base64-lens: Optics for the Base64 library

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Prisms and pattern synonyms for the Base64 library

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Versions [RSS],,, 0.2.0, 0.3.0, 0.3.1
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Dependencies base (>=4.10 && <5), base64 (>=0.2 && <0.3), bytestring (>=0.10 && <0.11), lens (>=4.0 && <4.19), text [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright (c) 2019 Emily Pillmore
Author Emily Pillmore
Category Data
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Source repo head: git clone
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This package provides optics and convenient pattern synonyms for the base64 library.


The pattern synonyms provided in this library are:

pattern Base64 :: ByteString -> ByteString
pattern Base64Url :: ByteString -> ByteString
pattern Base64Unpadded :: ByteString -> ByteString
pattern Base64UrlUnpadded :: ByteString -> ByteString

-- and

pattern Base64 :: Text -> Text
pattern Base64Url :: Text -> Text
pattern Base64Unpadded :: Text -> Text
pattern Base64UrlUnpadded :: Text -> Text

These provide a convenient high level interface for passing Base64 encoded values.


Prisms for encoding and decoding Text and ByteString values are given as part of the library:

_Base64 :: Prism' ByteString ByteString
_Base64Url :: Prism' ByteString ByteString
_Base64Unpadded :: Prism' ByteString ByteString
_Base64UrlUnpadded :: Prism' ByteString ByteString

-- and

_Base64 :: Prism' Text Text
_Base64Url :: Prism' Text Text
_Base64Unpadded :: Prism' Text Text
_Base64UrlUnpadded :: Prism' Text Text

If a particular structure has a Lens into some Text or ByteString value they might want to encode (or decode), then composing such a Lens with these Prisms yields an affine Traversal, resulting in a structure which has the focus of its Lens encoded as or decoded from Base64(-url). All one needs to do is compose their optics:

data MyStruct = MyStruct
  { _a :: Int
  , _b :: Text
  } deriving Show

b :: Lens' MyStruct Text
b = lens _b (\t b_ -> t { _b = b_ })

myB64Struct :: Traversal' s Text
myB64Struct = b . _Base64

-- >>> MyStruct 3 "U3Vu" ^? b . _Base64
-- MyStruct {_a = 3, _b = "Sun"}

bRe :: Review MyStruct Text
bRe = unto (\b -> MyStruct 0 b)

-- >>> bRe . _Base64 # "Sun"
-- MyStruct {_a = 0, _b = "UV3u"}

The data of a Prism naturally conforms to this "encoding/decoding" dichotomy, where the Review, or "builder" half of the Prism of type b -> t is an encoding, and the "Matcher" half of the prism, of type s -> Either t a, represents a decoding of a similar structure. Hence, Prism is the most appropriate structure.