This package defines Unicode symbol aliases for a number of functions and operators in the `base` package of the Haskell standard library. Many of these aliases enable the use of standard mathematical notation in place of ASCII approximations or textual names. For example, `(∧)` (U+2227 LOGICAL AND) can be used in place of `(&&)` for boolean AND. All symbols are documented with their actual definition and their Unicode code point. They should be completely interchangeable with their definitions. # Versus the `UnicodeSyntax` language extension This library only provides Unicode aliases for *library* functions. If you want to use Unicode symbols for core language tokens, also enable the [`UnicodeSyntax`]( language extension. This extension enables Unicode characters to be used to stand for certain ASCII character sequences, i.e. `→` instead of `->`, `∀` instead of `forall` and many others. # Credits Original idea by Péter Diviánszky.