{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} -- Whether there are identities depends on the platform {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : GHC.IO.Windows.Handle -- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow, 2017 -- License : see libraries/base/LICENSE -- -- Maintainer : libraries@haskell.org -- Stability : internal -- Portability : non-portable -- -- Raw read/write operations on Windows Handles -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module GHC.IO.Windows.Handle ( -- * Basic Types NativeHandle(), ConsoleHandle(), IoHandle(), HANDLE, Io(), -- * Utility functions convertHandle, toHANDLE, fromHANDLE, handleToMode, optimizeFileAccess, -- * Standard Handles stdin, stdout, stderr, -- * File utilities openFile, openFileAsTemp, release ) where #include #include #include ##include "windows_cconv.h" -- Can't avoid these semantics leaks, they are base constructs import Data.Bits ((.|.), (.&.), shiftL) import Data.Functor ((<$>)) import Data.Typeable import GHC.Base import GHC.Enum import GHC.Num import GHC.Real import GHC.List import GHC.Word (Word8, Word16, Word64) import GHC.IO hiding (mask) import GHC.IO.Buffer import GHC.IO.BufferedIO import qualified GHC.IO.Device import GHC.IO.Device (SeekMode(..), IODeviceType(..), IODevice(), devType, setSize) import GHC.IO.Exception import GHC.IO.IOMode import GHC.IO.Windows.Encoding (withGhcInternalToUTF16, withUTF16ToGhcInternal) import GHC.IO.Windows.Paths (getDevicePath) import GHC.IO.Handle.Internals (debugIO) import GHC.IORef import GHC.Event.Windows (LPOVERLAPPED, withOverlapped, IOResult(..)) import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.C import Foreign.Marshal.Array (pokeArray) import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca, allocaBytes) import Foreign.Marshal.Utils (with, fromBool) import Foreign.Storable (Storable (..)) import qualified GHC.Event.Windows as Mgr import GHC.Windows (LPVOID, LPDWORD, DWORD, HANDLE, BOOL, LPCTSTR, ULONG, WORD, UCHAR, failIf, iNVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, failWith, failIfFalse_, getLastError) import Text.Show -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The Windows IO device handles data NativeHandle data ConsoleHandle -- | Bit of a Hack, but we don't want every handle to have a cooked entry -- but all copies of the handles for which we do want one need to share -- the same value. -- We can't store it separately because we don't know when the handle will -- be destroyed or invalidated. data IoHandle a where NativeHandle :: { getNativeHandle :: HANDLE } -> IoHandle NativeHandle ConsoleHandle :: { getConsoleHandle :: HANDLE , cookedHandle :: IORef Bool } -> IoHandle ConsoleHandle type Io a = IoHandle a -- | Convert a ConsoleHandle into a general FileHandle -- This will change which DeviceIO is used. convertHandle :: Io ConsoleHandle -> Io NativeHandle convertHandle = fromHANDLE . toHANDLE -- | @since instance Show (Io NativeHandle) where show = show . toHANDLE -- | @since instance Show (Io ConsoleHandle) where show = show . getConsoleHandle -- | @since instance GHC.IO.Device.RawIO (Io NativeHandle) where read = hwndRead readNonBlocking = hwndReadNonBlocking write = hwndWrite writeNonBlocking = hwndWriteNonBlocking -- | @since instance GHC.IO.Device.RawIO (Io ConsoleHandle) where read = consoleRead readNonBlocking = consoleReadNonBlocking write = consoleWrite writeNonBlocking = consoleWriteNonBlocking -- | Generalize a way to get and create handles. class (GHC.IO.Device.RawIO a, IODevice a, BufferedIO a, Typeable a) => RawHandle a where toHANDLE :: a -> HANDLE fromHANDLE :: HANDLE -> a isLockable :: a -> Bool setCooked :: a -> Bool -> IO a isCooked :: a -> IO Bool instance RawHandle (Io NativeHandle) where toHANDLE = getNativeHandle fromHANDLE = NativeHandle isLockable _ = True setCooked = const . return isCooked _ = return False instance RawHandle (Io ConsoleHandle) where toHANDLE = getConsoleHandle fromHANDLE h = unsafePerformIO $ ConsoleHandle h <$> newIORef False isLockable _ = False setCooked h val = do writeIORef (cookedHandle h) val return h isCooked h = readIORef (cookedHandle h) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The Windows IO device implementation -- | @since instance GHC.IO.Device.IODevice (Io NativeHandle) where ready = handle_ready close = handle_close isTerminal = handle_is_console