{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-| This module is an internal GHC module. It declares the constants used in the implementation of type-level natural numbers. The programmer interface for working with type-level naturals should be defined in a separate library. @since -} module GHC.TypeNats ( -- * Nat Kind Natural -- declared in GHC.Num.Natural in package ghc-bignum , Nat -- * Linking type and value level , KnownNat(natSing), natVal, natVal' , SomeNat(..) , someNatVal , sameNat -- ** Singleton values , SNat , pattern SNat , fromSNat , withSomeSNat , withKnownNat -- * Functions on type literals , type (<=), type (<=?), type (+), type (*), type (^), type (-) , CmpNat , cmpNat , Div, Mod, Log2 ) where import GHC.Base(Eq(..), Functor(..), Ord(..), WithDict(..), (.), otherwise) import GHC.Types import GHC.Num.Natural(Natural) import GHC.Show(Show(..), appPrec, appPrec1, showParen, showString) import GHC.Read(Read(..)) import GHC.Prim(Proxy#) import Data.Maybe(Maybe(..)) import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..)) import Data.Type.Coercion (Coercion(..), TestCoercion(..)) import Data.Type.Equality((:~:)(Refl), TestEquality(..)) import Data.Type.Ord(OrderingI(..), type (<=), type (<=?)) import Unsafe.Coerce(unsafeCoerce) import GHC.TypeNats.Internal(CmpNat) -- | A type synonym for 'Natural'. -- -- Prevously, this was an opaque data type, but it was changed to a type -- synonym. -- -- @since type Nat = Natural -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | This class gives the integer associated with a type-level natural. -- There are instances of the class for every concrete literal: 0, 1, 2, etc. -- -- @since class KnownNat (n :: Nat) where natSing :: SNat n -- | @since natVal :: forall n proxy. KnownNat n => proxy n -> Natural natVal _ = case natSing :: SNat n of UnsafeSNat x -> x -- | @since natVal' :: forall n. KnownNat n => Proxy# n -> Natural natVal' _ = case natSing :: SNat n of UnsafeSNat x -> x -- | This type represents unknown type-level natural numbers. -- -- @since data SomeNat = forall n. KnownNat n => SomeNat (Proxy n) -- | Convert an integer into an unknown type-level natural. -- -- @since someNatVal :: Natural -> SomeNat someNatVal n = withSomeSNat n (\(sn :: SNat n) -> withKnownNat sn (SomeNat @n Proxy)) {- Note [NOINLINE withSomeSNat] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function withSomeSNat :: forall rep (r :: TYPE rep). Natural -> (forall k. SNat k -> r) -> r converts a `Natural` number to a singleton natural `SNat k`, where the `k` is locally quantified in a continuation (hence the `forall k`). The local quantification is important: we can manufacture an `SNat k` value, but it can never be confused with (say) an `SNat 33` value, because we should never be able to prove that `k ~ 33`. Moreover, if we call `withSomeSNat` twice, we'll get an `SNat k1` value and an `SNat k2` value, but again we can't confuse them. `SNat` is a singleton type! But how to implement `withSomeSNat`? We have no way to make up a fresh type variable. To do that we need `runExists`: see #19675. Lacking `runExists`, we use a trick to implement `withSomeSNat`: instead of generating a "fresh" type for each use of `withSomeSNat`, we simply use GHC's placeholder type `Any` (of kind `Nat`), thus (in Core): withSomeSNat n f = f @T (UnsafeSNat @T n) where type T = Any @Nat *** BUT we must mark `withSomeSNat` as NOINLINE! *** (And the same for withSomeSSymbol and withSomeSChar in GHC.TypeLits.) If we inline it we'll lose the type distinction between separate calls (those "fresh" type variables just turn into `T`). And that can interact badly with GHC's type-class specialiser. Consider this definition, where `foo :: KnownNat n => blah`: ex :: Natural ex = withSomeSNat 1 (\(s1 :: SNat one) -> withKnownNat @one s1 $ withSomeSNat 2 (\(s2 :: SNat two) -> withKnownNat @two s2 $ foo @one ... + foo @two ...)) In the last line we have in scope two distinct dictionaries of types `KnownNat one` and `KnownNat two`. The calls `foo @one` and `foo @two` each pick out one of those dictionaries to pass to `foo`. But if we inline `withSomeSNat` we'll get (switching to Core): ex = withKnownNat @T (UnsafeSNat @T 1) (\(kn1 :: KnownNat T) -> withKnownNat @T (UnsafeSNat @T 2) (\(kn2 :: KnownNat T) -> foo @T kn1 ... + foo @T kn2 ...)) where type T = Any Nat We are now treading on thin ice. We have two dictionaries `kn1` and `kn2`, both of type `KnownNat T`, but with different implementations. GHC may specialise `foo` at type `T` using one of these dictionaries and use that same specialisation for the other. See #16586 for more examples of where something like this has actually happened. `KnownNat` should be a singleton type, but if we allow `withSomeSNat` to inline it won't be a singleton type any more. We have lost the "fresh type variable". TL;DR. We avoid this problem by making the definition of `withSomeSNat` opaque, using an `NOINLINE` pragma. When we