aws-arn: Types and optics for manipulating Amazon Resource Names (ARNs)

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This library provides a type representing Amazon Resource Names (ARNs), and parsing/unparsing functions for them. The provided prisms, when combined with generic-lens or generic-optics, make it very convenient to rewrite parts of ARNs.

Start reading at the Network.AWS.ARN module, which defines the core data type and includes some examples.

The ARN type is not designed to be a 100% correct-by-construction representation of only valid ARNs; it is designed to be a lightweight way to destructure and reassemble ARNs to be used in place of string munging.

The library aims to provide additional parsers for destructuring the "resource" part of an ARN, but many are missing right now. PRs to add this support for more AWS resource types are especially welcome.

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Change log
Dependencies base (>=4.12 && <4.21), deriving-compat (>=0.5.10 && <0.7), hashable (>= && <1.6), microlens-pro (>=0.2 && <0.3), tagged (>=0.8 && <0.9), text (>=1.2.3 && <1.3 || >=2.0 && <2.2) [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Bellroy Pty Ltd
Author Bellroy Tech Team <>
Maintainer Bellroy Tech Team <>
Category AWS, Cloud
Bug tracker
Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by kokobd at 2025-01-16T03:16:01Z


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This library provides a type representing Amazon Resource Names (ARNs), and parsing/unparsing functions for them. When combined with generic-lens or generic-optics, the provided prisms make it very convenient to rewrite parts of ARNs.

Start reading at the Network.AWS.ARN module, which defines the core data type and includes some examples.

The ARN type is not designed to be a 100% correct-by-construction representation of only valid ARNs; it is designed to be a lightweight way to destructure and reassemble ARNs to be used in place of string munging.

The library aims to provide additional parsers for destructuring the "resource" part of an ARN, but many are missing right now. PRs to add this support for more AWS resource types are especially welcome.

Guide: adding a resource

Cribbing from an existing module (e.g., Network.AWS.ARN.Lambda) is probably the easiest way to start, but here is an explicit process to add a new resource:

  1. Create a module for the AWS service, if it doesn't already exist. Example: src/Network/AWS/ARN/Lambda.hs.

  2. Define a record Foo to represent the parsed resource part of an ARN, and derive (at least) Eq, Ord, Hashable, Show and Generic:

    data Function = Function
    { name :: Text,
      qualifier :: Maybe Text
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Hashable, Show, Generic)
  3. Define parseFoo and renderFoo functions that attempt to parse and unparse the resource part of the ARN:

    parseFunction :: Text -> Maybe Function
    renderFunction :: Function -> Text

    Remark: If you need to write tests for these functions, the corresponding module should live at test/Network/AWS/ARN/SomeAWSServiceTest.hs

  4. Define a _Foo Prism' that combines the parsing/unparsing functions above:

    _Function :: Prism' Text Function
    _Function = prism' fromFunction toFunction
  5. Add the records, their fields, its parsing/unparsing functions, and prisms to the service module's export list:

    module Network.AWS.ARN.Lambda
      ( -- * Functions
        Function (..),
        -- ** Prisms
  6. Test your work and make a PR.

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