isSeekable = handle_is_seekable seek = handle_seek tell = handle_tell getSize = handle_get_size setSize = handle_set_size setEcho = handle_set_echo getEcho = handle_get_echo setRaw = handle_set_buffering devType = handle_dev_type dup = handle_duplicate -- | @since instance GHC.IO.Device.IODevice (Io ConsoleHandle) where ready = handle_ready close = handle_close . convertHandle isTerminal = handle_is_console isSeekable = handle_is_seekable seek = handle_console_seek tell = handle_console_tell getSize = handle_get_console_size setSize = handle_set_console_size setEcho = handle_set_echo getEcho = handle_get_echo setRaw = console_set_buffering devType = handle_dev_type dup = handle_duplicate -- Default sequential read buffer size. -- for Windows 8k seems to be the optimal -- buffer size. dEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE :: Int dEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 8192 -- | @since -- See libraries/base/GHC/IO/BufferedIO.hs instance BufferedIO (Io NativeHandle) where newBuffer _dev state = newByteBuffer dEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE state fillReadBuffer = readBuf' fillReadBuffer0 = readBufNonBlocking flushWriteBuffer = writeBuf' flushWriteBuffer0 = writeBufNonBlocking -- | @since -- See libraries/base/GHC/IO/BufferedIO.hs instance BufferedIO (Io ConsoleHandle) where newBuffer _dev state = newByteBuffer dEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE state fillReadBuffer = readBuf' fillReadBuffer0 = readBufNonBlocking flushWriteBuffer = writeBuf' flushWriteBuffer0 = writeBufNonBlocking readBuf' :: RawHandle a => a -> Buffer Word8 -> IO (Int, Buffer Word8) readBuf' hnd buf = do debugIO ("readBuf handle=" ++ show (toHANDLE hnd) ++ " " ++ summaryBuffer buf ++ "\n") (r,buf') <- readBuf hnd buf debugIO ("after: " ++ summaryBuffer buf' ++ "\n") return (r,buf') writeBuf' :: RawHandle a => a -> Buffer Word8 -> IO (Buffer Word8) writeBuf' hnd buf = do debugIO ("writeBuf handle=" ++ show (toHANDLE hnd) ++ " " ++ summaryBuffer buf ++ "\n") writeBuf hnd buf -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Standard I/O handles type StdHandleId = DWORD #{enum StdHandleId, , sTD_INPUT_HANDLE = STD_INPUT_HANDLE , sTD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE , sTD_ERROR_HANDLE = STD_ERROR_HANDLE } getStdHandle :: StdHandleId -> IO HANDLE getStdHandle hid = failIf (== iNVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) "GetStdHandle" $ c_GetStdHandle hid stdin, stdout, stderr :: Io ConsoleHandle stdin = unsafePerformIO $ mkConsoleHandle =<< getStdHandle sTD_INPUT_HANDLE stdout = unsafePerformIO $ mkConsoleHandle =<< getStdHandle sTD_OUTPUT_HANDLE stderr = unsafePerformIO $ mkConsoleHandle =<< getStdHandle sTD_ERROR_HANDLE mkConsoleHandle :: HANDLE -> IO (Io ConsoleHandle) mkConsoleHandle hwnd = do ref <- newIORef False return $ ConsoleHandle hwnd ref -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Some console internal types to detect EOF. -- ASCII Ctrl+D (EOT) character. Typically used by Unix consoles. -- use for cross platform compatibility and to adhere to the ASCII standard. acCtrlD :: Int acCtrlD = 0x04 -- ASCII Ctrl+Z (SUB) character. Typically used by Windows consoles to denote -- EOT. Use for compatibility with user expectations. acCtrlZ :: Int acCtrlZ = 0x1A -- Mask to use to trigger ReadConsole input processing end. acEotMask :: ULONG acEotMask = (1 `shiftL` acCtrlD) .|. (1 `shiftL` acCtrlZ) -- Structure to hold the control character masks type PCONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL = Ptr CONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL data CONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL = CONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL { crcNLength :: ULONG , crcNInitialChars :: ULONG , crcDwCtrlWakeupMask :: ULONG , crcDwControlKeyState :: ULONG } deriving Show instance Storable CONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL where sizeOf = const #size CONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL alignment = const #alignment CONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL poke buf crc = do (#poke CONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL, nLength) buf (crcNLength crc) (#poke CONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL, nInitialChars) buf (crcNInitialChars crc) (#poke CONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL, dwCtrlWakeupMask) buf (crcDwCtrlWakeupMask crc) (#poke CONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL, dwControlKeyState) buf (crcDwControlKeyState crc) peek buf = do vNLength <- (#peek CONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL, nLength) buf vNInitialChars <- (#peek CONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL, nInitialChars) buf vDwCtrlWakeupMask <- (#peek CONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL, dwCtrlWakeupMask) buf vDwControlKeyState <- (#peek CONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL, dwControlKeyState) buf return $ CONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL { crcNLength = vNLength, crcNInitialChars = vNInitialChars, crcDwCtrlWakeupMask = vDwCtrlWakeupMask, crcDwControlKeyState = vDwControlKeyState } -- Create CONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL for breaking on control characters -- specified by acEotMask eotControl :: CONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL eotControl = CONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL { crcNLength = fromIntegral $ sizeOf (undefined :: CONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL) , crcNInitialChars = 0 , crcDwCtrlWakeupMask = acEotMask , crcDwControlKeyState = 0 } type PINPUT_RECORD = Ptr () -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Foreign imports foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV safe "windows.h CreateFileW" c_CreateFile :: LPCTSTR -> DWORD -> DWORD -> LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES -> DWORD -> DWORD -> HANDLE -> IO HANDLE foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV safe "windows.h SetFileCompletionNotificationModes" c_SetFileCompletionNotificationModes :: HANDLE -> UCHAR -> IO BOOL foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV safe "windows.h ReadFile" c_ReadFile :: HANDLE -> LPVOID -> DWORD -> LPDWORD -> LPOVERLAPPED -> IO BOOL foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV safe "windows.h WriteFile" c_WriteFile :: HANDLE -> LPVOID -> DWORD -> LPDWORD -> LPOVERLAPPED -> IO BOOL foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV safe "windows.h GetStdHandle" c_GetStdHandle :: StdHandleId -> IO HANDLE foreign import ccall safe "__handle_ready" c_handle_ready :: HANDLE -> BOOL -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall safe "__is_console" c_is_console :: HANDLE -> IO BOOL foreign import ccall safe "__set_console_buffering" c_set_console_buffering :: HANDLE -> BOOL -> IO BOOL foreign import ccall safe "__set_console_echo" c_set_console_echo :: HANDLE -> BOOL -> IO BOOL foreign import ccall safe "__get_console_echo" c_get_console_echo :: HANDLE -> IO BOOL foreign import ccall safe "__close_handle" c_close_handle :: HANDLE -> IO Bool foreign import ccall safe "__handle_type" c_handle_type :: HANDLE -> IO Int foreign import ccall safe "__set_file_pointer" c_set_file_pointer :: HANDLE -> CLong -> DWORD -> Ptr CLong -> IO BOOL foreign import ccall safe "__get_file_pointer" c_get_file_pointer :: HANDLE -> IO CLong foreign import ccall safe "__get_file_size" c_get_file_size :: HANDLE -> IO CLong foreign import ccall safe "__set_file_size" c_set_file_size :: HANDLE -> CLong -> IO BOOL foreign import ccall safe "__duplicate_handle" c_duplicate_handle :: HANDLE -> Ptr HANDLE -> IO BOOL foreign import ccall safe "__set_console_pointer" c_set_console_pointer :: HANDLE -> CLong -> DWORD -> Ptr CLong -> IO BOOL foreign import ccall safe "__get_console_pointer" c_get_console_pointer :: HANDLE -> IO CLong foreign import ccall safe "__get_console_buffer_size" c_get_console_buffer_size :: HANDLE -> IO CLong foreign import ccall safe "__set_console_buffer_size" c_set_console_buffer_size :: HANDLE -> CLong -> IO BOOL foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV safe "windows.h ReadConsoleW" c_read_console :: HANDLE -> Ptr Word16 -> DWORD -> Ptr DWORD -> PCONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL -> IO BOOL foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV safe "windows.h WriteConsoleW" c_write_console :: HANDLE -> Ptr Word16 -> DWORD -> Ptr DWORD -> Ptr () -> IO BOOL foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV safe "windows.h ReadConsoleInputW" c_read_console_input :: HANDLE -> PINPUT_RECORD -> DWORD -> LPDWORD -> IO BOOL type LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES = LPVOID -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reading and Writing -- For this to actually block, the file handle must have -- been created with FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED not set. As an implementation note I -- am choosing never to let this block. But this can be easily accomplished by -- a getOverlappedResult call with True hwndRead :: Io NativeHandle -> Ptr Word8 -> Word64 -> Int -> IO Int hwndRead hwnd ptr offset bytes = fmap fromIntegral $ Mgr.withException "hwndRead" $ withOverlapped "hwndRead" (toHANDLE hwnd) offset (startCB ptr) completionCB where startCB outBuf lpOverlapped = do debugIO ":: hwndRead" -- See Note [ReadFile/WriteFile]. ret <- c_ReadFile (toHANDLE hwnd) (castPtr outBuf) (fromIntegral bytes) nullPtr lpOverlapped return $ Mgr.CbNone ret completionCB err dwBytes | err == #{const ERROR_SUCCESS} = Mgr.ioSuccess $ fromIntegral dwBytes | err == #{const ERROR_HANDLE_EOF} = Mgr.ioSuccess 0 | err == #{const STATUS_END_OF_FILE} = Mgr.ioSuccess 0 | err == #{const ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE} = Mgr.ioSuccess 0 | err == #{const STATUS_PIPE_BROKEN} = Mgr.ioSuccess 0 | err == #{const ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS} = Mgr.ioSuccess $ fromIntegral dwBytes | err == #{const ERROR_MORE_DATA} = Mgr.ioSuccess $ fromIntegral dwBytes | otherwise = Mgr.ioFailed err -- In WinIO we'll never block in the FFI call, so this call is equivalent to -- hwndRead, Though we may revisit this when implementing sockets and pipes. -- It still won't block, but may set up extra book keeping so threadWait and -- threadWrite may work. hwndReadNonBlocking :: Io NativeHandle -> Ptr Word8 -> Word64 -> Int -> IO (Maybe Int) hwndReadNonBlocking hwnd ptr offset bytes = do val <- withOverlapped "hwndReadNonBlocking" (toHANDLE hwnd) offset (startCB ptr) completionCB return $ ioValue val where startCB inputBuf lpOverlapped = do debugIO ":: hwndReadNonBlocking" -- See Note [ReadFile/WriteFile]. ret <- c_ReadFile (toHANDLE hwnd) (castPtr inputBuf) (fromIntegral bytes) nullPtr lpOverlapped return $ Mgr.CbNone ret completionCB err dwBytes | err == #{const ERROR_SUCCESS} = Mgr.ioSuccess $ Just $! fromIntegral dwBytes | err == #{const ERROR_HANDLE_EOF} = Mgr.ioSuccess Nothing | err == #{const STATUS_END_OF_FILE} = Mgr.ioSuccess Nothing | err == #{const ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE} = Mgr.ioSuccess Nothing | err == #{const STATUS_PIPE_BROKEN} = Mgr.ioSuccess Nothing | err == #{const ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS} = Mgr.ioSuccess Nothing | err == #{const ERROR_MORE_DATA} = Mgr.ioSuccess $ Just $! fromIntegral dwBytes | otherwise = Mgr.ioFailedAny err hwndWrite :: Io NativeHandle -> Ptr Word8 -> Word64 -> Int -> IO () hwndWrite hwnd ptr offset bytes = do _ <- Mgr.withException "hwndWrite" $ withOverlapped "hwndWrite" (toHANDLE hwnd) offset (startCB ptr) completionCB return () where startCB outBuf lpOverlapped = do debugIO ":: hwndWrite" -- See Note [ReadFile/WriteFile]. ret <- c_WriteFile (toHANDLE hwnd) (castPtr outBuf) (fromIntegral bytes) nullPtr lpOverlapped return $ Mgr.CbNone ret completionCB err dwBytes | err == #{const ERROR_SUCCESS} = Mgr.ioSuccess $ fromIntegral dwBytes | err == #{const ERROR_HANDLE_EOF} = Mgr.ioSuccess $ fromIntegral dwBytes | otherwise = Mgr.ioFailed err hwndWriteNonBlocking :: Io NativeHandle -> Ptr Word8 -> Word64 -> Int -> IO Int hwndWriteNonBlocking hwnd ptr offset bytes = do val <- withOverlapped "hwndReadNonBlocking" (toHANDLE hwnd) offset (startCB ptr) completionCB return $ fromIntegral $ ioValue val where startCB :: Ptr a -> LPOVERLAPPED -> IO (Mgr.CbResult a1) startCB outBuf lpOverlapped = do debugIO ":: hwndWriteNonBlocking" -- See Note [ReadFile/WriteFile]. ret <- c_WriteFile (toHANDLE hwnd) (castPtr outBuf) (fromIntegral bytes) nullPtr lpOverlapped return $ Mgr.CbNone ret completionCB err dwBytes | err == #{const ERROR_SUCCESS} = Mgr.ioSuccess $ fromIntegral dwBytes | err == #{const ERROR_HANDLE_EOF} = Mgr.ioSuccess $ fromIntegral dwBytes | otherwise = Mgr.ioFailed err -- Note [ReadFile/WriteFile] -- The results of these functions are somewhat different when working in an -- asynchronous manner. The returning bool has two meaning. -- -- True: The operation is done and was completed synchronously. This is -- possible