get `runExists` (#19675) we will be able to stop using this hack. -} -- | @since instance Eq SomeNat where SomeNat x == SomeNat y = natVal x == natVal y -- | @since instance Ord SomeNat where compare (SomeNat x) (SomeNat y) = compare (natVal x) (natVal y) -- | @since instance Show SomeNat where showsPrec p (SomeNat x) = showsPrec p (natVal x) -- | @since instance Read SomeNat where readsPrec p xs = do (a,ys) <- readsPrec p xs [(someNatVal a, ys)] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- infixl 6 +, - infixl 7 *, `Div`, `Mod` infixr 8 ^ -- | Addition of type-level naturals. -- -- @since type family (m :: Nat) + (n :: Nat) :: Nat -- | Multiplication of type-level naturals. -- -- @since type family (m :: Nat) * (n :: Nat) :: Nat -- | Exponentiation of type-level naturals. -- -- @since type family (m :: Nat) ^ (n :: Nat) :: Nat -- | Subtraction of type-level naturals. -- -- @since type family (m :: Nat) - (n :: Nat) :: Nat -- | Division (round down) of natural numbers. -- @Div x 0@ is undefined (i.e., it cannot be reduced). -- -- @since type family Div (m :: Nat) (n :: Nat) :: Nat -- | Modulus of natural numbers. -- @Mod x 0@ is undefined (i.e., it cannot be reduced). -- -- @since type family Mod (m :: Nat) (n :: Nat) :: Nat -- | Log base 2 (round down) of natural numbers. -- @Log 0@ is undefined (i.e., it cannot be reduced). -- -- @since type family Log2 (m :: Nat) :: Nat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | We either get evidence that this function was instantiated with the -- same type-level numbers, or 'Nothing'. -- -- @since sameNat :: forall a b proxy1 proxy2. (KnownNat a, KnownNat b) => proxy1 a -> proxy2 b -> Maybe (a :~: b) sameNat _ _ = testEquality (natSing @a) (natSing @b) -- | Like 'sameNat', but if the numbers aren't equal, this additionally -- provides proof of LT or GT. -- -- @since cmpNat :: forall a b proxy1 proxy2. (KnownNat a, KnownNat b) => proxy1 a -> proxy2 b -> OrderingI a b cmpNat x y = case compare (natVal x) (natVal y) of EQ -> case unsafeCoerce (Refl, Refl) :: (CmpNat a b :~: 'EQ, a :~: b) of (Refl, Refl) -> EQI LT -> case unsafeCoerce Refl :: (CmpNat a b :~: 'LT) of Refl -> LTI GT -> case unsafeCoerce Refl :: (CmpNat a b :~: 'GT) of Refl -> GTI -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Singleton values -- | A value-level witness for a type-level natural number. This is commonly -- referred to as a /singleton/ type, as for each @n@, there is a single value -- that inhabits the type @'SNat' n@ (aside from bottom). -- -- The definition of 'SNat' is intentionally left abstract. To obtain an 'SNat' -- value, use one of the following: -- -- 1. The 'natSing' method of 'KnownNat'. -- -- 2. The @SNat@ pattern synonym. -- -- 3. The 'withSomeSNat' function, which creates an 'SNat' from a 'Natural' -- number. -- -- @since newtype SNat (n :: Nat) = UnsafeSNat Natural -- | A explicitly bidirectional pattern synonym relating an 'SNat' to a -- 'KnownNat' constraint. -- -- As an __expression__: Constructs an explicit @'SNat' n@ value from an -- implicit @'KnownNat' n@ constraint: -- -- @ -- SNat @n :: 'KnownNat' n => 'SNat' n -- @ -- -- As a __pattern__: Matches on an explicit @'SNat' n@ value bringing -- an implicit @'KnownNat' n@ constraint into scope: -- -- @ -- f :: 'SNat' n -> .. -- f SNat = {- SNat n in scope -} -- @ -- -- @since pattern SNat :: forall n. () => KnownNat n => SNat n pattern SNat <- (knownNatInstance -> KnownNatInstance) where SNat = natSing -- An internal data type that is only used for defining the SNat pattern -- synonym. data KnownNatInstance (n :: Nat) where KnownNatInstance :: KnownNat n => KnownNatInstance n -- An internal function that is only used for defining the SNat pattern -- synonym. knownNatInstance :: SNat n -> KnownNatInstance n knownNatInstance sn = withKnownNat sn KnownNatInstance -- | @since instance Show (SNat n) where showsPrec p (UnsafeSNat n) = showParen (p > appPrec) ( showString "SNat @" . showsPrec appPrec1 n ) -- | @since instance TestEquality SNat where testEquality (UnsafeSNat x) (UnsafeSNat y) | x == y = Just (unsafeCoerce Refl) | otherwise = Nothing -- | @since instance TestCoercion SNat where testCoercion x y = fmap (\Refl -> Coercion) (testEquality x y) -- | Return the 'Natural' number corresponding to @n@ in an @'SNat' n@ value. -- -- @since fromSNat :: SNat n -> Natural fromSNat (UnsafeSNat n) = n -- | Convert an explicit @'SNat' n@ value into an implicit @'KnownNat' n@ -- constraint. -- -- @since withKnownNat :: forall n rep (r :: TYPE rep). SNat n -> (KnownNat n => r) -> r withKnownNat = withDict @(KnownNat n) -- See Note [withDict] in "GHC.Tc.Instance.Class" in GHC -- | Convert a 'Natural' number into an @'SNat' n@ value, where @n@ is a fresh -- type-level natural number. -- -- @since withSomeSNat :: forall rep (r :: TYPE rep). Natural -> (forall n. SNat n -> r) -> r withSomeSNat n k = k (UnsafeSNat n) {-# NOINLINE withSomeSNat #-} -- See Note [NOINLINE withSomeSNat]