{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- | Accessors to GHC RTS flags. -- Descriptions of flags can be seen in -- , -- or by running RTS help message using @+RTS --help@. -- -- @since -- module GHC.RTS.Flags ( RtsTime , RTSFlags (..) , GiveGCStats (..) , GCFlags (..) , ConcFlags (..) , MiscFlags (..) , DebugFlags (..) , DoCostCentres (..) , CCFlags (..) , DoHeapProfile (..) , ProfFlags (..) , DoTrace (..) , TraceFlags (..) , TickyFlags (..) , ParFlags (..) , IoSubSystem (..) , getRTSFlags , getGCFlags , getConcFlags , getMiscFlags , getIoManagerFlag , getDebugFlags , getCCFlags , getProfFlags , getTraceFlags , getTickyFlags , getParFlags ) where #include "Rts.h" #include "rts/Flags.h" import Data.Functor ((<$>)) import Foreign import Foreign.C import GHC.Base import GHC.Enum import GHC.Generics (Generic) import GHC.IO import GHC.Real import GHC.Show -- | 'RtsTime' is defined as a @StgWord64@ in @stg/Types.h@ -- -- @since type RtsTime = Word64 -- | Should we produce a summary of the garbage collector statistics after the -- program has exited? -- -- @since data GiveGCStats = NoGCStats | CollectGCStats | OneLineGCStats | SummaryGCStats | VerboseGCStats deriving ( Show -- ^ @since , Generic -- ^ @since ) -- | @since instance Enum GiveGCStats where fromEnum NoGCStats = #{const NO_GC_STATS} fromEnum CollectGCStats = #{const COLLECT_GC_STATS} fromEnum OneLineGCStats = #{const ONELINE_GC_STATS} fromEnum SummaryGCStats = #{const SUMMARY_GC_STATS} fromEnum VerboseGCStats = #{const VERBOSE_GC_STATS} toEnum #{const NO_GC_STATS} = NoGCStats toEnum #{const COLLECT_GC_STATS} = CollectGCStats toEnum #{const ONELINE_GC_STATS} = OneLineGCStats toEnum #{const SUMMARY_GC_STATS} = SummaryGCStats toEnum #{const VERBOSE_GC_STATS} = VerboseGCStats toEnum e = errorWithoutStackTrace ("invalid enum for GiveGCStats: " ++ show e) -- | The I/O SubSystem to use in the program. -- -- @since data IoSubSystem = IoPOSIX -- ^ Use a POSIX I/O Sub-System | IoNative -- ^ Use platform native Sub-System. For unix OSes this is the -- same as IoPOSIX, but on Windows this means use the Windows -- native APIs for I/O, including IOCP and RIO. deriving (Eq, Show) -- | @since instance Enum IoSubSystem where fromEnum IoPOSIX = #{const IO_MNGR_POSIX} fromEnum IoNative = #{const IO_MNGR_NATIVE} toEnum #{const IO_MNGR_POSIX} = IoPOSIX toEnum #{const IO_MNGR_NATIVE} = IoNative toEnum e = errorWithoutStackTrace ("invalid enum for IoSubSystem: " ++ show e) -- | @since instance Storable IoSubSystem where sizeOf = sizeOf . fromEnum alignment = sizeOf . fromEnum peek ptr = fmap toEnum $ peek (castPtr ptr) poke ptr v = poke (castPtr ptr) (fromEnum v) -- | Parameters of the garbage collector. -- -- @since data GCFlags = GCFlags { statsFile :: Maybe FilePath , giveStats :: GiveGCStats , maxStkSize :: Word32 , initialStkSize :: Word32 , stkChunkSize :: Word32 , stkChunkBufferSize :: Word32 , maxHeapSize :: Word32 , minAllocAreaSize :: Word32 , largeAllocLim :: Word32 , nurseryChunkSize :: Word32 , minOldGenSize :: Word32 , heapSizeSuggestion :: Word32 , heapSizeSuggestionAuto :: Bool , oldGenFactor :: Double , pcFreeHeap :: Double , generations :: Word32 , squeezeUpdFrames :: Bool , compact :: Bool -- ^ True <=> "compact all the time" , compactThreshold :: Double , sweep :: Bool -- ^ use "mostly mark-sweep" instead of copying for the oldest generation , ringBell :: Bool , idleGCDelayTime :: RtsTime , doIdleGC :: Bool , heapBase :: Word -- ^ address to ask the OS for memory , allocLimitGrace :: Word , numa :: Bool , numaMask :: Word } deriving ( Show -- ^ @since , Generic -- ^ @since ) -- | Parameters concerning context switching -- -- @since data ConcFlags = ConcFlags { ctxtSwitchTime :: RtsTime , ctxtSwitchTicks :: Int } deriving ( Show -- ^ @since , Generic -- ^ @since ) -- | Miscellaneous parameters -- -- @since data MiscFlags = MiscFlags { tickInterval :: RtsTime , installSignalHandlers :: Bool , installSEHHandlers :: Bool , generateCrashDumpFile :: Bool , generateStackTrace :: Bool , machineReadable :: Bool , disableDelayedOsMemoryReturn :: Bool , internalCounters :: Bool , linkerAlwaysPic :: Bool , linkerMemBase :: Word -- ^ address to ask the OS for memory for the linker, 0 ==> off , ioManager :: IoSubSystem , numIoWorkerThreads :: Word32 } deriving ( Show -- ^ @since , Generic -- ^ @since ) -- | Flags to control debugging output & extra checking in various -- subsystems. -- -- @since data DebugFlags = DebugFlags { scheduler :: Bool -- ^ @s@ , interpreter :: Bool -- ^ @i@ , weak :: Bool -- ^ @w@ , gccafs :: Bool -- ^ @G@ , gc :: Bool -- ^ @g@ , nonmoving_gc :: Bool -- ^ @n@ , block_alloc :: Bool -- ^ @b@ , sanity :: Bool -- ^ @S@ , stable :: Bool -- ^ @t@ , prof :: Bool -- ^ @p@ , linker :: Bool -- ^ @l@ the object linker , apply :: Bool -- ^ @a@ , stm :: Bool -- ^ @m@ , squeeze :: Bool -- ^ @z@ stack squeezing & lazy blackholing , hpc :: Bool -- ^ @c@ coverage , sparks :: Bool -- ^ @r@ } deriving ( Show -- ^ @since , Generic -- ^ @since ) -- | Should the RTS produce a cost-center summary? -- -- @since data DoCostCentres = CostCentresNone | CostCentresSummary | CostCentresVerbose | CostCentresAll | CostCentresJSON deriving ( Show -- ^ @since , Generic -- ^ @since ) -- | @since instance Enum DoCostCentres where fromEnum CostCentresNone = #{const COST_CENTRES_NONE} fromEnum CostCentresSummary = #{const COST_CENTRES_SUMMARY} fromEnum CostCentresVerbose = #{const COST_CENTRES_VERBOSE} fromEnum CostCentresAll = #{const COST_CENTRES_ALL} fromEnum CostCentresJSON = #{const COST_CENTRES_JSON} toEnum #{const COST_CENTRES_NONE} = CostCentresNone toEnum #{const COST_CENTRES_SUMMARY} = CostCentresSummary toEnum #{const COST_CENTRES_VERBOSE} = CostCentresVerbose toEnum #{const COST_CENTRES_ALL} = CostCentresAll toEnum #{const COST_CENTRES_JSON} = CostCentresJSON toEnum e = errorWithoutStackTrace ("invalid enum for DoCostCentres: " ++ show e) -- | Parameters pertaining to the cost-center profiler. -- -- @since data CCFlags = CCFlags { doCostCentres :: DoCostCentres , profilerTicks :: Int , msecsPerTick :: Int } deriving ( Show -- ^ @since , Generic -- ^ @since ) -- | What sort of heap profile are we collecting? -- -- @since data DoHeapProfile = NoHeapProfiling | HeapByCCS | HeapByMod | HeapByDescr | HeapByType | HeapByRetainer | HeapByLDV | HeapByClosureType deriving ( Show -- ^ @since , Generic -- ^ @since ) -- | @since instance Enum DoHeapProfile where fromEnum NoHeapProfiling = #{const NO_HEAP_PROFILING} fromEnum HeapByCCS = #{const HEAP_BY_CCS} fromEnum HeapByMod = #{const HEAP_BY_MOD} fromEnum HeapByDescr = #{const HEAP_BY_DESCR} fromEnum HeapByType = #{const HEAP_BY_TYPE} fromEnum HeapByRetainer = #{const HEAP_BY_RETAINER} fromEnum HeapByLDV = #{const HEAP_BY_LDV} fromEnum HeapByClosureType = #{const HEAP_BY_CLOSURE_TYPE} toEnum #{const NO_HEAP_PROFILING} = NoHeapProfiling toEnum #{const HEAP_BY_CCS} = HeapByCCS toEnum #{const HEAP_BY_MOD} = HeapByMod toEnum #{const HEAP_BY_DESCR} = HeapByDescr toEnum #{const HEAP_BY_TYPE} = HeapByType toEnum #{const HEAP_BY_RETAINER} = HeapByRetainer toEnum #{const HEAP_BY_LDV} = HeapByLDV toEnum #{const HEAP_BY_CLOSURE_TYPE} = HeapByClosureType toEnum e = errorWithoutStackTrace ("invalid enum for DoHeapProfile: " ++ show e) -- | Parameters of the cost-center profiler -- -- @since data ProfFlags = ProfFlags { doHeapProfile :: DoHeapProfile , heapProfileInterval :: RtsTime -- ^ time between samples , heapProfileIntervalTicks :: Word -- ^ ticks between samples (derived) , includeTSOs :: Bool , showCCSOnException :: Bool , maxRetainerSetSize :: Word , ccsLength :: Word , modSelector :: Maybe String , descrSelector :: Maybe String , typeSelector :: Maybe String , ccSelector :: Maybe String , ccsSelector :: Maybe String , retainerSelector :: Maybe String , bioSelector :: Maybe String } deriving ( Show -- ^ @since , Generic -- ^ @since ) -- | Is event tracing enabled? -- -- @since data DoTrace = TraceNone -- ^ no tracing | TraceEventLog -- ^ send