because of the optimization flags we enable. In this case -- there won't be a completion event for this call and so we shouldn't -- queue one up. If we do this request will never terminate. It's also -- safe to free the OVERLAPPED structure immediately. -- -- False: Only indicates that the operation was not completed synchronously, a -- call to GetLastError () is needed to find out the actual status. If -- the result is ERROR_IO_PENDING then the operation has been queued on -- the completion port and we should proceed asynchronously. Any other -- state is usually an indication that the call failed. -- -- NB. reading an EOF will result in ERROR_HANDLE_EOF or STATUS_END_OF_FILE -- during the checking of the completion results. We need to check for these -- so we don't incorrectly fail. consoleWrite :: Io ConsoleHandle -> Ptr Word8 -> Word64 -> Int -> IO () consoleWrite hwnd ptr _offset bytes = alloca $ \res -> do failIfFalse_ "GHC.IO.Handle.consoleWrite" $ do debugIO ":: consoleWrite" withGhcInternalToUTF16 ptr bytes $ \(w_ptr, w_len) -> do success <- c_write_console (toHANDLE hwnd) w_ptr (fromIntegral w_len) res nullPtr if not success then return False else do val <- fromIntegral <$> peek res return $ val == w_len consoleWriteNonBlocking :: Io ConsoleHandle -> Ptr Word8 -> Word64 -> Int -> IO Int consoleWriteNonBlocking hwnd ptr _offset bytes = alloca $ \res -> do failIfFalse_ "GHC.IO.Handle.consoleWriteNonBlocking" $ do debugIO ":: consoleWriteNonBlocking" withGhcInternalToUTF16 ptr bytes $ \(w_ptr, w_len) -> do c_write_console (toHANDLE hwnd) w_ptr (fromIntegral w_len) res nullPtr val <- fromIntegral <$> peek res return val consoleRead :: Io ConsoleHandle -> Ptr Word8 -> Word64 -> Int -> IO Int consoleRead hwnd ptr _offset bytes = withUTF16ToGhcInternal ptr bytes $ \reqBytes w_ptr -> alloca $ \res -> do cooked <- isCooked hwnd -- Cooked input must be handled differently when the STD handles are -- attached to a real console handle. For File based handles we can't do -- proper cooked inputs, but since the actions are async you would get -- results as soon as available. -- -- For console handles We have to use a lower level API then ReadConsole, -- namely we must use ReadConsoleInput which requires us to process -- all console message manually. -- -- Do note that MSYS2 shells such as bash don't attach to a real handle, -- and instead have by default a pipe/file based std handles. Which -- means the cooked behaviour is best when used in a native Windows -- terminal such as cmd, powershell or ConEmu. case cooked of False -> do debugIO "consoleRead :: un-cooked I/O read." -- eotControl allows us to handle control characters like EOL -- without needing a newline, which would sort of defeat the point -- of an EOL. res_code <- with eotControl $ \p_eotControl -> c_read_console (toHANDLE hwnd) w_ptr (fromIntegral reqBytes) res p_eotControl -- Restore a quirk of the POSIX read call, which only returns a fail -- when the handle is invalid, e.g. closed or not a handle. It how- -- ever returns 0 when the handle is valid but unreadable, such as -- passing a handle with no GENERIC_READ permission, like /dev/null err <- getLastError when (not res_code) $ case () of _ | err == #{const ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION} -> return () | otherwise -> failWith "GHC.IO.Handle.consoleRead" err b_read <- fromIntegral <$> peek res if b_read /= 1 then return b_read else do w_first <- peekElemOff w_ptr 0 case () of -- Handle Ctrl+Z which is the actual EOL sequence on -- windows, but also handle Ctrl+D which is what the -- ASCII standard defines as EOL. _ | w_first == fromIntegral acCtrlD -> return 0 | w_first == fromIntegral acCtrlZ -> return 0 | otherwise -> return b_read True -> do debugIO "consoleRead :: cooked I/O read." -- Input is cooked, don't wait till a line return and consume all -- characters as they are. Technically this function can handle any -- console event. Including mouse, window and virtual key events -- but for now I'm only interested in key presses. let entries = fromIntegral $ reqBytes `div` (#size INPUT_RECORD) allocaBytes entries $ \p_inputs -> readEvent p_inputs entries res w_ptr where readEvent p_inputs entries res w_ptr = do failIfFalse_ "GHC.IO.Handle.consoleRead" $ c_read_console_input (toHANDLE hwnd) p_inputs (fromIntegral entries) res b_read <- fromIntegral <$> peek res read <- cobble