module B9.ShellScript ( writeSh
, emptyScript
, CmdVerbosity (..)
, Cwd (..)
, User (..)
, Script (..)
) where
import Data.Data
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Data.Binary
import Data.Hashable
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.List ( intercalate )
import System.Directory ( getPermissions
, setPermissions
, setOwnerExecutable )
data Script
= In FilePath
| As String
| IgnoreErrors Bool
| Verbosity CmdVerbosity
| Begin [Script]
| Run FilePath
| NoOP
deriving (Show,Read,Typeable,Data,Eq,Generic)
instance Hashable Script
instance Binary Script
instance NFData Script
instance Monoid Script where
mempty = NoOP
NoOP `mappend` s = s
s `mappend` NoOP = s
(Begin ss) `mappend` (Begin ss') = Begin (ss ++ ss')
(Begin ss) `mappend` s' = Begin (ss ++ [s'])
s `mappend` (Begin ss') = Begin (s : ss')
s `mappend` s' = Begin [s, s']
data Cmd =
Cmd String
deriving (Show,Read,Typeable,Data,Eq,Generic)
instance Hashable Cmd
instance Binary Cmd
instance NFData Cmd
data CmdVerbosity
= Debug
| Verbose
| OnlyStdErr
| Quiet
deriving (Show,Read,Typeable,Data,Eq,Generic)
instance Hashable CmdVerbosity
instance Binary CmdVerbosity
instance NFData CmdVerbosity
data Cwd
= Cwd FilePath
| NoCwd
deriving (Show,Read,Typeable,Data,Eq,Generic)
instance Hashable Cwd
instance Binary Cwd
instance NFData Cwd
data User
= User String
| NoUser
deriving (Show,Read,Typeable,Data,Eq,Generic)
instance Hashable User
instance Binary User
instance NFData User
data Ctx = Ctx
{ ctxCwd :: Cwd
, ctxUser :: User
, ctxIgnoreErrors :: Bool
, ctxVerbosity :: CmdVerbosity
} deriving (Show,Read,Typeable,Data,Eq,Generic)
instance Hashable Ctx
instance Binary Ctx
instance NFData Ctx
writeSh :: FilePath -> Script -> IO ()
writeSh file script = do
writeFile file (toBash $ toCmds script)
getPermissions file >>= setPermissions file . setOwnerExecutable True
emptyScript :: Script -> Bool
emptyScript = null . toCmds
toCmds :: Script -> [Cmd]
toCmds s = runReader (toLLC s) (Ctx NoCwd NoUser False Debug)
toLLC :: Script -> Reader Ctx [Cmd]
toLLC NoOP = return []
toLLC (In d cs) =
(\ctx ->
{ ctxCwd = Cwd d
(toLLC (Begin cs))
toLLC (As u cs) =
(\ctx ->
{ ctxUser = User u
(toLLC (Begin cs))
toLLC (IgnoreErrors b cs) =
(\ctx ->
{ ctxIgnoreErrors = b
(toLLC (Begin cs))
toLLC (Verbosity v cs) =
(\ctx ->
{ ctxVerbosity = v
(toLLC (Begin cs))
toLLC (Begin cs) = concat <$> mapM toLLC cs
toLLC (Run cmd args) = do
c <- reader ctxCwd
u <- reader ctxUser
i <- reader ctxIgnoreErrors
v <- reader ctxVerbosity
return [Cmd cmd args u c i v]
toBash :: [Cmd] -> String
toBash cmds = intercalate "\n\n" $ bashHeader ++ (cmdToBash <$> cmds)
bashHeader :: [String]
bashHeader = ["#!/bin/bash", "set -e"]
cmdToBash :: Cmd -> String
cmdToBash (Cmd cmd args user cwd ignoreErrors verbosity) =
intercalate "\n" $
disableErrorChecking ++
pushd cwdQ ++ execCmd ++ popd cwdQ ++ reenableErrorChecking
execCmd = [unwords (runuser ++ [cmd] ++ args ++ redirectOutput)]
runuser =
case user of
NoUser -> []
User "root" -> []
User u -> ["runuser", "-p", "-u", u, "--"]
pushd NoCwd = []
pushd (Cwd cwdPath) = [unwords (["pushd", cwdPath] ++ redirectOutput)]
popd NoCwd = []
popd (Cwd cwdPath) =
[unwords (["popd"] ++ redirectOutput ++ ["#", cwdPath])]
disableErrorChecking = ["set +e" | ignoreErrors]
reenableErrorChecking = ["set -e" | ignoreErrors]
cwdQ =
case cwd of
NoCwd -> NoCwd
Cwd d -> Cwd ("'" ++ d ++ "'")
redirectOutput =
case verbosity of
Debug -> []
Verbose -> []
OnlyStdErr -> [">", "/dev/null"]
Quiet -> ["&>", "/dev/null"]