tracing events to the event log | TraceStderr -- ^ send tracing events to @stderr@ deriving ( Show -- ^ @since , Generic -- ^ @since ) -- | @since instance Enum DoTrace where fromEnum TraceNone = #{const TRACE_NONE} fromEnum TraceEventLog = #{const TRACE_EVENTLOG} fromEnum TraceStderr = #{const TRACE_STDERR} toEnum #{const TRACE_NONE} = TraceNone toEnum #{const TRACE_EVENTLOG} = TraceEventLog toEnum #{const TRACE_STDERR} = TraceStderr toEnum e = errorWithoutStackTrace ("invalid enum for DoTrace: " ++ show e) -- | Parameters pertaining to event tracing -- -- @since data TraceFlags = TraceFlags { tracing :: DoTrace , timestamp :: Bool -- ^ show timestamp in stderr output , traceScheduler :: Bool -- ^ trace scheduler events , traceGc :: Bool -- ^ trace GC events , traceNonmovingGc :: Bool -- ^ trace nonmoving GC heap census samples , sparksSampled :: Bool -- ^ trace spark events by a sampled method , sparksFull :: Bool -- ^ trace spark events 100% accurately , user :: Bool -- ^ trace user events (emitted from Haskell code) } deriving ( Show -- ^ @since , Generic -- ^ @since ) -- | Parameters pertaining to ticky-ticky profiler -- -- @since data TickyFlags = TickyFlags { showTickyStats :: Bool , tickyFile :: Maybe FilePath } deriving ( Show -- ^ @since , Generic -- ^ @since ) -- | Parameters pertaining to parallelism -- -- @since data ParFlags = ParFlags { nCapabilities :: Word32 , migrate :: Bool , maxLocalSparks :: Word32 , parGcEnabled :: Bool , parGcGen :: Word32 , parGcLoadBalancingEnabled :: Bool , parGcLoadBalancingGen :: Word32 , parGcNoSyncWithIdle :: Word32 , parGcThreads :: Word32 , setAffinity :: Bool } deriving ( Show -- ^ @since , Generic -- ^ @since ) -- | Parameters of the runtime system -- -- @since data RTSFlags = RTSFlags { gcFlags :: GCFlags , concurrentFlags :: ConcFlags , miscFlags :: MiscFlags , debugFlags :: DebugFlags , costCentreFlags :: CCFlags , profilingFlags :: ProfFlags , traceFlags :: TraceFlags , tickyFlags :: TickyFlags , parFlags :: ParFlags } deriving ( Show -- ^ @since , Generic -- ^ @since ) foreign import ccall "&RtsFlags" rtsFlagsPtr :: Ptr RTSFlags getRTSFlags :: IO RTSFlags getRTSFlags = do RTSFlags <$> getGCFlags <*> getConcFlags <*> getMiscFlags <*> getDebugFlags <*> getCCFlags <*> getProfFlags <*> getTraceFlags <*> getTickyFlags <*> getParFlags peekFilePath :: Ptr () -> IO (Maybe FilePath) peekFilePath ptr | ptr == nullPtr = return Nothing | otherwise = return (Just "") -- | Read a NUL terminated string. Return Nothing in case of a NULL pointer. peekCStringOpt :: Ptr CChar -> IO (Maybe String) peekCStringOpt ptr | ptr == nullPtr = return Nothing | otherwise = Just <$> peekCString ptr getGCFlags :: IO GCFlags getGCFlags = do let ptr = (#ptr RTS_FLAGS, GcFlags) rtsFlagsPtr GCFlags <$> (peekFilePath =<< #{peek GC_FLAGS, statsFile} ptr) <*> (toEnum . fromIntegral <$> (#{peek GC_FLAGS, giveStats} ptr :: IO Word32)) <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, maxStkSize} ptr <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, initialStkSize} ptr <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, stkChunkSize} ptr <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, stkChunkBufferSize} ptr <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, maxHeapSize} ptr <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, minAllocAreaSize} ptr <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, largeAllocLim} ptr <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, nurseryChunkSize} ptr <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, minOldGenSize} ptr <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, heapSizeSuggestion} ptr <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek GC_FLAGS, heapSizeSuggestionAuto} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, oldGenFactor} ptr <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, pcFreeHeap} ptr <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, generations} ptr <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek GC_FLAGS, squeezeUpdFrames} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek GC_FLAGS, compact} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, compactThreshold} ptr <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek GC_FLAGS, sweep} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek GC_FLAGS, ringBell} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, idleGCDelayTime} ptr <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek GC_FLAGS, doIdleGC} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, heapBase} ptr <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, allocLimitGrace} ptr <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek GC_FLAGS, numa} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> #{peek GC_FLAGS, numaMask} ptr getParFlags :: IO ParFlags getParFlags = do let ptr = (#ptr RTS_FLAGS, ParFlags) rtsFlagsPtr ParFlags <$> #{peek PAR_FLAGS, nCapabilities} ptr <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek PAR_FLAGS, migrate} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> #{peek PAR_FLAGS, maxLocalSparks} ptr <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek PAR_FLAGS, parGcEnabled} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> #{peek PAR_FLAGS, parGcGen} ptr <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek PAR_FLAGS, parGcLoadBalancingEnabled} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> #{peek PAR_FLAGS, parGcLoadBalancingGen} ptr <*> #{peek PAR_FLAGS, parGcNoSyncWithIdle} ptr <*> #{peek PAR_FLAGS, parGcThreads} ptr <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek PAR_FLAGS, setAffinity} ptr :: IO CBool)) getConcFlags :: IO ConcFlags getConcFlags = do let ptr = (#ptr RTS_FLAGS, ConcFlags) rtsFlagsPtr ConcFlags <$> #{peek CONCURRENT_FLAGS, ctxtSwitchTime} ptr <*> #{peek CONCURRENT_FLAGS, ctxtSwitchTicks} ptr {-# INLINEABLE getMiscFlags #-} getMiscFlags :: IO MiscFlags getMiscFlags = do let ptr = (#ptr RTS_FLAGS, MiscFlags) rtsFlagsPtr MiscFlags <$> #{peek MISC_FLAGS, tickInterval} ptr <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek MISC_FLAGS, install_signal_handlers} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek MISC_FLAGS, install_seh_handlers} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek MISC_FLAGS, generate_dump_file} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek MISC_FLAGS, generate_stack_trace} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek MISC_FLAGS, machineReadable} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek MISC_FLAGS, disableDelayedOsMemoryReturn} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek MISC_FLAGS, internalCounters} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek MISC_FLAGS, linkerAlwaysPic} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> #{peek MISC_FLAGS, linkerMemBase} ptr <*> (toEnum . fromIntegral <$> (#{peek MISC_FLAGS, ioManager} ptr :: IO Word32)) <*> (fromIntegral <$> (#{peek MISC_FLAGS, numIoWorkerThreads} ptr :: IO Word32)) {- Note [The need for getIoManagerFlag] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GHC supports both the new WINIO manager as well as the old MIO one. In order to decide which code path to take we often have to inspect what the user selected at RTS startup. We could use getMiscFlags but then we end up with core containing reads for all MiscFlags. These won't be eliminated at the core level even if it's obvious we will only look at the ioManager part of the ADT. We could add a INLINE pragma, but that just means whatever we inline into is likely to be inlined. So rather than adding a dozen pragmas we expose a lean way to query this particular flag. It's not satisfying but it works well enough and allows these checks to be inlined nicely. -} {-# INLINE getIoManagerFlag #-} -- | Needed to optimize support for different IO Managers on Windows. -- See Note [The need for getIoManagerFlag] getIoManagerFlag :: IO IoSubSystem getIoManagerFlag = do let