b_read w_ptr p_inputs if read > 0 then return $ fromIntegral read else readEvent p_inputs entries res w_ptr -- Dereference and read console input records. We only read the bare -- minimum required to know which key/sequences were pressed. To do -- this and prevent having to fully port the PINPUT_RECORD structure -- in Haskell we use some GCC builtins to find the correct offsets. cobble :: Int -> Ptr Word16 -> PINPUT_RECORD -> IO Int cobble 0 _ _ = do debugIO "cobble: done." return 0 cobble n w_ptr p_inputs = do eventType <- peekByteOff p_inputs 0 :: IO WORD debugIO $ "cobble: Length=" ++ show n debugIO $ "cobble: Type=" ++ show eventType let ni_offset = #size INPUT_RECORD let event = #{const __builtin_offsetof (INPUT_RECORD, Event)} let char_offset = event + #{const __builtin_offsetof (KEY_EVENT_RECORD, uChar)} let btnDown_offset = event + #{const __builtin_offsetof (KEY_EVENT_RECORD, bKeyDown)} let repeat_offset = event + #{const __builtin_offsetof (KEY_EVENT_RECORD, wRepeatCount)} let n' = n - 1 let p_inputs' = p_inputs `plusPtr` ni_offset btnDown <- peekByteOff p_inputs btnDown_offset repeated <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff p_inputs repeat_offset :: IO WORD) debugIO $ "cobble: BtnDown=" ++ show btnDown -- Handle the key only on button down and not on button up. if eventType == #{const KEY_EVENT} && btnDown then do debugIO $ "cobble: read-char." char <- peekByteOff p_inputs char_offset let w_ptr' = w_ptr `plusPtr` 1 debugIO $ "cobble: offset - " ++ show char_offset debugIO $ "cobble: show > " ++ show char debugIO $ "cobble: repeat: " ++ show repeated pokeArray w_ptr $ replicate repeated char (+1) <$> cobble n' w_ptr' p_inputs' else do debugIO $ "cobble: skip event." cobble n' w_ptr p_inputs' consoleReadNonBlocking :: Io ConsoleHandle -> Ptr Word8 -> Word64 -> Int -> IO (Maybe Int) consoleReadNonBlocking hwnd ptr offset bytes = Just <$> consoleRead hwnd ptr offset bytes -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Operations on file handles handle_ready :: RawHandle a => a -> Bool -> Int -> IO Bool handle_ready hwnd write msecs = do r <- throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry "GHC.IO.Windows.Handle.handle_ready" $ c_handle_ready (toHANDLE hwnd) write (fromIntegral msecs) return (toEnum (fromIntegral r)) handle_is_console :: RawHandle a => a -> IO Bool handle_is_console = c_is_console . toHANDLE handle_close :: RawHandle a => a -> IO () handle_close h = do release h failIfFalse_ "handle_close" $ c_close_handle (toHANDLE h) handle_dev_type :: RawHandle a => a -> IO IODeviceType handle_dev_type hwnd = do _type <- c_handle_type $ toHANDLE hwnd return $ case _type of _ | _type == 3 -> Stream | _type == 5 -> RawDevice | otherwise -> RegularFile handle_is_seekable :: RawHandle a => a -> IO Bool handle_is_seekable hwnd = do t <- handle_dev_type hwnd return (t == RegularFile || t == RawDevice) handle_seek :: RawHandle a => a -> SeekMode -> Integer -> IO Integer handle_seek hwnd mode off = with 0 $ \off_rel -> do failIfFalse_ "GHC.IO.Handle.handle_seek" $ c_set_file_pointer (toHANDLE hwnd) (fromIntegral off) seektype off_rel fromIntegral <$> peek off_rel where seektype :: DWORD seektype = case mode of AbsoluteSeek -> #{const FILE_BEGIN} RelativeSeek -> #{const FILE_CURRENT} SeekFromEnd -> #{const FILE_END} handle_tell :: RawHandle a => a -> IO Integer handle_tell hwnd = fromIntegral `fmap` (throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry "GHC.IO.Handle.handle_tell" $ c_get_file_pointer (toHANDLE hwnd)) handle_set_size :: RawHandle a => a -> Integer -> IO () handle_set_size hwnd size = failIfFalse_ "GHC.IO.Handle.handle_set_size" $ c_set_file_size (toHANDLE hwnd) (fromIntegral size) handle_get_size :: RawHandle a => a -> IO Integer handle_get_size hwnd = fromIntegral `fmap` (throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry "GHC.IO.Handle.handle_set_size" $ c_get_file_size (toHANDLE hwnd)) handle_set_echo :: RawHandle a => a -> Bool -> IO () handle_set_echo hwnd value = failIfFalse_ "GHC.IO.Handle.handle_set_echo" $ c_set_console_echo (toHANDLE hwnd) value handle_get_echo :: RawHandle a => a -> IO Bool handle_get_echo = c_get_console_echo . toHANDLE handle_duplicate :: RawHandle a => a -> IO a handle_duplicate hwnd = alloca $ \ptr -> do failIfFalse_ "GHC.IO.Handle.handle_duplicate" $ c_duplicate_handle (toHANDLE hwnd) ptr fromHANDLE <$> peek ptr console_set_buffering :: Io ConsoleHandle -> Bool -> IO () console_set_buffering hwnd value = setCooked hwnd value >> return () handle_set_buffering :: RawHandle a => a -> Bool -> IO () handle_set_buffering hwnd value = failIfFalse_ "GHC.IO.Handle.handle_set_buffering" $ c_set_console_buffering (toHANDLE hwnd) value handle_console_seek :: RawHandle a => a -> SeekMode -> Integer -> IO Integer handle_console_seek hwnd mode off = with 0 $ \loc_ptr -> do failIfFalse_ "GHC.IO.Handle.handle_console_seek" $ c_set_console_pointer (toHANDLE hwnd) (fromIntegral off) seektype loc_ptr fromIntegral <$> peek loc_ptr where seektype :: DWORD seektype = case mode of AbsoluteSeek -> #{const FILE_BEGIN} RelativeSeek -> #{const FILE_CURRENT} SeekFromEnd -> #{const FILE_END} handle_console_tell :: RawHandle a => a -> IO Integer handle_console_tell hwnd = fromIntegral `fmap` (throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry "GHC.IO.Handle.handle_console_tell" $ c_get_console_pointer (toHANDLE hwnd)) handle_set_console_size :: RawHandle a => a -> Integer -> IO () handle_set_console_size hwnd size = failIfFalse_ "GHC.IO.Handle.handle_set_console_size" $ c_set_console_buffer_size (toHANDLE hwnd) (fromIntegral size) handle_get_console_size :: RawHandle a => a -> IO Integer handle_get_console_size hwnd = fromIntegral `fmap` (throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry "GHC.IO.Handle.handle_get_console_size" $ c_get_console_buffer_size (toHANDLE hwnd)) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- opening files -- | Describes if and which temp file flags to use. data TempFileOptions = NoTemp | TempNonExcl | TempExcl deriving Eq -- | Open a file and make an 'NativeHandle' for it. Truncates the file to zero -- size when the `IOMode` is `WriteMode`. openFile :: FilePath -- ^ file to open -> IOMode -- ^ mode in which to open the file -> Bool -- ^ open the file in non-blocking mode? -> IO (Io NativeHandle, IODeviceType) openFile filepath iomode non_blocking = openFile' filepath iomode non_blocking NoTemp -- | Open a file as a temporary file and make an 'NativeHandle' for it. -- Truncates the file to zero size when the `IOMode` is `WriteMode`. openFileAsTemp :: FilePath -- ^ file to open -> Bool -- ^ open the file in non-blocking mode? -> Bool -- ^ Exclusive mode -> IO (Io NativeHandle, IODeviceType) openFileAsTemp filepath non_blocking excl = openFile' filepath ReadWriteMode non_blocking (if excl then TempExcl else TempNonExcl) -- | Open a file and make an 'NativeHandle' for it. Truncates the file to zero -- size when the `IOMode` is `WriteMode`. openFile' :: FilePath -- ^ file to open -> IOMode -- ^ mode in which to open the file -> Bool -- ^ open the file in non-blocking mode? -> TempFileOptions -> IO (Io NativeHandle, IODeviceType) openFile' filepath iomode non_blocking tmp_opts = do devicepath <- getDevicePath filepath h <- createFile devicepath -- Attach the handle to the I/O manager's CompletionPort. This allows the -- I/O manager to service requests for this Handle. Mgr.associateHandle' h let hwnd = fromHANDLE h _type <- devType hwnd -- Use the rts to enforce any file locking we may need. let write_lock = iomode /= ReadMode case _type of -- Regular files need to be locked. -- See also Note [RTS File locking] RegularFile -> do optimizeFileAccess h -- Set a few optimization flags on file handles. (unique_dev, unique_ino) <- getUniqueFileInfo hwnd r <- lockFile (fromIntegral $ ptrToWordPtr h) unique_dev unique_ino (fromBool write_lock) when (r == -1) $ ioException (IOError Nothing ResourceBusy "openFile" "file is locked" Nothing Nothing) -- I don't see a reason for blocking directories. So unlike the FD -- implementation I'll allow it. _ -> return () -- We want to truncate() if this is an open in WriteMode, but only -- if the target is a RegularFile. but TRUNCATE_EXISTING would fail if -- the file didn't exit. So just set the size afterwards. when (iomode == WriteMode && _type == RegularFile) $ setSize hwnd 0 return (hwnd, _type) where flagIf p f2 | p = f2 | otherwise = 0 -- We have to use in-process locking (e.g. use the locking mechanism -- in the rts) so we're consistent with the linux behavior and the -- rts knows about the lock. See #4363 for more. file_share_mode = #{const FILE_SHARE_READ} .|. #{const FILE_SHARE_DELETE} -- Don't support shared writing for temp files. .