{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- | Accessors to GHC RTS flags. -- Descriptions of flags can be seen in -- , -- or by running RTS help message using @+RTS --help@. -- -- @since -- module GHC.RTS.Flags ( RtsTime , RTSFlags (..) , GiveGCStats (..) , GCFlags (..) , ConcFlags (..) , MiscFlags (..) , DebugFlags (..) , DoCostCentres (..) , CCFlags (..) , DoHeapProfile (..) , ProfFlags (..) , DoTrace (..) , TraceFlags (..) , TickyFlags (..) , ParFlags (..) , getRTSFlags , getGCFlags , getConcFlags , getMiscFlags , getDebugFlags , getCCFlags , getProfFlags , getTraceFlags , getTickyFlags , getParFlags ) where #include "Rts.h" #include "rts/Flags.h" import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Foreign import Foreign.C import GHC.Base import GHC.Enum import GHC.IO import GHC.Real import GHC.Show -- | 'RtsTime' is defined as a @StgWord64@ in @stg/Types.h@ -- -- @since type RtsTime = Word64 -- | Should we produce a summary of the garbage collector statistics after the -- program has exited? -- -- @since data GiveGCStats = NoGCStats | CollectGCStats | OneLineGCStats | SummaryGCStats | VerboseGCStats deriving ( Show -- ^ @since ) -- | @since instance Enum GiveGCStats where fromEnum NoGCStats = #{const NO_GC_STATS} fromEnum CollectGCStats = #{const COLLECT_GC_STATS} fromEnum OneLineGCStats = #{const ONELINE_GC_STATS} fromEnum SummaryGCStats = #{const SUMMARY_GC_STATS} fromEnum VerboseGCStats = #{const VERBOSE_GC_STATS} toEnum #{const NO_GC_STATS} = NoGCStats toEnum #{const COLLECT_GC_STATS} = CollectGCStats toEnum #{const ONELINE_GC_STATS} = OneLineGCStats toEnum #{const SUMMARY_GC_STATS} = SummaryGCStats toEnum #{const VERBOSE_GC_STATS} = VerboseGCStats toEnum e = errorWithoutStackTrace ("invalid enum for GiveGCStats: " ++ show e) -- | Parameters of the garbage collector. -- -- @since data GCFlags = GCFlags { statsFile :: Maybe FilePath , giveStats :: GiveGCStats , maxStkSize :: Word32 , initialStkSize :: Word32 , stkChunkSize :: Word32 , stkChunkBufferSize :: Word32 , maxHeapSize :: Word32 , minAllocAreaSize :: Word32 , largeAllocLim :: Word32 , nurseryChunkSize :: Word32 , minOldGenSize :: Word32 , heapSizeSuggestion :: Word32 , heapSizeSuggestionAuto :: Bool , oldGenFactor :: Double , pcFreeHeap :: Double , generations :: Word32 , squeezeUpdFrames :: Bool , compact :: Bool -- ^ True <=> "compact all the time" , compactThreshold :: Double , sweep :: Bool -- ^ use "mostly mark-sweep" instead of copying for the oldest generation , ringBell :: Bool , idleGCDelayTime :: RtsTime , doIdleGC :: Bool , heapBase :: Word -- ^ address to ask the OS for memory , allocLimitGrace :: Word , numa :: Bool , numaMask :: Word } deriving ( Show -- ^ @since ) -- | Parameters concerning context switching -- -- @since data ConcFlags = ConcFlags { ctxtSwitchTime :: RtsTime , ctxtSwitchTicks :: Int } deriving ( Show -- ^ @since ) -- | Miscellaneous parameters -- -- @since data MiscFlags = MiscFlags { tickInterval :: RtsTime , installSignalHandlers :: Bool , installSEHHandlers :: Bool , generateCrashDumpFile :: Bool , generateStackTrace :: Bool , machineReadable :: Bool , disableDelayedOsMemoryReturn :: Bool , internalCounters :: Bool , linkerAlwaysPic :: Bool , linkerMemBase :: Word -- ^ address to ask the OS for memory for the linker, 0 ==> off } deriving ( Show -- ^ @since ) -- | Flags to control debugging output & extra checking in various -- subsystems. -- -- @since data DebugFlags = DebugFlags { scheduler :: Bool -- ^ @s@ , interpreter :: Bool -- ^ @i@ , weak :: Bool -- ^ @w@ , gccafs :: Bool -- ^ @G@ , gc :: Bool -- ^ @g@ , nonmoving_gc :: Bool -- ^ @n@ , block_alloc :: Bool -- ^ @b@ , sanity :: Bool -- ^ @S@ , stable :: Bool -- ^ @t@ , prof :: Bool -- ^ @p@ , linker :: Bool -- ^ @l@ the object linker , apply :: Bool -- ^ @a@ , stm :: Bool -- ^ @m@ , squeeze :: Bool -- ^ @z@ stack squeezing & lazy blackholing , hpc :: Bool -- ^ @c@ coverage , sparks :: Bool -- ^ @r@ } deriving ( Show -- ^ @since ) -- | Should the RTS produce a cost-center summary? -- -- @since data DoCostCentres = CostCentresNone | CostCentresSummary | CostCentresVerbose | CostCentresAll | CostCentresJSON deriving ( Show -- ^ @since ) -- | @since instance Enum DoCostCentres where fromEnum CostCentresNone = #{const COST_CENTRES_NONE} fromEnum CostCentresSummary = #{const COST_CENTRES_SUMMARY} fromEnum