ptr = (#ptr RTS_FLAGS, MiscFlags) rtsFlagsPtr mgrFlag <- (#{peek MISC_FLAGS, ioManager} ptr :: IO Word32) return $ (toEnum . fromIntegral) mgrFlag getDebugFlags :: IO DebugFlags getDebugFlags = do let ptr = (#ptr RTS_FLAGS, DebugFlags) rtsFlagsPtr DebugFlags <$> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, scheduler} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, interpreter} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, weak} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, gccafs} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, gc} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, nonmoving_gc} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, block_alloc} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, sanity} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, stable} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, prof} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, linker} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, apply} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, stm} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, squeeze} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, hpc} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek DEBUG_FLAGS, sparks} ptr :: IO CBool)) getCCFlags :: IO CCFlags getCCFlags = do let ptr = (#ptr RTS_FLAGS, GcFlags) rtsFlagsPtr CCFlags <$> (toEnum . fromIntegral <$> (#{peek COST_CENTRE_FLAGS, doCostCentres} ptr :: IO Word32)) <*> #{peek COST_CENTRE_FLAGS, profilerTicks} ptr <*> #{peek COST_CENTRE_FLAGS, msecsPerTick} ptr getProfFlags :: IO ProfFlags getProfFlags = do let ptr = (#ptr RTS_FLAGS, ProfFlags) rtsFlagsPtr ProfFlags <$> (toEnum <$> #{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, doHeapProfile} ptr) <*> #{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, heapProfileInterval} ptr <*> #{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, heapProfileIntervalTicks} ptr <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, includeTSOs} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, showCCSOnException} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> #{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, maxRetainerSetSize} ptr <*> #{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, ccsLength} ptr <*> (peekCStringOpt =<< #{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, modSelector} ptr) <*> (peekCStringOpt =<< #{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, descrSelector} ptr) <*> (peekCStringOpt =<< #{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, typeSelector} ptr) <*> (peekCStringOpt =<< #{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, ccSelector} ptr) <*> (peekCStringOpt =<< #{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, ccsSelector} ptr) <*> (peekCStringOpt =<< #{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, retainerSelector} ptr) <*> (peekCStringOpt =<< #{peek PROFILING_FLAGS, bioSelector} ptr) getTraceFlags :: IO TraceFlags getTraceFlags = do let ptr = (#ptr RTS_FLAGS, TraceFlags) rtsFlagsPtr TraceFlags <$> (toEnum . fromIntegral <$> (#{peek TRACE_FLAGS, tracing} ptr :: IO CInt)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek TRACE_FLAGS, timestamp} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek TRACE_FLAGS, scheduler} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek TRACE_FLAGS, gc} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek TRACE_FLAGS, nonmoving_gc} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek TRACE_FLAGS, sparks_sampled} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek TRACE_FLAGS, sparks_full} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (toBool <$> (#{peek TRACE_FLAGS, user} ptr :: IO CBool)) getTickyFlags :: IO TickyFlags getTickyFlags = do let ptr = (#ptr RTS_FLAGS, TickyFlags) rtsFlagsPtr TickyFlags <$> (toBool <$> (#{peek TICKY_FLAGS, showTickyStats} ptr :: IO CBool)) <*> (peekFilePath =<< #{peek TICKY_FLAGS, tickyFile} ptr)