|. (flagIf (tmp_opts == NoTemp) #{const FILE_SHARE_WRITE}) file_access_mode = case iomode of ReadMode -> #{const GENERIC_READ} WriteMode -> #{const GENERIC_WRITE} ReadWriteMode -> #{const GENERIC_READ} .|. #{const GENERIC_WRITE} AppendMode -> #{const GENERIC_WRITE} .|. #{const FILE_APPEND_DATA} file_open_mode = case iomode of ReadMode -> #{const OPEN_EXISTING} -- O_RDONLY WriteMode -> #{const OPEN_ALWAYS} -- O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC ReadWriteMode -> case tmp_opts of NoTemp -> #{const OPEN_ALWAYS} -- O_CREAT | O_RDWR TempNonExcl -> #{const CREATE_ALWAYS} -- O_CREAT | O_RDWR TempExcl -> #{const CREATE_NEW} -- O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_EXCL AppendMode -> #{const OPEN_ALWAYS} -- O_APPEND file_create_flags = if non_blocking -- On Windows, the choice of whether an operation completes -- asynchronously or not depends on how the Handle was created -- and not on the operation called. As in, the behaviour of -- ReadFile and WriteFile depends on the flags used to open the -- handle. For WinIO we always use FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, which -- means we always issue asynchronous file operation using an -- OVERLAPPED structure. All blocking, if required must be done -- on the Haskell side by using existing mechanisms such as MVar -- or IOPorts. then #{const FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED} -- I beleive most haskell programs do sequential scans, so -- optimize for the common case. Though ideally, this would -- be parameterized by openFile. This will absolutely trash -- the cache on reverse scans. -- -- TODO: make a parameter to openFile and specify only for -- operations we know are sequential. This parameter should -- be usable by madvise too. .|. #{const FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN} .|. (flagIf (tmp_opts /= NoTemp) -- Hold data in cache for as long as possible #{const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY} ) else #{const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL} .|. (flagIf (tmp_opts /= NoTemp) -- Hold data in cache for as long as possible #{const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY} ) createFile devicepath = withCWString devicepath $ \fp -> failIf (== iNVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) "CreateFile" $ c_CreateFile fp file_access_mode file_share_mode nullPtr file_open_mode file_create_flags nullPtr -- Tell the OS that we support skipping the request Queue if the -- IRQ can be handled immediately, e.g. if the data is in the cache. optimizeFileAccess :: HANDLE -> IO () optimizeFileAccess handle = failIfFalse_ "SetFileCompletionNotificationModes" $ c_SetFileCompletionNotificationModes handle ( #{const FILE_SKIP_COMPLETION_PORT_ON_SUCCESS} .|. #{const FILE_SKIP_SET_EVENT_ON_HANDLE}) -- Reconstruct an I/O mode from an open HANDLE handleToMode :: HANDLE -> IO IOMode handleToMode hwnd = do mask <- c_get_handle_access_mask hwnd let hasFlag flag = (flag .&. mask) == flag case () of () | hasFlag (#{const FILE_APPEND_DATA}) -> return AppendMode | hasFlag (#{const GENERIC_WRITE} .|. #{const GENERIC_READ}) -> return ReadWriteMode | hasFlag (#{const GENERIC_READ}) -> return ReadMode | hasFlag (#{const GENERIC_WRITE}) -> return WriteMode | otherwise -> error "unknown access mask in handleToMode." foreign import ccall unsafe "__get_handle_access_mask" c_get_handle_access_mask :: HANDLE -> IO DWORD release :: RawHandle a => a -> IO () release h = if isLockable h then do let handle = fromIntegral $ ptrToWordPtr $ toHANDLE h _ <- unlockFile handle return () else return () -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Locking/unlocking foreign import ccall unsafe "lockFile" lockFile :: CUIntPtr -> Word64 -> Word64 -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "unlockFile" unlockFile :: CUIntPtr -> IO CInt -- | Returns -1 on error. Otherwise writes two values representing -- the file into the given ptrs. foreign import ccall unsafe "get_unique_file_info_hwnd" c_getUniqueFileInfo :: HANDLE -> Ptr Word64 -> Ptr Word64 -> IO () -- | getUniqueFileInfo assumes the C call to getUniqueFileInfo -- succeeds. getUniqueFileInfo :: RawHandle a => a -> IO (Word64, Word64) getUniqueFileInfo handle = do with 0 $ \devptr -> do with 0 $ \inoptr -> do c_getUniqueFileInfo (toHANDLE handle) devptr inoptr liftM2 (,) (peek devptr) (peek inoptr)