CostCentresVerbose = #{const COST_CENTRES_VERBOSE} fromEnum CostCentresAll = #{const COST_CENTRES_ALL} fromEnum CostCentresJSON = #{const COST_CENTRES_JSON} toEnum #{const COST_CENTRES_NONE} = CostCentresNone toEnum #{const COST_CENTRES_SUMMARY} = CostCentresSummary toEnum #{const COST_CENTRES_VERBOSE} = CostCentresVerbose toEnum #{const COST_CENTRES_ALL} = CostCentresAll toEnum #{const COST_CENTRES_JSON} = CostCentresJSON toEnum e = errorWithoutStackTrace ("invalid enum for DoCostCentres: " ++ show e) -- | Parameters pertaining to the cost-center profiler. -- -- @since data CCFlags = CCFlags { doCostCentres :: DoCostCentres , profilerTicks :: Int , msecsPerTick :: Int } deriving ( Show -- ^ @since ) -- | What sort of heap profile are we collecting? -- -- @since data DoHeapProfile = NoHeapProfiling | HeapByCCS | HeapByMod | HeapByDescr | HeapByType | HeapByRetainer | HeapByLDV | HeapByClosureType deriving ( Show -- ^ @since ) -- | @since instance Enum DoHeapProfile where fromEnum NoHeapProfiling = #{const NO_HEAP_PROFILING} fromEnum HeapByCCS = #{const HEAP_BY_CCS} fromEnum HeapByMod = #{const HEAP_BY_MOD} fromEnum HeapByDescr = #{const HEAP_BY_DESCR} fromEnum HeapByType = #{const HEAP_BY_TYPE} fromEnum HeapByRetainer = #{const HEAP_BY_RETAINER} fromEnum HeapByLDV = #{const HEAP_BY_LDV} fromEnum HeapByClosureType = #{const HEAP_BY_CLOSURE_TYPE} toEnum #{const NO_HEAP_PROFILING} = NoHeapProfiling toEnum #{const HEAP_BY_CCS} = HeapByCCS toEnum #{const HEAP_BY_MOD} = HeapByMod toEnum #{const HEAP_BY_DESCR} = HeapByDescr toEnum #{const HEAP_BY_TYPE} = HeapByType toEnum #{const HEAP_BY_RETAINER} = HeapByRetainer toEnum #{const HEAP_BY_LDV} = HeapByLDV toEnum #{const HEAP_BY_CLOSURE_TYPE} = HeapByClosureType toEnum e = errorWithoutStackTrace ("invalid enum for DoHeapProfile: " ++ show e) -- | Parameters of the cost-center profiler -- -- @since data ProfFlags = ProfFlags { doHeapProfile :: DoHeapProfile , heapProfileInterval :: RtsTime -- ^ time between samples , heapProfileIntervalTicks :: Word -- ^ ticks between samples (derived) , includeTSOs :: Bool , showCCSOnException :: Bool , maxRetainerSetSize :: Word , ccsLength :: Word , modSelector :: Maybe String , descrSelector :: Maybe String , typeSelector :: Maybe String , ccSelector :: Maybe String , ccsSelector :: Maybe String , retainerSelector :: Maybe String , bioSelector :: Maybe String } deriving ( Show -- ^ @since ) -- | Is event tracing enabled? -- -- @since data DoTrace = TraceNone -- ^ no tracing | TraceEventLog -- ^ send tracing events to the event log | TraceStderr -- ^ send tracing events to @stderr@ deriving ( Show -- ^ @since ) -- | @since instance Enum DoTrace where fromEnum TraceNone = #{const TRACE_NONE} fromEnum TraceEventLog = #{const TRACE_EVENTLOG} fromEnum TraceStderr = #{const TRACE_STDERR} toEnum #{const TRACE_NONE} = TraceNone toEnum #{const TRACE_EVENTLOG} = TraceEventLog toEnum #{const TRACE_STDERR} = TraceStderr toEnum e = errorWithoutStackTrace ("invalid enum for DoTrace: " ++ show e) -- | Parameters pertaining to event tracing -- -- @since data TraceFlags = TraceFlags { tracing :: DoTrace , timestamp :: Bool -- ^ show timestamp in stderr output , traceScheduler :: Bool -- ^ trace scheduler events , traceGc :: Bool -- ^ trace GC events , traceNonmovingGc :: Bool -- ^ trace nonmoving GC heap census samples , sparksSampled :: Bool -- ^ trace spark events by a sampled method , sparksFull :: Bool -- ^ trace spark events 100% accurately , user :: Bool -- ^ trace user events (emitted from Haskell code) } deriving ( Show -- ^ @since ) -- | Parameters pertaining to ticky-ticky profiler -- -- @since data TickyFlags = TickyFlags { showTickyStats :: Bool , tickyFile :: Maybe FilePath } deriving ( Show -- ^ @since ) -- | Parameters pertaining to parallelism -- -- @since data ParFlags = ParFlags { nCapabilities :: Word32 , migrate :: Bool , maxLocalSparks :: Word32 , parGcEnabled :: Bool , parGcGen :: Word32 , parGcLoadBalancingEnabled :: Bool , parGcLoadBalancingGen :: Word32 , parGcNoSyncWithIdle :: Word32 , parGcThreads :: Word32 , setAffinity :: Bool } deriving ( Show -- ^ @since ) -- | Parameters of the runtime system -- -- @since data RTSFlags = RTSFlags { gcFlags :: GCFlags , concurrentFlags :: ConcFlags , miscFlags :: MiscFlags , debugFlags :: DebugFlags , costCentreFlags :: CCFlags , profilingFlags :: ProfFlags , traceFlags :: TraceFlags , tickyFlags :: TickyFlags , parFlags :: ParFlags } deriving ( Show -- ^ @since ) foreign import ccall "&RtsFlags" rtsFlagsPtr :: Ptr RTSFlags getRTSFlags :: IO RTSFlags getRTSFlags = do RTSFlags <$> getGCFlags <*> getConcFlags <*> getMiscFlags <*> getDebugFlags <*> getCCFlags <*> getProfFlags <*> getTraceFlags <*> getTickyFlags <*> getParFlags peekFilePath :: Ptr () -> IO (Maybe FilePath) peekFilePath ptr | ptr == nullPtr = return Nothing | otherwise = return (Just "") -- | Read a NUL terminated string. Return Nothing in case of a NULL pointer. peekCStringOpt :: Ptr CChar -> IO (Maybe String) peekCStringOpt ptr | ptr == nullPtr = return Nothing | otherwise = Just <$> peekCString ptr getGCFlags :: IO GCFlags getGCFlags = do let ptr = (#ptr RTS_FLAGS, GcFlags) rtsFlagsPtr GCFlags <$> (peekFilePath =<< #{peek GC_FLAGS, statsFile} ptr) <*> (toEnum . fromIntegral <$> (#{peek GC_FLAGS, giveStats} ptr :: IO Word32)) <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, maxStkSize} ptr <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, initialStkSize} ptr <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, stkChunkSize} ptr <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, stkChunkBufferSize} ptr <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, maxHeapSize} ptr <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, minAllocAreaSize} ptr <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, largeAllocLim} ptr <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, nurseryChunkSize} ptr <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, minOldGenSize} ptr <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, heapSizeSuggestion} ptr <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek GC_FLAGS, heapSizeSuggestionAuto} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, oldGenFactor} ptr <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, pcFreeHeap} ptr <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, generations} ptr <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek GC_FLAGS, squeezeUpdFrames} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek GC_FLAGS, compact} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, compactThreshold} ptr <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek GC_FLAGS, sweep} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek GC_FLAGS, ringBell} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, idleGCDelayTime} ptr <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek GC_FLAGS, doIdleGC} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, heapBase} ptr <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, allocLimitGrace} ptr <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek GC_FLAGS, numa} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, numaMask} ptr getParFlags :: IO ParFlags getParFlags = do let ptr = (#ptr RTS_FLAGS, ParFlags) rtsFlagsPtr ParFlags <$> #{peek PAR_FLAGS, nCapabilities} ptr <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek PAR_FLAGS, migrate} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> #{peek PAR_FLAGS, maxLocalSparks} ptr <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek PAR_FLAGS, parGcEnabled} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> #{peek PAR_FLAGS, parGcGen} ptr <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek PAR_FLAGS, parGcLoadBalancingEnabled} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> #{peek PAR_FLAGS, parGcLoadBalancingGen} ptr <*> #{peek PAR_FLAGS, parGcNoSyncWithIdle} ptr <*> #{peek PAR_FLAGS, parGcThreads} ptr <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek PAR_FLAGS, setAffinity} ptr :: IO CBool)) getConcFlags :: IO ConcFlags getConcFlags = do let ptr = (#ptr RTS_FLAGS, ConcFlags) rtsFlagsPtr ConcFlags <$> #{peek CONCURRENT_FLAGS, ctxtSwitchTime} ptr <*> #{peek CONCURRENT_FLAGS, ctxtSwitchTicks} ptr getMiscFlags :: IO MiscFlags getMiscFlags = do let ptr = (#ptr RTS_FLAGS, MiscFlags) rtsFlagsPtr MiscFlags <$> #{peek MISC_FLAGS, tickInterval} ptr <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek MISC_FLAGS, install_signal_handlers} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek MISC_FLAGS, install_seh_handlers} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek MISC_FLAGS, generate_dump_file} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek MISC_FLAGS, generate_stack_trace} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek MISC_FLAGS, machineReadable} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek MISC_FLAGS, disableDelayedOsMemoryReturn} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek MISC_FLAGS, internalCounters} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek MISC_FLAGS, linkerAlwaysPic} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> #{peek MISC_FLAGS, linkerMemBase} ptr getDebugFlags :: IO DebugFlags getDebugFlags = do let ptr = (#ptr RTS_FLAGS, DebugFlags) rtsFlagsPtr DebugFlags <$> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, scheduler} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, interpreter} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, weak} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, gccafs} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, gc} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, nonmoving_gc} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, block_alloc} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, sanity} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, stable} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, prof} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, linker} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, apply} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, stm} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, squeeze} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, hpc} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, sparks} ptr :: IO CBool)) getCCFlags :: IO CCFlags getCCFlags = do let ptr = (#ptr RTS_FLAGS, GcFlags) rtsFlagsPtr CCFlags <$> (toEnum . fromIntegral <$> (#{peek COST_CENTRE_FLAGS, doCostCentres} ptr :: IO Word32)) <*> #{peek COST_CENTRE_FLAGS, profilerTicks} ptr <*> #{peek COST_CENTRE_FLAGS, msecsPerTick} ptr getProfFlags :: IO ProfFlags getProfFlags = do let ptr = (#ptr RTS_FLAGS, ProfFlags) rtsFlagsPtr ProfFlags <$> (toEnum <$> #{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, doHeapProfile} ptr) <*> #{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, heapProfileInterval} ptr <*> #{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, heapProfileIntervalTicks} ptr <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, includeTSOs} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, showCCSOnException} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> #{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, maxRetainerSetSize} ptr <*> #{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, ccsLength} ptr <*> (peekCStringOpt =<< #{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, modSelector} ptr) <*> (peekCStringOpt =<< #{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, descrSelector} ptr) <*> (peekCStringOpt =<< #{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, typeSelector} ptr) <*> (peekCStringOpt =<< #{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, ccSelector} ptr) <*> (peekCStringOpt =<< #{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, ccsSelector} ptr) <*> (peekCStringOpt =<< #{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, retainerSelector} ptr) <*> (peekCStringOpt =<< #{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, bioSelector} ptr) getTraceFlags :: IO TraceFlags getTraceFlags = do let ptr = (#ptr RTS_FLAGS, TraceFlags) rtsFlagsPtr TraceFlags <$> (toEnum . fromIntegral <$> (#{peek TRACE_FLAGS, tracing} ptr :: IO CInt)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek TRACE_FLAGS, timestamp} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek TRACE_FLAGS, scheduler} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek TRACE_FLAGS, gc} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek TRACE_FLAGS, nonmoving_gc} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek TRACE_FLAGS, sparks_sampled} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek TRACE_FLAGS, sparks_full} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek TRACE_FLAGS, user} ptr :: IO CBool)) getTickyFlags :: IO TickyFlags getTickyFlags = do let ptr = (#ptr RTS_FLAGS, TickyFlags) rtsFlagsPtr TickyFlags <$> (toBool <$> (#{peek TICKY_FLAGS, showTickyStats} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (peekFilePath =<< #{peek TICKY_FLAGS, tickyFile} ptr)