a b = Parser $ \kf ks -> let kf' _ = runParser b kf ks in runParser a kf' ks {-# INLINE mplus #-} instance Monoid (Parser a) where mempty = fail "mempty" {-# INLINE mempty #-} mappend = mplus {-# INLINE mappend #-} apP :: Parser (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b apP d e = do b <- d a <- e return (b a) {-# INLINE apP #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Types convertible to DynamoDb 'Item' collections. -- -- Use 'attr' and 'attrAs' combinators to conveniently define instances. class ToDynItem a where toItem :: a -> Item ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Types parseable from DynamoDb 'Item' collections. -- -- User 'getAttr' family of functions to applicatively or monadically -- parse into your custom types. class FromDynItem a where parseItem :: Item -> Parser a instance ToDynItem Item where toItem = id instance FromDynItem Item where parseItem = return instance DynVal a => ToDynItem [(T.Text, a)] where toItem as = item $ map (uncurry attr) as instance (Typeable a, DynVal a) => FromDynItem [(T.Text, a)] where parseItem i = mapM f $ M.toList i where f (k,v) = do v' <- maybe (fail (valErr (Tagged v :: Tagged a DValue))) return $ fromValue v return (k, v') instance DynVal a => ToDynItem (M.Map T.Text a) where toItem m = toItem $ M.toList m instance (Typeable a, DynVal a) => FromDynItem (M.Map T.Text a) where parseItem i = M.fromList <$> parseItem i valErr :: forall a. Typeable a => Tagged a DValue -> String valErr (Tagged dv) = "Can't convert DynamoDb value " <> show dv <> " into type " <> (show (typeOf (undefined :: a))) -- | Convenience combinator for parsing fields from an 'Item' returned -- by DynamoDb. getAttr :: forall a. (Typeable a, DynVal a) => T.Text -- ^ Attribute name -> Item -- ^ Item from DynamoDb -> Parser a getAttr k m = do case M.lookup k m of Nothing -> fail ("Key " <> T.unpack k <> " not found") Just dv -> maybe (fail (valErr (Tagged dv :: Tagged a DValue))) return $ fromValue dv -- | Parse attribute if it's present in the 'Item'. Fail if attribute -- is present but conversion fails. getAttr' :: forall a. (DynVal a) => T.Text -- ^ Attribute name -> Item -- ^ Item from DynamoDb -> Parser (Maybe a) getAttr' k m = do case M.lookup k m of Nothing -> return Nothing Just dv -> return $ fromValue dv -- | Combinator for parsing an attribute into a 'FromDynItem'. parseAttr :: FromDynItem a => T.Text -- ^ Attribute name -> Item -- ^ Item from DynamoDb -> Parser a parseAttr k m = case M.lookup k m of Nothing -> fail ("Key " <> T.unpack k <> " not found") Just (DMap dv) -> either (fail "...") return $ fromItem dv _ -> fail ("Key " <> T.unpack k <> " is not a map!") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Parse an 'Item' into target type using the 'FromDynItem' -- instance. fromItem :: FromDynItem a => Item -> Either String a fromItem i = runParser (parseItem i) Left Right