module B9.DSL
(B9DSL, doc, doc', (#), Documentation(..), ($=), include, includeTemplate, writeContent,
exportCloudInit, imageSource, createImage, importImage, from,
fromResized, imageDestination, share, exportLiveInstallerImage,
exportImage, mount, lxc, lxc32, boot, exec, sh, rootImage,
dataImage, mountAndShareSharedImage, mountAndShareNewImage, runDSL,
printDSL, printBuildStep, dslExample)
import B9.ArtifactGenerator (ArtifactSource(..), CloudInitType(..))
import B9.B9Config (ExecEnvType(..))
import B9.Content.Generator(Content)
import B9.Content.StringTemplate
(SourceFile(..), SourceFileConversion(..))
import B9.DiskImages
(Image(..), ImageSource(..), ImageDestination(..), FileSystem(..),
Partition(..), ImageResize(..), ImageSize(..), ImageType(..),
import B9.ExecEnv (CPUArch(..), SharedDirectory(..))
import B9.ShellScript (Script(..))
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Free (Free(..), liftF, foldFree)
import Data.Functor (void)
import Text.Printf (printf)
data BuildStep next :: * where
Let :: String -> String -> next -> BuildStep next
Import ::
SArtifact a -> Source a -> (Imported a -> next) -> BuildStep next
Export :: SArtifact a -> Target a -> next -> BuildStep next
DefineExecEnv ::
String ->
ExecEnvType -> CPUArch -> (ExecEnv -> next) -> BuildStep next
Exec :: ExecEnv -> Script -> next -> BuildStep next
instance Functor BuildStep where
fmap f (Let k v next) = Let k v (f next)
fmap f (Import sa src k) = Import sa src (f . k)
fmap f (Export sa dst next) = Export sa dst (f next)
fmap f (DefineExecEnv n et a k) = DefineExecEnv n et a (f . k)
fmap f (Exec et s next) = Exec et s (f next)
type B9DSL a = Free BuildStep a
data Tagged a b =
Tagged b
instance Show b => Show (Tagged a b) where
show (Tagged s) = show s
data Documentation
= Doc String
| DocIncluded Content
data ExecEnv =
ExecEnv String
deriving (Show)
type family Source (a :: Artifact) :: * where
Source 'StaticContent = ArtifactSource
Source 'VmImage = ImageSource
Source 'MountedImage = (ExecEnv, Tagged ImageSource String, FilePath)
Source 'MountedHostDirectory = (ExecEnv, FilePath, FilePath, MountOpts String)
Source 'SelfDocumentation = Documentation
type family Imported (a :: Artifact) :: * where
Imported 'VmImage = Tagged ImageSource String
Imported a = ()
type family Target (a :: Artifact) :: * where
Target 'VmImage = (Tagged ImageSource String, ImageDestination)
Target 'CloudInit = ([CloudInitType], FilePath)
data Artifact
= StaticContent
| VmImage
| MountedImage
| CloudInit
| MountedHostDirectory
| SelfDocumentation
data SArtifact (k :: Artifact) where
SStaticContent :: SArtifact 'StaticContent
SVmImage :: SArtifact 'VmImage
SMountedImage :: SArtifact 'MountedImage
SCloudInit :: SArtifact 'CloudInit
SMountedHostDirectory :: SArtifact 'MountedHostDirectory
SSelfDocumentation :: SArtifact 'SelfDocumentation
doc :: String -> B9DSL ()
doc str = liftF $ Import SSelfDocumentation (Doc str) id
doc' :: Content -> B9DSL ()
doc' c = liftF $ Import SSelfDocumentation (DocIncluded c) id
(#) :: B9DSL a -> String -> B9DSL a
m # str = do
doc str
($=) :: String -> String -> B9DSL ()
var $= val = liftF $ Let var val ()
include :: FilePath -> FilePath -> B9DSL ()
include dest src = liftF $ Import SStaticContent (FromFile dest (Source NoConversion src)) id
includeTemplate :: FilePath -> FilePath -> B9DSL ()
includeTemplate dest src = liftF $ Import SStaticContent (FromFile dest (Source ExpandVariables src)) id
writeContent :: FilePath -> Content -> B9DSL ()
writeContent dst src = liftF $ Import SStaticContent (FromContent dst src) id
exportCloudInit :: FilePath -> B9DSL ()
exportCloudInit dst = liftF $ Export SCloudInit ([CI_ISO, CI_DIR], dst) ()
imageSource :: ImageSource -> B9DSL (Imported 'VmImage)
imageSource src = liftF $ Import SVmImage src id
createImage :: String
-> FileSystem
-> ImageType
-> ImageSize
-> B9DSL (Imported 'VmImage)
createImage s fs it is = imageSource $ EmptyImage s fs it is
importImage :: FilePath
-> ImageType
-> FileSystem
-> Partition
-> ImageResize
-> B9DSL (Imported 'VmImage)
importImage f it fs pt is = imageSource $ SourceImage (Image f it fs) pt is
from :: String -> B9DSL (Imported 'VmImage)
from = fromResized KeepSize
fromResized :: ImageResize -> String -> B9DSL (Imported 'VmImage)
fromResized r s = imageSource $ From s r
imageDestination :: Imported 'VmImage
-> ImageDestination
-> B9DSL ()
imageDestination img dst = liftF $ Export SVmImage (img, dst) ()
share :: Imported 'VmImage -> String -> B9DSL ()
share img name = imageDestination img $ Share name QCow2 KeepSize
exportLiveInstallerImage :: Imported 'VmImage
