----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : GHC.ExecutionStack.Internal -- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2013-2015 -- License : see libraries/base/LICENSE -- -- Maintainer : cvs-ghc@haskell.org -- Stability : internal -- Portability : non-portable (GHC Extensions) -- -- Internals of the `GHC.ExecutionStack` module -- -- @since ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "HsFFI.h" #include "HsBaseConfig.h" #include "rts/Libdw.h" {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} module GHC.ExecutionStack.Internal ( -- * Internal Location (..) , SrcLoc (..) , StackTrace , stackFrames , stackDepth , collectStackTrace , showStackFrames , invalidateDebugCache ) where import Control.Monad (join) import Data.Word import Foreign.C.Types import Foreign.C.String (peekCString, CString) import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, nullPtr, castPtr, plusPtr, FunPtr) import Foreign.ForeignPtr import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (allocaBytes) import Foreign.Storable (Storable(..)) import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO, unsafeInterleaveIO) -- N.B. See includes/rts/Libdw.h for notes on stack representation. -- | A location in the original program source. data SrcLoc = SrcLoc { sourceFile :: String , sourceLine :: Int , sourceColumn :: Int } -- | Location information about an address from a backtrace. data Location = Location { objectName :: String , functionName :: String , srcLoc :: Maybe SrcLoc } -- | A chunk of backtrace frames data Chunk = Chunk { chunkFrames :: !Word , chunkNext :: !(Ptr Chunk) , chunkFirstFrame :: !(Ptr Addr) } -- | The state of the execution stack newtype StackTrace = StackTrace (ForeignPtr StackTrace) -- | An address type Addr = Ptr () withSession :: (ForeignPtr Session -> IO a) -> IO (Maybe a) withSession action = do ptr <- libdw_pool_take if | nullPtr == ptr -> return Nothing | otherwise -> do fptr <- newForeignPtr libdw_pool_release ptr ret <- action fptr return $ Just ret -- | How many stack frames in the given 'StackTrace' stackDepth :: StackTrace -> Int stackDepth (StackTrace fptr) = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> fromIntegral . asWord <$> (#peek Backtrace,n_frames) ptr where asWord = id :: Word -> Word peekChunk :: Ptr Chunk -> IO Chunk peekChunk ptr = Chunk <$> (#peek BacktraceChunk,n_frames) ptr <*> (#peek BacktraceChunk,next) ptr <*> pure (castPtr $ (#ptr BacktraceChunk,frames) ptr) -- | Return a list of the chunks of a backtrace, from the outer-most to -- inner-most chunk. chunksList :: StackTrace -> IO [Chunk] chunksList (StackTrace fptr) = withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> go [] =<< (#peek Backtrace,last) ptr where go accum ptr | ptr == nullPtr = return accum | otherwise = do chunk <- peekChunk ptr go (chunk : accum) (chunkNext chunk) -- | Unpack the given 'Location' in the Haskell representation peekLocation :: Ptr Location -> IO Location peekLocation ptr = do let peekCStringPtr :: CString -> IO String peekCStringPtr p | p /= nullPtr = peekCString $ castPtr p | otherwise = return "" objFile <- peekCStringPtr =<< (#peek Location,object_file) ptr function <- peekCStringPtr =<< (#peek Location,function) ptr srcFile <- peekCStringPtr =<< (#peek Location,source_file) ptr lineNo <- (#peek Location,lineno) ptr :: IO Word32 colNo <- (#peek Location,colno) ptr :: IO Word32 let _srcLoc | null srcFile = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ SrcLoc { sourceFile = srcFile , sourceLine = fromIntegral lineNo , sourceColumn = fromIntegral colNo } return Location { objectName = objFile , functionName = function , srcLoc = _srcLoc } -- | The size in bytes of a 'locationSize' locationSize :: Int locationSize = (#const sizeof(Location)) -- | List the frames of a stack trace. stackFrames :: StackTrace -> Maybe [Location] stackFrames st@(StackTrace fptr) = unsafePerformIO $ withSession $ \sess -> do chunks <- chunksList st go sess (reverse chunks) where go :: ForeignPtr Session -> [Chunk] -> IO [Location] go _ [] = return [] go sess (chunk : chunks) = do this <- iterChunk sess chunk rest <- unsafeInterleaveIO (go sess chunks) return (this ++ rest) {- Here we lazily lookup the location information associated with each address as this can be rather costly. This does mean, however, that if the set of loaded modules changes between the time that we capture the stack and the time we reach here, we may end up with nonsense (mostly likely merely unknown symbols). I think this is a reasonable price to pay, however, as module loading/unloading is a rather rare event. Moreover, we stand to gain a great deal by lazy lookups as the stack frames may never even be requested, meaning the only effort wasted is the collection of the stack frames themselves. The only slightly tricky thing here is to ensure that the ForeignPtr stays alive until we reach the end. -} iterChunk :: ForeignPtr Session -> Chunk -> IO [Location] iterChunk sess chunk = iterFrames (chunkFrames chunk) (chunkFirstFrame chunk) where iterFrames :: Word -> Ptr Addr -> IO [Location] iterFrames 0 _ = return [] iterFrames n frame = do pc <- peek frame :: IO Addr mframe <- lookupFrame pc rest <- unsafeInterleaveIO (iterFrames (n-1) frame') return $ maybe rest (:rest) mframe where frame' = frame `plusPtr` sizeOf (undefined :: Addr) lookupFrame :: Addr -> IO (Maybe Location) lookupFrame pc = withForeignPtr fptr $ const $ do allocaBytes locationSize $ \buf -> do ret <- withForeignPtr sess $ \sessPtr -> libdw_lookup_location sessPtr buf pc case ret of 0 -> Just <$> peekLocation buf _ -> return Nothing -- | A LibdwSession from the runtime system data Session foreign import ccall unsafe "libdwPoolTake" libdw_pool_take :: IO (Ptr Session) foreign import ccall unsafe "&libdwPoolRelease" libdw_pool_release :: FunPtr (Ptr Session -> IO ()) foreign import ccall unsafe "libdwPoolClear" libdw_pool_clear :: IO () foreign import ccall unsafe "libdwLookupLocation" libdw_lookup_location :: Ptr Session -> Ptr Location -> Addr -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "libdwGetBacktrace" libdw_get_backtrace :: Ptr Session -> IO (Ptr StackTrace) foreign import ccall unsafe "&backtraceFree" backtrace_free :: FunPtr (Ptr StackTrace -> IO ()) -- | Get an execution stack. collectStackTrace :: IO (Maybe StackTrace) collectStackTrace = fmap join $ withSession $ \sess -> do st <- withForeignPtr sess libdw_get_backtrace if | st == nullPtr -> return Nothing | otherwise -> Just . StackTrace <$> newForeignPtr backtrace_free st -- | Free the cached debug data. invalidateDebugCache :: IO () invalidateDebugCache = libdw_pool_clear -- | Render a stacktrace as a string showStackFrames :: [Location] -> ShowS showStackFrames frames = showString "Stack trace:\n" . foldr (.) id (map showFrame frames) where showFrame loc = showString " " . showLocation loc . showChar '\n' -- | Render a 'Location' as a string showLocation :: Location -> ShowS showLocation loc = showString (functionName loc) . maybe id showSrcLoc (srcLoc loc) . showString " in " . showString (objectName loc) where showSrcLoc :: SrcLoc -> ShowS showSrcLoc sloc = showString " (" . showString (sourceFile sloc) . showString ":" . shows (sourceLine sloc) . showString "." . shows (sourceColumn sloc) . showString ")"