module Combinatorics.Battleship.Enumeration where
import Combinatorics.Battleship
(Fleet, ShipSize, Orientation(..), Ship(Ship), Board(Board), )
import Combinatorics (tuples)
import Data.Map (Map, )
import Data.Set (Set, )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as MS
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Class as MT
import Control.Monad (liftM2, guard, when, )
import Data.List.HT (tails, )
import Data.Bool.HT (if', )
import qualified System.IO as IO
insertShip :: Ship -> Board -> Board
insertShip ship (Board bnds set) =
Board bnds $ Set.union set $ shipArea ship
shipArea :: Ship -> Set (Int, Int)
shipArea (Ship size orient (x,y)) =
Set.fromAscList $
case orient of
Horizontal -> map (flip (,) y) [x .. x+size1]
Vertical -> map ((,) x) [y .. y+size1]
reduceSpace :: Ship -> Board -> Board
reduceSpace ship (Board bnds set) =
Board bnds $
Set.difference set $
shipOutline ship
shipOutline :: Ship -> Set (Int, Int)
shipOutline (Ship size orient (x,y)) =
Set.fromAscList $
case orient of
Horizontal -> liftM2 (,) [x1 .. x+size] [y1 .. y+1]
Vertical -> liftM2 (,) [x1 .. x+1] [y1 .. y+size]
data Box = Box (Int, Int) (Int, Int)
shipBounds :: Ship -> Box
shipBounds (Ship size orient (x,y)) =
case orient of
Horizontal -> Box (x,y) (x+size1, y)
Vertical -> Box (x,y) (x, y+size1)
moveShip :: (Int, Int) -> Ship -> Ship
moveShip (dx,dy) (Ship size orient (x,y)) =
Ship size orient (x+dx, y+dy)
mergeBox :: Box -> Box -> Box
mergeBox (Box (a0x,a0y) (a1x,a1y)) (Box (b0x,b0y) (b1x,b1y)) =
Box (min a0x b0x, min a0y b0y) (max a1x b1x, max a1y b1y)
intersectBox :: Box -> Box -> Box
intersectBox (Box (a0x,a0y) (a1x,a1y)) (Box (b0x,b0y) (b1x,b1y)) =
Box (max a0x b0x, max a0y b0y) (min a1x b1x, min a1y b1y)
boxSizes :: Box -> (Int, Int)
boxSizes (Box (a0x,a0y) (a1x,a1y)) = (a1x a0x + 1, a1y a0y + 1)
emptyBoard :: (Int, Int) -> Board
emptyBoard bnds = Board bnds Set.empty
fullBoard :: (Int, Int) -> Board
fullBoard bnds@(width,height) =
Board bnds $ Set.fromAscList $
liftM2 (,) [0 .. width1] [0 .. height1]
boardFromShips :: (Int, Int) -> [Ship] -> Board
boardFromShips bnds =
foldl (flip insertShip) (emptyBoard bnds)
formatBoard :: Board -> String
formatBoard (Board (width,height) set) =
unlines $
(\y ->
(\x -> if Set.member (x,y) set then 'x' else '.')
[0 .. width1])
[0 .. height1]
charmapFromShip :: Ship -> Map (Int, Int) Char
charmapFromShip (Ship size orient (x,y)) =
Map.fromAscList $
case orient of
Horizontal ->
((x,y), '<') :
map (\k -> ((k,y), '-')) [x+1 .. x+size2] ++
((x+size1,y), '>') :
Vertical ->
((x,y), 'A') :
map (\k -> ((x,k), '|')) [y+1 .. y+size2] ++
((x,y+size1), 'V') :
formatShips :: (Int, Int) -> [Ship] -> String
formatShips (width,height) ships =
let charMap = Map.unions $ map charmapFromShip ships
in unlines $
(\y ->
(\x -> Map.findWithDefault '.' (x,y) charMap)
[0 .. width1])
[0 .. height1]
tryShip ::
Bool -> Ship -> MS.StateT (Set (Int,Int)) [] Ship
tryShip outline ship = do
guard =<< MS.gets (Set.isSubsetOf (shipArea ship))
MS.modify (flip Set.difference (if' outline shipOutline shipArea ship))
return ship
tryShipsOfOneSize ::
Bool -> Int -> Int ->
MS.StateT (Set (Int,Int)) [] [Ship]
tryShipsOfOneSize outline size number =
mapM (tryShip outline . uncurry (Ship size))
=<< MT.lift
=<< MS.gets (tuples number . liftM2 (,) [Vertical, Horizontal] . Set.toList)
fleetFromSizes :: [ShipSize] -> Fleet
fleetFromSizes = Map.fromListWith (+) . map (flip (,) 1)
standardFleet :: Fleet
standardFleet = Map.fromList [(5,1), (4,2), (3,3), (2,4)]
configurationsInFragment :: Bool -> Fleet -> Set (Int,Int) -> [[Ship]]
configurationsInFragment outline fleet set =
(fmap concat $
mapM (uncurry (tryShipsOfOneSize outline)) $
Map.toDescList fleet)
configurations :: (Int,Int) -> Fleet -> [[Ship]]
configurations bnds fleet =
configurationsInFragment True fleet $
case fullBoard bnds of Board _ set -> set
configurationsTouching :: (Int,Int) -> Fleet -> [[Ship]]
configurationsTouching bnds fleet =
configurationsInFragment False fleet $
case fullBoard bnds of Board _ set -> set
enumerateStandard :: IO ()
enumerateStandard =
let bnds = (10, 10)
in mapM_ (putStrLn . formatShips bnds) $
take 100 $
configurations bnds standardFleet
count :: (Int,Int) -> Fleet -> IO ()
count bnds fleet =
do IO.hSetBuffering IO.stdout IO.LineBuffering
(\(n,configs) ->
case configs of
[] -> putStrLn $ "number of configurations: " ++ show (n::Integer)
(c:_) ->
when (mod n 1000000 == 0) $ do
print n
putStrLn ""
putStrLn $ formatShips bnds c) $
zip [0..] $ tails $
configurationsTouching bnds fleet
count8x8 :: IO ()
count8x8 = count (8, 8) (Map.fromList [(2,1), (3,2), (4,1), (5,1)])
main :: IO ()
main = count8x8