-> String
-> FilePath
-> ImageResize
-> B9DSL ()
exportLiveInstallerImage img imgName outDir resize =
imageDestination img $ LiveInstallerImage imgName outDir resize
exportImage :: Imported 'VmImage
-> FilePath
-> ImageType
-> FileSystem
-> ImageResize
-> B9DSL ()
exportImage img name it fs resize =
imageDestination img $ LocalFile (Image name it fs) resize
class DSLCanMount a where
type MountArtifact a :: Artifact
data MountOpts a
defaultMountOpts :: a -> MountOpts a
mountArtifactS :: a -> SArtifact (MountArtifact a)
mountArtifact :: MountOpts a
-> ExecEnv
-> a
-> FilePath
-> Source (MountArtifact a)
instance DSLCanMount String where
type MountArtifact String = 'MountedHostDirectory
data MountOpts String = ReadOnly | ReadWrite deriving Show
defaultMountOpts _ = ReadOnly
mountArtifactS _ = SMountedHostDirectory
mountArtifact opts e src dest = (e, src, dest, opts)
instance DSLCanMount (Tagged ImageSource String) where
type MountArtifact (Tagged ImageSource String) = 'MountedImage
data MountOpts (Tagged ImageSource String) = MountImgNoOptions deriving Show
defaultMountOpts _ = MountImgNoOptions
mountArtifactS _ = SMountedImage
mountArtifact opts e src dest = (e, src, dest)
:: DSLCanMount src
=> ExecEnv -> src -> FilePath -> B9DSL (Imported (MountArtifact src))
mount = mount' (defaultMountOpts undefined)
:: DSLCanMount src
=> MountOpts src
-> ExecEnv
-> src
-> FilePath
-> B9DSL (Imported (MountArtifact src))
mount' mopts e src dest =
liftF $
(mountArtifactS src)
(mountArtifact mopts e src dest)
lxc :: String -> B9DSL ExecEnv
lxc name = boot name LibVirtLXC X86_64
lxc32 :: String -> B9DSL ExecEnv
lxc32 name = boot name LibVirtLXC I386
boot :: String -> ExecEnvType -> CPUArch -> B9DSL ExecEnv
boot name et arch = liftF $ DefineExecEnv name et arch id
exec :: Script -> ExecEnv -> B9DSL ()
exec script e = liftF $ Exec e script ()
sh :: String -> ExecEnv -> B9DSL ()
sh s = exec (Run s [])
rootImage :: String -> String -> ExecEnv -> B9DSL ()
rootImage nameFrom nameExport env =
void $ mountAndShareSharedImage nameFrom nameExport "/" env
dataImage :: String -> ExecEnv -> B9DSL ()
dataImage nameExport env =
void $ mountAndShareNewImage "data" 64 nameExport "/data" env
mountAndShareSharedImage :: String -> String -> String -> ExecEnv -> B9DSL (Imported 'VmImage)
mountAndShareSharedImage nameFrom nameExport mountPoint env = do
img <- from nameFrom
share img nameExport
mount env img mountPoint
return img
mountAndShareNewImage :: String -> Int -> String -> FilePath -> ExecEnv -> B9DSL (Imported 'VmImage)
mountAndShareNewImage fsLabel sizeGB nameExport mountPoint env = do
img <- createImage fsLabel Ext4 QCow2 (ImageSize sizeGB GB)
share img nameExport
mount env img mountPoint
return img
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
:: Monad m
=> (forall a. BuildStep a -> m a) -> B9DSL b -> m b
:: (Monad m, Functor m)
=> (forall a. BuildStep a -> m a) -> B9DSL b -> m b
runDSL = foldFree
printDSL :: B9DSL a -> IO ()
printDSL = void . runDSL printBuildStep
printBuildStep :: BuildStep a -> IO a
printBuildStep (Let k v next) = do
printf "%s := %s\n" k v
return next
printBuildStep (Import SStaticContent src k) = do
printf "import static %s\n" (show src)
return $ k ()
printBuildStep (Import SVmImage src k) = do
printf "import image %s\n" (show src)
return (k (Tagged (show src)))
printBuildStep (Import SMountedImage src k) = do
printf "mount image %s\n" (show src)
return (k ())
printBuildStep (Import SMountedHostDirectory src k) = do
printf "mount host directory %s\n" (show src)
return (k ())
printBuildStep (Import SSelfDocumentation (Doc str) k) = do
printf "-- %s\n" str
return (k ())
printBuildStep (Import SSelfDocumentation (DocIncluded c) k) = do
printf "-- %s\n" (show c)
return (k ())
printBuildStep (Export SVmImage dst next) = do
printf "export image %s\n" (show dst)
return next
printBuildStep (Export SCloudInit dst next) = do
printf "export cloud-init %s\n" (show dst)
return next
printBuildStep (DefineExecEnv n et a k) = do
printf "define env: %s %s %s\n" n (show et) (show a)
return (k (ExecEnv n et a))
printBuildStep (Exec (ExecEnv n _ _) s next) = do
printf "exec in %s: %s\n" n (show s)
return next
printBuildStep _other = do
printf "???\n"
return undefined
dslExample :: B9DSL ()
dslExample = do
"x" $= "3"
includeTemplate "httpd.conf" "" # "overwrite all of httpd!"
exportCloudInit "blah-ci" # "export the cloud-init stuff"
e <- lxc "container-id"
doc "From here there be dragons:"
mount e "/tmp" "/mnt/HOST_TMP"
rootImage "fedora" "testv1-root" e
dataImage "testv1-data" e
sh "ls -la" e